Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News. August 16th 2021 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraMoonwalk 2021: This years ‘Moonwalk’ takes place on Lough An Leagh on Saturday evening next, August 21st, commencing at 8.15pm. Walk, jog or run the 5km. The event will start at the Picnic area. All proceeds will go to local Cancer Charities. Due to restrictions, there will be NO refreshments this year. Entry fee 10 euro. All welcome.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns: Great work being done around the town by this very commited group of people. The Tidy Towns have planted and maintained hanging baskets, pots, roundabouts and approach roads to the town flowering beds.
If you have a spare hour would you volunteer to help out .You can join us whenever it suits you. Contact any Tidy Towns member for more details.
Ushers: As there will be a need for ushers in St. Annes for some time yet, more volunteers are needed to help with this important job. This is an opportuinity to be of service to the Parish Community. Please contact Fr. Ultan for further details.
Bailieborough Leisure Centre: Great News! Our Sauna, Steam room and Jacuzzi are back in action. Please remember you must book a pool slot to avail of these facilities. Any further queries please call the Leisure Centre on 042 9666644.
East Cavan Gaels: There is a team in this club for you no matter your age or ability. Come join us. Club contacts; U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280 and U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Sunday services are at 9:30am in Mullagh and Shercock, 10:45 am in Bailieborough, 12noon in Knockbride. Audio from the sermon will be available later on Sundays on our YouTube channel. Face masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing will still be required on Sunday mornings.
Bailieborough Creative Hub: Over the weekend a fabulous days filming putting Bailieborough once again in the spotlight for Poetry Ireland / Éigse Éireann Poetry Town event for Culture Night. Members of the Hub performed their poetry beautifully despite the showers and the brilliant and talented Dimitry from Jago Studio was amazing and even shot some stunning footage of our town and the surrounding countryside with his drone. We can’t wait to share the videos with you on the run up to Culture Night.
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C: Super work by Cavan Sports Partnership on the #HEROUTDOORS campaign last week to encourage and support girls in sports. There was a girls soccer blitz at Bailieborough Celtic’s grounds with Republic of Ireland International Grace Murray who has 63 caps and gave an inspirational talk to all the little ladies on the pitch. Lucky for us Grace is also a trainee with An Garda Siochana based in Bailieborough! Thank you to Dean McElroy Cavan Sports Partnership and Thomas Heffernan FAI for organising this very special event. New players are always welcome—both boys and girls.
Bailieborough St. Vincent DePaul: Back to school with Vincents. Lots of school uniforms, bags, books and shoes. Call in and have a look.
Public Information Meeting: A Public Information meeting will take place on Saturday evening next, August 21st at 7.30pm—following the 7.00pm evening Mass—in St. Mary’s Church, Newcastle with regards to the restoration of St. Mary’s Church. Anyone that is interested please attend. All are welcome.
Bailieborough Library: Summer Stars Reading Programme: The Summer Stars Reading Programme continues at Bailieborough Library. Designed to encourage reading in children over the summer and develop a lifelong love of books. Pick up your reading card, choose from a wonderful selection of books and remember all completed reading cards will be in with a chance to win a voucher at the end of August.
The Library is open for browsing, borrowing, scanning, printing and photocopying. We have a huge selection of stock on offer. Phone Bailieborough Library at 042 9665779 for more details!
Bailieborough Red Cross: CPR can save a life. Are you interested in leaning CPR?Contact us for more information. We continue to be available to assist any one still staying at home. If you have GP or Hospital appointments or require medication delivery’s .
Please contact us on 086 8968928 or email @ or
Cavan Community Call: The Cavan Community Call Helpline remains available for those who are vulnerable or isolated and may need help with essentials such as food, medicine, transport etc. Lines open 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Please call 1800 300 404 (freephone).
ICT Skills Programme: Do you want to re-train to re-enter the workforce? Are you out of work due to illness, disability or a personal setback? ICT Skills is a level 4 programme designed to support people who have faced a long term barrier to employment to re-train and re-enter the workforce. Participants may qualify for a training allowance—depending on eligibility criteria. Benefits include, work placement, training plan, personalised support and QQI certification. Telephone Mary on 049 43 77038 or 087 2274787 for further information.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Suicide Bereavement Support Group
This Group is for anyone who has been bereaved by Suicide. Meetings take place every fortnight on Monday nights in the Farnham Arms Hotel in Cavan Town from 7pm to 9pm. All welcome for further information contact SOSAD on 049 4326339.
Positive Age–‘Good Morning Cavan’ Service: Good Morning Cavan is a free phone call service, which aims to provide security and friendship to older people living in County Cavan. Our team of friendly callers are on hand to chat to members of the community, who may be socially isolated or lonely. To avail of this service, to refer someone you know or to find out more information about this service, please contact, Positive Age Cavan at 049 438 0725 or 087 775 9584. You can also email
Alone: Coronavirus Helpline for Older People—0818 222 024. If you have concerns or queries about Covid-19 call ALONE’S dedicated support line everyday from 8.00am to 8.00pm. To volunteer your help visit:
Bailieborough News. August 9th 2021 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraNew Mural in the Playground: Congratulations to all the young people involved in curating and producing the stunning new mural advocating positive Mental Health, which has recently been erected in our local playground to remind our children the importance of good mental health. Thank you to the local Foroige young workers Alma McCabe and Sharon Ivers working alongside our local Gardai in the community – Juvenile Liason Officer, Garda Edel Gilliland, Garda Ciara Logue, Garda Sarra Hadi, Student Garda Lorna Reilly and Garda Lisa Stephens. Congratulations to artist Elaine Agnew for her curatorial work on this project and to Henry Rogers for his constant help in the local community and in particular placing this beautiful piece of artwork in the playground ably assisted by Martin Brady. Cavan Foroige District Council
St. Annes: Temporary Curate for the Parish: Bishop Martin Hayes has decided to appoint a temporary Curate to the Parish, who will be based in Shercock. Fr. Peter Okpetu—who is currently working in Cavan Parish—will come to Killann Parish from the beginning of September until Christmas. It is hoped that another Priest will then take over from January until Easter 2022. The Bishop would like to make a more permanent appointment to Shercock next summer and hopefully that will come to pass. Without a Priest based in Shercock, the pastoral area of Killann, Knockbride and Kilmainhamwood and Moybologue cannot function. The extra Priest in Shercock means that there is an extra man who can provide cover in the surrounding Parishes in the event of sickness, at holiday time and when the unanticipated occurs.
For the time being, it will be great to have the help and support of Fr. Peter from September until Christmas. We hope he will receive a warm welcome when he arrives. His generosity in agreeing to move from Cavan for three months during the Parish’s time of need is much appreciated by Fr. Ultan.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns: Great work being done around the town by this very commited group of people. The Tidy Towns have planted and maintained hanging baskets, pots, roundabouts and approach roads to the town flowering beds.
If you have a spare hour would you volunteer to help out .You can join us whenever it suits you. Contact any Tidy Towns member for more details.
Ushers: As there will be a need for ushers in St. Annes for some time yet, more volunteers are needed to help with this important job. This is an opportuinity to be of service to the Parish Community. Please contact Fr. Ultan for further details.
East Cavan Gaels: There is a team in this club for you no matter your age or ability. Come join us. Club contacts; U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280 and U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Sunday services are at 9:30am in Mullagh and Shercock, 10:45 am in Bailieborough, 12noon in Knockbride. Audio from the sermon will be available later on Sundays on our YouTube channel. Face masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing will still be required on Sunday mornings.
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C: New players are always welcome. .
Bailieborough Library: Summer Stars Reading Programme: The Summer Stars Reading Programme continues at Bailieborough Library. Designed to encourage reading in children over the summer and develop a lifelong love of books. Pick up your reading card, choose from a wonderful selection of books and remember all completed reading cards will be in with a chance to win a voucher at the end of August.
The Library is open for browsing, borrowing, scanning, printing and photocopying. We have a huge selection of stock on offer. Phone Bailieborough Library at 042 9665779 for more details!
Bailieborough Red Cross: CPR can save a life. Are you interested in leaning CPR?Contact us for more information. We continue to be available to assist any one still staying at home. If you have GP or Hospital appointments or require medication delivery’s .
Please contact us on 086 8968928 or email @ or
Cavan Community Call: The Cavan Community Call Helpline remains available for those who are vulnerable or isolated and may need help with essentials such as food, medicine, transport etc. Lines open 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Please call 1800 300 404 (freephone).
ICT Skills Programme: Do you want to re-train to re-enter the workforce? Are you out of work due to illness, disability or a personal setback? ICT Skills is a level 4 programme designed to support people who have faced a long term barrier to employment to re-train and re-enter the workforce. Participants may qualify for a training allowance—depending on eligibility criteria. Benefits include, work placement, training plan, personalised support and QQI certification. Telephone Mary on 049 43 77038 or 087 2274787 for further information.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Suicide Bereavement Support Group
This Group is for anyone who has been bereaved by Suicide. Meetings take place every fortnight on Monday nights in the Farnham Arms Hotel in Cavan Town from 7pm to 9pm. All welcome for further information contact SOSAD on 049 4326339.
Positive Age–‘Good Morning Cavan’ Service: Good Morning Cavan is a free phone call service, which aims to provide security and friendship to older people living in County Cavan. Our team of friendly callers are on hand to chat to members of the community, who may be socially isolated or lonely. To avail of this service, to refer someone you know or to find out more information about this service, please contact, Positive Age Cavan at 049 438 0725 or 087 775 9584. You can also email
Alone: Coronavirus Helpline for Older People—0818 222 024. If you have concerns or queries about Covid-19 call ALONE’S dedicated support line everyday from 8.00am to 8.00pm. To volunteer your help visit:
Bailieborough News. August 2nd 2021 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraSt. Annes: Blessing of the Graves: Due to the restrictions, there will be no gathering for the Blessing of the Graves, this year. Fr. Ultan will bless the graves privately, towards the end of August. Please continue to look after your family plots and graves.
Parishioners in Bailieborough, Shercock and Killann have a ‘Cemetery Collection’ envelope in their box of envelopes. This collection goes towards the upkeep of the Cemeteries and the cost of maintaining equipment. Your generous support of this collection will be much appreciated.
The Parish Office will be open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am to 1.15pm and 2.15pm to 4.00pm. Please feel free to contact Fr. Ultan for assistance on 087 341 8037 or 042 96 65117 or email:
We especially encourage our young families to get back into the habit of coming to Mass. It will do us a power of good to be together and to worship God together as a community of Faith.
Mass can be heard on the radio at 107.8FM in the Bailieborough area and 92FM in Shercock.
All Masses and Parish Funerals can be viewed on the Parish webcam or can be heard by tuning in the radio to 107.8 F.M.
Thank You!: Loughanleagh And Muff Heritage Trust wish to sincerely thank everybody who participitated and contributed to our recent Go Fund Me Walkaton on the June Bank holiday weekend.
A special ‘Thank You’ to Fiona McKenna,Blossom Print Kingscourt for her print designs and Matt Kemp of Parrot Signs Print, Kingscourt for printing all of our go fund me signage.Both provided their services free of charge in support of our event
A total of €9,020 was raised. This fund will go directly towards improving and developing facilities for future projects.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns: Great work being done around the town by this very commited group of people. The Tidy Towns have planted and maintained hanging baskets, pots, roundabouts and approach roads to the town flowering beds.
If you have a spare hour would you volunteer to help out .You can join us whenever it suits you. Contact any Tidy Towns member for more details.
Bailieborough Creative Hub: Poetry Ireland has announced the towns who will be taking part in ‘Poetry Town’ a new all-island initiative of 20 towns across the island of Ireland between 10th and 18th September 2021. Bailieborough and Cootehill are among them!
Thank you to Cavan Arts Office for inviting Bailieborough Creative Hub to get involved in this wonderful project. We are absolutely delighted to have been chosen to bring poetry to our town once again. The spirit of poetry is alive in Bailieborough!
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to husband Aidan Farrell, parents Tom and Rosaleen, sister Karen, brothers Gavin and Gary, nephew Ryan, father in law Paddy, sisters in law Deirdre, Una, Joan and Frances, brothers in law Sean, Gerard, Don, Frank and their families, relatives and close friends on the death of Vanessa Mackey, Delbrook Park, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 and formerly, Lisnalea, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away peacefully, at The Beacon Hospital, Sandyford, surrounded by her loving family on Saturday, July 24th 2021.
Vanessa’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Annes Church on Tuesday, July 27th and following which, her remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
East Cavan Gaels: Congratulations and Well Done: Congratulations and Well Done to the nine East Cavan Gaels players (Nathan Carroll, Gary Leddy (Captain), Tadgh Barry, James Tully, Daire Leddy, Callum Shields, Cian O’Brien, Niall Mernagh and Hugh Smith ) who were part of the Cavan team that won the All Ireland Tom Hogan U17 Hurling Cup on Saturday last, when they defeated Louth by 3—15 to 2—5 in Abbotstown. It was also great to have Pat O’Flaherty joint manage All Ireland winners. It was a terrific achievement for these players and the future of hurling in the county can only be helped by such an outstanding result.
There is a team in this club for you no matter your age or ability. Come join us. The fun is only beginning.
Club contacts; U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280 and U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Sunday services are at 9:30am in Mullagh and Shercock, 10:45 am in Bailieborough, 12noon in Knockbride. Audio from the sermon will be available later on Sundays on our YouTube channel. Face masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing will still be required on Sunday mornings.
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C: U8-U10 Training will resume on Monday the 9th August at 18:30. New players are always welcome.
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to sisters Diana, Rebecca and Laura, brothers Daniel and Matthew, father Mark, nieces Nicole, Sophie and Amelia, nephews Cian and Sam, aunts, uncles, relatives and friends on the death of Mark David Cobley, Birmingham and late of Tandragee, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away suddenly on Friday 18th December 2020. Mark was predeceased by his mother Margaret Cobley (nee McCabe).
Mark’s ashes were buried on Friday, 30th July, in St Anne’s Cemetery, Bailieborough, where Mark was finally laid to rest with his beloved mother and grandparents.
Well Done: Well done to the Bailieborough Shamrocks Senior Ladies side who defeated Lacken in the semi-final of the Division 1 Reserve League by 6—6 to 4—5 on Sunday last in Lacken. The ladies will now play Killygarry in the Final.
Bailieborough Library: Summer Stars Reading Programme: The Summer Stars Reading Programme continues at Bailieborough Library. Designed to encourage reading in children over the summer and develop a lifelong love of books. Pick up your reading card, choose from a wonderful selection of books and remember all completed reading cards will be in with a chance to win a voucher at the end of August.
The Library is open for browsing, borrowing, scanning, printing and photocopying. We have a huge selection of stock on offer. Phone Bailieborough Library at 042 9665779 for more details!
Deepest Sympathy: The death has occurred of Patrick Mooney, 41 Twin Oaks, Bailieborough, Cavan / Ardara, Donegal, on Sunday, July 25th. Patrick’s Funeral Mass took place in The Church of the Holy Family, Ardara followed by cremation in Lakelands Crematorium, Cavan on Thursday, July 29th, 2021. Deppest Sympathy is extended to all Patrick’s family, relatives and friends. The burial of Patrick’s ashes will take place at a later date in Ardara.
Bailieborough Red Cross: CPR can save a life. Are you interested in leaning CPR?
Contact us for more information.
We continue to be available to assist any one still staying at home. If you have GP or Hospital appointments or require medication delivery’s .
Please contact us on 086 8968928 or email @ or
Cavan Community Call: The Cavan Community Call Helpline remains available for those who are vulnerable or isolated and may need help with essentials such as food, medicine, transport etc. Lines open 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Please call 1800 300 404 (freephone).
ICT Skills Programme: Do you want to re-train to re-enter the workforce? Are you out of work due to illness, disability or a personal setback? ICT Skills is a level 4 programme designed to support people who have faced a long term barrier to employment to re-train and re-enter the workforce. Participants may qualify for a training allowance—depending on eligibility criteria. Benefits include, work placement, training plan, personalised support and QQI certification. Telephone Mary on 049 43 77038 or 087 2274787 for further information.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Suicide Bereavement Support Group
This Group is for anyone who has been bereaved by Suicide. Meetings take place every fortnight on Monday nights in the Farnham Arms Hotel in Cavan Town from 7pm to 9pm. All welcome for further information contact SOSAD on 049 4326339.
Positive Age–‘Good Morning Cavan’ Service: Good Morning Cavan is a free phone call service, which aims to provide security and friendship to older people living in County Cavan. Our team of friendly callers are on hand to chat to members of the community, who may be socially isolated or lonely. To avail of this service, to refer someone you know or to find out more information about this service, please contact, Positive Age Cavan at 049 438 0725 or 087 775 9584. You can also email
Alone: Coronavirus Helpline for Older People—0818 222 024. If you have concerns or queries about Covid-19 call ALONE’S dedicated support line everyday from 8.00am to 8.00pm. To volunteer your help visit: