Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Information Evening To help Set up a Scout Group for Bailieborough & Surrounding area.
/in News /by PetraBailieborough News. January 20th 2025. Matthew J. Cullen
/in News /by Petra100 Mile Challenge: Best of luck to local man, Kevin Carolan who is again on the move, after a very successful ‘Climb with Charlie’ that helped raise 3 million. In the month of February, Kevin has a challenge on his hands,he’s doing 100 miles in a month, for a very good cause, The Mater Hospital Foundation. Dr Gerry McEntee from the Mater Hospital saved Kevin’s life with major successful surgery ,you can donate to this February challenge at We as a community wish Kevin, the very best of luck.
Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Dympna Clarke (nee Farrell), Crocknahattina, Bailieborough, Co,Cavan on Friday, January 17th, 2025. Surrounded by her loving family, Dympna died peacefully in the wonderful care of the staff of Fairlawns Nursing Home, Bailieborough. Dympna was predeceased by her beloved husband Phil, her parents Owen and Mary Alice, brothers Michael and Paddy, sisters Eithne and Eilish.
Dympna will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered by her children Charles, Philip, Eilís, Dónal and Aileen, her brother Eugene, sons in law Brian and Garret, daughters in law Claire, Siobhán and Jennifer, her beloved grandchildren Cathal, Darragh, Niall, Oisín, Fergal, Sarah, Samuel, Eli, David, Sorcha, Fiachra, Laoise, Lochlan, Anna, Cormac, Cillian, Ellie, Louise, Philip and Emmett, her sisters in law Christine, Nora, Agnes, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.
Dympna’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Sunday, January 19th 2025 and afterwards, Dympna’s remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
Bailieborough Creative Hub: Come and join us in Bailieborough Library on Thursday, 30th January at 7pm to find out about this years plans for arts events and exhibitions. Come and find out about our exciting projects for 2025. Wheter you are a painter, writer, musician, crafter, or simply a lover of the Arts, our group is the perfect place to share ideas, collaborate and spark your imagination! No experience neccessary just bring your enthusiasm and an open mind! All welcome.
Reminder Re: Mass Time Changes: Killann, Saturdays—6.00pm, Bailieborough, Saturdays—7.15pm. Sunday morning: Bailieborough, –10.15am and Shercock—11.30am.
First Communion Dates, 2025: Shercock, 3rd May, St. Anne’s, May 10th and St. Felim’s, May 17th. All Masses at 11.00am.
Confirmation: Bishop Hayes will administer Confirmation in the Parish on Saturday, March 29th 2025.
St. Annes National School Enrolment: St Anne’s N.S.Junior Infants 2025/2026 enrolment is now open. Please contact or 0429665242. School will cease accepting applications on January 31st.
CMET Adult Services: CMET Adult Services are offering free computer classes in Bailieborough in January 2025. Courses will run in the Bailieborough Business Development Centre and cater for absolute beginners to improvers. Please contact, Regina Clarke on 087 2855 907 or email to register or for more information.
Regretted Death: Thomas Cronin, Lakeview, Bailieborough, Co Cavan passed away on Sunday, 12th January 2025 peacefully at the Mater Hospital, Dublin. Thomas was predeceased by his parents Margaret and Henry and brothers Bertie and Paddy.
Deeply regretted by his sisters Florrie McCabe and Maureen O’Hanlon, nephews Wayne and Glenn, niece Tonya, sister-in-law Eileen, brother-in-law Tommy, relatives and friends.
Thomas’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Tuesday, January 14th and afterwards, Thomas’s remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
Model School Enrolment: Enrolment is now taking place for the school year 2025-2026.Application forms are available on the school website or by contacting the school office on 042 9665689.
‘Dying Minutes’: ‘Dying Minutes’, the All Ireland winning play by Liz O’Hanlon will be staged in the Bailieborough Shamrocks Clubhouse on this Friday evening, January 24th at 8.00pm. Tickets are available from the Shamrocks, seats are limited and this should be a grest homecoming for the Group!
Regretted Death: Noreen Clarke, Moylett, Bailieborough, Co Cavan passed away on Sunday, 12th January 2025, peacefully at Cavan General Hospital, surrounded by her family.
Deeply regretted by her loving sons Brendan, Ciarán and Eoin, brother Tom McCabe, daughters-in-law Yoon Hee and Mari, grandchildren Nora, Seán and Mel, nieces, extended family, neighbours and friends.
Noreen’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Mary’s Church, Clanaphilip on Thursday, January 16th and afterwards, Noreen’s remains were laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery.
Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday 28th January, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.
Bridge: Bridge every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Bailie Hotel.New members welcome.
Regretted Death: The death has occured of Susan Reilly, Crocknahattina, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan peacefully at Fairlawns Nursing Home on Thursday 16th of January 2025, surrounded by her loving family.
Susan was predeceased by her parents John and Alice, her infant brother Philip, sister Gladys and brother Patsy. Deeply regretted by her sisters Peggy Reilly (Galboly, Bailieboro) and Anne Clarke (Canningstown), her brother Anthony Reilly (Dublin), nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.
Susan’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Sunday, January 19th and afterwards, Susan’s remains were laid to rest in St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Oldcastle Road, Ballyjamesduff.
St. Felim’s. N.S., (The Vale) is currently inviting applications for admission to Junior Infants for 2025/2026. Further information is available on our website : or by contacting the school at : or 042 96 65605. The school will cease accepting applications on Friday, January 31st 2025.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Bailieborough Library: If you are interested in learning Bridge, then come along and join us in Bailieborough Library every Tuesday morning, commencing on Tuesday, February 4th from 10.30 to 12.30. Class is free and booking is required.
The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.
Regretted Death: The death has occured of Eileen Mc Dermott (née McDonald), 116 Drumnaveil, Cootehill, Co. Cavan and formerly of The Vale, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan on Sunday, January 12th 2025 peacefully at her home, surrounded by her loving family.
Eileen was redeceased by her husband Michael and parents Rose and Terry Mc Donald. Eileen will be sadly missed and remembered with love by her beloved family, her sons Colm and Thomas, daughter Leanne, brothers Patrick, Philip, Gerard and Austin, sisters Bernie and Mary, daughters-in-law Yvonne and Ciara, son-in-law Jordan, grandchildren Cassie, Vinnie, Saoirse, Grace, Lennie and Zach, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and a large circle of friends.
Eileen’s Funeral Mass took place in St Michael’s Church, Cootehill on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 and afterwards, Eileen’s remains were laid to rest in St. Michael’s Cemetery, Cootehill.
Digital Skills Clinic: New , Free Digital Skills Clinic for older people taking place in Bailieborough Library on Thursday mornings. You can book a one hour, one -to-one session with a tutor by contacting Bailieborough Library on 042 9665779.
Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.
Line Dancing: Line Dancing takes place every Tuesday evening in the Courthouse, Lr. Main Street at 8.15pm. All welcome.
Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
East Cavan Gaels:East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club News 20th January 2025
Dinner Dance;
Final preparations are in place for our first ever Presentation Dinner Dance, in the Bailie Hotel on Saturday 25th January at 7pm, to celebrate the winning of our first ever Cavan Senior Hurling Championship won in August. We are delighted to announce that Kilkennys 9 time All Ireland winner and 9 time All Star Tommy Walsh will join us to present the medals to the lads. What a night in store! Join us as we mark this unique achievement, it promises to be a great night with medals presented to our Seniors as well as the Player of the Year Award, accompanied by band Suns of Bees with disco after. Tickets €40 from club Secretary Kathryn or by Revolut to 087 244 1371.
Juvenile presentation;
Our Juveniles and they will have their presentation evening on Friday 24th January at 7pm, the day before the Seniors, also in the Bailie Hotel. Pride of place goes to our U14s who secured a three in a row of Cavan championships and we will present their medals to them as well as certs of achievement to all our U8, U10 and U12 sides. Members of our Senior Championship winning side will be there to present and bring both the Senior League and Championship Cups for photos. Finger food and tea and coffee. Again it promises to be a great evening!
Seniors will return to training in early February in preparation for the Ulster Spring League.
U17s with county have training on Mondays in Kingspan Breffni.
U15 county begins on Monday 3rd February 6-7.15 on the 3G at Kingspan Breffni.
After school will return in Shercock and Mullagh in the last week of January, first week of February, full schedule next week.
The week ahead:
Friday; Juvenile Presentation, Bailie Hotel 7pm.
Saturday; Senior Presentation Dinner Dance, Bailie Hotel 7pm
Club contacts;
Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.
U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U14/16/18Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.
Bailieborough News. January 13th 2025. Matthew J. Cullen
/in News /by PetraBailieborough Creative Hub: Come and join us in Bailieborough Library on Thursday, 30th January at 7pm to find out about this years plans for arts events and exhibitions. Come and find out about our exciting projects for 2025. Wheter you are a painter, writer, musician, crafter, or simply a lover of the Arts, our group is the perfect place to share ideas, collaborate and spark your imagination! No experience neccessary just bring your enthusiasm and an open mind! All welcome.
Reminder Re: Mass Time Changes: Killann, Saturdays—6.00pm, Bailieborough, Saturdays—7.15pm. Sunday morning: Bailieborough, –10.15am and Shercock—11.30am.
First Communion Dates, 2025: Shercock, 3rd May, St. Anne’s, May 10th and St. Felim’s, May 17th. All Masses at 11.00am.
Confirmation: Bishop Hayes will administer Confirmation in the Parish on Saturday, March 29th 2025.
St. Annes National School Enrolment: St Anne’s N.S.Junior Infants 2025/2026 enrolment is now open. Please contact or 0429665242. School will cease accepting applications on January 31st.
CMET Adult Services: CMET Adult Services are offering free computer classes in Bailieborough in January 2025. Courses will run in the Bailieborough Business Development Centre and cater for absolute beginners to improvers. Please contact, Regina Clarke on 087 2855 907 or email to register or for more information.
Regretted Death: Seán (John Joe) Galligan, Lisnalea, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan and formerly Nedd, Doogarry, Killeshandra, Co.Cavan, passed away on Thursday, January 9th, peacefully at Cavan General Hospital, following a short illness surrounded by his loving family.
Sean was predeceased by his loving wife Catherine, his parents James and Bridget, brother Tommy, sister Margaret.
Sean will be sadly missed by his family Cara (Shay), Gráinne (Ollie), Ciarán (Mairéad) and Aoife, grandchildren Dáire, Ben, Rónán, Katie, Leah, Caoimhe, Shane, Mark and Cáit, brother Seamus, sister Mary, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, neighbours, relatives and friends.
Sean’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Saturday, January 11th and afterwards Sean’s remains were laid to rest in St. Anne’s Cemetery.
Model School Enrolment: Enrolment is now taking place for the school year 2025-2026.Application forms are available on the school website or by contacting the school office on 042 9665689.
St. Annes Conference of the Saint Vincent DePaul: The Society of St. Vincent DePaul, St. Anne’s Conference acknowledges, with thanks, contributions received from the local community during 2024. This is a summary of the support provided last year, Food—€30,672, Education—€12,950, Fuel—€7,483 and Family Assistance—€3,927. Total—€55,032. Every good wish and blessing to all for 2025.
Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday 28th January, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.
Bridge: Bridge every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Bailie Hotel.New members welcome.
Recent ‘Mince Pie’ Walk: Thank you to all who took part in the walk and for your generosity. A €1,000 was raised and donated to the Intensive Care Unit, Family Room in Cavan General Hospital.
St. Felim’s. N.S., (The Vale) is currently inviting applications for admission to Junior Infants for 2025/2026. Further information is available on our website : or by contacting the school at : or 042 96 65605. The school will cease accepting applications on Friday, January 31st 2025.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: A massive “ Thank You” to each and everyone who supported our Singing Santas on Christmas Eve. A total of €6770 was raised . Your support is greatly appreciated.
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Bailieborough Library:
The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.
Digital Skills Clinic: New , Free Digital Skills Clinic for older people taking place in Bailieborough Library on Thursday mornings. You can book a one hour, one -to-one session with a tutor by contacting Bailieborough Library on 042 9665779.
Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.
Line Dancing: Line Dancing takes place every Tuesday evening in the Courthouse, Lr. Main Street at 8.15pm. All welcome.
Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
East Cavan Gaels:East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club News 13th January 2025
Dinner Dance;
Preparations are in full swing for our first ever Presentation Dinner Dance, in the Bailie Hotel on Saturday 25th January at 7pm, to celebrate the winning of our first ever Cavan Senior Hurling Championship won in August. Join us as we mark this unique achievement, it promises to be a great night with medals presented to our Seniors as well as the Player of the Year Award, accompanied by band Suns of Bees with disco after. Tickets €40 from club Secretary Kathryn by Revolut to 087 244 1371.
Juvenile presentation;
We have not forgotten our Juveniles and they will have their presentation evening on Friday 24th January at 7pm, the day before the Seniors, also in the Bailie Hotel. Pride of place goes to our U14s who secured a three in a row of Cavan championships and we will present their medals to them as well as certs of achievement to all our U8, U10 and U12 sides. Members of our Senior Championship winning side will be there to present and bring both the Senior League and Championship Cups for photos. Finger food and tea and coffee. Again it promises to be a great evening!
Seniors will return to training in early February in preparation for the Ulster Spring League.
U17s with county have training on Mondays in Kingspan Breffni.
After school will return in Shercock and Mullagh in the last week of January, full schedule next week.
Club contacts;
U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.
Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.