Bailieborough News Thursday 26th March 2015

Bailieborough News. March 26th  2015. Matthew J. Cullen.



St. Patrick’s Day Parade: 

On Tuesday afternoon last, the 14th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade took place in the town. On a cold, dull afternoon, the crowds thronged Main Street to watch the Parade. Before the Parade, members of the Bailieborough School of Music entertained the large crowd present from the viewing stand.  Although the Parade was smaller than other years, it proved to be an enjoyable event for young and old.  Mr. Russell Waller—MC for the event—kept the attendance amused and informed about the various participants in the Parade. Two marching bands took part in the parade—the Corduff Pipe Band and St. Mary’s Brass and Reed Band, Kingscourt. Local sporting clubs, organisations and charities were well represented. There were also Fire eaters, stilt walkers, Super Hero’s and community groups along with vintage cars, tractors, etc…  Prizewinners on the day were, Youth Achievement Award went to the East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club, the Best Overall Float went to ‘Roberto’s Chipper’ and the Best Dressed Shop Window went to ‘Black’s Butchers’. The committee would like to thank all who helped out in any way to help make this year’s parade a successful one.




Easter and Holy Week Ceremonies at St. Annes:

Vigil Mass on Saturday, March 28th at 7.00pm and Sunday, March 29th at 10.00am. The Blessing of Palms will take place outside the Church at the beginning of each Mass. Those who wish to join the procession into the Church are asked to remain outside before Mass.

Holy Thursday, April 2nd—Chrism Mass in the Cathedral of St. Patrick and St. Felim, Cavan at 11.30am. Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8.00pm in St. Annes.

Good Friday, April 3rd: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3.00pm. Prayer around the Cross at 8.00pm.

Easter Vigil: Holy Saturday at 9.00pm. Easter Sunday: Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection at 10.00am.



St Anne’s School Garden/Outdoor Classroom:

Parents, guardians or anyone interested in the natural building method of Cordwood construction are welcome to come along and help out in the garden on Saturday next, March 28th anytime from 10.00am onwards. Your help would be much appreciated.



Birdwatch Ireland

alongside the Irish Raptor Study Group and the Golden Eagle Trust are coordinating the National Hen Harrier Survey 2015.

This survey will begin at the start of April and the project co-ordinators are running a series of training workshops to ensure all surveyors are familiar with the methods involved and to offer opportunities for new fieldworkers to participate to help monitor the Hen Harrier population.

You are invited to attend the up-coming survey training workshops which will cover Hen Harrier ecology, methods, reporting and other research opportunities during the course of the survey.  These workshops will also allow people to meet other fieldworkers and discuss the methods and survey requirements. For further information on the survey itself and the workshops please visit;

The Cavan workshop will take place today, Wednesday, March 25th in the Errigal Hotel, Cootehill from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Even if you can’t take on a survey square you can assist by reporting information and sightings of Hen Harriers in your local area.

You can submit your sightings through the dedicated survey website



Free Study Space:

Students may avail of a free study space at the Library, Market Square during Library opening hours except 10am to

1.15pm Wednesday and Friday. Late opening Tuesday and Thursday until 8.30pm. Spacious and warm with free WIFI. Phone 042 9665779 for further details.

Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

 month from 4pm-5pm.



Adult Book Club

last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.



First Confession:

Congratulations to the children in 2nd Class in St. Anne’s National School, in St. Felim’s National School and in the Model National School who made their First Confession at a special Service in St. Anne’s Church last Thursday night.




Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre– Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include: File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing and Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 : Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4: Course Content: Reading and Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.



Skills For Farmers:

Bailieborough Business Centre Mondays and Wednesdays 7.30pm   Communications

On Line Herd Registration  Emailing   Farm Record Keeping

Free of Charge to those qualified to attend.

Call Elizabeth or Lee  042-969-4716



Theatre Lovett

presents “The Girl who Forgot to Sing Badly” in the Ramor Theatre on Friday, 27th March at 7pm and Saturday, 28th March at 3pm.

Suitable for ages 7+ and adults of all ages. Bookings on 0498547074 or



Cubs/ Scouts: Bailieborough Cubs/Scouts meet in the Community Centre on Mondays from 7 to 8pm. New members welcome aged from 9 to 12 years of age. Queries to Peter Maguire at 085 849 0642 or email



Computers for beginners:

Classes at Bailieborough Business Centre. Do you want to learn the basics of using a computer? These classes will help you with the basics of starting to use a computer, from turning it on, typing a letter,  using the internet and more. All you ever wanted to know, but were afraid to ask. Call 0429694716 for more details.



St. Vincent DePaul Shop:

The St. Vincent DePaul Shop has re-located to Main Street (where Moynagh’s Supermarket used to be). The shop opened on Monday, March 16th. The new shop will afford the organisation the opportunity to provide customers with a greater range of clothes and goods. Once again, the organisation expresses their gratitude for the generous response to their recent appeal for the new shop.




Takes place in The BDA Centre, Shercock Road , Bailieborough each Monday from 8pm to 8.30pm, Further details contact Jenny 086 2418361.



Leisure Centre:

March Membership Offer. BOGOF….. Buy one get one FREE.

Buy 1 year Pool and Gym Membership and another person gets theirs FREE. €499.

New Studio Classes, check out our facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday:  Mugendo Kickboxing 6.30-8.30.

Wednesday:  Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics from 7.30 to 8.30.

Thursday: Yoga at 10 and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45.

Studio and Treatment rooms available to rent, Call 042 9666644. Suitable for many uses.

€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.



Social Day Centre:

A Bus will leave from the Community Centre on Wednesday, March 25th at 1.30pm for outing for all members to Butlersbridge.



Bailieborough Community Bowls:

Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.



Baptism Dates in St. Annes for March and April 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, April 11th at 4.30pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, April 12th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, April 25th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday April 26th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael).



Bridge Results:

Tuesday, March 12th, 2015: First: Vera Bell and Olive Kellett Second: Sean Kelleher and Rose Brennan. Best Gross: Olive McCabe and Una Mansell. Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.



Walk, Jog Or Run

Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks Spring is here, no more weather excuses, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.



East Cavan Gaels:  Club News 23rd March 2015: St. Patrick’s Day;

Our first ever appearance in the Bailieborough St. Patrick’s Day Parade was a tremendous success as our Cuchulainn themed float came away with one of the main prizes on the day, Best Youth Achievement Float. Congratulations to everyone who prepared the float and to all the players who paraded on the day.

U12; Two rounds of the U12 league were played this past weekend. On Saturday we travelled to meet our good friends from Cootehill and went down by two points in a very entertaining game.

On Sunday we hosted St. Felim’s with the result going our way with a good victory and performance.

Cootehill 1-04 East Cavan Gaels 1-02.

East Cavan Gaels 2-07 St.Feilims 0-04.

U6/8/10; The next round of blitzes is nearly upon us. We play Saturday 28th away to Carrick on the astro at the Phoenix 4-5.30pm and Wednesday 1st April away to Castleblayney both for U8 and U10 at 6.30pm.

U14/16/18; Training for these groups will be at various differing times due to the start of the football leagues. Players will receive a text. This week it is indoors in the Community School Sports Hall, Bailieborough on Wednesday at 7.30. It should settle into regular Wednesday outdoor training when the bright evenings return at the end of the month.

Training times and venues; Under 8/10; Kingscourt group;

Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.

Bailieborough group; No training this week due to coach training. No training Good Friday. We return outdoors in Bailieborough on Friday 10th April 6-7.30.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280

Under 12/14/16/18; All training is collective in Bailieborough and subject to change.

This week, Wednesday outdoors at St. Anne’s Park otherwise indoors in the hall. Players will receive a text.

For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.



Citizens Information Service:

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.



Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.



Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.


 If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News Thursday 19th March 2012

Bailieborough News. March 19th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


Dr. Michael Barry (Moderator of Ireland) visits The Model School:

The Model National School, Bailieborough welcomed the Moderator of Ireland, The Right Reverend Dr. Michael Barry and his wife Esther, to the school last Friday on what was The World Day of Prayer where the school performed The Children’s Service. This interdenominational and international service is performed in 170 different countries all over the world on this day. It was a great honour for Rev Sam AnketellChairperson of the Board of Management, and all at the Model School to have the leader of the Presbyterian Church visit the Model School.




A special Reconciliation Service for Lent and Easter will take place in St. Anne’s Church on Sunday, March 22nd at 7.30pm. A number of Priests from the neighbouring parishes will be present to hear Confessions. Confessions will also take place in St. Anne’s on Holy Saturday from 12 noon to 3.00pm. Please note that there will be no confessions on Saturday next, March 21st.



Birdwatch Ireland, Cavan Branch:

A Presentation entitled “Irish Swifts in Decline: What Can We Do?” by Micheal Casey (Birdwatch Ireland, Sligo Branch) will take place on Thursday next, 19th  March, at 8pm in the Cavan County Museum.
This talk will be about the decline of swifts in Ireland, causes of this decline and what we can do about it.
Micheal is a vet with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Laboratory Service. His interest in swifts is pursued outside of his work. He is also a bird ringer, with a special interest in swifts, dippers and peregrine falcons.
Micheal is involved with the swift conservation project and hopes to encourage local groups in the County to help out by getting involved in a local project.
Members of Tidy Towns committees, local heritage groups and anyone with an interest in learning more about this conservation project are very welcome to attend!
The AGM for BWI members will take place prior to the presentation at 7pm sharp.



Free Study Space:

Students may avail of a free study space at the Library, Market Square during Library opening hours except 10am to

1.15pm Wednesday and Friday. Late opening Tuesday and Thursday until 8.30pm. Spacious and warm with free WIFI. Phone 042 9665779 for further details.

Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

 month from 4pm-5pm.


Adult Book Club

last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.



First Communion Parents Committee:

There will be a meeting of the Parent’s Committee in the Parochial House on Monday evening next, March 23rd at 8.00pm.


First Confessions:

The children in 2nd class in St. Anne’s and St. Felim’s National Schools will make their First Confession at a special service in St. Anne’s Church on this Thursday evening at 7.30pm. All welcome.



Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre– Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include: File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing and Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 : Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4: Course Content: Reading and Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.



Skills For Farmers:

Bailieborough Business Centre Mondays and Wednesdays 7.30pm   Communications

On Line Herd Registration  Emailing   Farm Record Keeping

Free of Charge to those qualified to attend.

Call Elizabeth or Lee  042-969-4716




Bailieborough Studio

Photographic Club meets at 8pm on Tuesday 24th March in The Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough. New members of all levels welcome.


Cubs/ Scouts:

Bailieborough Cubs/Scouts meet in the Community Centre on Mondays from 7 to 8pm. New members welcome aged from 9 to 12 years of age. Queries to Peter Maguire at 085 849 0642 or email


Gospel Mission:

A Gospel Mission will be held in Billyhill Hall until Sunday 29th March. Sundays at 3pm – Monday to Friday at 8pm.
Evangelists: Rev L Power, Mr C Maxwell and Pastor A Mullan.


Computers for beginners:

Classes at Bailieborough Business Centre. Do you want to learn the basics of using a computer? These classes will help you with the basics of starting to use a computer, from turning it on, typing a letter,  using the internet and more. All you ever wanted to know, but were afraid to ask. Call 0429694716 for more details.


St. Vincent DePaul Shop:

The St. Vincent DePaul Shop has re-located to Main Street (where Moynagh’s Supermarket used to be). The shop opened on Monday last March 16th. The new shop will afford the organisation the opportunity to provide customers with a greater range of clothes and goods. Once again, the organisation expresses their gratitude for the generous response to their recent appeal for the new shop.



Takes place in The Matt Talbot Hall, Kingscourt, each Monday from 6pm to 7.15pm; The BDA Centre, Shercock Road , Bailieborough each Monday from 8pm to 8.30pm and The Lakeside Manor, Virginia,  each Tuesday from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Further details contact               Jenny 086 2418361.



The Model School Bailieborough are having a ‘Sales Day’ for the JEP (JUNIOR ENTERPENEUR PROGRAMME). This is a programme that teaches children entrepreneurial skills. For our project, we have decided a recycled bird feeder made out of recycled items and personalized rocks in all sizes to decorate your garden, or paper weights, herb labels or why don’t buy a few of our garden version of fairy doors? Prices start from only 1 euro. Our sales day is on the 25th  of March 2015 in the Model School Bailieborough from 2:00 – 3:30pm, so come on down and bring a friend!


DSC00085bird feeder



Leisure Centre:

March Membership Offer. BOGOF….. Buy one get one FREE.

Buy 1 year Pool and Gym Membership and another person gets theirs FREE. €499.

New Studio Classes, check out our facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday:  Mugendo Kickboxing 6.30-8.30.

Wednesday:  Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics from 7.30 to 8.30.

Thursday: Yoga at 10 and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45.

Studio and Treatment rooms available to rent, Call 042 9666644. Suitable for many uses.

€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.



Bailieborough Garden Group:

The next meeting of the group will take place on Monday next, March 23rd at 8pm, in Fox’s lounge. Ecologist Goska Wilkowska will give a talk on the garden bugs that we all find in our gardens and tell us how we can encourage the good ones and some eco-friendly ways to discourage the ‘not so good’.  She will also give us some tips on how we can make our gardens more wildlife friendly.  Everyone welcome.


Social Day Centre:

The Bailieborough Social Day Centre’s next get-together is on Wednesday, March 25th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. All members are asked to attend for the usual activities and new members are very welcome.


Bailieborough Community Bowls:

Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.


Bailieborough Model School:

Bailieborough Model School are now accepting enrolments for the school year 2015/2016. Please contact the school office on 042 96 65689 by Friday, March 27th, 2015 for an enrolment pack.


Bailieborough Community Text Alert:

The Annual General Meeting of the Bailieborough Community Text Alert will take place in the Hotel Bailie on Monday next, 23rd March at 9.00pm. Membership fee for 2015 is €5. All welcome. For further details, please contact Kevin Carolan at 086 375 9627. ‘Keeping our Community a safer place to live’.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for March and April 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, April 11th at 4.30pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, April 12th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, April 25th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday April 26th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael).


Bridge Results:

Tuesday, March 5th, 2015: First: Gemma McCabe and Olive Kellett Second: Sean Kelleher and Patsy Corcoran. Best Gross: Una Stafford and Vera Bell. Third: Elizabeth Murphy and Rosaleen Mackey. Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.


Walk, Jog Or Run

. Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks Spring is here, no more weather excuses, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.


East Cavan Gaels: U6/8/10;

The next round of blitzes is nearly upon us. Provisionally we play Saturday 28th away to Carrick and Wednesday 1st April away to Blayney both for U8 and U10. Confirmation of these blitzes next week.

U12; Due to Confirmation in Cootehill our league game v Cootehill was postponed and may be played this coming Saturday. Time tbc. The second round v St. Felim’s is scheduled for Sunday next in Bailieborough. Again time tbc.


U14/16/18; Training for these groups will be at various differing times due to the start of the football leagues. Players will receive a text. This week it is indoors in the Community School Sports Hall, Bailieborough on Wednesday at 7.30. It should settle into regular Wednesday outdoor training when the bright evenings return at the end of the month.

Training times and venues; Under 8/10; Kingscourt group; Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.

Bailieborough group; Every Friday in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall 6-7.30 for both U8 and U10. €2 and the bottle of water please also.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.


Under 12/13;All training is collective in Bailieborough and subject to change.

This week, Wednesday 7.30pm in the CS Sports Hall. €2.


Under 14, U16 and U18; This week, Wednesday 7.30pm in the Community School Sports Hall. €2. For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.



Citizens Information Service:

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.


 If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News Thursday 12th March 2015

Bailieborough News – March 12th  2015. Matthew J. Cullen.



Bishop Leo O’Reilly administered the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. Anne’s Church on Saturday last. There were 85 children from the parish receiving the sacrament. Thank you to their teachers especially Ms Traynor and Ms Keegan for having the children so well prepared, the St. Anne’s School Choir under the direction of Ms McCabe and Ms O’Sullivan and the principals and staff of the schools in the local area who are always so co0operative and helpful. Thanks also to the Sacristan May Cassidy, caretaker Sadie Clarke, St. Felim’s secretary Marie Brady and also the members of the CE Scheme who prepared the Church for the event.


St. Patrick’s Day Parade:

The Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Bailieborough will commence at 2.30pm—starting at the Community School on the Virginia Road. There are extra prizes this year for the Best Comedy Floats along with the usual prizes for the best Float and there are also prizes for the Best Dressed Window display. So come along and celebrate our National Holiday and enjoy the parade.


Charity Cycle and Forest Walk:

A Charity Cycle and Walk in aid of the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust and Temple St Children’s Hospital will take place on Saturday next, 14th March commencing at 11am from Tesco, Bailieboro. Registration from 10am. There are two cycle routes 20km (10euro) and 75km (20euro). 7km Forest Walk at 11.30am (10euro). Registration will take place at Tesco and will be €10. Showers and refreshments will be available. All welcome.



A special Reconciliation Service for Lent and Easter will take place in St. Anne’s Church on Sunday, March 22nd at 7.30pm. A number of Priests from the neighbouring parishes will be present to hear Confessions. Confessions will also take place in St. Anne’s on Holy Saturday from 12 noon to 3.00pm.


Parent and Toddler Group:

Bexcourt Parent and Toddler Group is continuing in the Bexcourt Centre from 10.00am to 12 noon on every Wednesday morning. Meet other parents, compare notes and organise activities and events. For further details, please contact 042 9694825 or just come along and drop into the Centre.



Piloxing is back on Wednesday 11th March at 6.45pm in Trinity Hall. This boxing and Pilates mix workout is unmissable, promoting strength and flexibility. Suitable for all levels of fitness. €7 drop in. For more info, contact Marlena on 0872841850.


Bailieborough Gardening Group:

Trip to Organic Centre, Co. Leitrim to celebrate National Potato Day on Saturday next, March 14th. Demonstrations, walks and talks through the gardens with guest speaker Trevor Sargent. Bus will leave Bailieborough at 10am and return at approx. 6.30pm. Transport cost will be between €15 and €20 depending on numbers travelling. If interested, phone Eilish on (086) 8273470.


Presentation: A Presentation entitled “Irish Swifts in Decline: What Can We Do?” by Micheal Casey (Birdwatch Ireland, Sligo Branch) will take place on Thursday, 19th March at 8pm in Cavan County Museum.
This talk will be about the decline of swifts in Ireland, causes of this decline and what we can do about it.

Micheal is a vet with the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine’s Laboratory Service. His interest in swifts is pursued outside of his work. He is also a bird ringer, with a special interest in swifts, dippers and peregrine falcons.
Micheal is involved with the swift conservation project and hopes to encourage local groups in the County to help out by getting involved in a local project.
Members of Tidy Towns committees, local heritage groups and anyone with an interest in learning more about this conservation project are very welcome to attend!
The AGM for BWI members will take place prior to the presentation at 7pm sharp. 


Free Study Space:

Students may avail of a free study space at the Library, Market Square during Library opening hours except 10am to

1.15pm Wednesday and Friday. Late opening Tuesday and Thursday until 8.30pm. Spacious and warm with free WIFI. Phone 042 9665779 for further details.

Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.

Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.



Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre– Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include: File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing and Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 : Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4: Course Content: Reading and Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.


Cubs/ Scouts:

Bailieborough Cubs/Scouts meet in the Community Centre on Mondays from 7 to 8pm. New members welcome aged from 9 to 12 years of age. Queries to Peter Maguire at 085 849 0642 or email


St. Vincent DePaul Shop Appeal:

The St. Vincent DePaul Society would be delighted to receive good quality, clean clothes—Men’s, Women’s, Children’s, Footwear, Handbags, Bed Linen and Towels are also welcome. The Society continue to rely upon and appreciate the generosity of the local community.


Leisure Centre:

March Membership Offer. BOGOF….. Buy one get one FREE.

Buy 1 year Pool and Gym Membership and another person gets theirs FREE. €499.

New Studio Classes, check out our facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday:  Mugendo Kickboxing 6.30-8.30.

Wednesday:  Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics from 7.30 to 8.30.

Thursday: Yoga at 10 and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45.

Studio and Treatment rooms available to rent, Call 042 9666644. Suitable for many uses.

€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Evening Classes:

Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.


 Skills For Farmers:

Bailieborough Business Centre Mondays and Wednesdays 7.30pm   Communications   On Line Herd Registration  Emailing   Farm Record Keeping

Free of Charge to those qualified to attend. Call 042-969-4716


Table Quiz:

The Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA Club are holding a fundraising ‘Table Quiz’ on Friday night next, March 13th at 9.30pm in ‘Nixy’s’, The Square Bar, Please come along and support.


Jiving Lessons:

Continuing every Thursday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.30pm. No partner needed. For more information call 086-1928568 or 086-1763044.


Social Day Centre:

The Bailieborough Social Day Centre’s next get-together is on Wednesday, March 11th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. All members are asked to attend for the usual activities and new members are very welcome.


Bailieborough Community Bowls

: Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.


Dancing for Pleasure:

Our next dancing date in the Community Centre is on Saturday night next, 14th March. Dancing hours are from 10.00 till 12.30. Music is by the popular Country Traditions. Refreshments served on the night. All welcome.


Bailieborough Model School:

Bailieborough Model School are now accepting enrolments for the school year 2015/2016. Please contact the school office on 042 96 65689 by Friday, March 27th, 2015 for an enrolment pack.


Bailieborough Community Text Alert:

The Annual General Meeting of the Bailieborough Community Text Alert will take place in the Hotel Bailie on Monday, 23rd March at 9.00pm. Membership fee for 2015 is €5. All welcome. For further details, please contact Kevin Carolan at 086 375 9627. ‘Keeping our Community a safer place to live’.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for March and April 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, March 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, April 11th at 4.30pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, April 12th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, April 25th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday April 26th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael).


Bridge Results:

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015: First: Pauline Hutchinson and Olive Kellett, Second: Betty Olwill and Patsy Corcoran. Best Gross: Teresa O’Reilly and Ita Clarke. Third: Sean Kelleher and Noreen Maguire. Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.


Walk, Jog Or Run

. Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks Spring is here, no more weather excuses, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.


East Cavan Gaels: Club News 9th March 2015:  

U12;The Under 12 Cavan hurling league is just a week away and the lads are training away in preparation for their first game on the 15th on the 3G at Breffni.

U14/16/18; Training for these groups will be at various differing times due to the start of the football leagues. Players will receive a text.  It should settle into regular Wednesday training when the bright evenings return at the end of the month.

Foundation Award; There will be a Foundation Award in Cootehill GAA this coming Saturday 14th March. Any prospective ECG HC coaches are very welcome to attend.

Course Philosophy: The Foundation Award is the introductory award for coaches of Gaelic games. It aims to INTRODUCE the participants to the coaching process and its practical application. The course will provide Coaches with the information and the ability to introduce players’ to sport in safe and enjoyable environment. The course is 7 1/2 hours in duration and covers 4 key modules, as well as introductory and Conclusion modules. These 4 modules are:

  • Introduction to Games
  • Skill Development
  • Movement Skills
  • Coaching Children, Youths and Adults

The focus of the course is the development of  ‘How to Coach‘ skills by placing the participant in situations that they will face as coaches -the organisation of games, activities to develop skill and activities to develop the various movement skills.

Course Details: Date: 14th March: Venue: Cootehill GAA Pitch: Time: 10:00-16:00.

This course is aimed at beginner coaches it East Cavan region. Anyone interested in taking part in the course please contact Pauric Dowdall on 0871353180or or Shane Mulholland on 0876822607 or

Training times and venues; Under 8/10; Kingscourt group; Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.

Bailieborough group; Every Friday in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall 6-7.30 for both U8 and U10. €2 and the bottle of water please also.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.

Under 12/13; All training is collective in Bailieborough and subject to change.

Saturday 4pm at the astro at The Vale, Cavan road. €2.


Under 14, U16 and U18; Training times and venue will be sent by text to players as per availability of players/facilities.

For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.


Tanagh Outdoor Education Centre:

Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre will be running 2 Kayak Skills Camps over the Easter Holidays for 9-16 year olds. The camp will introduce paddlers to the basic kayak skills. Book before the 17th March to received 10% discount.

Camp 1: 30th March-1st April 2015 10am-2pm daily.

Camp 2: 8th April -10th April 2015 10am-2pm daily

Contact Philomena for more information on 049-5552988.


Citizens Information Service:

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.


If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News Thursday 5th March 2015

Bailieborough News. March 5th  2015. Matthew J. Cullen.



Bishop Leo O’Reilly will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. Anne’s Church on next Saturday, 7th March at 12pm. There are 85 children from the parish receiving the sacrament so space will be limited in the Church. The candidate, their sponsor and their parents/guardians are all that will be able to sit in the reserved seats. The reserved seats will take up two thirds of the total area so other guests needing a seat are asked to come early.



St. Patrick’s Day Parade:

The Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Bailieborough will be at 2.30pm—starting at the Community School on the Virginia Road. There are extra prizes this year for the Best Comedy Floats along with the usual prizes for the best Float and there are also prizes for the Best Dressed Window display.  So come along and celebrate our National Holiday and enjoy the parade.




Saturday Evening Swim Sessions:

  Fitness and technique Swim Sessions coached by Janis, in Bailieborough Leisure Centre every Saturday evening with new set of 6 starting on Saturday next, 7thMarch 2015— 6.00-7.30pm. Suitable for past Swim Club Members and Triathlon improvers with lanes for different levels of ability. Session is for swimmers aged 15yrs+ (born 2000 and older).€50 for 6 sessions payable on first night.  Spaces limited. Contact Anne Kelly on 087 9674302 to secure a place.




Unfortunately the entrance to the front of the Church from the carpark was blocked again by cars last weekend. This prevents people with disabled permits accessing the disabled parking bays and in the case of an emergency it would block the access of an ambulance or fire brigade. Please make sure at all times to park well back from the entrance/exit routes to the front of the Church.  Thank you for your cooperation.



World Day of Prayer:

World Day of Prayer will take place in Corglass Church on Friday evening next, March 6th at 8.00pm. The Speaker will be the Rev. Florence Taylor and the Service will be based upon that written by the Christian Women of the Bahamas. Everyone is most welcome to attend.



Junior Bookclub:

Bailieborough Junior Bookclub meets this Friday, 6 March at 4pm in Bailieborough Library.                                                                New members welcome. (Ages 10-12).


Holy Hour:

The Monthly Holy Hour hosted by Direction for Our Times will take place on this Thursday evening, March 5th in St. Anne’s Church at 8pm. All welcome.


Parent and Toddler Group:

Bexcourt Parent and Toddler Group is continuing in the Bexcourt Centre from 10.00am to 12 noon on every Wednesday morning. Meet other parents, compare notes and organise activities and events. For further details, please contact 042 9694825 or just come along and drop into the Centre.




Piloxing is back on Wednesday 11th March at 6.45pm in Trinity Hall. This boxing and Pilates mix workout is unmissable, promoting strength and flexibility. Suitable for all levels of fitness. €7 drop in. For more info, contact Marlena on 0872841850.



Knockbride Parish Bazzar:

Knockbride Parish Bazzar will take place in the Community Centre, Tunnyduff on Friday 6th March commencing at 9.00pm.  Lots of great prizes.  Everyone welcome.




Meeting tonight, Wednesday, 4thMarch at 8pm in St. Anne’s Prayer Room.  New members most welcome.



Bailieborough Gardening Group:

Trip to Organic Centre, Co. Leitrim to celebrate National Potato Day on Saturday, March 14th. Demonstrations, walks and talks through the gardens with guest speaker Trevor Sargent. Bus will leave Bailieborough at 10am and return at approx. 6.30pm. Transport cost will be between €15 and €20 depending on numbers travelling. If interested, phone Eilish on (086) 8273470 before Thursday 5th March.



Recycle & Upcycle Craft Workshop: Irish Wildlife Trust are organising this workshop at Golashane Nature Reserve, Tierworker on Sunday next, 8th March from 2pm-5pm. Bring old furniture if you want or bits and pieces will be supplied. All paint and materials also supplied. Free admission. All welcome. Call (087) 7454233 for directions.



Free Study Space:

Students may avail of a free study space at the Library, Market Square during Library opening hours except 10am to

1.15pm Wednesday and Friday. Late opening Tuesday and Thursday until 8.30pm. Spacious and warm with free WIFI. Phone 042 9665779 for further details.

Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.

Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.



New 6 weeks’ course commencing Tuesday March 10th in the Presbyterian Hall on the Virginia road. Beginners at 6.15pm and mixed ability at 7.30pm. Suitable for all levels. Booking essential—call Anne 087 2601454.




Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre– Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include: File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing and Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 : Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4: Course Content: Reading and Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.



St. Vincent DePaul Shop Appeal:

The St. Vincent DePaul Society would be delighted to receive good quality, clean clothes—Men’s, Women’s, Children’s, Footwear, Handbags, Bed Linen and Towels are also welcome. The Society continue to rely upon and appreciate the generosity of the local community.



Bailieborough Vocational School (Tech) 50th Year Anniversary Re-Union:

A group of past pupils have got together with the intention of holding a 50th Anniversary Re-Union to celebrate the opening of the Old Vocational School, Kells Road, on May 2nd 2015. Were you a pupil at the school in 1965? Do you know the whereabouts of any of the pupils of that year or would you be interested in meeting up with your old class mates? If so, could you contact any of the following for further information: Sean Ledwith (086 3082391), Patricia Gilsenan (nee Donnellan, 086 3033610), Frank Donnelly (087 221 0252), Sean Callaghan (087 9290915) or Jim Liggan (087 9714300).


Leisure Centre:

New Studio Classes, check out our facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday:  Mugendo Kickboxing from 6.30-8.30pm.

Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics from 7.30 to 8.30pm.

Thursday: Yoga at10 and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45pm.

Aquafit Thursday from 7-8pm and Friday at 10.15am.

€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Evening Classes:

Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.


 Skills For Farmers:

Bailieborough Business Centre Mondays and Wednesdays 7.30pm


On Line Herd Registration


Farm Record Keeping

Free of Charge to those qualified to attend. Call 042-969-4716



Jiving Lessons:

Continuing every Thursday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.30pm. No partner needed. For more information call 086-1928568 or 086-1763044.


Bailieborough Community Bowls:

Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.



Bailieborough Model School:

Bailieborough Model School are now accepting enrolments for the school year 2015/2016. Please contact the school office on 042 96 65689 by Friday, March 27th, 2015 for an enrolment pack.



Bailieborough Community Text Alert:

The Annual General Meeting of the Bailieborough Community Text Alert will take place in the Hotel Bailie on Tuesday next, March 10th. Membership fee for 2015 is €5. All welcome. For further details, please contact Kevin Carolan at 086 375 9627. ‘Keeping our Community a safer place to live’.



Baptism Dates in St. Annes for February and March 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, March 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael). .


Bridge Results:

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015: First: Joy Jameson and Teresa O’Reilly, Second: Betty Olwill and Noreen Maguire. Best Gross: Tom and Ann Moran. Third: Anne Brady and Una Mansell. Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.


Walk ,Jog Or Run….

Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.


East Cavan Gaels: Club News 2nd March 2015


Primary schools hurling blitz;

Well done to Ballinamoney NS, Laragh NS Muff, St.Feilims NS, The Vale and St. Josephs NS Kingscourt who all had a great morning on Friday last in Kingscourt with the 3rd/4th class Schools blitz. Some excellent hurling on display. More of these blitzes to come in the Spring. Thanks to the teachers and to Pauric and Keith from Ulster GAA and Cavan GAA respectively for their assistance. Thanks also to the relevant Parent Associations who generously provide transport.

U8/10 club blitz; Well done to all at the club blitz on Saturday in Kingscourt. Thanks to our friends from Carrick for coming over. Lots more blitzes to come.

U12; The Under 12 Cavan hurling league is just two weeks a away and the lads are training away in preparation for their first game on the 15th.

Training times and venues; Under 8/10: Kingscourt group; Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.

Bailieborough group; Every Friday in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall 6-7.30 for both U8 and U10. €2 and the bottle of water please also.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.

Under 12/13; All training is collective in Bailieborough.

Saturday 4pm at the astro at The Vale, Cavan road. €2.

Under 14, U16 and U18; training will be at the astro on Saturday at 5. Any changes will be sent by text to players.

For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.



Tanagh Outdoor Education Centre:

Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre will be running 2 Kayak Skills Camps over the Easter Holidays for 9-16 year olds. The camp will introduce paddlers to the basic kayak skills. Book before the 17th March to received 10% discount.

Camp 1: 30th March-1st April 2015 10am-2pm daily.

Camp 2: 8th April -10th April 2015 10am-2pm daily

Contact Philomena for more information on 049-5552988



Citizens Information Service:

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.



Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.



Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.


 If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News February 26th 2015

Bailieborough News. February 26th  2015. Matthew J. Cullen.



Saturday Evening Swim Sessions: 

Fitness and technique Swim Sessions coached by Janis, in Bailieborough Leisure Centre every Saturday evening with new set of 6 starting on Sat 7thMarch 2015— 6.00-7.30pm. Suitable for past Swim Club Members and Triathlon improvers with lanes for different levels of ability. Session is for swimmers aged 15yrs+ (born 2000 and older).€50 for 6 sessions payable on first night.  Spaces limited. Contact Anne Kelly on 087 9674302 to secure a place.


Women’s World Day of Prayer:

Women’s World Day of Prayer will take place in Corglass Church on Friday evening, March 6th at 8.00pm. The Speaker will be the Rev. Florence Taylor and the Service will be based upon that written by the Christian Women of the Bahamas. Everyone is most welcome to attend.



Confirmation takes place in St. Annes on Saturday, March 7th at 12noon. There are 85 children from the Parish receiving their Confirmation so space will be limited in the Church. The candidate, their sponsor and their parents/guardians are all that will be able to sit in the reserved seats. The reserved seats will take up two thirds of the total area so other guests needing a seat are asked to come early.


Parent and Toddler Group:

Bexcourt Parent and Toddler Group is continuing in the Bexcourt Centre from 10.00am to 12 noon on every Wednesday morning. Meet other parents, compare notes and organise activities and events. For further details, please contact 042 9694825 or just come along and drop into the Centre.


Knockbride Parish Bazzar:

Knockbride Parish Bazzar will take place in the Community Centre, Tunnyduff on Friday 27th February and Friday 6th March

commencing at 9.00pm.  Lots of great prizes.  Everyone welcome.


Skills for Farmers:

Bailieborough Business Centre Mondays and Wednesdays 7.30pm


On Line Herd Registration


Farm Record Keeping

Free of Charge to those qualified to attend. Call 042-969-4716


Free Study Space:

Students may avail of a free study space at the Library, Market Square during Library opening hours except 10am to

1.15pm Wednesday and Friday. Late opening Tuesday and Thursday until 8.30pm. Spacious and warm with free WIFI. Phone 042 9665779 for further details.

Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month (Friday, 27th February) from 4pm-5pm.

Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm (Thursday, 26th February). All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.



Invasive Alien Plants:

Irish Wildlife Trust ecologist Goska Wilkowska will give a talk on’ Invasive Alien Plants’ e.g. Giant Hogweed or Japanese Knotweed which can be easily identified in our gardens, fields and woodlands on Thursday, 26th February at 7pm in Johnston Central Library, Cavan. The presentation will raise awareness of these plants and will explain some control measures that can be undertaken to protect native wildlife and human welfare. Free entry.


Classes: Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre– Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include: File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing and Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 : Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4: Course Content: Reading and Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.


Social Day Centre:

The Bailieborough Social Day Centre resumes on Wednesday, February 25th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. All members are asked to attend for the usual activities and new members are very welcome.


Farm Safety Talk:

A Farm Safety Talk will take place in Brakey Orange Hall (Kingscourt Road) on Tuesday, March 3rd from 8.00pm to 10.00pm. The talk is hosted by Adam Woods from Teagasc. Tea served afterwards and all are most welcome to attend.


St. Vincent DePaul Shop Appeal:

The St. Vincent DePaul Society would be delighted to receive good quality, clean clothes—Men’s, Women’s, Children’s, Footwear, Handbags, Bed Linen and Towels are also welcome. The Society continue to rely upon and appreciate the generosity of the local community.


Bailieborough Vocational School (Tech) 50th Year Anniversary Re-Union:

A group of past pupils have got together with the intention of holding a 50th Anniversary Re-Union to celebrate the opening of the Old Vocational School, Kells Road, on May 2nd 2015. Were you a pupil at the school in 1965? Do you know the whereabouts of any of the pupils of that year or would you be interested in meeting up with your old class mates? If so, could you contact any of the following for further information: Sean Ledwith (086 3082391), Patricia Gilsenan (nee Donnellan, 086 3033610), Frank Donnelly (087 221 0252), Sean Callaghan (087 9290915) or Jim Liggan (087 9714300).



Parents seeking to enroll their child or children in St. Anne’s N.S. for the 2015/2016 school year are requested to return a completed Enrolment Application form during February 2015.  Closing date for receipt of enrolment forms is Friday, 27thFebruary.  Application forms are available from the school office or telephone 9665242.


Leisure Centre:

New Studio Classes, check out our facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday:  Mugendo Kickboxing from 6.30-8.30pm.

Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics from 7.30 to 8.30pm.

Thursday: Yoga at10 and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45pm.

Aquafit Thursday from 7-8pm and Friday at 10.15am.

€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Baptism Certificates: Parents of children enrolling for National School who require Baptismal Certs are asked to text or email the child’s name and date of birth to 087-7673894 or   A collection time can then be arranged.


FELIM’S N.S. The Vale:

is currently inviting applications for enrolment for 2015-2016.  Forms are available directly from the school, by phoning 042 9665 605 or email:, download from website: www.thevalens.comunder the scoil documents section.  Completed forms to be returned to the school by Friday, 27 Feb 2015.


Evening Classes:

Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.


Jiving Lessons:

Continuing every Thursday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.30pm. No partner needed. For more information call 086-1928568 or 086-1763044.


Bailieborough Community Bowls:

Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.


Bailieborough Model School:

Bailieborough Model School are now accepting enrolments for the school year 2015/2016. Please contact the school office on 042 96 65689 by Friday, March 27th, 2015 for an enrolment pack.


Bailieborough Community Text Alert:

The Annual General Meeting of the Bailieborough Community Text Alert will take place in the Hotel Bailie on Tuesday, March 10th. Membership fee for 2015 is €5. All welcome. For further details, please contact Kevin Carolan at 086 375 9627. ‘Keeping our Community a safer place to live’.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for February and March 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: February 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael). .


Bridge Results:

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015: First: Jimmy Stafford and Tom Moran, Second: Patsy Corcoran and Rosaleen Keegan. Best Gross: Teresa O’Reilly and Ann Moran. Third: Bernard Liddy and Olive McCabe. Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.


Walk ,Jog Or Run….

Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.



East Cavan Gaels: Club News 23rd February 2015

Pre-season meeting with U12-18 player parents; There will be an important meeting for parents of all our players from Under 12 to Minor level on Wednesday at 8pm in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough. This will be to outline and plan the hurling season ahead with regard to fixtures and Feilé in June as well as a range of other hurling issues. We hope to see all our player parents at this important meeting.

Primary schools hurling blitz; The next round of local primary schools blitz takes place this coming Friday 27th February, 10.30-12.30, in Kingscourt Community Centre for 3rd and 4th class. The Club has a lot of hurlers in these classes so the competition will be fierce! We hope to see lots of our local schools represented.

Training times and venues; Under 8/10; Kingscourt group;

Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.

Bailieborough group; Every Friday in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall 6-7.30 for both U8 and U10. €2 and the bottle of water please also.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.

Under 12/13; All training is collective in Bailieborough.

Saturday 4pm at the astro at The Vale, Cavan road. €2.

The Under 12 Cavan Hurling league begins in early March.

Under 14, U16 & U18; training will be at the astro also and the time will be sent by text to all players mid-week.

For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.



Tanagh Outdoor Education Centre:

Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre will be running 2 kayak skills camps over the Easter midterm for 9-12 year olds. The camp will introduce paddlers to the basic kayak skills and rescues they need to paddle safely on flat water as part of a group. Book before the 17th March to received 10% discount.

Camp 1: 30th March-1st April 2015 10am-2pm daily.

Camp 2: 8th April -10th April 2015 10am-2pm daily.

Contact Philomena for more information on 049-5552988.


Citizens Information Service:

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.


 If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News February 19th 2015

Bailieborough News. February 19th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


Shamrock’s Public Forum Meeting:

Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA would like to invite you, the community of Bailieborough to a public Forum meeting on Friday evening next, 20th February at 8pm in the Community School. You do not need to be a club member or currently involved in the club, in order to attend. We would like all members of the community, non gaa clubs, other committees etc to be represented. The purpose of the Forum is to receive feedback from all sectors of the community in general as to how we can best bring the club forward in an all-inclusive manner using a community based approach over the next number of years. Your input would be invaluable and appreciated’. Please note, this is not a fundraising meeting neither is it a meeting where we are asking people to volunteer their time on the day to day management of the club’. All welcome.


St. Patrick’s Day Parade:

The St Patrick’s Day Parade in Bailieboro this year will be bigger and better than ever, there will be extra prizes for comedy floats, there will be the same prizes for all other categories and there will be the usual prizes for the shops with the best dressed window, etc…more details to follow.


Women’s World Day of Prayer:

Women’s World Day of Prayer will take place in Corglass Church on Friday, March 6th at 8.00pm. The Speaker will be the Rev. Florence Taylor and the Service will be based upon that written by the Christian Women of the Bahamas. Everyone is most welcome to attend.


Bailieborough Community School Parent’s Association:

The Bailieborough Community School’s Parents Association are holding a ‘Fundraising Walk’ to help with the upgrade of the school’s canteen on Saturday, February 21st. Mr. John Ed Sheanon will lead the walk and walkers are asked to assemble at the Community School at 11am. The duration of the walk will be approx., 1.5 to 2 hours long. Contributions voluntary, refreshments afterwards and all are most welcome to attend.


Check it Fits

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has introduced a new, free service in response to a frightening statistic that shows that as many as 4 out of 5 child car seats are incorrectly fitted, which can result in serious injury or worse, a fatality in the event of a collision.  The ‘Check it Fits’ Service is a full-time, nationwide, free expert service.  The service is quick, it’s easy, and it’s free.  We will be visiting SuperValu, Bailieborough on Friday, 20th Feb from 10.00am – 5.30pm.



Parent and Toddler Group:

Bexcourt Parent and Toddler Group is continuing in the Bexcourt Centre from 10.00am to 12 noon on every Wednesday morning. Meet other parents, compare notes and organise activities and events. For further details, please contact 042 9694825 or just come along and drop into the Centre.


Birdwatch Ireland, Cavan Branch:

Our next Branch outing will take place on this Sunday 22 February to Dundalk Bay. We will visit a number of sites in the area including Clogherhead, Seabank and the new bird hide at Lurgangreen.

To car share from Bailieborough, meet at the Market Square at 9am. If you would prefer to make your own travel arrangements and meet with the group in the Dundalk area please contact Elizabeth at 086 8336675 to arrange a meet up point.

It is recommended to bring along a snack and to wear warm waterproof clothing. Beginners are very welcome to come along!

Event should last approx. 3-to 4 hours. We should see a good selection of waders and waterfowl and also some geese.



The Model School:

Congratulations to Katie Griffith from The Model School in Bailieborough who received a full scholarship from The Royal School in Cavan, after coming in overall first place in the Royal School Scholarship Exam held recently. Well done Katie.



Charity Night Success:

A sincere ‘Thank You’ to everyone who helped make the recent Charity Night—held in Killinkere Leisure Centre for the Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund—such a wonderful success. The proceeds amounted to €4,500.



Free Study Space:

Students may avail of a free study space at the Library, Market sq during Library opening hours except 10am to

1.15pm Wednesday and Friday. Late opening Tuesday and Thursday until 8.30pm. Spacious and warm with free WIFI. Ph 042 9665779 for further details.


Bailieborough Gardening Group:

If you have an interest in gardening, whether you’re a novice or green-fingered expert, we would love you to come and take part in our first meeting of the year in Fox’s Lounge, Bailieborough on Monday, February 23rd at 8.00pm. Now is the time for sowing and growing your flower borders and vegetables. Free seeds will be given out on the night to everyone to get you started and you will get useful tips on how to propagate trees and shrubs. We are planning an exciting range of events throughout the year so why not come along and take part in our gardening group.


New Photography Club:

***NEW***Bailieborough Studio – Photography Club at 8pm, on Tuesday 24th February in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough. New members of all levels welcome.



Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre– Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include: File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing and Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 : Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Evening Classes:

Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.

Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4: Course Content: Reading and Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.


Farm Safety Talk:

A Farm Safety Talk will take place in Brakey Orange Hall (Kingscourt Road) on Tuesday, March 3rd from 8.00pm to 10.00pm. The talk is hosted by Adam Woods from Teagasc. Tea served afterwards and all are most welcome to attend.


Confirming Our Children:

The next preparatory Mass for Confirmation candidates and their parents will take place on Sunday next, February 22nd at 10.00am in St. Anne’s Church.


Ramor Theatre:  Saturday 21st February

Fair City’s Damian (Maclean Burke) in a powerful performance of “Joe Prop” will have you laughing, crying but most of all it will have you believing that anything is possible! Some of the proceeds from this show goes to Barnardos.  Booking 049 8547074.




Parents seeking to enroll their child or children in St. Anne’s N.S. for the 2015/2016 school year are requested to return a completed Enrollment Application form during February 2015.  Closing date for receipt of enrollment forms is Friday, 27thFebruary.  Application forms are available from the school office or telephone 9665242.


Leisure Centre:

New Studio Classes, check out our facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday:  Mugendo Kickboxing from 6.30-8.30pm.

Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics from 7.30 to 8.30pm.

Thursday: Yoga at10 and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45pm.

Aquafit Thursday from 7-8pm and Friday at 10.15am.

€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


FELIM’S N.S. The Vale:

Are currently inviting applications for enrolment for 2015-2016.  Forms are available directly from the school, by phoning 042 9665 605 or email:, download from website: www.thevalens.comunder the scoil documents section.  Completed forms to be returned to the school by Friday, 27 Feb 2015.



Jiving Lessons:

Continuing every Thursday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.30pm. No partner needed. For more information call 086-1928568 or 086-1763044.


Bailieborough Community Bowls:

Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.


Bailieborough Model School:

Bailieborough Model School are now accepting enrolments for the school year 2015/2016. Please contact the school office on 042 96 65689 by Friday, March 27th, 2015 for an enrolment pack.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for February and March 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: February 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael). .



Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.


Walk ,Jog Or Run….

Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.



Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.

Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.



East Cavan Gaels:  Club News 16th February 2015:  U8/10;

Both groups now back to full training in Bailieborough and Kingscourt. Next blitz is Saturday 28th February in Kingscourt.

Primary schools hurling blitz; The next round of local primary schools blitz takes place on Friday 27th February, 10.30-12.30, in Kingscourt Community Centre for 3rd and 4th class. The Club has a lot of hurlers in these classes so the competition will be fierce! We hope to see lots of our local schools represented.

Trip away; Our U14 Feile Team from last year have been invited to Burren Rangers on the 28th February for a start of Season blitz – full information will be available during the week.

U12/14/16/18; The lads finally got outdoors on Saturday last as training has now moved to the astro at the Vale, Cavan road, Bailieborough. The Under 12 Cavan hurling league starts in early March. Fixtures coming soon.

Training times and venues; Under 8/10; Kingscourt group; Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.

Bailieborough group: Every Friday in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall 6-7.30 for both U8 and U10. €2 and the bottle of water please also.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.



Under 12/13; Saturday 4pm at the astro at The Vale, Cavan road. €2

Under 14 U16 and U18; training will be in St Ann Park and the time will be texted to all mid-week. For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.


Tanagh Outdoor Education Centre:

Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre will be running 2 kayak skills camps over the Easter midterm for 9-12 year olds. The camp will introduce paddlers to the basic kayak skills and rescues they need to paddle safely on flat water as part of a group. Book before the 17th March to received 10% discount.

Camp 1: 30th March-1st April 2015 10am-2pm daily.

Camp 2: 8th April -10th April 2015 10am-2pm daily.

Contact Philomena for more information on 049-5552988.


Citizens Information Service:

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.



Winners in the schools quiz for 2015, which was held in The Bailie Hotel on February 7th.

Picture 1 is the senior team from St Felims Ns. (left to right) Kate Farrelly, Laura O’Reilly, Michael O’Reilly and Luke O’Sullivan.

Picture 2 is the junior team from Tunnyduff Ns. (left to right) Gavin Smith, Sean Ratcliffe, Jane Flanagan and Ciara Clerkin.

photo (3) 001






 If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News February 12th 2015

Bailieborough News. February 12th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


Great news for the town on the Jobs Front:

Lakeland Dairies is to create 81 jobs over five years at its new processing facilities in Bailieborough, Co Cavan. A further 180 jobs will be created during the plant’s construction phase, which will start straight away as part of a €36m investment in the expansion of milk powder processing operations.

Lakeland, which is a farmer owned dairy processing co-operative, processes over 800 million litres of milk a year and exports to over 70 countries worldwide. The expansion will see the installation of a new 7 tonne per hour milk drying facility at Bailieboro where total milk powder production capacity will increase to 19 tonnes per hour. It expects to increase production by 40% to over 1bn litres by 2020. The investment has been supported by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation through Enterprise Ireland.

This is very good news for the town as it has suffered badly from the effects of the recession with many businesses closing and of course many of our younger people have had to emigrate to secure employment and make a life for themselves. Hopefully this investment will give new life to the town and help bring it back to its former prominence as one of the top business towns in the North East.



Bailieborough Mental Health Association:

The Bailieborough Mental Health Association are holding their Annual Round Table Quiz Night in the Hotel Bailie Ballroom on this Friday evening, 13th of February, commencing at 8.00pm, sharp. Special ‘Early Bird’ round for extra points if you arrive on time!! Entry fee is €40 per table of four. ‘A Healthy mind in a healthy body’. All welcome.



Bailieborough Community School Parent’s Association:

The Bailieborough Community School’s Parents Association are holding a ‘Fundraising Walk’ to help with the upgrade of the school’s canteen on Saturday, February 21st. Mr. John Ed Sheanon will lead the walk and walkers are asked to assemble at the Community School at 11am. The duration of the walk will be approx., 1.5 to 2 hours long. Contributions voluntary, refreshments afterwards and all are most welcome to attend.



Parent and Toddler Group:

Bexcourt Parent and Toddler Group is continuing in the Bexcourt Centre from 10.00am to 12 noon on every Wednesday morning. Meet other parents, compare notes and organise activities and events. For further details, please contact 042 9694825 or just come along and drop into the Centre.



Free Study Space:

Students may avail of a free study space at the Library, Market sq during Library opening hours except 10am to

1.15pm Wednesday and Friday. Late opening Tuesday and Thursday until 8.30pm. Spacious and warm with free WIFI.

Ph 042 9665779 for further details.




Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre

Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include: File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing and Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Word Processing QQI Level 3  Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre –  : Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Communications QQI Level 4 Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough : Course Content: Reading and Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.



First Communion Preparation:

The next ‘Do This in Memory’ Mass for Children preparing for First Communion in St. Anne’s, The Model School and St. Felim’s will take place next Sunday, February 15th at 10.00am in St. Anne’s Church.

A meeting of the Parent’s Committee will take place in the Parochial House on Wednesday evening at 8.00pm.



Farm Safety Talk:

A Farm Safety Talk will take place in Brakey Orange Hall (Kingscourt Road) on Tuesday, March 3rd from 8.00pm to 10.00pm. The talk is hosted by Adam Woods from Teagasc. Tea served afterwards and all are most welcome to attend.




are up and running and are looking forward to carrying out small tasks for the elderly and vulnerable in the community.  Volunteers—who have all been Garda vetted—will present identification cards at the start of each visit and they will always visit in pairs.  Your many and varied small jobs will be sorted by ringing Ann 042 9694825 from 9am to 2pm Monday to Friday.  Ann will arrange volunteers to call out to you at your convenience.



‘Confirming Our Children’:

There will be a meeting of the Parent’s Committee in preparation for Confirmation on Monday next, February 16th in the Parochial House at 8.00pm. The next preparatory Mass for Confirmation candidates and their parents will take place on Sunday, February 22nd at 10.00am in St. Anne’s Church.




Parents seeking to enroll their child or children in St. Anne’s N.S. for the 2015/2016 school year are requested to return a completed Enrolment Application form during February 2015.  Closing date for receipt of enrolment forms is Friday, 27thFebruary.  Application forms are available from the school office or telephone 9665242.



Leisure Centre:

New Studio Classes, check out our facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday:  Mugendo Kickboxing from 6.30-8.30pm.

Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics from 7.30 to 8.30pm.

Thursday: Yoga at10 and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45pm.

Winners of Christmas Day Swim Draw:

Supervalu Vouchers: Adam Murray, M Flaherty.

Leisure Centre Voucher: Olive Benson, Chris Murray, Chrystal Hawthorne.

Aquafit Thursday from 7-8pm and Friday at 10.15am.

€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.



FELIM’S N.S. The Vale:

is currently inviting applications for enrolment for 2015-2016.  Forms are available directly from the school, by phoning 042 9665 605 or email:, download from website: www.thevalens.comunder the scoil documents section.  Completed forms to be returned to the school by Friday, 27 Feb 2015.



Tunnyduff Parent’s Association:

Tunnyduff Parents Association Presents “The Lost Weekend” by Padraic McIntyre, directed by Paddy Farrelly on Friday 13th February 2015 at 8.30pm in Tunnyduff Hall. Tickets €10 each.  Contact Sophie Smith at 087 6561724 for tickets.



Evening Classes:

Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.


Check it Fits!

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has introduced a new, free service in response to a frightening statistic that shows that as many as 4 out of 5 child car seats are incorrectly fitted, which can result in serious injury or worse, a fatality in the event of a collision.  The ‘Check it Fits’ Service is a full-time, nationwide, free expert service.  The service is quick, it’s easy, and it’s free.  We will be visiting SuperValu, Bailieborough on 20th Feb 10.00am – 5.30pm.



Jiving Lessons:

Starting on this Thursday 12th February in the Bailie Hotel at 8.30pm. No partner needed. For more information call 086-1928568 or 086-1763044.



Bailieborough Community Bowls:

Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.



Bailieborough Model School:

Bailieborough Model School are now accepting enrolments for the school year 2015/2016. Please contact the school office on 042 96 65689 by Friday, March 27th, 2015 for an enrolment pack.



Baptism Dates in St. Annes for February and March 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, February 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael) and Saturday, February 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael). .



Bridge Results:

Tuesday, February 3rd: First: Gemma McCabe and Olive Kellett, Second: John McGaughan and Bernard Liddy. Best Gross: Marie McNicholas and Maresa Liggan. Third: Rose Brennan and Pattie Clarke.

Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.



Walk ,Jog Or Run….

Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.




Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.

Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.



Elvis Spectacular:

The Hotel Bailie are having an ‘Elvis Spectacular Show’ on Saturday, 14th February 2014. Tickets are €15 and are available from hotel reception. Doors opens at 10.30pm and Show starts at 11pm. Check out the Hotel’s facebook page for special offers for the night.



East Cavan Gaels:  Club News 9th February 2015: U8/10;

Both groups are now training with the return of the Bailieborough group on Friday last. Our next blitz is provisionally scheduled for Saturday 28th February in Kingscourt 2-4pm.

New players; We are always on the lookout for new players. With teams from Under 6 to Under 18 now catered for there is a place for you in our club. Our experienced team of coaches are there to help you develop. No previous hurling experience required. Contact any of our coaches at any of our training sessions. Coaches/mentors also required for our junior sides.

Training times and venues; Under 8/10; Kingscourt group;

Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.

Bailieborough group; Every Friday in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall 6-7.30 for both U8 and U10. €2 and the bottle of water please also.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280

Under 12; Saturday 4-5pm at the astro at The Vale, Cavan road. €2.

Under 14-18; Friday indoors in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall. €2. For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.



Tanagh Outdoor Education Centre:

Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre will be running 2 kayak skills camps over the Easter midterm for 9-12 year olds. The camp will introduce paddlers to the basic kayak skills and rescues they need to paddle safely on flat water as part of a group. Book before the 17th March to received 10% discount.

Camp 1: 30th March-1st April 2015 10am-2pm daily.

Camp 2: 8th April -10th April 2015 10am-2pm daily.

Contact Philomena for more information on 049-5552988.



Citizens Information Service:

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.



Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.



Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.



The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.



 If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please

e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News – February 5th 2015

Bailieborough News. February 5th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


Bailieborough Athletic Club:

Bailieborough Athletic Club were delighted to receive an award on Friday night at The Annual Anglo Celt Sports Awards! They were announced as winners of the November 2014 award for their work in hosting the Ulster Cross Country Championships in conjunction with Killinkere GFC. Congratulations to all involved in the event and a massive thank you to all our supporters. Without you all this would not be possible!

A very proud achievement for the club!


Bailieborough Community ‘Text Alert’:

Currently there are 300 members of the Bailieborough Community ‘Text Alert’ Service. New members are most welcome to join for 2015—fee €5. For further details, please contact Kevin Carolan (086 3759627) committee or Alison Gaynor—Tus Representative at 086 712 9113. You can also e-mail:

“For the Safety of our Community”.
Parent and Toddler Group:

Bexcourt Parent and Toddler Group is continuing in the Bexcourt Centre from 10.00am to 12 noon on every Wednesday morning. Meet other parents, compare notes and organise activities and events. For further details, please contact 042 9694825 or just come along and drop into the Centre.


The Monthly Holy Hour hosted by ‘Direction for Our Times’ will take place on Thursday evening next, February 5th,  in St. Anne’s Church beginning at 8pm.  All welcome.



Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre– Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include: File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing and Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 : Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4: Course Content: Reading and Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.


Parking at St. Anne’s Church:

The car parking bays immediately to the front of the church and on the lake side of the building are reserved for those with Disabled Parking Permits only. Drivers are also asked to park in the Carparks only and not on the avenues.  Please make sure at all times not to obstruct entrance or exit routes to the front of the Church.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Education Opportunities:

Cavan Education Training Board are offering free classes for adults in Bailieborough in Computers, Communications and Reading and Writing. For further information and eligibility please contact Regina/Kathryn – (049) 4361881 Ext 2.



Meeting on Wednesday, 4th February at 8pm in the Prayer Room of St. Anne’s Chapel.  New members most welcome.



is up and running and are looking forward to carrying out small tasks for the elderly and vulnerable in the community.  Volunteers—who have all been Garda vetted—will present identification cards at the start of each visit and they will always visit in pairs.  Your many and varied small jobs will be sorted by ringing Ann 042 9694825 from 9am to 2pm Monday to Friday.  Ann will arrange volunteers to call out to you at your convenience.


Parents seeking to enroll their child or children in St. Anne’s N.S. for the 2015/2016 school year are requested to return a completed Enrolment Application form during February 2015.  Closing date for receipt of enrolment forms is Friday, 27thFebruary.  Application forms are available from the school office or telephone 9665242.



Bailieborough Mental Health Association:

The Bailieborough Mental Health Association are holding their Annual Round Table Quiz Night in the Hotel Bailie Ballroom on Friday, 13th of February, commencing at 8.00pm, sharp. Special ‘Early Bird’ round for extra points if you arrive on time!! Entry fee is €40 per table of four. ‘A Healthy mind in a healthy body’. All welcome.

FELIM’S N.S. The Vale:

is currently inviting applications for enrolment for 2015-2016.  Forms are available directly from the school, by phoning 042 9665 605 or email:, download from website: www.thevalens.comunder the scoil documents section.  Completed forms to be returned to the school by Friday, 27 Feb 2015.


Tunnyduff Parent’s Association:

Tunnyduff Parents Association Presents “The Lost Weekend” by Padraic McIntyre, directed by Paddy Farrelly on Friday 13th February 2015 at 8.30pm in Tunnyduff Hall. Tickets €10 each.  Contact Sophie Smith at 087 6561724 for tickets.



The Bailieborough Women’s Group will resume on Friday next, 6th February, meeting in the Community Centre from 2 to 4pm.  New members most welcome.



Evening Classes:

Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.


Irish Hospice Foundation Fundraising Cycle:

Get on your bike for the Irish Hospice Foundation this June (21st-27th) and join former professional cyclist Paul Kimmage on the Genoa to Rome cycle challenge. By taking part in this Kingspan sponsored cycle across Italy you will be raising much needed funds for the IHF’s vital Nurses for Night Care service, which provides over 1,400 nights of free nursing care at home annually to people with a non-malignant terminal illness. Register before March 13th at or call 1890 717000 for more information.


Check it Fits

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has introduced a new, free service in response to a frightening statistic that shows that as many as 4 out of 5 child car seats are incorrectly fitted, which can result in serious injury or worse, a fatality in the event of a collision.  The ‘Check it Fits’ Service is a full-time, nationwide, free expert service.  The service is quick, it’s easy, and it’s free.  We will be visiting SuperValu, Bailieborough on 20th Feb 10.00am – 5.30pm.


Jiving Lessons:

Starting Thursday 12th February in the Bailie Hotel at 8.30pm. No partner needed. For more information call 086-1928568 or 086-1763044.


Cavan Kayakarun Cycling Club:

CKR Cycling Club is a newly formed Cycling Club catering for all levels of aspiring cyclists. New members very welcome. A Group Cycle takes place from the Market Square, Bailieborough each Sunday morning at 9.30am. Three distances, three coaches, come along and try it out!!


Charity Shop Opening:

A new ‘Charity Shop’ has opened in Virginia Shopping Centre. Percentage of profits donated to SOSAD. Donations required, Clothes, Furniture, Bric-a-Brac, etc. All household items, everything considered. Contact Mary 0860688714.


Bailieborough Arts and Cultural Centre

Spring 2015 classes. Ballet, Hip Hop, Speech & Drama and Guitar classes. For more information or to enrol your child please call Niamh on 0879982222 or 042 96 666 66.


Bailieborough Community Bowls:

Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.


Bailieborough Model School:

Bailieborough Model School are now accepting enrolments for the school year 2015/2016. Please contact the school office on 042 96 65689 by Friday, March 27th, 2015 for an enrolment pack.




Pilates have resumed on Tuesdays in the Presbyterian Hall, Bailieborough. Beginners at 6.15pm and mixed ability at 7.30pm. Suitable for all fitness levels. Booking is essential. For more information please call 087 2601454.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for February and March 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, February 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael) and Saturday, February 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael). .


Bridge Results:

Tuesday, January 27th: First: Betty Olwell and Noreen Maguire, Second: John McGaughan and Bernard Liddy. Best Gross: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson. Third: Olive McCabe and Pauline Hutchinson.

Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.


Walk ,Jog Or Run….

Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.



Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.

Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.


Elvis Spectacular:

The Hotel Bailie are having an ‘Elvis Spectacular Show’ on Saturday, 14th February 2014. Tickets are €15 and are available from hotel reception. Doors opens at 10.30pm and Show starts at 11pm. Check out the Hotel’s  facebook page for special offers for the night.



East Cavan Gaels: Club News 2nd February 2015:  U8/10;

We made the short trip to Carrick on Saturday last to blow off the cobwebs and get the season up and running with our U8s and U10s. The Bailieborough group training returns this Friday 6th February from 6-7.30 for all U8 and U10.

NFL Div 2. Prediction Competition,  Thanks to everyone who entered. “Will you be the last man standing?!”

New players; We are always on the lookout for new players. With teams from Under 6 to Under 18 now catered for there is a place for you in our club. Our experienced team of coaches are there to help you develop. No previous hurling experience required. Contact any of our coaches at any of our training sessions. Coaches/mentors also required for our junior sides.

Training times and venues;

Under 12- Under 18; Saturdays. Times subject to change. Contact Kathryn 087 244 1371 for more details.

Under 8/10; Kingscourt group; Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.

Bailieborough group;

Every Friday in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall 6-7.30 for both U8 and U10. €2 and the bottle of water please also. For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280Under 8/10; Bailieborough returns this Friday 6th February. New players always most welcome.


Leisure Centre:

New Studio Classes, check out our Facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday: Mugendo Kickboxing from 6.30pm-8.30pm.

Wednesday:  Pilates 10-11am, Cardio Blast at 6.30pm, Step Aerobics at 7.30

Thursday: Pick & Mix at 10.15am and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45pm.

Aquafit on Thursday’s from 7-8pm and Friday’s at 10.15am.

€30 for 30 days membership—pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Citizens Information Service:

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.


If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News January 29th 2015

Bailieborough News. January 29th  2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee AGM:

At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Bailieboro, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, committee, the following Officers were elected:  Chairperson: T.M. Smith, Vice Chairperson:  Philip Fyfe, Treasurers: Seamus McCabe and Peter Byrne, Secretary:  Niamh Smyth, PRO: Paddy McDonald,  committee: Seamus Rahill and Raymond Gilsenan. The parade will have extra prizes this year for the different floats, details to follow.


New Swing for Playground:

On Friday last, the new swing to make our playground in Bailieboro socially inclusive for children with special needs arrived. Bailieboro Community Alert thoroughly compared companies, equipment and quotes to ensure the children would have the best possible equipment. The swing will be installed as soon as possible. This could not have happened without the support of our community, donations from families and Padraic McIntyre—performing his sell out show ‘A Night in November’ as a fundraising event. Now all we need is good weather and sunshine to witness the fun, excitement, laughter and joy that this swing will bring.


Bailieborough Community ‘Text Alert’:

Currently there are 300 members of the Bailieborough Community ‘Text Alert’ Service. New members are most welcome to join for 2015—fee €5. For further details, please contact Kevin Carolan (086 3759627) committee or Alison Gaynor—Tus Representative at 086 712 9113. You can also e-mail:

“For the Safety of our Community”.



The Bailie Hotel is hosting a ‘Breakfast Morning’ on Sunday next, 1st February. It’s from 10.30am until 1pm, all donations are welcome on the day. Hope you all can make it for a good cause. All donations to the Debra Drury Fund.  Please support.

Parent and Toddler Group:

Bexcourt Parent and Toddler Group commenced on Wednesday last, in the Bexcourt Centre from 10.00am to 12 noon and continues on every Wednesday morning. Meet other parents, compare notes and organise activities and events. For further details, please contact 042 9694825 or just come along and drop into the Centre.



Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre

Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include: File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing and Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 : Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.

Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4: Course Content: Reading and Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881.
St. Brigid’s Well:

Visitation to St Brigid’s Well, Raffoney will take place on Sunday next, the 1st of February. Prayers at the Well, will be said at 4pm. All welcome.


Education Opportunities:

Cavan Education Training Board are offering free classes for adults in Bailieborough in Computers, Communications and Reading and Writing. For further information and eligibility please contact Regina/Kathryn – (049) 4361881 Ext 2.



Is up and running and are looking forward to carrying out small tasks for the elderly and vulnerable in the community.  Volunteers—who have all been Garda vetted—will present identification cards at the start of each visit and they will always visit in pairs.  Your many and varied small jobs will be sorted by ringing Ann 042 9694825 from 9am to 2pm Monday to Friday.  Ann will arrange volunteers to call out to you at your convenience.


Bailieborough Mental Health Association:

The Bailieborough Mental Health Association are holding their Annual Round Table Quiz Night in the Hotel Bailie Ballroom on Friday, 13th of February, commencing at 8.00pm, sharp. Special ‘Early Bird’ round for extra points if you arrive on time!! Entry fee is €40 per table of four. ‘A Healthy mind in a healthy body’. All welcome.


Tunnyduff Parent’s Association:

Tunnyduff Parents Association Presents “The Lost Weekend” by Padraic McIntyre, directed by Paddy Farrelly on Friday 13th February 2015 at 8.30pm in Tunnyduff Hall. Tickets €10 each.  Contact Sophie Smith at 087 6561724 for tickets.


Evening Classes:

Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.


Check it Fits

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has introduced a new, free service in response to a frightening statistic that shows that as many as 4 out of 5 child car seats are incorrectly fitted, which can result in serious injury or worse, a fatality in the event of a collision.  The ‘Check it Fits’ Service is a full-time, nationwide, free expert service.  The service is quick, it’s easy, and it’s free.  We will be visiting SuperValu,  Bailieborough  on 20th Feb 10.00am – 5.30pm.


Cavan Kayakarun Cycling Club:

CKR Cycling Club is a newly formed Cycling Club catering for all levels of aspiring cyclists. New members very welcome. A Group Cycle takes place from the Market Square, Bailieborough each Sunday morning at 9.30am. Three distances, three coaches, come along and try it out!!


Bailieborough Arts and Cultural Centre

Spring 2015 classes. Ballet, Hip Hop, Speech & Drama and Guitar classes. For more information or to enrol your child please call Niamh on 0879982222 or 042 96 666 66.


Bailieborough Community Bowls:

Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.



Sillan Players will perform the hilarious “The Lost Weekend” written by Padraic McIntyre and directed by Paddy Farrelly and is performed by local actors Audrey Gaughan, Nicola Carroll, Julie Halpin, Mary McEnaney,

Joanna Walker and Patricia O Brien in St Patricks Hall, Shercock on Friday and Saturday next, 30th and 31st of January at 8.30 pm. Admission; €12 Concessions €7.  Please note This Play is NOT suitable for national school Children.



Pilates have resumed on Tuesdays in the Presbyterian Hall, Bailieborough. Beginners at 6.15pm and mixed ability at 7.30pm. Suitable for all fitness levels. Booking is essential. For more information please call 087 2601454.



If you want a better understanding of the Catholic faith, and a deeper relationship with God, then you should join us for A Quick Journey Through the Bible, beginning Tuesday, February, 3rd  in the Parochial House, Bailieborough, at 8pm.  The study will include a series of eight, half-hour videos presented by Jeff Cavins over eight Tuesday’s finishing on Tuesday 24th March.  Each video will be followed by a lively group discussion. Everyone who participates will receive a color-coded Bible Timeline Chart as well as a Bible study workbook.  The cost of the eight week study is €25.  Please book early as places are limited on this course. For more information or to register for the study please email or contact Fr. Michael at 087-7673894.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for February and March 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, January 31st at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, February 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael) and Saturday, February 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael). .


Bridge Results:

Tuesday, January 13th: First: Una Stafford and Pauline Hutchinson, Second: Olive McCabe and Anne Brady. Best Gross: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson.

Tuesday, January 20th: Bee O’Reilly Cup: First: Betty Olwell and Noreen Maguire, Second: Olive Kellett and Gemma McCabe. Best Gross: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson.

Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.


Walk ,Jog Or Run….

Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.



Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.

Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.


Cavan Business News:

Follow @CavanBizNews on twitter for all the latest business news from Cavan town and

Email your Cavan business news stories to for
future coverage on the @CavanBizNews Twitter account.


Elvis Spectacular:

The Hotel Bailie are having an ‘Elvis Spectacular Show’ on Saturday, 14th February 2014. Tickets are €15 and are available from hotel reception. Doors opens at 10.30pm and Show starts at 11pm. Check out the Hotel’s  facebook page for special offers for the night.



East Cavan Gaels: U12/14/16/18; Training continues for the boys indoors on Fridays.

U8/10; Kingscourt continues on Tuesdays while the Bailieborough group returns early February.

NFL Div 2. Prediction Competition, €200 in prizes;

Entry forms are available from all players, coaches and committee members. €5 per entry. Just select a different winning team for each round for your chance to win. Again we rely, almost exclusively, on the generosity of our local communities to fund the development of hurling in the region.

New players; We are always on the lookout for new players. With teams from Under 6 to Under 18 now catered for there is a place for you in our club. Our experienced team of coaches are there to help you develop. No previous hurling experience required. Contact any of our coaches at any of our training sessions. Coaches/mentors also required for our junior sides.

Training times and venues; Under 12- Under 18; Subject to change. Contact Kathryn 087 244 1371 for more details.

Under 8/10; Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water. Bailieborough returns Friday 6th February. Those who wish to continue hurling are welcome to train with the Kingscourt group on Tuesdays.


New Grants available 2015.

If you are receiving Fuel Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance with children under 7 or Family Income Support you may be entitled to a complete wall and attic insulation package and heating upgrades FREE OF CHARGE. Ring 0872500436 for more information and advice. Personal details will be kept strictly confidential.


Volunteers Wanted to help Advocacy Service for Older People:

Are you someone who can stand out from the crowd? Sage Support and Advocacy Service for Older People needs volunteers to help speak up for older people across all care settings. Sage will provide FETAC training and support. For more information call 086 183 1428 or e-mail: or see


Leisure Centre:

New Studio Classes, check out our Facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday: Mugendo Kickboxing from 6.30pm-8.30pm.

Wednesday:  Pilates 10-11am, Cardio Blast at 6.30pm, Step Aerobics at 7.30

Thursday: Pick & Mix at 10.15am and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45pm.

Aquafit on Thursday’s from 7-8pm and Friday’s at 10.15am.

€30 for 30 days membership—pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Citizens Information Service:

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.


If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News 22nd January 2015

Bailieborough News. January 22nd 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


Youth Mental Health Conference

Bailieborough Community School and Bailieborough Mental Health Association are jointly running a ‘Youth Mental Health Conference’ on ‘Dealing with Stress and Anxiety in Practical Ways’ on Wednesday, January 28th, 2015 in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough from 11 am to 4 pm. There will be four workshops on the day: Relaxation through Mindfullness, The role of Nutrition in Stress Management, Walk in my Shoes and Sport for a Healthy Mind and Body. If you wish to attend the conference and any of the Workshops (limited numbers for workshops) please contact Ann Hanley at before Thursday next, January 22nd. There will be complimentary Hot Lunch served on the day.


Confirming our Children

The next preparation Mass for Confirmation candidates and their parents will take place on Saturday evening next, January 17th at 7.00pm, in St. Anne’s Church.


Car Parking at St. Anne’s Church

The Car parking bays immediately to the front of the Church and on the Lake Side of the building are reserved for those with Disabled Parking Permits only. Unfortunately, recently some such permit holders were unable to get near the Church. Drivers are also asked to park in the Carparks only and not on the avenues leading to the Church. Please make sure at all times not to obstruct entrance or exit routes to the front of the Church. Thank you for your co-operation.



Mountain Lodge Tractor Run Presentation to Down Syndrome Support Cavan €4800.

Back row (left) Victor Thompson , Sean Fox, Samuel Thompson , Martin Fox,Aiden Clarke . Front row (left) Thomas Smith, David Skelly , Graham Mills.


Fine Gael Annual General Meeting

The 2014 Fine Gael, Bailieborough branch AGM took place on Monday 12th January in a packed Shamrock Suite in the Bailie Hotel. The new officer board elected for the year were:

Chairman – Thomas Rogers, Vice Chairman – Trevor Thompson, Secretary – Paddy Martin, Treasurer – John Ryan and PRO – Colm Colgan.


Bailieborough Community ‘Text Alert’

Currently there are 300 members of the Bailieborough Community ‘Text Alert’ Service. New members are most welcome to join for 2015—fee €5. For further details, please contact Kevin Carolan (086 3759627) committee or Alison Gaynor—Tus Representative at 086 712 9113. You can also e-mail:

“For the Safety of our Community”.

Parent and Toddler Group

Bexcourt Parent and Toddler Group commences today, Wednesday, January 21st in the Bexcourt Centre from 10.00am to 12 noon and every Wednesday morning, thereafter. Meet other parents, compare notes and organise activities and events. For further details, please contact 042 9694825 or just come along and drop into the Centre.


Education Opportunities

Cavan Education Training Board are offering free classes for adults in Bailieborough in Computers, Communications and Reading and Writing. For further information and eligibility please contact Regina/Kathryn – (049) 4361881 Ext 2.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund Committee would like to thank most sincerely the singers, musicians, collectors and all who took part in the ‘Santa Christmas Carol Singing’—on Christmas Eve—and most of all they would like to thank you all for your very generous support. The total raised on the day was €2,749.00. The Committee look forward to your continued support in 2015.


Tunnyduff Parent’s Association

Tunnyduff Parents Association Presents “The Lost Weekend” by Padraic McIntyre, directed by Paddy Farrelly on Friday 13th February 2015 at 8.30pm in Tunnyduff Hall. Tickets €10 each.  Contact Sophie Smith at 087 6561724 for tickets.


Parish Pastoral Council

The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Tuesday, January 27th at 8.00pm, in the Parochial House, Bailieborough. All members are requested to attend.


New Year New Start

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks  at Bailieborough Business Centre– Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include : File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing, Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881


Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 starting Friday 23rd January 2015. Course content: Introduction to Work Processing

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881
Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4 starting 23rd January 2015. Course Content: Reading & Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.

For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel:  049-436-1881


Evening Classes

Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.


Cavan Kayakarun Cycling Club: CKR Cycling Club is a newly formed Cycling Club catering for all levels of aspiring cyclists. New members very welcome. A Group Cycle takes place from the Market Square, Bailieborough each Sunday morning at 9.30am.


Bailieborough Arts and Cultural Centre – Spring 2015 classes. Ballet, Hip Hop, Speech & Drama and Guitar classes. For more information or to enrol your child please call Niamh on 0879982222 or 042 96 666 66.


Bailieborough Community Bowls

Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.


St. Vincent DePaul Society

The local Conference wish to thank you for your wonderful response and generosity to their appeal over the Christmas period and a sincere ‘Thank You’ for all your donations and support in 2014. May we wish you a happy and healthy 2015.



Pilates have resumed on Tuesdays in the Presbyterian Hall, Bailieborough. Beginners at 6.15pm and mixed ability at 7.30pm. Suitable for all fitness levels. Booking is essential. For more information please call 087 2601454.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for February and March 2015

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, January 31st at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, February 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael) and Saturday, February 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael). .



 Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.


Walk ,Jog Or Run….Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.



Pilates classes starting Wednesday 28th January at 10am in Bailieborough Leisure Centre. €50 for 5 weeks. Please contact Julie 086 3283943, email or see for more details.



Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.

‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.

Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.

Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome.  Free admission.

Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.

Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.


Cavan Business News

Follow @CavanBizNews on twitter for all the latest business news from Cavan town and

Email your Cavan business news stories to for
future coverage on the @CavanBizNews Twitter account.


Elvis Spectacular

The Hotel Bailie are having an ‘Elvis Spectacular Show’ on Saturday, 14th February 2014. Tickets are €15 and are available from hotel reception. Doors opens at 10.30pm and Show starts at 11pm. Check out the Hotel’s  facebook page for special offers for the night.



East Cavan Gaels

Club News: U12/14/16/18; The lads began the season with a light indoor session on Friday last. They will work away indoors until the weather improves.

U8/10; The Kingscourt group returned to training last week while the Bailieborough group will return indoors in early February. The first of the indoor blitzes for 2015 are coming soon.

NFL Div 2. Prediction Competition, €200 in prizes;

Entry forms are available from all players, coaches and committee members. €5 per entry. Just select a different winning team for each round for your chance to win. Again we rely, almost exclusively, on the generosity of our local communities to fund the development of hurling in the region.

New players; We are always on the lookout for new players. With teams from Under 6 to Under 18 now catered for there is a place for you in our club. Our experienced team of coaches are there to help you develop. No previous hurling experience required. Contact any of our coaches at any of our training sessions. Coaches/mentors also required for our junior sides.

Training times and venues; Under 12- Under 18;

Subject to change. Contact Kathryn 087 244 1371 for more details.

Under 8/10; Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.

Bailieborough returns Friday 6th February. Those who wish to continue hurling are welcome to train with the Kingscourt group on Tuesdays.


New Grants available 2015

If you are receiving Fuel Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance with children under 7 or Family Income Support you may be entitled to a complete wall and attic insulation package and heating upgrades FREE OF CHARGE. Ring 0872500436 for more information and advice. Personal details will be kept strictly confidential.


Volunteers Wanted to help Advocacy Service for Older People

 Are you someone who can stand out from the crowd? Sage Support and Advocacy Service for Older People needs volunteers to help speak up for older people across all care settings. Sage will provide FETAC training and support. For more information call 086 183 1428 or e-mail: or see


Leisure Centre

New Studio Classes, check out our Facebook page for details of different classes.

Monday:  BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.

Tuesday: Mugendo Kickboxing from 6.30pm-8.30pm.

Wednesday:  Pilates 10-11am, Cardio Blast at 6.30pm, Step Aerobics at 7.30

Thursday: Pick & Mix at 10.15am and Turbo training at 7pm.

Friday:  Men’s Fitness at 8.45pm.

Aquafit on Thursday’s from 7-8pm and Friday’s at 10.15am.

€30 for 30 days membership—pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Citizens Information Service

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.


Alcoholics Anonymous

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


The Samaritans

The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.


If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.