Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News 22nd January 2015
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. January 22nd 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
Youth Mental Health Conference
Bailieborough Community School and Bailieborough Mental Health Association are jointly running a ‘Youth Mental Health Conference’ on ‘Dealing with Stress and Anxiety in Practical Ways’ on Wednesday, January 28th, 2015 in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough from 11 am to 4 pm. There will be four workshops on the day: Relaxation through Mindfullness, The role of Nutrition in Stress Management, Walk in my Shoes and Sport for a Healthy Mind and Body. If you wish to attend the conference and any of the Workshops (limited numbers for workshops) please contact Ann Hanley at before Thursday next, January 22nd. There will be complimentary Hot Lunch served on the day.
Confirming our Children
The next preparation Mass for Confirmation candidates and their parents will take place on Saturday evening next, January 17th at 7.00pm, in St. Anne’s Church.
Car Parking at St. Anne’s Church
The Car parking bays immediately to the front of the Church and on the Lake Side of the building are reserved for those with Disabled Parking Permits only. Unfortunately, recently some such permit holders were unable to get near the Church. Drivers are also asked to park in the Carparks only and not on the avenues leading to the Church. Please make sure at all times not to obstruct entrance or exit routes to the front of the Church. Thank you for your co-operation.
Mountain Lodge Tractor Run Presentation to Down Syndrome Support Cavan €4800.
Back row (left) Victor Thompson , Sean Fox, Samuel Thompson , Martin Fox,Aiden Clarke . Front row (left) Thomas Smith, David Skelly , Graham Mills.
Fine Gael Annual General Meeting
The 2014 Fine Gael, Bailieborough branch AGM took place on Monday 12th January in a packed Shamrock Suite in the Bailie Hotel. The new officer board elected for the year were:
Chairman – Thomas Rogers, Vice Chairman – Trevor Thompson, Secretary – Paddy Martin, Treasurer – John Ryan and PRO – Colm Colgan.
Bailieborough Community ‘Text Alert’
Currently there are 300 members of the Bailieborough Community ‘Text Alert’ Service. New members are most welcome to join for 2015—fee €5. For further details, please contact Kevin Carolan (086 3759627) committee or Alison Gaynor—Tus Representative at 086 712 9113. You can also e-mail:
“For the Safety of our Community”.
Parent and Toddler Group
Bexcourt Parent and Toddler Group commences today, Wednesday, January 21st in the Bexcourt Centre from 10.00am to 12 noon and every Wednesday morning, thereafter. Meet other parents, compare notes and organise activities and events. For further details, please contact 042 9694825 or just come along and drop into the Centre.
Education Opportunities
Cavan Education Training Board are offering free classes for adults in Bailieborough in Computers, Communications and Reading and Writing. For further information and eligibility please contact Regina/Kathryn – (049) 4361881 Ext 2.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund Committee would like to thank most sincerely the singers, musicians, collectors and all who took part in the ‘Santa Christmas Carol Singing’—on Christmas Eve—and most of all they would like to thank you all for your very generous support. The total raised on the day was €2,749.00. The Committee look forward to your continued support in 2015.
Tunnyduff Parent’s Association
Tunnyduff Parents Association Presents “The Lost Weekend” by Padraic McIntyre, directed by Paddy Farrelly on Friday 13th February 2015 at 8.30pm in Tunnyduff Hall. Tickets €10 each. Contact Sophie Smith at 087 6561724 for tickets.
Parish Pastoral Council
The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Tuesday, January 27th at 8.00pm, in the Parochial House, Bailieborough. All members are requested to attend.
New Year New Start
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 6 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre– Information Technology QQI/Fetac Level 4. Modules include : File Management, Data Entry, Word Processing, Internet & Email. For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel: 049-436-1881
Every Friday Afternoon for 10 weeks at Bailieborough Business Centre – Word Processing QQI Level 3 starting Friday 23rd January 2015. Course content: Introduction to Work Processing
For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel: 049-436-1881
Every Friday morning for 20 weeks at Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough Communications QQI Level 4 starting 23rd January 2015. Course Content: Reading & Comprehension , Writing Activities – Drafting Proof Reading , Interpreting information – Images, Signs, Charts, Communications with others; Listening, non-verbal Communications, aspects of speech.
For more details call: Regina Clarke CMETB: Tel: 049-436-1881
Evening Classes
Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.
Cavan Kayakarun Cycling Club: CKR Cycling Club is a newly formed Cycling Club catering for all levels of aspiring cyclists. New members very welcome. A Group Cycle takes place from the Market Square, Bailieborough each Sunday morning at 9.30am.
Bailieborough Arts and Cultural Centre – Spring 2015 classes. Ballet, Hip Hop, Speech & Drama and Guitar classes. For more information or to enrol your child please call Niamh on 0879982222 or 042 96 666 66.
Bailieborough Community Bowls
Bailieborough Community Bowls continues every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.
St. Vincent DePaul Society
The local Conference wish to thank you for your wonderful response and generosity to their appeal over the Christmas period and a sincere ‘Thank You’ for all your donations and support in 2014. May we wish you a happy and healthy 2015.
Pilates have resumed on Tuesdays in the Presbyterian Hall, Bailieborough. Beginners at 6.15pm and mixed ability at 7.30pm. Suitable for all fitness levels. Booking is essential. For more information please call 087 2601454.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for February and March 2015
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, January 31st at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, February 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael) and Saturday, February 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, March 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, March 29th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), and the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th at 9.00pm (Fr. Michael). .
Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.
Walk ,Jog Or Run….Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.
Pilates classes starting Wednesday 28th January at 10am in Bailieborough Leisure Centre. €50 for 5 weeks. Please contact Julie 086 3283943, email or see for more details.
Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.
‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.
Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome. Free admission.
Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.
Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.
Cavan Business News
Follow @CavanBizNews on twitter for all the latest business news from Cavan town and
Email your Cavan business news stories to for
future coverage on the @CavanBizNews Twitter account.
Elvis Spectacular
The Hotel Bailie are having an ‘Elvis Spectacular Show’ on Saturday, 14th February 2014. Tickets are €15 and are available from hotel reception. Doors opens at 10.30pm and Show starts at 11pm. Check out the Hotel’s facebook page for special offers for the night.
East Cavan Gaels
Club News: U12/14/16/18; The lads began the season with a light indoor session on Friday last. They will work away indoors until the weather improves.
U8/10; The Kingscourt group returned to training last week while the Bailieborough group will return indoors in early February. The first of the indoor blitzes for 2015 are coming soon.
NFL Div 2. Prediction Competition, €200 in prizes;
Entry forms are available from all players, coaches and committee members. €5 per entry. Just select a different winning team for each round for your chance to win. Again we rely, almost exclusively, on the generosity of our local communities to fund the development of hurling in the region.
New players; We are always on the lookout for new players. With teams from Under 6 to Under 18 now catered for there is a place for you in our club. Our experienced team of coaches are there to help you develop. No previous hurling experience required. Contact any of our coaches at any of our training sessions. Coaches/mentors also required for our junior sides.
Training times and venues; Under 12- Under 18;
Subject to change. Contact Kathryn 087 244 1371 for more details.
Under 8/10; Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.
Bailieborough returns Friday 6th February. Those who wish to continue hurling are welcome to train with the Kingscourt group on Tuesdays.
New Grants available 2015
If you are receiving Fuel Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance with children under 7 or Family Income Support you may be entitled to a complete wall and attic insulation package and heating upgrades FREE OF CHARGE. Ring 0872500436 for more information and advice. Personal details will be kept strictly confidential.
Volunteers Wanted to help Advocacy Service for Older People
Are you someone who can stand out from the crowd? Sage Support and Advocacy Service for Older People needs volunteers to help speak up for older people across all care settings. Sage will provide FETAC training and support. For more information call 086 183 1428 or e-mail: or see
Leisure Centre
New Studio Classes, check out our Facebook page for details of different classes.
Monday: BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.
Tuesday: Mugendo Kickboxing from 6.30pm-8.30pm.
Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, Cardio Blast at 6.30pm, Step Aerobics at 7.30
Thursday: Pick & Mix at 10.15am and Turbo training at 7pm.
Friday: Men’s Fitness at 8.45pm.
Aquafit on Thursday’s from 7-8pm and Friday’s at 10.15am.
€30 for 30 days membership—pool or gym membership still available.
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Citizens Information Service
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
The Samaritans
The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News 15th January 2015
/in News /by Mark FordBailieborough News. January 15th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
Too much food and wine aren’t the only things causing post -Christmas hangovers in 2015. A recent survey published by the ILCU found that it takes over 8 weeks for consumers to financially recover from overspending at Christmas and certainly many families will be feeling the financial pinch in January 2015. Bailieborough Credit Union is advising its members and the public to use the start of the year wisely to get their family finances in order. Whether it’s a review of household budgets, paying off outstanding debt or putting a savings plan in place –Bailieborough Credit Union is best placed to help.
A recent survey showed that 51% of consumers expected to borrow money to get through the Christmas 2014 period, with 6% approaching moneylenders to cover these costs. Bailieborough Credit Union would like to remind people that they offer fair, competitive loan rates that are capped by law, which are significantly cheaper than loans from moneylenders. So if this year you are planning to buy a new car, carry out home improvements, take a holiday or are preparing for a special event, Bailieborough Credit Union can help make those plans become a reality.
Bailieborough Credit Union has been in operation for nearly 49 years and currently have in excess of 5,500 members. The importance of the local credit union cannot be underestimated and the continued availability of local, friendly and accessible financial services is of vital importance in local communities.
Bailieborough Credit Union does things differently and provides a safe place for your savings and small modest loans which are the very core of our business. The ethos remains the same today as when credit unions were established over 50 years ago. Despite enormous change, in addition to new and increased regulatory considerations, Bailieborough Credit Union remains a vital and accessible provider of essential financial services. As member needs grow, Bailieborough Credit Union is very much looking to the future, providing new, enhanced products and services – online banking, electronic payment services, direct debits, ATMs, foreign exchange, bill pay, student bursaries and specialised loan rates. It is worth checking out what your local credit union has on offer.
Mairead McGuirk of Bailieborough Credit Union said: The New Year doesn’t have to be fraught with unnecessary financial stress and debt. We are urging members and the public alike to look at their finances, highlight where their money is going, take those first steps towards effective budgeting and money management. If you are considering a loan, talk to us and see how Bailieborough Credit Union can help before turning to moneylenders. Our credit union prides itself on its innovative people focused approach to loans, savings, other financial services and continue to work for the mutual benefit and general welfare of our members. Our uniqueness lies in our difference to other financial institutions, this can be seen in the way we approach our services and how we are happy to deal face to face with our members”.
Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015.
Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call BDA on 042-969-4716 for details on classes.
Bailieborough Walking Group: ‘Operation Transformation’ National Walk Day takes place on Saturday next, January 17th. A 3km walk will take place commencing at the Castle Lake Car Park, registration commences at 9.30am, Walk commences at 10am. All welcome.
Confirming our Children: The next preparation Mass for Confirmation candidates and their parents will take place on Saturday next, January 17th at 7.00pm, in St. Anne’s Church.
International Swan Census 2015: This event takes place on the weekend of 17th and 18th January. If you would like to take part or know of a site regularly used by the birds please lets us know! We would like to be able to record all sites in Co. Cavan and any information on whoopers in your area would be very welcome! Contact the Birdwatch Ireland office at iwebs@birdwatchireland for further information.
Charity Night: A ‘Charity Night’ will take place in Killinkere Leisure Centre on Saturday evening next, January 17th in aid of The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund. Please support this worthy local cause. For further information please contact Breda at 049 8544747.
Education Opportunities: Cavan Education Training Board are offering free classes for adults in Bailieborough in Computers, Communications and Reading and Writing. For further information and eligibility please contact Regina/Kathryn – (049) 4361881 Ext 2.
Evening Classes: Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.
Bailieborough Arts and Cultural Centre – Spring 2015 classes. Ballet, Hip Hop, Speech & Drama and Guitar classes. For more information or to enrol your child please call Niamh on 0879982222 or 042 96 666 66.
Pilates have resumed on Tuesdays in the Presbyterian Hall, Bailieborough. Beginners at 6.15pm and mixed ability at 7.30pm. Suitable for all fitness levels. Booking is essential. For more information please call 087 2601454.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for January and February 2015
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Sunday, January 18th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, January 31st at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, February 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael) and Saturday, February 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien).
Bridge Results: Tuesday January 6th, 2015
First: Una Stafford and Vera Bell. Second: Patsy Corcoran and Sean Kelleher. Best Gross: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson. Third: Noreen Maguire and Betty Olwill. Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.
Walk, Jog Or Run…. Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.
Pilates Classes resume at Cornakill, Mullagh for the New Year. Morning and Evening classes, all levels catered for. €60 for 6 weeks. Max 6 people per class. Please contact Julie 086 3283943, email or see for more details.
Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.
‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.
Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome. Free admission.
Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.
Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.
Cavan Business News
Follow @CavanBizNews on twitter for all the latest business news from Cavan town and
Email your Cavan business news stories to for
future coverage on the @CavanBizNews Twitter account.
East Cavan Gaels
Club News: U12/14/16/18; The lads began the season with a light indoor session on Friday last. They will work away indoors until the weather improves.
U8/10; The Kingscourt group returned to training last week while the Bailieborough group will return indoors in early February. The first of the indoor blitzes for 2015 are coming soon.
NFL Div 2. Prediction Competition, €200 in prizes;
Entry forms are available from all players, coaches and committee members. €5 per entry. Just select a different winning team for each round for your chance to win. Again we rely, almost exclusively, on the generosity of our local communities to fund the development of hurling in the region.
New players; We are always on the lookout for new players. With teams from Under 6 to Under 18 now catered for there is a place for you in our club. Our experienced team of coaches are there to help you develop. No previous hurling experience required. Contact any of our coaches at any of our training sessions. Coaches/mentors also required for our junior sides.
Training times and venues; Under 12- Under 18;
Subject to change. Contact Kathryn 087 244 1371 for more details.
Under 8/10; Every Tuesday in Kingscourt Community Centre 5.30-6.45. €2 each and please bring bottle of water.
Bailieborough returns Friday 6th February. Those who wish to continue hurling are welcome to train with the Kingscourt group on Tuesdays.
New Grants available 2015
If you are receiving Fuel Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance with children under 7 or Family Income Support you may be entitled to a complete wall and attic insulation package and heating upgrades FREE OF CHARGE. Ring 0872500436 for more information and advice. Personal details will be kept strictly confidential.
Volunteers Wanted to help Advocacy Service for Older People
Are you someone who can stand out from the crowd? Sage Support and Advocacy Service for Older People needs volunteers to help speak up for older people across all care settings. Sage will provide FETAC training and support. For more information call 086 183 1428 or e-mail: or see
Leisure Centre
€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Citizens Information Service
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
The Samaritans: The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News 8th January 2015
/in News /by Mark FordBailieborough News. January 8th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
Thank You
Thank you to all those who assisted in preparing and celebrating the Christmas Liturgies in St. Annes, Bailieborough, especially the Parish Pastoral Council, the Sacristan and caretaker, the Choirs, the Ministers of the Word, the Ministers of the Eucharist, the Altar servers, the Stewards, the Staff and Pupils of St. Annes N.S., St. Felim’s N.S. and Bailieborough Community School, those who spent hours decorating the Church, the members of the C.E Scheme, those of you who attended in such large numbers and all who helped in any way. Fr. Michael and Fr. Oliver would like to wish all of you, your families and friends, a very happy, healthy and blessed New Year.
Birdwatch Ireland
The first Birdwatch Ireland Cavan Branch outing of the New Year will take place on Sunday next, 11th January.
We will meet up at 10am at Drumlane Abbey car park, Milltown.
Here we hope to see a selection of waterbirds including some whooper swans. We also plan to carry out I-WeBS (Irish Wetland Bird Survey) counts on Milltown Lake and other lakes in the area. Contact on the day for more information Heather 087 669 9681.
It is recommended to wear warm waterproof clothing and appropriate footwear. Beginners and non-members are very welcome to attend all events!
If weather conditions are poor on the day please contact Heather on above number before setting out!
Confirming our Children
There will be a meeting of the Parents Committee in preparation for Confirmation on Tuesday evening next, January 13th in the Parochial House at 8.00pm. The next preparation Mass for Confirmation candidates and their parents will take place on Saturday, January 17th at 7.00pm, in St. Anne’s Church.
International Swan Census 2015
This event takes place on the weekend of 17th and 18th January. If you would like to take part or know of a site regularly used by the birds please lets us know! We would like to be able to record all sites in Co. Cavan and any information on whoopers in your area would be very welcome! Contact the Birdwatch Ireland office at iwebs@birdwatchireland for further information.
Evening Classes
Evening Classes running in Bailieborough Business Centre 2015. Are you On-Line? Do you want to learn some on-line skills? Sign up to learn Internet Banking, Shopping, and Selling. Learn how to Skype, Email, Use Social Media. Get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Call Elizabeth or Lee on 042-969-4716.
Dancing for Pleasure
A dance will take place on Saturday night next, 10th of January, in the Community Centre, starting off the year with the very popular ‘Show Bud’. The usual refreshments will be served to keep your energy up. You will enjoy it. Happy New Year to all our supporters.
Pilates: Pilates resuming on Tuesday evening January 12th in the Presbyterian Hall, Bailieborough. Beginners at 6.15pm and mixed ability at 7.30pm. Suitable for all fitness levels. Booking is essential. For more information please call 087 2601454.
Bailieborough Vocational School (Tech) 50th Year Anniversary Re-Union
A group of past pupils have got together with the intention of holding a 50th Anniversary Re-Union to celebrate the opening of the Old Vocational School, Kells Road, on May 2nd 2015. Were you a pupil at the school in 1965? Do you know the whereabouts of any of the pupils of that year or would you be interested in meeting up with your old class mates? If so, could you contact any of the following for further information: Sean Ledwith (086 3082391), Patricia Gilsenan (nee Donnellan, 086 3033610), Frank Donnelly (087 221 0252), Sean Callaghan (087 9290915) or Jim Liggan (087 9714300).
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for January and February 2015
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Sunday, January 18th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, January 31st at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 1st at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael), Saturday, February 14th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien), Sunday, February 15th at 12.30pm (Fr. Michael) and Saturday, February 28th at 5.00pm (Deacon Damien).
Vigil Mass time change in the New Year
Please note that the Vigil Mass on Feast Days has also been changed to 7.00pm as well as the Saturday evening Vigil Mass.
Bridge Results
Seniors Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Bailie Hotel at 8.00pm. New players are always most welcome.
Walk ,Jog Or Run….
Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!.
First Thursday and First Friday
Fr. Michael will visit the sick and housebound in the Bailieborough Church Area on this Thursday, January 8th and Friday, January 9th.
Bailieborough Development Association
The Bailieborough Development Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting at Bailieborough Business Centre on Monday, January 12th at 8.00pm. All welcome to attend.
Cavan Business News
Follow @CavanBizNews on twitter for all the latest business news from Cavan town and county:
Email your Cavan business news stories to for future coverage on the @CavanBizNews Twitter account.
Pilates Classes resume at Cornakill, Mullagh for the New Year. Morning and Evening classes, all levels catered for. €60 for 6 weeks. Max 6 people per class. Please contact Julie 086 3283943, email or see for more details.
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C.
As the transfer window is open, Bailieboro Celtic AFC Senior team are looking to strengthen their senior team squad with 2/3 players. For more information please contact 0858256347.
Irish Wildlife Trust
Calendars now available with beautiful images of Cavan’s natural heritage. Many local photographers represented. €5.00 each with all proceeds going to the Irish Wildlife Trust, a charity that encourages conservation of our natural wildlife and habitats. Phone (086) 8273470.
Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.
‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.
Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome. Free admission.
Junior Book Club for all children aged 10-12 years on the last Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm.
Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.
East Cavan Gaels
We at East Cavan Gaels Hurling would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year for 2015. 2014 was another exceptional year for our club where we fielded teams for all age groups and grades from U6 all the way to U16 with some highlights along the way being;
Our first ever U16 team reaching the Tri-County (CN, MN, FH) Division 2 final.
Our first ever U15 team winning a Monaghan blitz.
Our very first National Féile (U14) in June. What a weekend for the club and players! Too much for this short news. Check our Facebook group for all pics and reports.
U12s reach Championship Final.
U13 squad gets bigger and competes very well.
Plenty of ECG boys on both South Ulster Under 14 and U16 squads, as well as Cavan Development squads, highlighting the talent we now have within the club.
First ever Community Games hurling for Kingscourt boys. Bailieborough and Shercock will follow suit in 2015.
27 blitzes for our U8 and U10 squads.
Both Kingscourt and Bailieborough U8/10 groups continue to develop. We also made a few visits to Shercock as well which was encouraging.
We sincerely thank everyone who helped 2014 to be such a success, players, parents, managers, coaches, mentors, sponsors and our partner GAA clubs from the region and Bailieboro Celtic AFC for their help also and we look forward with confidence to 2015.
Volunteers Wanted to help Advocacy Service for Older People
Are you someone who can stand out from the crowd? Sage Support and Advocacy Service for Older People needs volunteers to help speak up for older people across all care settings. Sage will provide FETAC training and support. For more information call 086 183 1428 or e-mail: or see
Leisure Centre
€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Citizens Information Service
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
The Samaritans
The Samaritans have recently announced a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
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