Bailieborough News Thursday 21st January 2016

Bailieborough News. January 21st  2016.  Matthew J. Cullen.

Bailieborough Shamrocks Ladies AGM:

Due to the wintry weather conditions last weekend the Ladies AGM was rescheduled for Friday next January 22nd at 8.30pm in St Anne’s Park. We encourage parents, players and anyone with an interest in developing Gaelic football for Ladies and Girls to come along. Refreshments afterwards.


St. Anne’s Church Carpark:

Work on resurfacing the carpark began last Thursday and the Chapel Road side of the carpark was completed. Weather conditions forced the cancellation of work on Friday but hopefully weather permitting it will be finished by next weekend. Access and parking restrictions will be in place and those attending Church Services are advised to use the Chapel Road carpark. Those who use the main carpark for long term parking or for school pick-up are advised not to use it until the resurfacing work is complete. Thank you for your continued co-operation.



Annual Round Table Quiz in the Bailie Hotel Ballroom on Friday, 5th February at 8pm sharp.  Teams of four €40.  Special ‘early bird’ round for extra points if you arrive on time!! All welcome.


Leisure Centre News: January Membership Special:

2 month Pool and Gym membership €80.00.

Easter intensive Swimming Lessons, now booking.  Week beginning March 28th. All levels catered for. One hour, 5 days, €65.00.

€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.

Adult Swimming Lessons, Monday at 11am, Wednesday at 8pm, mixed ability class.

Swim Fitness/ Tri Train Class with Janis, Monday and Tuesday nights. Improve your Swimming Technique and fitness.

Pilates: Wednesday am at 10.00, Step Aerobics Wednesday night, call for more details 042 9666644.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.



:Parents seeking to enroll their child or children in St. Anne’s N.S. for the 2016/2017 school year are requested to return a completed Enrolment Application from during January 2016.  Application forms are available from the school office by phoning 042 9665242.  Closing date for receipt of Enrolment forms is Friday, 29th January, 2016.


Senior’s Alert Scheme:


Seniors’ Alert Scheme providing panic buttons for eligible older people living in our community is co-ordinated by our local Vincent DePaul. If you know anyone who may be eligible and in need of a panic button please call 087-6847434.


“The Tide”:


A comic tragedy play set in Leitrim – Cavan.  Two very different people meet on Leitrim’s only beach with a shared problem.  They both come to a solution which they think will get their lives “back” on track.  Come see this play in the Ramor Theatre Friday the 29th and Saturday the 30th of January at 8pm.

The cast is made up of local actors Conor Sheridan, Mary Cronin and Neil (Doogie) Donnelly.  Written by Tara Maire Lovett. Phone 0498547074 to book.




Education Guidance for all adults at the Library at 3pm on first Tuesday of each month. Free service run by ETB. Information on courses available, funding and grants.



Enrolment  for  new  junior infants for  the  new  school  year  September  2016 /2017  is  now  taking  place. Please contact the office on 042 9665689 or by email at: by Friday, April 8th 2016.



One Day SAFE PASS Training Course at Bailieborough Business Centre on Thursday 21st January. Cost is €100 with lunch included. Delivered by Cathal Bannon. Call 042 9694716 for more details.


Computers for Beginners – Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre.

Would you like to be able to surf the internet, shop on-line, pay bills on-line, learn some basic computer skills. Don’t get left behind in 2016. Call 042-969-4716 and we will be get you up and running. Course is 2 hours once a week for 4 weeks €10. Come along, bring a friend enjoy the friendly relaxed atmosphere of the class and the centre.


is currently inviting applications for enrolment for 2016-2017.  Forms are available directly from the school, by phoning 042 9665605 or by emailing: download from website: under the Scoil Documents section.  Completed forms to be returned to the school by Friday, 29th January, 2016.



Skills for Farmers

 Free Classes for farmers at Bailieborough Business Centre – 1 evening per week for 8-14 weeks. Learn E-mail, Online Herd Registration, Farm Record Keeping and Communications. Classes run from 7 in the evening, small class sizes, friendly atmosphere, ample parking. Call 042-969-4716 or 087-929-3531 for more details and to book your place.


Bailieborough Shamrocks Under 6’s:

The Bailieborough Shamrocks Under 6’s train each Saturday morning in the sports complex beside Bailieborough Community School. It’s from 11am to 12 Midday. Anyone wishing to attend just needs runners and a tracksuit each week along with €2. All new members welcome. Frank Cooney’s mobile number is 087 2224887. Parents if you send your contact details to Frank he will include you on the weekly text informing you about training.


Web Design Classes:

Web Design Classes at Bailieborough Business Centre starting Tuesday and Thursday Afternoons at Bailieborough Business Centre. QQI Level 4. Call 042-969-4716 for more details.


Walk, Jog Or Run….

Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.


Computers for Improvers

 If you have taken a beginners class and want to learn more. Offering QQI Level 3, all work is class based, all assignments done in class, one morning per week for 14 weeks. Call 042-969-4716 for more details.


Oral Irish Workshop:

Oral Irish Workshop at the Library on Saturday, March 5th from 2.30pm-5pm for Leaving Cert students. Places are limited at €5 per student. An essential boost for your oral Irish exam preparation. Phone 042 9665779 for further info.



Health and Safety Awareness

 This is a great course which will cover basic Health and Safety in the workplace and will also cover defibrillators, first aid and basic fire safety training.  All for Free. One evening per week. Call 042-969-4716 / 087-972-1103 for more details.


Bailieborough Women’s Group:

Bailieborough Women’s Group will resume their activities on Friday afternoon next, January 22nd meeting in the Community Centre, Chapel Road from 2.00pm to 4.00pm and fortnightly thereafter. New members are most welcome.




Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for January 2016:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church for the Months of January and February –Saturday 23rd January (Deacon Damien), Sunday 24th January (Fr. Michael), Saturday 13th February (Deacon Damien), Sunday 14th February (Fr. Michael), Saturday 27th February (Deacon Damien) and Sunday 28th February (Fr. Michael). Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.



Indoor Hurling returns next Friday in the Community School Sports Hall Under 6/8’s from 6.00 to 7.00pm and under 10’s from 7.00pm to 8.00pm.

Registration for all players for the 2016 season will be on Friday, 29th January in the Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall from 6pm for all from the    Bailieborough/Shercock/Knockbride area. Under 6 all the way to Minor (Under 18).  The fee for registration is €15 per player for the year.

New members welcome.

Virginia Triathlon and Cycling Club:

Now accepting new members and membership renewals. The club meets regularly for running sessions at Ramor GFC, Main Street Virginia on Thursday evenings at 8pm and cycle rides from outside Premier Cycles, Virginia on Sunday mornings at 9.30 am. All abilities welcome, please contact Niamh Maloney on 0861717109 for further details.



 Do you need someone to talk to?  Senior Help Line is a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland.  LoCall 1850 440 444.  Senior Help Line is open every day of the year, from 10am to 10pm.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.



Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News Thursday January 7th 2016

Bailieborough News. January 7th 2016.  Matthew J. Cullen.

Local Booklet:

There is great demand for the Booklet re Lough-an -Leagh and Muff. To make it easier for people to get the booklet, some shops will have it available from now on. The shops are the Corner Court and Neville Halls in Bailieborough, the Well shop in Kingscourt and Leo Maguire’s shop, also in Kingscourt.


Bailieborough Athletic Club:

Bailieborough AC would like to thank all who attended their Annual Christmas Fun Run on St Stephen’s Day. It was an extremely successful event despite the weather and there was a great turnout of people from both near and far. The club would like to especially thank Link Credit Union for their sponsorship towards the event, Noeleen and Madge from the local Civil Defence and those who donated spot prizes on the day. The club will be making a contribution to the Kevin Bell Repatriation Fund and SOSAD from the proceeds of the day. Bailieborough AC would like to thank everyone for their continued support throughout the year and wish you all a Happy New Year.


Leisure Centre News:

Children’s Swimming Lessons starting January 2016 – Book Now!!

Why not give a set of Swimming Lessons for the New Year!! 4 Week set of Lessons €40.00–Mondays at 11:00am or Wednesdays at 8:00pm.
Starts second week of January at Bailieborough Leisure Centre.

Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free.  2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).

Prize Draw.  Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members.  All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.

€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Social Dancing:

Two of the best musicians on this scene, Robert Browne and Breege Kelly will team up together for a great night in the Community Centre on Saturday night next, 9th of January. Dancing will be from 10.00 till 12.30 with a free draw for party prizes. Usual refreshments will also be served. All welcome.


Senior’s Alert Scheme:

Seniors’ Alert Scheme providing panic buttons for eligible older people living in our community is co-ordinated by our local Vincent DePaul. If you know anyone who may be eligible and in need of a panic button please call 087-6847434.



One Day SAFE PASS Training Course at Bailieborough Business Centre on Thursday 21st January. Cost is €100 with lunch included. Delivered by Cathal Bannon. Call 042 9694716 for more details.



Pilates Classes resume in Bailieborough Leisure Centre on Wednesday morning 13th January for 6 weeks.

Classes on other days also available at Cornakill, Mullagh.

Please contact Julie 086 3283943, email or see for more details.



Computers for Beginners – Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre.

Would you like to be able to surf the internet, shop on-line, pay bills on-line, learn some basic computer skills. Don’t get left behind in 2016. Call 042-969-4716 and we will be get you up and running. Course is 2 hours once a week for 4 weeks €10. Come along, bring a friend enjoy the friendly relaxed atmosphere of the class and the centre.


Mince Pie Walk:

The ‘Mince Pie’ Walk held on Monday, December 28th organised by members of the Bailieborough Walking Club in aid of Parkinson’s Association was a huge success. Sincere thanks to all involved on the day for the very generous donation of €961. Well done everyone.


Skills for Farmers

Free Classes for farmers at Bailieborough Business Centre – 1 evening per week for 8-14 weeks. Learn E-mail, Online Herd Registration, Farm Record Keeping and Communications. Classes run from 7 in the evening, small class sizes, friendly atmosphere, ample parking. Call 042-969-4716 or 087-929-3531 for more details and to book your place.


Holy Hour:

The monthly ‘Holy Hour’—hosted by Direction for Our Times will take place on Thursday evening, January 7th in St Anne’s Church, beginning at 8 p.m. This will be followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All are welcome.



Computers for Improvers

 If you have taken a beginners class and want to learn more. Offering QQI Level 3, all work is class based, all assignments done in class, one morning per week for 14 weeks. Call 042-969-4716 for more details.



resumes on Tuesday evening, January 12th at 6.15pm and 7.30pm in the Presbyterian Hall, Bailieborough. New members welcome. Further information call Anne 087 2601564.


Health and Safety Awareness

 This is a great course which will cover basic Health and Safety in the workplace and will also cover defibrillators, first aid and basic fire safety training.  All for Free. One evening per week. Call 042-969-4716 / 087-972-1103 for more details.




Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for January 2016:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church for the Months of January and February –Saturday 9th January (Deacon Damien), Sunday 10th January (Fr. Michael), Saturday 23rd January (Deacon Damien), Sunday 24th January (Fr. Michael), Saturday 13th February (Deacon Damien), Sunday 14th February (Fr. Michael), Saturday 27th February (Deacon Damien) and Sunday 28th February (Fr. Michael). Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.




We come to the end of another positive year for hurling development here at East Cavan Gaels. With teams now playing from Under 6 to Under 18 we are only a couple of steps from achieving the plan to provide hurling for all ages by 2017. This could not be done without the help of our players, their parents, our coaches and mentors, our sponsors and our friends in the local sports clubs. All our teams have been very competitive this year, our U12s narrowly losing the Championship Final, our U14s winning the Championship Shield, our U16s reached their first ever Championship Final and our Minors will take to the field for the first time. The addition of both U6 and U18 have been very positive developments as nearly all ages are now catered for in our club. Here are but a few pictures from a great years hurling. We look forward with confidence to 2016 and even more success on the field. Happy New Year.


Do you need someone to talk to?  Senior Help Line is a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland.  LoCall 1850 440 444.  Senior Help Line is open every day of the year, from 10am to 10pm.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.



Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Wishing all readers, a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.



Bailieborough News Thursday 24th December 2015

Bailieborough News. December 24th  2015. Matthew J. Cullen.

Break-In at St. Anne’s Church:

A break-in occurred at St. Anne’s Church on Wednesday morning last at 4.30am. Three windows were broken in the process and some musical instruments and equipment—used at the previous night’s Nativity Play were stolen. However due to the very good work of the local Gardai, and with the help of the Chapel’s CCTV, the culprit was caught and the stolen goods located. Thank you to the Gardai for bringing this matter to such a swift conclusion.


Christmas Mass times in the Parish of Killann:

Bailieborough: Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th: Mass at 6.00pm and 12 midnight. Mass on Christmas Day at 11.00am.

Confessions will take place in St. Anne’s from 12 noon to 3.00pm on Christmas Eve.

Killann: Mass on Christmas Eve at 8.00pm. Mass on Christmas Day at 10.00am.

Shercock: Mass on Christmas Eve at 10.00pm. Mass on Christmas Day at 11.30am.


Bailieborough Group of Parishes—Christmas Services:

Christmas Eve: Holy Communion in Shercock at 7.00pm and Mullagh at 8.30pm.

Christmas Day Celebrations: Christmas Day Service in Bailieborough at 10am and Knockbride at 11.30am.


Hardtimes Chorus:

A sincere ‘Thank You’ to all who supported our recent fundraising show ‘Seasons of Love’. The net proceeds raised were donated to Cavan Palliative Care €2,077 and Bailieborough Community School Music Facilities €500. Well done everyone.



Congratulations to the Bailieborough Community School Senior GAA side who defeated Breifne College on Thursday evening last in the County Final on the 3G pitch.  The final score was 1-12 to 2-6. This is the first time in over 20 years that the school has claimed the title! Well done to all involved.


Annual Fun Run and Walk:

Bailieborough Athletic Club’s Annual 5 mile Christmas Fun Run and Walk will take place on St. Stephen’s Day 2015, starting from the Market Square, Bailieborough. Walker’s will begin at 12 noon and Runners/Joggers will begin at 12:30pm. Adult entry of €10 and all children go free. Prizes will be awarded for the top three Male and Female finishers. All support is most welcome.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd are holding their Annual Santa Christmas Carol Singing on Christmas Eve from 10.30am to 2.00pm on Main Street. We would appreciate your support.


Nativity Plays:

Well done to the students and the teachers of St. Anne’s N.S. and St. Felim’s N.S. for staging two wonderful Nativity Plays in St. Anne’s Church on Tuesday night and Thursday night last. They helped get everyone into the Christmas Spirit!!!


Leisure Centre News: Membership Special:

Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free.  2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).

Prize Draw.  Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members.  All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.

€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Senior’s Alert Scheme:

Seniors’ Alert Scheme providing panic buttons for eligible older people living in our community is co-ordinated by our local Vincent DePaul. If you know anyone who may be eligible and in need of a panic button please call 087-6847434.


Christmas Fundraising Walk:

 Bailieborough Walking Group will hold a Charity ‘Mince Pie’ Walk on Monday, December 28th commencing at 11am. The walk will start and finish at Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Rd. Walking to the forest and around the Castle Lake. Distances to walk are optional, returning to the Business Centre for refreshments. Voluntary donations in aid of Parkinson’s Disease. All welcome.



Bridge Results for the Turkey Competition on Tuesday, December 1st: 1st: Sean Kelleher and Patsy Corcoran; 2nd: Elizabeth Murphy and Rosaleen Mackey; Best Gross: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson; 3rd: Betty Olwell and Noreen Maguire; 4th: Rosaleen Keegan and Pauline McEvoy; 5th: Ann Brady and Una Mansell.

Bridge Results for Tuesday, December 8th: 1st: Maresa Liggan and Noreen Maguire; 2nd: Teresa O’Reilly and Una Stafford; Best Gross: Rosaleen Mackey and Kathy O’Sullivan; 3rd: Betty Olwell and Olive McCabe.

Bridge Results for the Christmas Prizes on Tuesday, December 15th,: 1st: Mona McCormack and Eilish Reynolds; 2nd: Marie McNicholas and Maresa Liggan; Best Gross: Joy Jameson and Teresa O’Reilly; 3rd: Pauline McEvoy and Rosaleen Keegan;  4th: Noreen Maguire and Betty Olwell;  5th: Rose Brennan and Patty Clarke.  Congratulations to all Prize Winners.

Reminder:  The GRAHAM CUP will take place on Sunday, January 3rd 2016 in The Bailie Hotel at 7.00 pm.  Complimentary tea, coffee, sandwiches and biscuits will be served.  Weekly Club Bridge resumes at 7.30 pm on Tues, Jan 5th 2016.  Happy Christmas to all club members and Good Luck and Best Wishes in 2016 to all.


Christmas Day Swim,:

This will be will the 22nd  year of the Swim. The brave souls will be taking the plunge at 12.30pm on Christmas morning on the Cavan Road side of the Town Lake.  Be part of this event! All proceeds go towards the Leisure Centre Extension Fund. All welcome.


Charity Machinery Run:

A Charity Machinery Run in aid of “Vincey McGee Benefit Fund”, “Blood Bikes North East” and “For Lil Jakes Sake” will take place on Sunday next, 27th December from P+S Quarry, Stradone and Community Centre Ballinagh at12 noon to finish in the Cavan Equestrian Centre, also 5km walk from Equestrian Centre, your support would be greatly appreciated.


SAFE PASS: January 21, 2016.

1 Day SAFE PASS Training Course at Bailieborough Business Centre on Thursday 21st January. Cost is €100 with lunch included. Delivered by Cathal Bannon. Call 042 9694716 for more details.


Computers for Beginners – Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre.

Would you like to be able to surf the internet, shop on-line, pay bills on-line, learn some basic computer skills. Don’t get left behind in 2016. Call 042-969-4716 and we will be get you up and running. Course is 2 hours once a week for 4 weeks €10. Come along, bring a friend enjoy the friendly relaxed atmosphere of the class and the centre.


Skills for Farmers

Free Classes for farmers at Bailieborough Business Centre – 1 evening per week for 8-14 weeks. Learn E-mail, Online Herd Registration, Farm Record Keeping and Communications. Classes run from 7 in the evening, small class sizes, friendly atmosphere, ample parking. Call 042-969-4716 or 087-929-3531 for more details and to book your place.


Computers for Improvers

If you have taken a beginners class and want to learn more. Offering QQI Level 3, all work is class based, all assignments done in class, one morning per week for 14 weeks. Call 042-969-4716 for more details.


Health and Safety Awareness

– This is a great course which will cover basic Health and Safety in the workplace and will also cover defibrillators, first aid and basic fire safety training.  All for Free. One evening per week. Call 042-969-4716 / 087-972-1103 for more details.




Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for January 2016:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, January 9th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, January 10th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, January 23rd (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, January 24th (Fr. Michael).  Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.



East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 21st December 2015

Under 6/8/10; Our season came to an end on both the Thursday in Kingscourt and Friday in Bailieborough. Well done to all of our players and their parents for all of their hard work. With over 75 training nights and blitzes and matches from January through to December it was a very productive year. The very best of luck to our Under 10 players who now make the big move up to Under 12 for 2016. Registration, for all players for the 2016 season, will be on 28th January in Kingscourt and 29th January in Bailieborough and, as always, new players are very welcome.

Bailieborough/Shercock U10s.


Bailieborough/Shercock U6/8s.

Kingscourt U6/8s.

Kingscourt U10s.


Under 13; The finals night has been rescheduled to the New Year owing to the unfavourable weather conditions.

Schools Football finals; A huge congratulations to our friends in Bailieborough Community School whose Senior football side claimed the Cavan title for the first time in over 20 years. ECG HC men to the fore were Captain David Rogers, vice-Captain Rory Farrell, man of the match Phillip Rogers and to Stephen Reilly and Kyle McGuinness. The whole community is very proud of your achievements.

Hurling training times and venues; All training for all groups has now finished for 2015. Thanks to everyone for their outstanding commitment to hurling and its development. To our players and to their parents, to our coaches and managers and the entire community who continue to encourage hurling development in the region. 2016 promises even more of the same if not more!
We wish everyone a happy, safe and peaceful Christmas and look forward to a very prosperous New Year both on and off the hurling fields.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.



Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.


Alcoholics Anonymous

: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Wishing all readers, a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.



Bailieborough News Thursday 17th December 2015

Bailieborough News. December 17th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


Blessing of St. Felim’s National School, The Vale:

Bishop Leo O’Reilly blessed the new extension to St. Felim’s N.S. on last Friday at 12noon. The extension is a wonderful addition to the school and a great achievement by all involved. Congratulations to the principal Ms. Cathriona Meegan, to the staff, Board of Management, students and parents for all their efforts in developing the school to such a high standard.


will take place on Thursday night—December 17th— in St Anne’s Church at 8 p.m. All welcome.



Olivia Clarke and Family, Killann would like to thank everyone who donated to her CD Launch in aid of Cancer Support held recently in the Hotel Bailie. A total of €5,220 was raised and was divided equally between Shercock and Killann Cancer Society and Bailieborough Cancer Society.


Jubilee Year of Mercy:

On the fourth Sunday of Advent (December 20th ), a ‘Holy Door’ will be opened and blessed at a communal celebration of the Sacrament of Penance in St. Anne’s Church. The Service will begin at 3pm and all priests and people in the eight parishes within this deanery are welcome to attend. A Reconciliation Service will take place during this celebration and several priests from the local areas will be present to administer the Sacrament.


Bailieborough’s Fittest Family:

Congratulations to all the O’Sullivan family on winning Bailieborough’s ‘Fittest Family’ event, held on Sunday last. Individual winners were: 10k winner Juirie Vizibiu, 5k Natalia Zbirnea, 3k Francis Clarke, 1k Lily Gregory.  A big thank you to Mags Gregory, Leah Gregory,  Emily Gregory,  Fiona Gargan,  Niall Crossan,  Jimmy O’Dowd, Conor Sheridan and all the rest of helpers and all who took part. Happy Christmas and a big thank you to Lorraine Harris ‘Supervalu’ Bailieboro for her help and sponsorship and to all of our other sponsors.


Christmas Mass times in the Parish of Killann:

Bailieborough: Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th: Mass at 6.00pm and 12 midnight. Mass on Christmas Day at 11.00am.

Killann: Mass on Christmas Eve at 8.00pm. Mass on Christmas Day at 10.00am.

Shercock: Mass on Christmas Eve at 10.00pm. Mass on Christmas Day at 11.30am.



Bailieborough Group of Parishes—Christmas Services:

Saturday, December 19th: ‘A Quiet Christmas’ in Bailieborough Church of Ireland at 3.00pm.

Sunday, December 20th: ‘Carols for All’ in Shercock at 11am. ‘Carols for All’ in Mullagh at 2pm.

There will be a Traditional Carol Service in Bailieborough Church of Ireland at 7:30pm on Sunday 20th December.  An open invitation is extended to all so come along!

Christmas Eve: Holy Communion in Shercock at 7.00pm and Mullagh at 8.30pm.

Christmas Day Celebrations: Christmas Day Service in Bailieborough at 10am and Knockbride at 11.30am.


Annual Fun Run and Walk:

Bailieborough Athletic Club’s Annual 5 mile Christmas Fun Run and Walk will take place on St. Stephen’s Day 2015, starting from the Market Square, Bailieborough. Walker’s will begin at 12 noon and Runners/Joggers will begin at 12:30pm. Adult entry of €10 and all children go free. Prizes will be awarded for the top three Male and Female finishers. All support is most welcome.



Bailieborough School of Music—Carol Service’: 

Bailieborough School of Music are holding a ‘Carol Service’ in St Anne’s Church at 8pm on Friday next , December 18th. This will be a reflective evening, an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of Christmas, listening to some well know traditional Carols and seasonal readings.

The School of Music’s Annual Christmas Concert will take place on Saturday next, December 19th at 2.30pm in the Community School. Everyone is welcome.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd are holding their Annual Santa Christmas Carol Singing on Christmas Eve from 10.30am to 2.00pm on Main Street. We would appreciate your support.


St. Anne’s Church Carpark: 

Weather permitting resurfacing work may begin this week on the carpark. Roadstone have advised that they cannot lay the asphalt until there is a reasonable chance of the right weather conditions. If the resurfacing does go ahead parking restrictions will be in place and those attending church services or other events in the Church are advised to use the Chapel Road Carpark. Unfortunately due to building work the Community School Car Park will no longer be available for use.


Leisure Centre News: Membership Special:

Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free.  2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).

Prize Draw.  Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members.  All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.

€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.



are holding an OPEN EVENING in the school on Thursday, 17th December from 6 to 7.30pm.  Past, present and future families are invited to come along and experience life in Tunnyduff School. Enrolments for September 2016 can also be taken on the evening. Children welcome to come along.



: St. Anne’s Conference in Bailieborough once again appeal to your generosity. Last year, we helped up to 250 families with food, heating and education. We also arrange installation of alarms for the elderly. We work in the Bailieborough, Shercock, Knockbride and Tierworker areas. Our work is made possible by your generosity. Once again, please give what you can.  Thank you for your support during the year. Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas. St. Vincent DePaul contact telephone number is: 087 684 7434.  Christmas Cards on sale in Vincent’s Shop, Main Street, €5 for a pack of 10 cards.



on Wednesday, 16th December from 2-6pm in the Community Centre. Dinner followed by music, song and dancing. Also spot prizes. All members are welcome to attend.



Senior’s Alert Scheme:

Seniors’ Alert Scheme providing panic buttons for eligible older people living in our community is co-ordinated by our local Vincent DePaul. If you know anyone who may be eligible and in need of a panic button please call 087-6847434.


Christmas Fundraising Walk:

 Bailieborough Walking Group will hold a Charity Walk on Monday, December 28th commencing at 11am. The walk will start and finish at Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Rd. Walking to the forest and around the Castle Lake. Distances to walk are optional, returning to the Business Centre for refreshments. Voluntary donations in aid of Parkinson’s Disease. All welcome.


Computers for Beginners:

January 5, 2016 – January 29, 2016.

Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre. Would you like to be able to surf the internet, shop on-line, pay bills on-line and learn some basic computer skills. Call 042 9694716 and we will get you up and running. Course is 2 hours once a week for 4 weeks €10. Come along, bring a friend enjoy the friendly relaxed atmosphere of the class and the centre.



Our last session for this year will be on Friday, 18th December. A very enjoyable trip to the theatre to see Mary Poppins was enjoyed by all. Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas and 2016.


SAFE PASS: January 21, 2016.

1 Day SAFE PASS Training Course at Bailieborough Business Centre on Thursday 21st January. Cost is €100 with lunch included. Delivered by Cathal Bannon. Call 042 9694716 for more details.



Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.


Baptism Dates in St. Annes for December/ January 2016:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, January 9th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, January 10th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, January 23rd (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, January 24th (Fr. Michael).  Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.



East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 14th December 2015


Under 6/8/10; One more round each for the Kingscourt crew on Thursday and the Bailieborough crew on Friday will bring an end to another exceptional years hurling for these boys.

Bailieborough U10s.


Under 13; The finals night has been rescheduled to the new year owing to the unfavourable weather conditions.

Under 18; The first round of the Minor Championship was due to be played v Woodford on Saturday last but snow on the 3G forced its postponement. It will likely be played in the New Year.

Schools Football finals; The very best wishes to Bailieborough Community School Junior and Senior football sides as they go in search of silverware on the 3G on Thursday night next. A lot of East Cavan Gaels Hurling boys on both sides. A big occasion for the Senior side as they have gone close many times in the past 20 years. Senior Captain David Rogers and Vice-Captain Rory Farrell play leading roles for our club also. Maybe 2015 is their year.

Hurling training times and venues; Under 6/8/10;

Kingscourt group; Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.

Bailieborough group;

Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro. Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.

Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
Under 12/14/16/18;  All training has now finished for the year. Well done to all for their huge commitment to hurling this past year.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.



Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.

The Model School,

Bailieborough were the overall winners of the Bailieborough Community Choir Competition held on Saturday night in Trinity Hall. The three 6th class students who also won individual awards for their excellent poems were Ruth Waller, Aaron Wilson and Faedhla Holland. The Model School get the Bailieborough Community Choir Perpetual Trophy for the year. Well done to all.


The Model School Christmas Carol Service will take place in Trinity Church on Monday December 21st at 2pm. The parents Association are holding a cake sale in Trinity Hall afterwards. Everyone is very welcome.

Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.

Bailieborough News, Thursday 17th December 2015.

Bailieborough News. December 17th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen

Blessing of St. Felim’s National School, The Vale

Bishop Leo O’Reilly blessed the new extension to St. Felim’s N.S. on last Friday at 12noon. The extension is a wonderful addition to the school and a great achievement by all involved. Congratulations to the principal Ms. Cathriona Meegan, to the staff, Board of Management, students and parents for all their efforts in developing the school to such a high standard.

St Felim’s N.S. Carol Service

will take place on Thursday night—December 17th— in St Anne’s Church at 8 p.m. All welcome.

CD Launch

Olivia Clarke and Family, Killann would like to thank everyone who donated to her CD Launch in aid of Cancer Support held recently in the Hotel Bailie. A total of €5,220 was raised and was divided equally between Shercock and Killann Cancer Society and Bailieborough Cancer Society.

Jubilee Year of Mercy

On the fourth Sunday of Advent (December 20th ), a ‘Holy Door’ will be opened and blessed at a communal celebration of the Sacrament of Penance in St. Anne’s Church. The Service will begin at 3pm and all priests and people in the eight parishes within this deanery are welcome to attend. A Reconciliation Service will take place during this celebration and several priests from the local areas will be present to administer the Sacrament.

Bailieborough’s Fittest Family

Congratulations to all the O’Sullivan family on winning Bailieborough’s ‘Fittest Family’ event, held on Sunday last. Individual winners were: 10k winner Juirie Vizibiu, 5k Natalia Zbirnea, 3k Francis Clarke, 1k Lily Gregory.  A big thank you to Mags Gregory, Leah Gregory,  Emily Gregory,  Fiona Gargan,  Niall Crossan,  Jimmy O’Dowd, Conor Sheridan and all the rest of helpers and all who took part. Happy Christmas and a big thank you to Lorraine Harris ‘Supervalu’ Bailieboro for her help and sponsorship and to all of our other sponsors.

Christmas Mass Times in the Parish of Killann

Bailieborough: Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th: Mass at 6.00pm and 12 midnight. Mass on Christmas Day at 11.00am.

Killann: Mass on Christmas Eve at 8.00pm. Mass on Christmas Day at 10.00am.

Shercock: Mass on Christmas Eve at 10.00pm. Mass on Christmas Day at 11.30am.

Bailieborough Group of Parishes – Christmas Services

Saturday, December 19th: ‘A Quiet Christmas’ in Bailieborough Church of Ireland at 3.00pm.

Sunday, December 20th: ‘Carols for All’ in Shercock at 11am. ‘Carols for All’ in Mullagh at 2pm.

There will be a Traditional Carol Service in Bailieborough Church of Ireland at 7:30pm on Sunday 20th December.  An open invitation is extended to all so come along!

Christmas Eve: Holy Communion in Shercock at 7.00pm and Mullagh at 8.30pm.

Christmas Day Celebrations: Christmas Day Service in Bailieborough at 10am and Knockbride at 11.30am.

Annual Fun Run and Walk

Bailieborough Athletic Club’s Annual 5 mile Christmas Fun Run and Walk will take place on St. Stephen’s Day 2015, starting from the Market Square, Bailieborough. Walker’s will begin at 12 noon and Runners/Joggers will begin at 12:30pm. Adult entry of €10 and all children go free. Prizes will be awarded for the top three Male and Female finishers. All support is most welcome.

Bailieborough School of Music – Carol Service

Bailieborough School of Music are holding a ‘Carol Service’ in St Anne’s Church at 8pm on Friday next , December 18th. This will be a reflective evening, an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of Christmas, listening to some well know traditional Carols and seasonal readings.

The School of Music’s Annual Christmas Concert will take place on Saturday next, December 19th at 2.30pm in the Community School. Everyone is welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd are holding their Annual Santa Christmas Carol Singing on Christmas Eve from 10.30am to 2.00pm on Main Street. We would appreciate your support.

St Anne’s Church Carpark

Weather permitting resurfacing work may begin this week on the carpark. Roadstone have advised that they cannot lay the asphalt until there is a reasonable chance of the right weather conditions. If the resurfacing does go ahead parking restrictions will be in place and those attending church services or other events in the Church are advised to use the Chapel Road Carpark. Unfortunately due to building work the Community School Car Park will no longer be available for use.

Leisure Centre News; Membership Special

Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free.  2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).

Prize Draw.  Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members.  All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.

€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.

St Brigid’s National School, Tunnyduff

are holding an OPEN EVENING in the school on Thursday, 17th December from 6 to 7.30pm.  Past, present and future families are invited to come along and experience life in Tunnyduff School. Enrolments for September 2016 can also be taken on the evening. Children welcome to come along.

St Vincent DePaul Annual Appeal

St. Anne’s Conference in Bailieborough once again appeal to your generosity. Last year, we helped up to 250 families with food, heating and education. We also arrange installation of alarms for the elderly. We work in the Bailieborough, Shercock, Knockbride and Tierworker areas. Our work is made possible by your generosity. Once again, please give what you can.  Thank you for your support during the year. Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas. St. Vincent DePaul contact telephone number is: 087 684 7434.  Christmas Cards on sale in Vincent’s Shop, Main Street, €5 for a pack of 10 cards.

Bailieborough Social Day Centre: Annual Christmas Party

on Wednesday, 16th December from 2-6pm in the Community Centre. Dinner followed by music, song and dancing. Also spot prizes. All members are welcome to attend.

Senior’s Alert Scheme

Seniors’ Alert Scheme providing panic buttons for eligible older people living in our community is co-ordinated by our local Vincent DePaul. If you know anyone who may be eligible and in need of a panic button please call 087-6847434.

Christmas Fundraising Walk

Bailieborough Walking Group will hold a Charity Walk on Monday, December 28th commencing at 11am. The walk will start and finish at Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Rd. Walking to the forest and around the Castle Lake. Distances to walk are optional, returning to the Business Centre for refreshments. Voluntary donations in aid of Parkinson’s Disease. All welcome.

Computers for Beginners

Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre. Would you like to be able to surf the internet, shop on-line, pay bills on-line and learn some basic computer skills. Call 042 9694716 and we will get you up and running. Course is 2 hours once a week for 4 weeks €10. Come along, bring a friend enjoy the friendly relaxed atmosphere of the class and the centre.

Bailieborough Women’s Group

Our last session for this year will be on Friday, 18th December. A very enjoyable trip to the theatre to see Mary Poppins was enjoyed by all. Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas and 2016.


1 Day SAFE PASS Training Course at Bailieborough Business Centre on Thursday 21st January. Cost is €100 with lunch included. Delivered by Cathal Bannon. Call 042 9694716 for more details.



Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.

Baptism Dates in St. Anne’s for December / January 2016

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, January 9th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, January 10th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, January 23rd (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, January 24th (Fr. Michael).  Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.

East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 14th December 2015

Under 6/8/10; One more round each for the Kingscourt crew on Thursday and the Bailieborough crew on Friday will bring an end to another exceptional years hurling for these boys.

Under 13; The finals night has been rescheduled to the new year owing to the unfavourable weather conditions.

Under 18; The first round of the Minor Championship was due to be played v Woodford on Saturday last but snow on the 3G forced its postponement. It will likely be played in the New Year.

Schools Football finals; The very best wishes to Bailieborough Community School Junior and Senior football sides as they go in search of silverware on the 3G on Thursday night next. A lot of East Cavan Gaels Hurling boys on both sides. A big occasion for the Senior side as they have gone close many times in the past 20 years. Senior Captain David Rogers and Vice-Captain Rory Farrell play leading roles for our club also. Maybe 2015 is their year.

Hurling training times and venues; Under 6/8/10;

Kingscourt group; Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.

Bailieborough group;

Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro. Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.

Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.
Under 12/14/16/18;  All training has now finished for the year. Well done to all for their huge commitment to hurling this past year.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Citizens Information

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.

The Samaritans

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

Bailieborough Community Choir Competition Winners

The Model School, Bailieborough were the overall winners of the Bailieborough Community Choir Competition held on Saturday night in Trinity Hall. The three 6th class students who also won individual awards for their excellent poems were Ruth Waller, Aaron Wilson and Faedhla Holland. The Model School get the Bailieborough Community Choir Perpetual Trophy for the year. Well done to all.

The Model School Christmas Carol Service will take place in Trinity Church on Monday December 21st at 2pm. The parents Association are holding a cake sale in Trinity Hall afterwards. Everyone is very welcome.


If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.

Bailieborough News Thursday 10th December 2015

Bailieborough News. December 10th  2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


Jubilee Year of Mercy:

On Tuesday last, Pope Francis launched the Holy Year of Mercy in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. In the past few days, Bishop Leo has designated St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough, as a place of Pilgrimage during the Holy Year of Mercy, in addition to the Cathedral in Cavan, for the convenience of those living in the deanery area. On the fourth Sunday of Advent (December 20th ), a ‘Holy Door’ will be opened and blessed at a communal celebration of the Sacrament of Penance in St. Anne’s Church. The Service will begin at 3pm and all priests and people in the eight parishes within this deanery are welcome to attend.

Due to this new arrangement the Communal Celebration of the Sacrament of Penance originally planned in St. Anne’s at 7.30pm on Sunday next, December 13th has been cancelled in deference to the celebration on the 20th at 3pm. A Reconciliation Service will take place during this celebration and several priests from the local areas will be present to administer the Sacrament.


‘Seasons of Love’:

On Behalf of All The Hardtimes Chorus Crew, a Massive ‘Thank you’ to all who braved the bad weather to attend our ‘Seasons of Love Show’ in St Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on last Friday night—we hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed performing for you all. Such a great evening and such a great cause. Congratulations to all the performers and Sean and Claire O Reilly who worked so hard putting it together. Again, thanks so much for your support, helping us help others, no better feeling.


Bailieborough Community Choir:

Bailieborough Community Choir are holding a ‘Traditional Christmas Carol Service’ in Trinity Hall, Virginia Road, Bailieborough on Saturday evening next, December 12th at 8 pm. Primary school children will read their winning poetry on the night also. Voluntary donations at door. Supporting Bailieborough Mental Health Association. All welcome.


‘Bailie Fittest Family’:

‘Bailie Fittest Family’ will take place on Sunday next, December 13th. Fun day out for all the family. Registration takes place from 11 am at the Community Centre and the event will commence at 1 pm.  5 euro per person entry fee. Distances are 1k, 3k, 5k and 10k. Jog, walk, run or crawl!! One lucky family will win a full Christmas Shop! Refreshments after race in the Community Centre. For further details, please contact Tony Gregory.


Bailieborough Red Cross:

Thank you to everyone who braved the bad weather to come out to the recently held Annual Quiz Night. The money raised, including the generous donations received on the night will help towards funding our Branch’s varied work.

Congratulations to Marie Donaghue of Relaghan, Shercock, who was the winner of our ‘Guess the Trolley’ event held in ‘SuperValu’ on Saturday last. Marie’s guess of €136.75 was the nearest to the actual price of €136.59.

Thanks to everyone who bought a line and thanks also to Lorraine Harris and the staff of SuperValu, Bailieborough for all their support and help.


Christmas Mass times in the Parish of Killann:

Bailieborough: Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th: Mass at 6.00pm and 12 midnight. Mass on Christmas Day at 11.00am.

Killann: Mass on Christmas Eve at 8.00pm. Mass on Christmas Day at 10.00am.

Shercock: Mass on Christmas Eve at 10.00pm. Mass on Christmas Day at 11.30am.




winter cycling training taking place every Sunday morning from the Market Square, Bailieborough at 9am. This training will continue during the winter, weather permitting for all interested. All levels welcome.


Bailieborough Group of Parishes—Christmas Services:

Saturday, December 19th: ‘A Quiet Christmas’ in Bailieborough Church of Ireland at 3.00pm.

Sunday, December 20th: ‘Carols for All’ in Shercock at 11am. ‘Carols for All’ in Mullagh at 2pm.

‘Traditional Carol Service ‘in Bailieborough at 7.30pm. You are all warmly invited to the Rectory for mince pies after the Service!!

Christmas Eve: Holy Communion in Shercock at 7.00pm and Mullagh at 8.30pm.

Christmas Day Celebrations: Christmas Day Service in Bailieborough at 10am and Knockbride at 11.30am.


Annual Fun Run and Walk:

Bailieborough Athletic Club’s Annual 5 mile Christmas Fun Run and Walk will take place on St. Stephen’s Day 2015, starting from the Market Square, Bailieborough. Walker’s will begin at 12 noon and Runners/Joggers will begin at 12:30pm. Adult entry of €10 and all children go free. Prizes will be awarded for the top three Male and Female finishers. All support is most welcome.


Bailieborough Shamrock’s GAAAGM:

The Club’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday evening next, December 12th at 8.30pm in Clubhouse, St Anne’s Park. Everyone Welcome. All Nominations/Motions to be with Secretary (Ashling Renihan) or Chairman (Paddy McDonald) by Thursday, December 10th. Forms can be downloaded from the Club Website ( or Facebook page (


Blessing of St. Felim’s, National School, The Vale:

Bishop Leo O’Reilly will bless the new extension to St. Felim’s N.S. on Friday next, December11th at 12 noon. All parents of children currently enrolled in the school are invited to attend.


Bailieborough School of Music—Carol Service’:

Bailieborough School of Music are holding a ‘Carol Service’ in St Anne’s Church at 8pm on Friday, December 18th. This will be a reflective evening, an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of Christmas, listening to some well know traditional Carols and seasonal readings.

The School of Music’s Annual Christmas Concert will take place on Saturday, December 19th at 2.30pm in the Community School. Everyone is welcome.


Work on Church Car Park:

  Work on the Church car park and avenues at St. Annes continues this week—if the weather is favourable. Please be patient as access to parts of the car park and avenues will be limited at times. Those attending Church Services are advised to use the Chapel Road Carpark. Unfortunately due to continuing building work, the Community School Carpark will no longer be available for use.


Well Done:

Congratulations and well done to the players, management and teachers of Bailieborough Community School who saw the Schools Senior Soccer Side beat hot favourites Falcarragh by 1—0 in a stormy and tempestuous Donegal on Friday last. This tremendous result puts the team into the Ulster Schools Semi-Final which will be played at a later date.


Leisure Centre News: Membership Special:

Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free.  2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).

Prize Draw.  Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members.  All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.

€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Attention Business People:

Are you a small business owner? Do you work from home? Come and talk to BDA about our Hot Desk facilities for your business needs. We can provide email on, a Business Address, access to High Speed Broadband, Delivery Address, at packages tailored to suit your needs. For more details call : 042-969-4716.


St. Vincent DePaul Society Annual Appeal:

Bailieborough SVP work in the Bailieborough, Shercock, Knockbride and Tierworker areas. This year the Society supported up to 250 families. The type of support the Society provides is wide ranging but mostly they help people in need with basics such as food, heating and educational costs. They will spend 70,000 Euro in family support this year. It would simply be impossible to do this without your generous help and the Society thank you for your continuous support. The St. Vincent DePaul contact number is 087 684 7434.

You can support your local St. Vincent DePaul Society by buying their Christmas Cards on sale now in Vincent’s Shop, Anne Street–€5 for ten cards. Your continuous support is much appreciated.


Computers for Beginners:

Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre. Would you like to be able to surf the internet, shop on-line, pay bills on-line and learn some basic computer skills. Call 042-969-4716 and we will be get you up and running. Course is 2 hours once a week for 4 weeks €10. Come along, bring a friend enjoy the friendly relaxed atmosphere of the class and the centre.


Senior’s Alert Scheme:

Seniors’ Alert Scheme providing panic buttons for eligible older people living in our community is co-ordinated by our local Vincent DePaul. If you know anyone who may be eligible and in need of a panic button please call 087-6847434.



Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.


Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:

The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre.  Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.



Baptism Dates in St. Annes for December/ January 2016:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, January 9th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, January 10th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, January 23rd (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, January 24th (Fr. Michael).  Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.


Dancing Classes:

Learn to dance classes in Cross Hall, Mullagh on Friday night’s from9-11pm.  Light refreshments served..  All welcome. Contact 086 0702026 for further information.



East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 7th December 2015

Under 6/8/10; Storm Desmond made travelling conditions difficult and meant we cancelled last Fridays training in Bailieborough. Two more weeks in Kingscourt and Bailieborough and we will wrap up for the year.

Under 13; Wednesday 9th December is Finals night and this will bring this groups very long season to an end.

Under 18; The first round of the Minor Championship is due to be played  v Woodford hopefully next weekend!

Colin Gargan; A huge congratulations to our own Colin Gargan who won the All Ireland Under 13 Cross Country Championship in Dungarvan, Waterford this past weekend. Have we another John Treacey in our ranks?? Well done Colin on a great achievement..

Hurling training times and venues; Under 6/8/10;

Kingscourt group; Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.

Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.

Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
Under 12/14/16/18; Just the Minor squad to go before the season officially ends. Players will receive a text about training etc.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.



Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News Thursday 3rd December 2015

Bailieborough News. 5th December  2015. Matthew J. Cullen.

‘Seasons of Love’:

Hardtimes Chorus will unveil their new show entitled ‘Seasons of Love’ on this Friday night 4th December in St Anne’s Church Bailieborough at 8.30pm, doors open at 8pm. Come along enjoy a great nights music and song from our award winning choir and musicians and help Cavan Palliative Care and Bailieborough Community School Music Facilities. Tickets now on sale in Bailie Stores, Sandi Modes, Supervalu Bailieborough and Hotel Bailie, Tickets -€12. Spread the word and come along bring your family and friends for a terrific night’s entertainment.



The Bailieborough Church of Ireland Annual Christmas Sale will take place on
Saturday next, 5th December in the Church Hall.  Doors open at 2pm. Lots of Bargains. Everyone welcome, please come along and bring your friends.


Bailieborough Red Cross’:

The Bailieborough Red Cross annual Senior Christmas Party takes place in the Bailie Hotel on Wednesday December 2nd at 6.30pm.  Tickets will be delivered as usual by our volunteers.  To book a place or for more information, please phone 087 2346526.


Social Day Centre:

The next Get-Together of the Bailieborough Social Day Centre takes place on Wednesday, December 2nd from 2.30 pm to 4.30pm in the Community Centre, Chapel Road.



winter cycling training taking place every Sunday morning from the Market Square, Bailieborough at 9am. This training will continue during the winter, weather permitting for all interested. All levels welcome.


Confessions for Christmas:

A Service of Reconciliation for Christmas will take place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Sunday, December 13th at 7.30pm. Several priests from the local areas will be present to administer the sacrament.

Please note:

Due to the Concert in St. Anne’s Church next Friday night, the daily Mass will be in the morning at 9.30am rather than the usual time of 7.00pm.


Guitar Lessons:

Guitar Lessons in Bailieborough Arts and Cultural Centre for beginners and Intermediates. Please call Shane on 087 9942718 for more details.


Work on Church Car Park:

Preparatory work on the Church car park and avenues at St. Annes continues this week. Due to unavoidable delays resurfacing is now due to start in the week commencing December 7th. Please be patient as access to parts of the car park and avenues will be limited at times.


Bailieborough Library Craft Group:

The Bailieborough Library Craft Group are holding their Annual Christmas Exhibition and Sale of their work in the Library on Saturday, December 5th from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Cakes and bakes and beautiful handmade gifts for family and friends. Free admission. All are welcome.


Bridge Results and News:

It was with deep regret that the members of Bailieborough Bridge Club heard of the passing of Tess Clarke of Pottlebrack on the 22nd of November last week.  We were privileged to place a Guard of Honour at the entrance of St Brigid’s Church, Tunnyduff for the Removal as a mark of respect.  May she rest in peace.

Bridge Results for Tuesday, November 10th, as follows:  1st:  Patsy Corcoran and Teresa O’Reilly; 2nd:  Rose Brennan and Kathy O’Sullivan; Best Gross:  Rosaleen Mackey and Pauline Hutchinson.

Bridge Results for Tuesday, November 17th, as follows:  1st:  Bernard Liddy and John McGahan; 2nd:  Pauline McEvoy and Rosaleen Keegan; Best Gross:  Patsy Corcoran and Sean Kelleher; 3rd:  Olive Kellett and Gemma McCabe.

Bridge Results for Tuesday, November 24th, as follows:  1st:  Rose Brennan and Sean Kelleher;  2nd:  Joy Jameson and Rosaleen Mackey;  Best Gross:  Ita Clarke and Una Stafford;  3rd:  Gemma McCabe and Pauline Hutchinson.

PLAYER of the MONTH for NOVEMBER:  Ita Clarke.  Congratulations to Ita and all the other Prize Winners.


Leisure Centre News: November Membership Special:

Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free.  2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).

Christmas intensive Swimming Lessons

now booking.  After School week Dec 7th – 11th. All levels catered for. One hour, 5 days, €65.00.

Prize Draw.  Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members.  All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.

€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Holy Hour:

The monthly ‘Holy Hour’—hosted by Direction for Our Times will take place on Thursday evening, December 3rd in St Anne’s Church, beginning at 8 p.m. This will be followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All are welcome.


Table Quiz hosted by Knockbride Macra na Feirme:

Proceeds in aid of Annual Children’s Christmas Party! Taking place in The Bridge Tavern, Canningstown on Friday December 4th at 9pm. €20 per table (4 persons per table). For more details contact Johnny O’Brien 086 4680824 / Helen Clinch 086 0525955.


St. Josephs’ Young Priest Society:

The St. Joseph’s Young Priest Society will meet on Wednesday, December 2nd in the Prayer Room of St. Annes at 7.30pm, to pray for vocations. New members are always welcome. Funds are needed for the education of men studying for the Priesthood at home and abroad. For that reason, donations are most gratefully accepted to help on the road to Priesthood.


Attention Business People:

Are you a small business owner? Do you work from home? Come and talk to BDA about our Hot Desk facilities for your business needs. We can provide email on, a Business Address, access to High Speed Broadband, Delivery Address, at packages tailored to suit your needs. For more details call : 042-969-4716.


St. Vincent DePaul Society Annual Appeal:

Bailieborough SVP work in the Bailieborough, Shercock, Knockbride and Tierworker areas. This year the Society supported up to 250 families. The type of support the Society provides is wide ranging but mostly they help people in need with basics such as food, heating and educational costs. They will spend 70,000 Euro in family support this year. It would simply be impossible to do this without your generous help and the Society thank you for your continuous support

You can support your local St. Vincent DePaul Society by buying their Christmas Cards on sale now in Vincent’s Shop, Anne Street–€5 for ten cards. Your continuous support is much appreciated.


Computers for Beginners:

Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre. Would you like to be able to surf the internet, shop on-line, pay bills on-line and learn some basic computer skills. Call 042-969-4716 and we will be get you up and running. Course is 2 hours once a week for 4 weeks €10. Come along, bring a friend enjoy the friendly relaxed atmosphere of the class and the centre.


Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA:

The Club’s Annual General Meeting will take place in the Clubhouse in St. Annes Park on Saturday, December 12th, at 8.30pm. All members are asked to attend and new members are welcome.


Senior’s Alert Scheme:

Seniors’ Alert Scheme providing panic buttons for eligible older people living in our community is co-ordinated by our local Vincent DePaul. If you know anyone who may be eligible and in need of a panic button please call 087-6847434.



Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.


Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:

The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre.  Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.



Baptism Dates in St. Annes for  December 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Sunday, December 6th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 12th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, December 13th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael).  Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.


Dancing Classes:

Learn to dance classes in Cross Hall, Mullagh on Friday night’s from9-11pm.  Light refreshments served..  All welcome. Contact 086 0702026 for further information.



East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 30th November 2015

Under 16; Commiserations to our under 16 squad who gave a very good account of themselves in the Championship Final v Cootehill played in very stormy weather conditions on the 3G on Sunday last. On another day the goal chances created would have went in and a championship won but not to be on this occasion. The reigning champions just about did enough to retain their title but our lads can console themselves on the fact the gap is closing rapidly. Due to the conditions both teams found it difficult to play the type of free flowing hurling both are capable of but both must be commended on the serious work they put into the game. Our first Cavan final at this level and will not be our last. Well done to Kathryn, Maurice and Sharon for working so hard with these boys and for getting them into another final.

Above; Our U16 squad who reached their first Cavan U16 Championship Final.

Under 6/8/10; This is the time of year where the indoor hurling comes into its own. New players always very welcome to both venues, Kingscourt Community Centre on Thursdays and Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall on Fridays. We’ll keep going to the 18/19th December before the break for Christmas. Very encouraging numbers this year.

Bailieborough group U10s.

Bailieborough group U6/8s.

Under 13; Wednesday 9th December is Finals night and this will bring this group’s season to an end.

Under 18; The first round of the Minor Championship is due to be played  v Woodford hopefully soon.

Hurling training times and venues; Under 6/8/10;

Kingscourt group; Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.

Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.

Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.

Under 12/14/16/18;  Just the Minor squad to go before the season officially ends. Players will receive a text about training etc..


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.



Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News Thursday 26th November 2015

Bailieborough News. November 26th  2015. Matthew J. Cullen.

Launch of New Booklet:

A Booklet entitled ‘Lough-an-Leagh and Muff, Songs and Poems, Heritage and Folklore’—compiled by local man, Sean Galligan from Lisnalee—will be launched in Muff Primary School on Saturday next, 28th of November at 8.15pm.

This area is the subject of many poems and songs, by different artists. Some were by a local man, Johnnie Lynch (Trussie). Many of his songs were lost but some were located again. These and many poems by other artists are included in the booklet. Heritage and Folklore that applies to the area are also included.

The launch will be by Shane Connaughton. Shane is well known for his films, Run of the Country and The Playboys. He is a regular visitor to this area. All welcome.


‘Seasons of Love’:

The members of ‘Hardtimes Chorus’ have been rehearsing over the past few months for their new production, entitled, ‘Seasons of Love’. The show will take place in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough on Friday, December 4th at 8.30pm, sharp.  This year the group will be supporting, the work of Cavan Palliative Care and Bailieborough Community School Music Facilities. Tickets are currently on sale for 12 Euro each in Super Valu, Bailie Stores, Sandi Modes and the Bailie Hotel for what should be one of the most entertaining highlights of the year.


Bailieborough Red Cross’:

The Bailieborough Red Cross annual Senior Christmas Party takes place in the Bailie Hotel on Wednesday December 2nd at 6.30pm.  Tickets will be delivered as usual by our volunteers.  To book a place or for more information, please phone 087 2346526.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Committee:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Committee wish to sincerely thank everyone for their continued support. The recent Variety Concert raised 5,080 Euro and the Quiz Night raised 1,594.00 Euro. Once again, many, many thanks to you all.


Social Day Centre:

The next Get-Together of the Bailieborough Social Day Centre takes place on Wednesday, December 2nd from 2.30 pm to 4.30pm in the Community Centre, Chapel Road.


East Knockbride National School:

East Knockbride School would like to thank all who supported the recent ‘Now and Zen’ fundraiser. It raised €4500. Thanks to all who helped out in anyway and a special thanks to Drumgoon Play Actors and the Parents Association.



winter cycling training taking place every Sunday morning from the Market Square, Bailieborough at 9am. This training will continue during the winter, weather permitting for all interested. All levels welcome.


Guitar Lessons:

Guitar Lessons in Bailieborough Arts and Cultural Centre for beginners and Intermediates. Please call Shane on 087 9942718 for more details.


Work on Church Car Park:

Preparatory work on the Church car park and avenues at St. Annes continues this week. The resurfacing due to begin in the week beginning Monday, November 30th. Please be patient as access to parts of the car park and avenues will be limited at times.


Annual Show Dance:

Bailieborough Agricultural Show annual ‘Show Dance’ will take place on Friday 27th November in the Hideout, The Vale, Bailieborough. Music by Johnny Mullins from 10pm until late, tickets only €10 and refreshments served! All welcome.


Bailieborough Library Craft Group:

The Bailieborough Library Craft Group are holding their Annual Christmas Exhibition and Sale of their work in the Library on Saturday, December 5th from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Cakes and bakes and beautiful handmade gifts for family and friends. Free admission. All are welcome.


Leisure Centre News: November Membership Special:

Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free.  2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).

Swimming Lessons Rebooking takes place on Saturday, November 28th from 9am for those already in lessons and from 12 o’ clock for all others. All levels catered for, no waiting lists.

Christmas intensive Swimming Lessons—now booking.  After School week Dec 7th – 11th. All levels catered for. One hour, 5 days, €65.00.

Prize Draw.  Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members.  All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.

€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.


Table Quiz hosted by Knockbride Macra na Feirme:

Proceeds in aid of Annual Children’s Christmas Party! Taking place in The Bridge Tavern, Canningstown on Friday December 4th at 9pm. €20 per table (4 persons per table). For more details contact Johnny O’Brien 086 4680824 / Helen Clinch 086 0525955


Attention Business People:

Are you a small business owner? Do you work from home? Come and talk to BDA about our Hot Desk facilities for your business needs. We can provide email on, a Business Address, access to High Speed Broadband, Delivery Address, at packages tailored to suit your needs. For more details call : 042-969-4716.


Computers for Beginners:

Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre. Would you like to be able to surf the internet, shop on-line, pay bills on-line and learn some basic computer skills. Call 042-969-4716 and we will be get you up and running. Course is 2 hours once a week for 4 weeks €10. Come along, bring a friend enjoy the friendly relaxed atmosphere of the class and the centre.


Senior’s Alert Scheme:

Seniors’ Alert Scheme providing panic buttons for eligible older people living in our community is co-ordinated by our local Vincent DePaul. If you know anyone who may be eligible and in need of a panic button please call 087-6847434.


Church Gate Collection:

CAPS (Cavan Autism Parents Support) will be having a church gate collection on the 28th and 29th November. All support greatly appreciated.



Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.


Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:

The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre.  Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.



Baptism Dates in St. Annes for November and December 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, November 28th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 29th (Fr. Michael), Sunday, December 6th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 12th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, December 13th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael).  Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.



East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 23rd November 2015


Under 6/8/10; Indoor hurling continues to go very well in Kingscourt and Bailieborough. Kingscourt Community Centre is unavailable this coming week due to the trade fair so all roads lead to Bailieborough on Friday where we will have an “in house” blitz with just our own players. Under 6/8s from 6-7pm and Under 10 from 7-8pm. This will be a great opportunity for all our players from both training groups to meet up at the one venue. If it goes well we might reverse the fixture in the weeks ahead and do the same in Kingscourt in the bigger hall.

Above left; Bailieborough U10s             Bailieborough U6/8s

Above left; Kingscourt U10s                 Kingscourt U6/8s

Under 13; This coming Wednesday is Finals night so our two squads will finish the season there Best of luck boys.

Under 16/18; We had a good win over Woodford Gaels last week in the Cavan Under 16 Hurling Championship, our third win in three games so far. We await the winners of the last group game to see if we have qualified for the semi-final/final. More info next week.

The first round of the Minor Championship is due to be played v Woodford once the Under 16 championship has finished.

Hurling training times and venues;


Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.

Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.

Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.

Under 12/14/16/18;  All training is collective in Bailieborough and subject to change.

Training will now move to weekends for the couple of squads left playing.

Players will receive a text.

For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.



Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.



Following on from our very successful ‘Dog Walk ‘in aid of Cavan SPCA in October,the amount raised was €939.50.Bailieboro Veterinary Clinic would like to take this opportunity to thank all our faithful dog walkers.This event has been held for 13 years annually due to our generous clients.The winner of the raffle for two tickets to “The Night Joe Dolans Car Broke Down” in the Olympia was Denise Myles,kingscourt.

Alcoholics Anonymous

: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News Thursday 19th November 2015

Bailieborough News. November 19th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


Cancer Fundraising Night:

 All roads leads to The Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough on Saturday, 21st November for the launch of Olivia Clarke cd “Listen to me”. Olivia—originally from Killann—lost her mother to cancer.  Olivia made this cd to help raise funds for Local Cancer Societies who contribute to families living with cancer. The ‘Texas Wild Cats’ will play on the night and the doors will open at 10.30pm. All proceeds on the night will go to Local Cancer Societies. All support will be greatly appreciated.


Bailieborough Red Cross ‘Quiz Night’:

Bailieborough Red Cross are hosting a Quiz Night in the Bailie Hotel at 9pm on Friday evening next, November 20th–1st prize €100; entry €40 per table of 4.  All welcome for a great night’s entertainment.

Tickets for the Annual Senior’s Christmas Party to take place on Wednesday, December 2nd are being distributed by our Red Cross volunteers in the lead up to the party.  Please phone 087 2346526 for more information.


Social Day Centre:

The next Get-Together of the Bailieborough Social Day Centre takes place on Wednesday, November 18th from 2.30 pm to 4.30pm in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. There will be a demonstration on making Christmas Decorations for all members and new members are always welcome.


Illustrated Tour of Bailieborough:

An Illustrated Tour of Bailieborough through Old Picture Postcards at the Library on Tuesday, November 24th at 7.30pm. Take a tour of old Bailieborough with Michael Swords and P.J. Dunne using old images, including Coleman’s Postcard collection. Admission is free and all are welcome!


McKiernan welcomes historic visit of ETB to Bailieborough

As Deputy Chairman of Cavan and Monaghan ETB, as a Board Member of
Bailieborough Community School, and as a proud Bailieborough man, I am
delighted that ETB Chair Cllr. Kathy Bennett and ETB CEO Martin
O’Brien agreed to my request to hold a historic first meeting of the
ETB in Bailieborough on Wednesday 11th November 2015.
This meeting marked the fact that the ETB is a co-patron along with
Bishop Leo O’Reilly, of Bailieborough Community School, which is
currently undergoing some €4 million of investment, partly due to the
work of the ETB.  The school has a new roof, and a new car park, and
work will soon begin on a Special Needs Unit at the school.

The meeting was held in the Bailieborough Development Association
Business Centre, which hosts top quality office space for new
businesses as well as meeting spaces and a modern suite of PCs for
training purposes.  I hope that by holding the meeting in the BDA
Business Centre it will encourage future co-operation and local
training opportunities for Bailieborough and its hinterland.



winter cycling training taking place every Sunday morning from the Market Square, Bailieborough at 9am. This training will continue during the winter, weather permitting for all interested. All levels welcome.


Work on Church Car Park:

Preparatory work on the Church car park and avenues (drainage, lighting, etc…) at St. Annes will commence this week and will continue for approximately the next three weeks—with the resurfacing due to begin on Monday, November 30th. Please be patient as access to parts of the car park and avenues will be limited at times.


Annual Show Dance:

Bailieborough Agricultural Show annual ‘Show Dance’ will take place on Friday 27th November in the Hideout, The Vale, Bailieborough. Music by Johnny Mullins from 10pm until late, tickets only €10 and refreshments served! All welcome.


‘Seasons of Love’:

The members of ‘Hardtimes Chorus’ have been rehearsing over the past few months for their new production, entitled, ‘Seasons of Love’. The show will take place in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough on Friday, December 4th at 8.30pm, sharp.  This year the group will be supporting, the work of Cavan Palliative Care and Bailieborough Community School Music Facilities. Tickets are currently on sale for 12 Euro each in Super Valu, Bailie Stores, Sandi Modes and the Bailie Hotel for what should be one of the most entertaining highlights of the year.


Perpetual Trophy Poetry Competition:

Bailieborough Community Choir are holding a competition for 6th class students. Children are asked to write a poem in Irish or English simply called ‘Christmas is…’ We hope the winner of the Competition will perform their poem at an event the Choir are hosting in December 2015. Please put your name, address and school on entry. Closing date is Saturday, November 21st.


Bridge News and Results:

Results: October 20th: 1st: Bernard Liddy and John McGahan, 2nd: Patty Clarke and Rose Brennan, Best Gross: Gemma McCabe and Olive Kellett, 3rd: Ita Clarke and Philomena Finnegan.

HALLOWEEN PRIZES RESULTS:  October 27th: 1st: Maresa Liggan and Marie McNicholas, 2nd: Kathy O’Sullivan and Vera Kelly, Best Gross: Patsy Corcoran and Sean Kelleher, 3rd: Rosaleen Mackey and Elizabeth Murphy, 4th: Betty Olwell and Noreen Maguire, 5th: Ita Clarke and Philomena Finnegan.

PLAYER of the MONTH for OCTOBER:  Rose Brennan.

Tuesday November 3rd:  1st: Vera Kelly and Kathy O’Sullivan; 2nd: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson; Best Gross: Ita Clarke and Una Mansell; 3rd: Maresa Liggan and Vera Bell. Congratulations to all prize winners.

Attendance at our weekly competitions is excellent; we urge members to arrive early if we are to continue commencing at 7.30 pm sharp.  New members are always welcome.  Contact no: 086 6039586.


Information Meeting:

An ‘Information Meeting’ for all parents of servers, choir leaders, sacristans, volunteers, employees in the Parish (Bailieborough, Killann and Shercock) and all interested persons will take place in St. Anne’s Church on Monday, November 23rd at 7.30pm.


Launch of New Booklet:

A Booklet entitled ‘Lough-an-Leagh and Muff, Songs and Poems, Heritage and Folklore’—compiled by local man, Sean Galligan from Lisnalee—will be launched in Muff Primary School on Saturday, 28th of November at 8.15pm.

This area is the subject of many poems and songs, by different artists. Some were by a local man, Johnnie Lynch (Trussie). Many of his songs were lost but some were located again. These and many poems by other artists are included in the booklet. Heritage and Folklore that applies to the area are also included.

The launch will be by Shane Connaughton. Shane is well known for his films, Run of the Country and The Playboys. He is a regular visitor to this area. All welcome.


Leisure Centre News: November Membership Special:

Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free.  2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).

Swimming Lessons Rebooking takes place on Saturday, November 28th from 9am for those already in lessons and from 12 o’ clock for all others. All levels catered for, no waiting lists.

Christmas intensive Swimming Lessons—now booking.  After School week Dec 7th – 11th. All levels catered for. One hour, 5 days, €65.00.

Prize Draw.  Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members.  All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.

€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.

Attention Business People:

Are you a small business owner? Do you work from home? Come and talk to BDA about our Hot Desk facilities for your business needs. We can provide email on, a Business Address, access to High Speed Broadband, Delivery Address, at packages tailored to suit your needs.

For more details call : 042-969-4716.


Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre:

Come and learn new or brush up on your computer skills: All levels of ability catered for: email, Facebook, web browsing, Skype. €10 for 4 x 2 hour classes with Carmel Shekleton, call: 042-969-4716, for further information.


Enrollment Evening:

East Knockbride N.S. Enrolment / Open evening will take place on Wednesday, 18th November from 7 – 8pm in the school. Parents and children welcome on the night.


Senior’s Alert Scheme:

Seniors’ Alert Scheme providing panic buttons for eligible older people living in our community is co-ordinated by our local Vincent DePaul. If you know anyone who may be eligible and in need of a panic button please call 087-6847434.


Church Gate Collection:

CAPS (Cavan Autism Parents Support) will be having a church gate collection on the 28th and 29th November. All support greatly appreciated.



Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.


Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:

The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre.  Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.



Baptism Dates in St. Annes for November and December 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Sunday, November 22nd (Fr. Michael), Saturday, November 28th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 29th (Fr. Michael), Sunday, December 6th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 12th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, December 13th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael).  Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.



East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 16th November 2015

Under 6/8/10; Indoors up and running now in both venues, Kingscourt on Thursdays and Bailieborough on Fridays. New players always welcome. Equipment supplied while learning the game with us. New helmets, for those who ordered, will be at this week’s training. Registration for 2016 will be in the next few weeks, more info at training. Next round of blitzes coming soon.

Under 13; Our two squads continued with the league on the 3G on Wednesday last. Two more rounds to go.

Under 16/18; The next round of the U16 Championship is scheduled for  Monday when we play Woodford Gaels most likely on the 3G.

The first round of the Minor Championship is due to be played soon also v Woodford. Fixture TBC next week.

Hurling training times and venues; Under 6/8/10; Kingscourt group;

Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.

Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.

Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

Under 12/14/16/18; All training is collective in Bailieborough and subject to change. Training will now move to weekends for the couple of squads left playing. Players will receive a text.

For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.



Keep free Sunday next, 22nd November for a Psychic Health and Craft Fair in The Cavan Crystal Hotel from 12-6pm. Admission is free, donations and raffle in aid of SOSAD. There will be something for everyone…therapies, readers, crafts and retail stands, making it a great family day out. Please support this worthy cause.

Shoe box

The Model School Shoebox Appeal

Picture of the children in The Model School who kindly made up Christmas Shoeboxes last week to send out to children in Africa in time for Christmas.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.



Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.


Alcoholics Anonymous:

Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


The Samaritans

 The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.


Bailieborough News Thursday 12th November 2015

Bailieborough News. November 12th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort:

All in Bailieborough Cancer Comfort would like to sincerely thank everybody who helped out and participated in any way in the Variety Concerts at the weekend. Outstanding talent was displayed on both nights and special thanks to everyone who came out and supported us.



The Parents Association of East Knockbride N.S. present a play “Now & Zen” by Drumgoon Play-Actors in Tunnyduff Community Centre on Saturday 14th November 2015 at 8.30pm.  This three-act comedy features some familiar faces from previous productions, as well as a couple of new recruits.  Adults €10, Children €5.  Your support would be greatly appreciated.


Social Day Centre:

The next Get-Together of the Bailieborough Social Day Centre takes place on Wednesday, November 18th from 2.30 pm to 4.30pm in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. All members come along for Bingo, music and song, chat and refreshment, etc… New members are always welcome.


Volunteers Needed:

Volunteers are needed in the Bailieborough area to work with Adult Literacy learners. Training will take place on a Monday and Wednesday morning, from 10am to 1pm, in the Kilmore Hotel, Cavan starting on Monday 16th November and finishing Wednesday, 9th December 2015. If you have time to spare and an interest in helping others, please contact Regina Clarke, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board on 0872855907 for more information.


Enrolment for Confirmation:

Students in 6th class in St. Annes N.S., St. Felims N.S. and the Model N.S. who wish to be confirmed on April 23rd, 2016 will be enrolled at the 7.00pm Mass next Saturday evening—November 14th.



winter cycling training taking place every Sunday morning from the Market Square, Bailieborough at 9am. This training will continue during the winter, weather permitting for all interested. All levels welcome.


Round Table Quiz:

The Bailieborough Masonic Lodge are hosting a ‘Round Table Quiz’ on this Friday evening, November 13th commencing at 8.30pm, in the Masonic Hall, Market Square. All welcome.


‘Seasons of Love’:

The members of ‘Hardtimes Chorus’ have been rehearsing over the past few months for their new production, entitled, ‘Seasons of Love’. The show will take place in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough on Friday, December 4th at 8.30pm, sharp.  This year the group will be supporting, the work of Cavan Palliative Care and Bailieborough Community School Music Facilities. Tickets are currently on sale for 12 Euro for what should be one of the highlights of the year.


Bailieborough Development Association:

Bailieborough Development Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting at 8.00pm on Wednesday, November 11th at Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough. All welcome to attend.


Information Meeting:

An ‘Information Meeting’ for all parents of servers, choir leaders, sacristans, volunteers, employees in the Parish (Bailieborough, Killann and Shercock) and all interested persons will take place in St. Anne’s Church on Monday, November 23rd at 7.30pm.


Christmas Craft Workshop:

Christmas Craft workshop for adults at the Library on Thursday 12th November from 2pm-3.30pm. Learn to make your own fabric appliqué Christmas cards and Christmas decorations. Workshop will be facilitated by Ann McFadden of the Tobersool Cultural Centre in The Naul, Co. Dublin. Booking at 042 9665779 as places are strictly limited at €5 per person.


Class of ’85 Reunion:

A reunion of the Leaving Cert class of 1985, including all those who were first years in Lourdesville or the Vocational school in Bailieboro in 1980, will be held on Saturday next, 14th November in the Bailie Hotel. Those who started in Lourdesville or The ‘Tech’ in 1980 are invited to attend the reunion.
A Mass for deceased class members will be held in St. Anne’s Church at 7pm followed by a Buffet in the Bailie Hotel. All past pupils who started in Lourdesville or the Tech are invited to attend. Partners and past pupils are also welcome.


Leisure Centre News: November Membership Special:

Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free.  2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).

Swimming Lessons Rebooking takes place on Saturday, November 28th from 9am for those already in lessons and from 12 o’ clock for all others. All levels catered for, no waiting lists.

Christmas intensive Swimming Lessons—now booking.  After School week Dec 7th – 11th. All levels catered for. One hour, 5 days, €65.00.

Prize Draw.  Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members.  All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.

€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.

Check us out on  or find us on facebook for regular updates.

Attention Business People:

Are you a small business owner? Do you work from home? Come and talk to BDA about our Hot Desk facilities for your business needs. We can provide email on, a Business Address, access to High Speed Broadband, Delivery Address, at packages tailored to suit your needs. For more details call : 042-969-4716.


Cavan Birdwatch:

Cavan Birdwatch branch are travelling to Dundalk on Sunday 15th November. All are welcome to join us.

To car share, meet at Bailieborough Market Square at 9am sharp.

To meet with the group at Dundalk Bay contact Liz on mobile or by email in advance to arrange a meet up point. For further information please contact: email: phone: 086 8336675.


Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre:

Come and learn new or brush up on your computer skills: All levels of ability catered for: email, Facebook, web browsing, Skype. €10 for 4 x 2 hour classes with Carmel Shekleton, call: 042-969-4716, for further information.


Enrolment Evening:

East Knockbride N.S. Enrolment / Open evening will take place on Wednesday 18th November from 7 – 8pm in the school. Parents and children welcome on the night.


Bailieborough Red Cross ‘Quiz Night’:

Bailieborough Red Cross are hosting a Quiz Night in the Bailie Hotel at 9pm on Friday November 20th. All welcome for a great night’s entertainment.


Church Gate Collection:

CAPS (Cavan Autism Parents Support) will be having a church gate collection on the 28th and 29th November. All support greatly appreciated.



Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:

The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre.  Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.


CD Launch in aid of Cancer: Olivia Clarke’s ‘Listen to Me’ CD Launch in aid of Cancer in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough on Saturday 21st November.
Music by: Texas Wildcats. Doors open at 10:30pm – Tickets €15.
All proceeds go to cancer!

This event is for a great cause and your support on the night would be greatly appreciated. All proceeds go to local Cancer Charities.



Baptism Dates in St. Annes for November and December 2015:

The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Sunday, November 22nd (Fr. Michael), Saturday, November 28th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 29th (Fr. Michael), Sunday, December 6th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 12th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, December 13th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael).  Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.



East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 9th November 2015

Under 6/8/10; Indoor hurling returned this past week. Thursday in Kingscourt and Friday in Bailieborough. This is a great time for new players, aged 5-10, to join with us as we get over 25 weeks indoor hurling with a number of blitzes both locally and further afield. All equipment is supplied while learning the game with us. All indoor sessions are €3 and please bring a bottle of water. We are open to all boys from our catchment area of Bailieborough, Knockbride, Shercock, Killinkere, Kingscourt and surrounding areas. New players always very welcome. Contact Willie Gaughan 086 1649280,

We had our first little blitz in Carrick on Saturday last with a lot more to come over the winter months.

Fridays Bailieborough U6/8 and U10 Friday training groups.

Under 13; The Under 13 Autumn league began last Wednesday at 7.30 on the 3G at Breffni Park. We have entered two teams and this will run for the next 3 weeks.

Under 16/18; The U16 lads had a good win over St. Feilims/Annalee on the 3G at Breffni Park on Monday last. The next round is next weekend when we play Woodford Gaels.

The first round of the Minor Championship is due to be played soon also v Woodford. Fixture TBC next week.

Hurling training times and venues;

Under 6/8/10; Kingscourt group;

Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.

Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.

Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.

For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

Under 12/14/16/18; All training is collective in Bailieborough and subject to change. Training will now move to weekends. Players will receive a text.

For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.


Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.


Citizens Information

Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service.  Any enquiries 076 1075200.


Alcoholics Anonymous

: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.


The Samaritans:

The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

Coote’s Christmas Shop

Based this year on the other side of the Main Street, near Bailie Stores – and is known as the HoHoHo shop. Great selection of Christmas Trees, games, decorations etc. All at a very keen price.

If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.