Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News. July 5th 2021 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraNahyan’s ‘High 5’, Bailieborough: We are trilled to let you all know that the figure raised for Nahyan’s High 5 Bailieborough event was a MASSIVE €6,384.30!
Nahyan’s High 5 campaign has been up and running 9 weeks or so and we wanted to spread awareness and raise a little money for his fund but with everyone’s help we completely excelled this…We were thinking we could have a little Bake Sale and Shaun added in the Teddy bear hunt and we went from that to a very successful day. To see the excitement on the kids faces made all the hard work worthwhile.
We want to say a massive ‘Thank You’ to everyone who helped out, in any way. There are so many we can’t name everyone. We were completely blown away by the support. From the outstanding bakers, the businesses and indivuduals who donated fabulous raffle prizes, the people who designed our posters, those who printed them for us, the volunteers who helped out organising the event and on the day, to our face painters, our photographers, bubbles for the balloon displays….so so many lent a hand.
Massive thanks to the play centre for joining us with their characters for the event.
Finally thanks to each and every person who joined the event, bought bakes, made donations, bought raffle tickets etc. Those who made donations as they couldn’t be there… We thank you all deeply.
The final figure includes money raised from Precision embroidery competition, outdoor fitness class with Marlena, donations from McHugh ice cream van and Sinclair Pantry who both joined us on the day. Also a donation from Peter Crosby from a raffle he ran for a Honda 50.
St. Annes: Parish Schedule: Now that Fr. Rafal has returned home, Fr. Ultan is the only Priest in the Parish. This will be the case for the next few months. We hope and pray that Fr. Rafal will be replaced in the Autumn. Meanwhile we must manage.
During this time, it will be helpful if people contact the Parish Office during office hours to book Masses and to have Mass cards signed and to conduct ordinary Parish business. Mass bookings and all other business connected with Shercock and Killann will be managed through the Parish Office in Bailieborough. The Parish Office will be open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am to 1.15pm and 2.15pm to 4.00pm. Please feel free to contact Fr. Ultan for assistance on 087 341 8037 or 042 96 65117 or email:
There will be no weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s Church, Shercock for the time being, but a regular Communion Prayer Service will be arranged shortly.
We especially encourage our young families to get back into the habit of coming to Mass. It will do us a power of good to be together and to worship God together as a community of Faith.
The Bishop has granted permission for the resumption of Baptisms, with a limited attendance confined to parents and godparents.
Mass can be heard on the radio at 107.8FM in the Bailieborough area and 92FM in Shercock.
All Masses and Parish Funerals can be viewed on the Parish webcam or can be heard by tuning in the radio to 107.8 F.M.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns: We need more helpers. If you have a spare hour would you volunteer to help out .You can join us whenever it suits you. Contact any Tidy Towns member for more details.
Regretted Death: The death has occured of Sr Andrew Donohoe (Brigid), Presentation Sisters, Pakistan and late of Greaghcrotta, Bailieborough, Co Cavan. Sr Andrew passed away peacefully in the loving tender care of her community in Pakistan on Wednesday, June 30th, 2021. Sr. Andrew was predeceased by her parents, Hugh and Rose, and siblings Rose, Paddy, Con, Hugh and Owen.
She will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by her loving brother Tom and family (London), sisters-in-law Mary (Dublin), Ann (Longford), Mary (London), nieces and nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews, and great grandnieces and great grandnephew, relatives and friends.
Sr Andrew will be greatly missed by her loyal and devoted dear friend, Sr Kathleen Magurie and all her Presentation community in Ireland and Pakistan, where she was a hard working and very dedicated missionary for the past 65 years.
Sr Andrew’s funeral Mass took place in St Joseph’s Cathedral, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on Thursday 1st July 2021.
A Mass will be arranged at a later date in St. Brigid’s Church, West Knockbride to celebrate her life.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Sunday services are at 9:30am in Mullagh and Shercock, 10:45 am in Bailieborough, 12noon in Knockbride. Audio from the sermon will be available later on Sundays on our YouTube channel. Face masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing will still be required on Sunday mornings.
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C: Our Senior teams are looking for some new committed talented players to add to both squads, season is up and running. All welcome.
1st team Alan Keetan 0877671319. 2nd team Ollie kierans 0877978184.
Bailieborough Library: The Library is open for browsing, borrowing, scanning, printing and photocopying. Why not sign your kids up to our Summer Stars programme designed to keep all primary school children reading over the Summer. We have a huge selection of stock on offer. Phone Bailieborough Library at 042 9665779 for more details!
Bailieborough Red Cross: CPR can save a life. Are you interested in leaning CPR?
Contact us for more information.
We continue to be available to assist any one still staying at home. If you have GP or Hospital appointments or require medication delivery’s .
Please contact us on 086 8968928 or email @ or
Cavan Community Call: The Cavan Community Call Helpline remains available for those who are vulnerable or isolated and may need help with essentials such as food, medicine, transport etc. Lines open 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Please call 1800 300 404 (freephone).
East Cavan Gaels: East Cavan Gaels GAA Club
Senior; Training on Mondays from 8—9pm. New players most welcome!
Under 7/9; Training 6-7pm Monday on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA. Please note the earlier start time.
U11; Again great to see the lads back and mad for action! Training 7-8pm Monday on the back pitch at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA.
U13/15/17; 7-8pm on the back pitch at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA.
Club contacts; U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280 and U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Positive Age–‘Good Morning Cavan’ Service: Good Morning Cavan is a free phone call service, which aims to provide security and friendship to older people living in County Cavan. Our team of friendly callers are on hand to chat to members of the community, who may be socially isolated or lonely. To avail of this service, to refer someone you know or to find out more information about this service, please contact, Positive Age Cavan at 049 438 0725 or 087 775 9584. You can also email
Alone: Coronavirus Helpline for Older People—0818 222 024. If you have concerns or queries about Covid-19 call ALONE’S dedicated support line everyday from 8.00am to 8.00pm. To volunteer your help visit:
Bailieborough News. June 28th 2021 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraFarewell to Fr. Rafal Siwek: Last weekend the parish of Killann bid farewell to Fr. Rafal Siwek. Fr. Rafal has been a curate in the parish of Killann sine September 2019 mainly based in Shercock. In the short time that he has been in the parish, Fr. Rafal has endeared himself to young and old by his friendly, outgoing nature and by the spiritual care he has provided in the Shercock and Killann area. He very quickly integrated into the community and during the height of the pandemic, Fr. Rafal put into place a radio system in Shercock. Many people really enjoyed and drew comfort from the evening Prayer Services, he broadcast over the radio system including the ‘celebrity’ guest interviews!
Fr. Rafal is returning to his native Poland to tend to his elderly father. He has worked in the Kilmore Diocese for the past 13 years and he hopes to return to Kilmore in due course. The parish of Killann thanks Fr. Rafal for his service here and we wish him and his father every blessing in the years to come.
St. Annes: We especially encourage our young families to get back into the habit of coming to Mass. It will do us a power of good to be together and to worship God together as a community of Faith.
The Bishop has granted permission for the resumption of Baptisms, with a limited attendance confined to parents and godparents.
Mass can be heard on the radio at 107.8FM in the Bailieborough area and 92FM in Shercock.
All Masses and Parish Funerals can be viewed on the Parish webcam or can be heard by tuning in the radio to 107.8 F.M.
The Parish Office will be open on Mondays and Fridays from 10am to 4.00pm. Please feel free to contact Fr. Ultan for assistance on 087 341 8037 or 042 96 65117.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns: We need more helpers. If you have a spare hour would you volunteer to help out .You can join us whenever it suits you. Contact any Tidy Towns member for more details.
School Changes: Best wishes are extended to Brigid Donohoe, Deputy Principal of St. Anne’s National School, who has retired after many years of dedicated service. All in the local community wish Brigid well, in her retirement years.
Congratulations to Eilish Keegan who has been appointed Principal of St. Felim’s N.S., The Vale.
Also, farewell to Cathriona Molloy, Principal of St. Felim’s School, who is taking up a new post closer to home. We thank her for her enormous contribution to the school and wish her well in her new school.
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to sister Alice, nieces and nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews, relatives, neighbours and friends on the death of Catherine (Catha) McIntyre who passed away in her 96th year, peacefully on Sunday, June 20th , 2021 in the loving care of the staff of The Sacred Heart Nursing Home, Sybil Hill, Dublin. Catherine was originally from Skeagh, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan and then Howth Road, Clontarf, Dublin. She was a beloved daughter of the late Alice and Francis and she was predeceased by her brothers and sisters, John and Mary (Skeagh), Elizabeth (Betty) Kennedy, Santry, Dublin and Peter Francis (Pete), (Rathfarnham, Dublin).
Catherine’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Brigids Church, Knockbride East on Wednesday, June 23rd and following which, her remains were laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Sunday services are at 9:30am in Mullagh and Shercock, 10:45 am in Bailieborough, 12noon in Knockbride. Audio from the sermon will be available later on Sundays on our YouTube channel. Face masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing will still be required on Sunday mornings. Looking forward to seeing you at church again!
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C: Summer Camps: Bookings are now live for the FAI summer camps! Which will be running from the 26th of July till 30th.
We will be hosting two this year but places are limited so make sure you secure your place now.
Bailieborough Celtic Girls Soccer Training for Under 11’s and 13’s continues on Monday evenings at 6.30pm in The Vale Grounds, Bailieborough. All Girls welcome. Any Queries, text/phone Grainne on 086-8156532.
Also, Senior men’s training is back on Tuesdays at 7.30. Any queries text Paddy on 0858256357.
Bailieborough Library: The Library is open for browsing, borrowing, scanning, printing and photocopying. Why not sign your kids up to our Summer Stars programme designed to keep all primary school children reading over the Summer. We have a huge selection of stock on offer. Phone Bailieborough Library at 042 9665779 for more details!
Congratulations: Congratulations to local girl, Leanne Kiernan, on signing for Liverpool F.C. Ladies. Best wishes and success at your new club.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Patricia (Armstrong), son Stephen and daughter Leonie, brother-in-law David, sister-in-law Annette, son-in-law Denis, daughter-in-law Hanora, grandchildren Alannah, Naoise, Leo, Jamie, Joss and Nora May, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends, on the death of Pat O’Connor, Leitrim, Bailieborough , late of Donnybrook and Kells Stainless, who passed away peacefully on Monday, 21st June 2021, at Signa Care Nursing Home, New Ross, surrounded by his loving family.
Brother of Betty (Quirk), the late Jim, John, George O’Connor.
Pat’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Patrick’s Church, Tierworker on Thursday, June 24th and afterwards, his remains were laid to rest in Moybologue Cemetery.
Bailieborough Red Cross: CPR can save a life. Are you interested in leaning CPR?
Contact us for more information.
We continue to be available to assist any one still staying at home. If you have GP or Hospital appointments or require medication delivery’s .
Please contact us on 086 8968928 or email @ or
Cavan Community Call: The Cavan Community Call Helpline remains available for those who are vulnerable or isolated and may need help with essentials such as food, medicine, transport etc. Lines open 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Please call 1800 300 404 (freephone).
East Cavan Gaels: East Cavan Gaels GAA Club
Senior; Training on Mondays from 8—9pm. New players most welcome!
Under 7/9; Training 6-7pm Monday on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA. Please note the earlier start time.
U11; Again great to see the lads back and mad for action! Training 7-8pm Monday on the back pitch at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA.
U13/15/17; 7-8pm on the back pitch at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA.
Club contacts; U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280 and U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Positive Age–‘Good Morning Cavan’ Service: Good Morning Cavan is a free phone call service, which aims to provide security and friendship to older people living in County Cavan. Our team of friendly callers are on hand to chat to members of the community, who may be socially isolated or lonely. To avail of this service, to refer someone you know or to find out more information about this service, please contact, Positive Age Cavan at 049 438 0725 or 087 775 9584. You can also email
Alone: Coronavirus Helpline for Older People—0818 222 024. If you have concerns or queries about Covid-19 call ALONE’S dedicated support line everyday from 8.00am to 8.00pm. To volunteer your help visit:
Bailieborough News. June 21st 2021 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraChurch Re-Opening: St. Anne’s Church, Killann will re-open for Mass next Saturday evening at 8.30pm. The first stage of the work on the Church has now been completed: insulating the attic, boxing in pipes and remedial work on areas of dampness in the walls. The next stage is internal and external painting. For various reasons, that cannot happen immediately, so in the meantime, the Church will re-open. Hopefully the Church will be fully decorated by September.
Bailieborough Shamrocks: Car Parking reminder: The Car Parking Facilities in St Anne’s Park are closed.
Everyone attending Training or Matches MUST park in the Cheese Factory Car Park and enter the Club Grounds direct from this Car Park via the Green Fencing.
Once Tarmacadam is laid, the Club Car Park will reopen. Thanks in advance for your Co operation and a huge, huge ‘Thank You’ to Lakeland Dairies for facilitating the Club with this wonderful gesture.
St. Annes: It is good to be back. We especially encourage our young families to get back into the habit of coming to Mass. It will do us a power of good to be together and to worship God together as a community of Faith. Welcome back!!
Funerals: Fifty mourners permitted at a Funeral.
Weddings: Fifty guests permitted at a wedding.
The Bishop has granted permission for the resumption of Baptisms, with a limited attendance confined to parents and godparents.
Mass can be heard on the radio at 107.8FM in the Bailieborough area and 92FM in Shercock.
All Masses and Parish Funerals can be viewed on the Parish webcam or can be heard by tuning in the radio to 107.8 F.M.
The Parish Office will be open on Mondays and Fridays from 10am to 4.00pm. Please feel free to contact Fr. Ultan for assistance on 087 341 8037 or 042 96 65117.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns: We need more helpers. If you have a spare hour would you volunteer to help out .You can join us whenever it suits you. Contact any Tidy Towns member for more details.
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Marian, heartbroken children Lisa, Damien, Peter, Leonard, Lorretta, Declan, Graham, Leanne and Lauren, sons and daughters in-law, siblings Kathleen, Jim, Eileen, Patricia, Mattie, Una, Maurice, Caroline and Sabrina, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, extended family and many friends on the death of Peter McCabe, Rakeevan, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan who passed away peacefully, at home in the loving care of his family after a battle fought with dignity, courage and fortitude on Tuesday, June 15th , 2021. Peter was predeceased by his father Larry, mother Lilly and brother Leonard.
Peter’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church on Friday, June 18th and afterwards his remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Sunday services are at 9:30am in Mullagh and Shercock, 10:45 am in Bailieborough, 12noon in Knockbride. Audio from the sermon will be available later on Sundays on our YouTube channel. Face masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing will still be required on Sunday mornings. Looking forward to seeing you at church again!
Nahyan’s ‘High 5’, Bailieborough: This event is in aid of a little boy called Nahyan, who is 5 years old and has stage 4 Neuroblastoma.
This amazing group of volunteers are trying to raise money to send him to America for treatment.
It’s promising to be a great weekend of fun.
Friday, June 25th: Outdoor ‘Zumba’ Fitness Class at 7.00pm in thr Trinity Hall Car Park, Virginia Road.
Saturday, June 26th: Bake sale, raffle and Teddy Bear Hunt. Bake sale and raffle from 11.00am to 1.00pm at the Town Lake Car Park—beside Dr. Cronin’s.
Teddy Bear Hunt from 1.00pm to 4.00pm. Registration will take place outside the Community Centre. €5 per child. Face painting and special characters appearing on the day. All welcome.
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C: Summer Camps: Bookings are now live for the FAI summer camps! Which will be running from the 26th of July till 30th.
We will be hosting two this year but places are limited so make sure you secure your place now.
Bailieborough Celtic Girls Soccer Training for Under 11’s and 13’s continues on Monday evenings at 6.30pm in The Vale Grounds, Bailieborough. All Girls welcome. Any Queries, text/phone Grainne on 086-8156532.
Also, Senior men’s training is back on Tuesdays at 7.30. Any queries text Paddy on 0858256357.
Bailieborough Library: The Library is open for browsing, borrowing, scanning, printing and photocopying. Why not sign your kids up to our Summer Stars programme designed to keep all primary school children reading over the Summer. We have a huge selection of stock on offer. Phone Bailieborough Library at 042 9665779 for more details!
Bailieborough Red Cross: CPR can save a life. Are you interested in leaning CPR?
Contact us for more information.
We continue to be available to assist any one still staying at home. If you have GP or Hospital appointments or require medication delivery’s .
Please contact us on 086 8968928 or email @ or
Well Done: Congratulations and well done to local girl Tina O Reilly and the Cavan Camogie team on their impressive win against Roscommon in Sunday’s League Final .
Cavan Community Call: The Cavan Community Call Helpline remains available for those who are vulnerable or isolated and may need help with essentials such as food, medicine, transport etc. Lines open 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Please call 1800 300 404 (freephone).
East Cavan Gaels: East Cavan Gaels GAA Club
Senior; Training on Mondays from 8—9pm. New players most welcome!
Under 7/9; Training 6-7pm Monday on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA. Please note the earlier start time.
U11; Again great to see the lads back and mad for action! Training 7-8pm Monday on the back pitch at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA.
U13/15/17; 7-8pm on the back pitch at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA.
Club contacts; U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280 and U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Positive Age–‘Good Morning Cavan’ Service: Good Morning Cavan is a free phone call service, which aims to provide security and friendship to older people living in County Cavan. Our team of friendly callers are on hand to chat to members of the community, who may be socially isolated or lonely. To avail of this service, to refer someone you know or to find out more information about this service, please contact, Positive Age Cavan at 049 438 0725 or 087 775 9584. You can also email
Alone: Coronavirus Helpline for Older People—0818 222 024. If you have concerns or queries about Covid-19 call ALONE’S dedicated support line everyday from 8.00am to 8.00pm. To volunteer your help visit: