Local activity in news and press releases.

Line Dancing Classes.

Line Dancing Class in Bailieborough Courthouse.

Cavan Motorcycle Training.

Bailieborough Courses

Cavan Monaghan ETB courses.

FREE short courses starting soon – delivered by CMETB Adult Education Services.

Location- Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough

Basic Computer Courses – Commencing April 2024 – Word for beginners QQI Level 3

Getting started with Smartphones and Tablets –  Commencing April 2024 – Learn something new and up skill!


https://www.fetchcourses.ie/course/finder… For more information or to register:

Email: cavanadulteducation@cmetb.ie

Tel: 049 4361881 h

Mum and Baby Reflexology Group – The Balanced Sole

Upcoming courses at Bailieborough Business Centre

Start your new year by enrolling on a Day Course with CMETB!

We have a new range of day courses starting in January 2024 in Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough!

Computer Skills QQI Level 2 – commencing 16/01/24 9.30-1pm (every Tuesday)

-Use frequently-used keys appropriately, e.g. enter, space bar, upper and lower case, delete.

-Use a software package, involving opening a package, entering and manipulating            text/image/data, save to file, print and exit safely.

-Identify common information/symbols.

-Access websites on the internet


Smartphones and Tablets- commencing 16/01/24 2-5pm (every Tuesday)

-Familiarity with frequently apps

-Common information/symbols.

-Access websites on the internet

-Internet safety


Check out the full timetables at:


Or visit www.fetchcourses.ie to search for a course near you

Email: info@cmetb.ie for all enquiries/applications

CMETB Courses @ Bailieborough Business Centre

Volunteer Cavan

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vol 2