Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News Thursday 12th November 2015
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. November 12th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort:
All in Bailieborough Cancer Comfort would like to sincerely thank everybody who helped out and participated in any way in the Variety Concerts at the weekend. Outstanding talent was displayed on both nights and special thanks to everyone who came out and supported us.
The Parents Association of East Knockbride N.S. present a play “Now & Zen” by Drumgoon Play-Actors in Tunnyduff Community Centre on Saturday 14th November 2015 at 8.30pm. This three-act comedy features some familiar faces from previous productions, as well as a couple of new recruits. Adults €10, Children €5. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Social Day Centre:
The next Get-Together of the Bailieborough Social Day Centre takes place on Wednesday, November 18th from 2.30 pm to 4.30pm in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. All members come along for Bingo, music and song, chat and refreshment, etc… New members are always welcome.
Volunteers Needed:
Volunteers are needed in the Bailieborough area to work with Adult Literacy learners. Training will take place on a Monday and Wednesday morning, from 10am to 1pm, in the Kilmore Hotel, Cavan starting on Monday 16th November and finishing Wednesday, 9th December 2015. If you have time to spare and an interest in helping others, please contact Regina Clarke, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board on 0872855907 for more information.
Enrolment for Confirmation:
Students in 6th class in St. Annes N.S., St. Felims N.S. and the Model N.S. who wish to be confirmed on April 23rd, 2016 will be enrolled at the 7.00pm Mass next Saturday evening—November 14th.
winter cycling training taking place every Sunday morning from the Market Square, Bailieborough at 9am. This training will continue during the winter, weather permitting for all interested. All levels welcome.
Round Table Quiz:
The Bailieborough Masonic Lodge are hosting a ‘Round Table Quiz’ on this Friday evening, November 13th commencing at 8.30pm, in the Masonic Hall, Market Square. All welcome.
‘Seasons of Love’:
The members of ‘Hardtimes Chorus’ have been rehearsing over the past few months for their new production, entitled, ‘Seasons of Love’. The show will take place in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough on Friday, December 4th at 8.30pm, sharp. This year the group will be supporting, the work of Cavan Palliative Care and Bailieborough Community School Music Facilities. Tickets are currently on sale for 12 Euro for what should be one of the highlights of the year.
Bailieborough Development Association:
Bailieborough Development Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting at 8.00pm on Wednesday, November 11th at Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough. All welcome to attend.
Information Meeting:
An ‘Information Meeting’ for all parents of servers, choir leaders, sacristans, volunteers, employees in the Parish (Bailieborough, Killann and Shercock) and all interested persons will take place in St. Anne’s Church on Monday, November 23rd at 7.30pm.
Christmas Craft Workshop:
Christmas Craft workshop for adults at the Library on Thursday 12th November from 2pm-3.30pm. Learn to make your own fabric appliqué Christmas cards and Christmas decorations. Workshop will be facilitated by Ann McFadden of the Tobersool Cultural Centre in The Naul, Co. Dublin. Booking at 042 9665779 as places are strictly limited at €5 per person.
Class of ’85 Reunion:
A reunion of the Leaving Cert class of 1985, including all those who were first years in Lourdesville or the Vocational school in Bailieboro in 1980, will be held on Saturday next, 14th November in the Bailie Hotel. Those who started in Lourdesville or The ‘Tech’ in 1980 are invited to attend the reunion.
A Mass for deceased class members will be held in St. Anne’s Church at 7pm followed by a Buffet in the Bailie Hotel. All past pupils who started in Lourdesville or the Tech are invited to attend. Partners and past pupils are also welcome.
Leisure Centre News: November Membership Special:
Senior 1 year Pool or Gym. Buy one get one Free. 2 people for €279. (Over 65’s).
Swimming Lessons Rebooking takes place on Saturday, November 28th from 9am for those already in lessons and from 12 o’ clock for all others. All levels catered for, no waiting lists.
Christmas intensive Swimming Lessons—now booking. After School week Dec 7th – 11th. All levels catered for. One hour, 5 days, €65.00.
Prize Draw. Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure Centre and from Board Members. All funds support the Development Fund of the Leisure Centre.
€30 for 30 days membership-pool or gym membership still available.
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Attention Business People:
Are you a small business owner? Do you work from home? Come and talk to BDA about our Hot Desk facilities for your business needs. We can provide email on, a Business Address, access to High Speed Broadband, Delivery Address, at packages tailored to suit your needs. For more details call : 042-969-4716.
Cavan Birdwatch:
Cavan Birdwatch branch are travelling to Dundalk on Sunday 15th November. All are welcome to join us.
To car share, meet at Bailieborough Market Square at 9am sharp.
To meet with the group at Dundalk Bay contact Liz on mobile or by email in advance to arrange a meet up point. For further information please contact: email: phone: 086 8336675.
Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre:
Come and learn new or brush up on your computer skills: All levels of ability catered for: email, Facebook, web browsing, Skype. €10 for 4 x 2 hour classes with Carmel Shekleton, call: 042-969-4716, for further information.
Enrolment Evening:
East Knockbride N.S. Enrolment / Open evening will take place on Wednesday 18th November from 7 – 8pm in the school. Parents and children welcome on the night.
Bailieborough Red Cross ‘Quiz Night’:
Bailieborough Red Cross are hosting a Quiz Night in the Bailie Hotel at 9pm on Friday November 20th. All welcome for a great night’s entertainment.
Church Gate Collection:
CAPS (Cavan Autism Parents Support) will be having a church gate collection on the 28th and 29th November. All support greatly appreciated.
Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:
The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre. Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.
CD Launch in aid of Cancer: Olivia Clarke’s ‘Listen to Me’ CD Launch in aid of Cancer in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough on Saturday 21st November.
Music by: Texas Wildcats. Doors open at 10:30pm – Tickets €15.
All proceeds go to cancer!
This event is for a great cause and your support on the night would be greatly appreciated. All proceeds go to local Cancer Charities.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for November and December 2015:
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Sunday, November 22nd (Fr. Michael), Saturday, November 28th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 29th (Fr. Michael), Sunday, December 6th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 12th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, December 13th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael). Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 9th November 2015
Under 6/8/10; Indoor hurling returned this past week. Thursday in Kingscourt and Friday in Bailieborough. This is a great time for new players, aged 5-10, to join with us as we get over 25 weeks indoor hurling with a number of blitzes both locally and further afield. All equipment is supplied while learning the game with us. All indoor sessions are €3 and please bring a bottle of water. We are open to all boys from our catchment area of Bailieborough, Knockbride, Shercock, Killinkere, Kingscourt and surrounding areas. New players always very welcome. Contact Willie Gaughan 086 1649280,
We had our first little blitz in Carrick on Saturday last with a lot more to come over the winter months.
Fridays Bailieborough U6/8 and U10 Friday training groups.
Under 13; The Under 13 Autumn league began last Wednesday at 7.30 on the 3G at Breffni Park. We have entered two teams and this will run for the next 3 weeks.
Under 16/18; The U16 lads had a good win over St. Feilims/Annalee on the 3G at Breffni Park on Monday last. The next round is next weekend when we play Woodford Gaels.
The first round of the Minor Championship is due to be played soon also v Woodford. Fixture TBC next week.
Hurling training times and venues;
Under 6/8/10; Kingscourt group;
Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.
Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.
Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.
For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
Under 12/14/16/18; All training is collective in Bailieborough and subject to change. Training will now move to weekends. Players will receive a text.
For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
Citizens Information
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous
: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
The Samaritans:
The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Coote’s Christmas Shop
Based this year on the other side of the Main Street, near Bailie Stores – and is known as the HoHoHo shop. Great selection of Christmas Trees, games, decorations etc. All at a very keen price.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News. Thursday 5th November 2015.
/in News /by PetraBailieborough News. Thursday 5th November 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
Bailieborough Heritage Society
Bailieborough Heritage Society presents a talk by Patrick Hugh Lynch entitled ‘Remembering the Great War Locally and Nationally’. The talk will take place in Bailieborough Library on Thursday, November 5th commencing with refreshments at 7.30pm. Patrick’s lecture will deal with: Cavan casualties in the Great War, Bailieborough deaths during 1914-1918, the Lynch family during the war , Cavan War Widows, and researching Irish ex-servicemen and women. Patrick Hugh Lynch resides in Dublin but his ancestors came from Bailieborough and resided next door to the Market House in what is now Sheanon’s. The family had a strong connection with the GAA in Co. Cavan. All are welcome to attend.
Massive Congratulations from all at Bailieboro Celtic to Leanne Kiernan (daughter of John and Ita and pupil at Bailieborough Community School) and the Republic of Ireland Women’s Under 17s who qualified for the Elite Round of the UEFA European Championships. The girls topped Group 1 with a 3-0 win over Turkey– in which Leanne scored the opening goal, a 7—0 win over Andorra and a 3—0 win over the Ukraine— a game in which Leanne also scored. They will know their opponents in the Elite Round when the draw is made on December 10th. An all-round sports person, Leanne started playing soccer with Bailieboro Celtic, she then moved to Kingscourt Harps and now she currently plays for Shelbourne Ladies. Leanne is also a noted runner and athlete and has played GAA for Bailieborough Shamrocks and has played for the Cavan County Under 14 side. Aged just 16, Leanne has accomplished so much already in the sporting world and all in the community wish her continued success in the years ahead! Who knows, maybe Leanne could turn out to be the ‘Messi’ of Ladies Football and have a glittering career ahead of her in the professional game!
Fundraising Table Quiz
Fundraising Table Quiz for St. Brigid’s National School, Tunnyduff in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieboro on Friday 6th November at 8.30 sharp. Adult table €40, Secondary Student Table €20. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Social Day Centre
The next Get-Together of the Bailieborough Social Day Centre takes place today, Wednesday, November 4th from 2.30 pm to 4.30pm in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. All members come along for Bingo, music and song, chat and refreshment, etc… New members are always welcome.
Winter Training
Cavankayakrun winter cycling training taking place every Sunday morning from the Market Square, Bailieborough at 9am. This training will continue during the winter, weather permitting for all interested. All levels welcome.
Super Saturday—Parent and Child Event
On Saturday 7th November 2015 from 10:30am to 1:00pm at Bailieborough Development Association, Shercock Road, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan. FREE Entry
Come along and find out what services and supports are available in your area.
Interactive, Fun, Advice, Support, Information.
What’s On!: – Baby Massage – Story Telling – Face Painting – Balloon Modelling – Treasure Baskets – and lots more!!
Refreshments and a Free Raffle on the day!!
Team Hope—Shoe Box Appeal
The annual Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal is underway with the deadline being November 10th. Leaflets are available in local shops and if you need an empty shoebox then Shoo-Niverse, shoe shop on Main St. (between the Bailie Hotel and Peter Murtagh’s) will be happy to oblige. You can drop off your gift filled boxes at either Shoo-Niverse or Bailie Stores by November 10th. A huge thanks on behalf of Team Hope for the boxes you have been filling for the past 16 years.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort’s ‘Community Variety Concert’ is taking place on Friday, November 6th and Saturday, November 7th in the Community Centre, Chapel Road at 8.30pm. All are invited to come along for a great night’s entertainment and to support a very worthy local cause.
Our quiz night was a fantastic success; thanks a million to everyone who came to take part, those who were unable to attend yet gave contributions and to all those who gave spot prizes. Quiz master, Stanley thank you for sponsoring the prizes and a great night’s entertainment.
Holy Hour
The monthly Holy Hour—hosted by ‘Direction for Our Times’—will take place on Thursday evening, November 5th, beginning at 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Chapel. All welcome.
Round Table Quiz
The Bailieborough Masonic Lodge are hosting a ‘Round Table Quiz’ on Friday, November 13th (Please note change of date), commencing at 8.30pm, in the Masonic Hall, Market Square. All welcome.
Enrolment Ceremony
All children in the Bailieborough Church Area who will be receiving First Communion next May will take part in an Enrolment Ceremony at the 10am Mass in St. Anne’s next Sunday, November 8th. The Parish Confirmation date is April 23rd, the First Communion date for St. Annes and the Model School is May 28th and the date for St. Felims, The Vale is May 21st.
Bailieborough Development Association
Bailieborough Development Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting at 8.00pm on Wednesday, November 11th at Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough. All welcome to attend.
Change in Weekday Mass times
From this week onwards the Wednesday and Friday evening Masses in St. Annes, Bailieborough will begin at 7.00pm. This is to ensure that the evening Masses in Bailieborough and Shercock can be covered by one of the Priests of the Parish if the other is unavailable.
Christmas Craft Workshop
Christmas Craft workshop for adults at the Library on Thursday 12th November from 2pm-3.30pm. Learn to make your own fabric appliqué Christmas cards and Christmas decorations. Workshop will be facilitated by Ann McFadden of the Tobersool Cultural Centre in The Naul, Co. Dublin. Booking at 042 9665779 as places are strictly limited at €5 per person.
Class of ’85 Reunion
A reunion of the Leaving Cert class of 1985, including all those who were first years in Lourdesville or the Vocational school in Bailieboro in 1980, will be held on Saturday, 14th November in the Bailie Hotel. Those who started in Lourdesville or The ‘Tech’ in 1980 are invited to attend the reunion.
A Mass for deceased class members will be held in St. Anne’s Church at 7pm followed by a Buffet in the Bailie Hotel. All past pupils who started in Lourdesville or the Tech are invited to attend. Partners and past pupils are also welcome.
If you have any school photos please email to
Vaguely Familiar’ Art Exhibition by Mateusz Lubecki
A first solo exhibition by young artist Mateusz Lubecki is currently on display at the Library, Bailieborough. The exhibition will remain open until November 14th, during Library open hours. Well worth a visit!
Attention Business People
Are you a small business owner? Do you work from home? Come and talk to BDA about our Hot Desk facilities for your business needs. We can provide email on, a Business Address, access to High Speed Broadband, Delivery Address, at packages tailored to suit your needs. For more details call : 042-969-4716.
Leisure Centre News
10 Year Membership. 10 year pool or gym membership for €1000. (5 years for couple) Offer must end soon!
Prize Draw. Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure centre and from Board Members. All funds support the development fund of Leisure Centre
Studio Class: Tuesday, Mugendo Kickboxing 6.30-8.30.
Monday Movers, A Dance Fitness Class 10.00-11.00.
Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, Step Aerobics from 7.00-8.00.
€30 for 30 days membership, pool or gym membership still available.
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre
Come and learn new or brush up on your computer skills: All levels of ability catered for: email, Facebook, web browsing, Skype. €10 for 4 x 2 hour classes with Carmel Shekleton, call: 042-969-4716, for further information.
Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Learn to Jive
5 week course commencing on Wednesday 4th November at 8.30pm in Kingscourt Community Centre. No partner needed. Contact 086 176 3044 or 086 192 8568.
Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group
The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre. Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for November and December 2015
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, November 14th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 22nd (Fr. Michael), Saturday, November 28th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 29th (Fr. Michael), Sunday, December 6th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 12th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, December 13th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael). Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.
Walk, Jog Or Run….
Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 2nd November 2015
Under 6/8/10; Indoor hurling returns this coming Thursday in Kingscourt and Friday in Bailieborough. This is a great time for new players, aged 5-10, to join with us as we get over 25 weeks indoor hurling with a number of blitzes both locally and further afield. All equipment is supplied while learning the game with us. All indoor sessions are €3 and please bring a bottle of water. We are open to all boys from our catchment area of Bailieborough, Knockbride, Shercock, Killinkere, Kingscourt and surrounding areas. New players always very welcome. Contact Willie Gaughan 086 1649280,, or
Our first wee blitz for U8/10 of the new season takes place this coming Saturday, 7th November in Carrick at the Phoenix Centre astro 3.30-5pm. Thanks to our good friends from Carrick for the invite.
Under 13; The Under 13 Autumn league begins this Wednesday at 7.30 on the 3G at Breffni Park.
Under 16/18; The next round of the U16 Hurling Championship is scheduled for this coming Monday on the 3G at Breffni Park at 7.30 v St. Felim’s.
Minor Championship coming soon also in November.
Hurling training times and venues; Under 6/8/10; Kingscourt group;
Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.
Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.
Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.
For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.
Under 12/14/16/18; All training is collective in Bailieborough and subject to change. Training will now move to weekends. Players will receive a text.
For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
The Samaritans
The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News Thursday 29th October 2015
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. October 29th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
McKiernan welcomes confirmation of new Bailieborough Garda Station
“I am delighted to receive confirmation this morning from local
Bailieborough T.D. Joe O’Reilly and Minister for Justice Frances
Fitzgerald that Bailieborough is to receive a badly needed new Garda
Station under An Garda Síochána’s new Building and Refurbishment
Programme 2016 – 2021, and also refurbishment works in the interim”
former Bailieborough Councillor and former Chairman of Cavan County
Policing Board Seán McKiernan has said.
“As the country enters recovery, and capital spending starts again, I
am delighted that this Government recognised the need for a new
Bailieborough Garda Station as a top priority for a new capital
programme” Mr. McKiernan said.
“When I was first co-opted to Cavan County Council in late 2007 the
need for a new Garda Station was one of the first motions I placed on
the Council’s agenda. The subsequent whistle blower revelations
proved and confirmed the need for modern new facilities in a fast
growing town – the second largest in Co. Cavan in fact. It is a
campaign I have continued within my political party’s organizational
structures ever since Fine Gael were elected to Government in 2011. Today is a good news day for the Bailieborough community” concluded former Councillor
Bailieborough Shamrocks—New Development Plan Launch:
Bailieboro Shamrocks GAA will launch their 5 year Development Plan this Friday evening, 30th October at 8pm in the Club Rooms at St. Anne’s Park. Over the last number of months, a number of club members have prepared the Plan using the information gathered during the community feedback meeting held earlier in the year. Everyone in the community, club members and non-members are invited to attend. Your support is appreciated.
Winter Training:
Cavankayakrun winter cycling training taking place every Sunday morning from the Market Square, Bailieborough at 9am. This training will continue during the winter, weather permitting for all interested. All levels welcome.
Bailieborough Community School Parents Association:
Bailieborough Community School Parents Association are organising a ‘Halloween Walk’ with John Ed Sheanon on Saturday evening next, 31st October 2015. Registration for the walk is at 7.45pm in the ‘General Area’ of the school. The duration of the walk will be 1.5—2 hours. Voluntary contributions in aid of the school canteen. Refreshments afterwards. All welcome.
First Communion and Confirmation Parents Meeting:
A meeting for parents/guardians of children receiving First Communion and Confirmation in 2016 from the National schools in Shercock and Bailieborough will take place on Thursday, October 29th at 7.30pm in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough. The principal speaker will be Ms Orla Walsh, the Deputy Principal in St. Vincent’s Secondary School, Dundalk. The parish Confirmation date is April 23rd, 2016.
Team Hope—Shoe Box Appeal:
The annual Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal is underway with the deadline being November 10th. Leaflets are available in local shops and if you need an empty shoebox then Shoo-Niverse, shoe shop on Main St. (between the Bailie Hotel and Peter Murtagh’s) will be happy to oblige. You can drop off your gift filled boxes at either Shoo-Niverse or Bailie Stores by November 10th. A huge thanks on behalf of Team Hope for the boxes you have been filling for the past 16 years.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The committee invite individuals and groups who may be interested in taking part in the Variety Concert on the 6th and 7th of November, to contact Fox’s Lounge, Bailieborough or e-mail: with their details.
The 2015/2016 Bailieborough Bridge season began on October 6th 2015 under the stewardship of the President, Mrs Betty Olwell. We wish her an enjoyable and successful year. The earlier start at 7.30 pm is making an impact and attendance is excellent.
RESULTS: October 6th: 1st: Anne Brady and Una Mansell, 2nd: Gemma McCabe and Olive Kellett, Best Gross: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson, 3rd: Rosaleen Keegan and Pauline McEvoy.
October 13th: 1st: Rose Brennan and Sean Kelleher, 2nd: Rosaleen Keegan and Marese Liggan, Best Gross: Kathy O’Sullivan and Ita Clarke, 3rd: Tony Carolan and John McGahan. Congratulations to all the prize winners.
Bailieboro Leisure Centre –
Piloxing will start on Monday 2nd of November at 10am. This class is a fusion of boxing, Pilates and dance to give you an overall body workout like no other. It improves fitness, flexibility and strength while defining all muscle groups. €25 for 4 weeks, please contact Marlena for any queries on 0872841850 – suitable for all levels of fitness.
Round Table Quiz:
The Bailieborough Masonic Lodge are hosting a ‘Round Table Quiz’ on Friday, November 13th (Please note change of date), commencing at 8.30pm, in the Masonic Hall, Market Square. All welcome.
Bailieborough Development Association:
Bailieborough Development Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting at 8.00pm on Wednesday, November 11th at Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough. All welcome to attend.
Halloween ‘Batty Workshop’:
Halloween ‘Batty Workshop’ will take place in Bailieborough Library on Thursday, October 29, 2015, from 3:00pm – 4:00pm.
For all lovers (or haters) of Bats, Bugs and Beasties. Presented by Dale Treadwell of ‘Naturally Wild’, his energy and enthusiasm for wildlife and his irrepressible humour make him a success with families, and he is in constant demand around the country. Places limited – book your place on 042 9665779.
€2 per child.
Bailieborough Heritage Society:
A lecture entitled ‘Bailieborough, Remembering the Great War, Locally and Nationally’ by Patrick Hugh Lynch will take place in Bailieborough Library on Thursday, November 5th. Commencing at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Christmas Craft Workshop:
Christmas Craft workshop for adults at the Library on Thursday 12th November from 2pm-3.30pm. Learn to make your own fabric appliqué Christmas cards and Christmas decorations. Workshop will be facilitated by Ann McFadden of the Tobersool Cultural Centre in The Naul, Co. Dublin. Booking at 042 9665779 as places are strictly limited at €5 per person.
The bi-annual maintenance of the water mains commenced on Tuesday 27 October. This maintenance will be ongoing for 2 weeks. There may be some disruption to the water supply for which we apologise for the inconvenience.
Class of ’85 Reunion:
A reunion of the Leaving Cert class of 1985, including all those who were first years in Lourdesville or the Vocational school in Bailieboro in 1980, will be held on Saturday, 14th November in the Bailie Hotel. Those who started in Lourdesville or The ‘Tech’ in 1980 are invited to attend the reunion.
A Mass for deceased class members will be held in St. Anne’s Church at 7pm.
Past teachers and partners are also welcome. Please email any photos to
Vaguely Familiar’ Art Exhibition by Mateusz Lubecki:
A first solo exhibition by young artist Mateusz Lubecki will open at the Library Bailieborough on Saturday, October 31st at 3pm. The exhibition will be opened by Monaghan artist Orlagh Meegan – Gallagher. Light refreshments will be served and all are very welcome. The exhibition will remain open until November 14th, during Library open hours.
Attention Business People:
Are you a small business owner? Do you work from home? Come and talk to BDA about our Hot Desk facilities for your business needs. We can provide email on, a Business Address, access to High Speed Broadband, Delivery Address, at packages tailored to suit your needs. For more details call :
Leisure Centre News:
10 Year Membership. 10 year pool or gym membership for €1000. (5 years for couple) Offer must end soon!
Prize Draw. Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure centre and from Board Members. All funds support the development fund of Leisure Centre
Studio Class: Tuesday, Mugendo Kickboxing 6.30-8.30.
Monday Movers, A Dance Fitness Class 10.00-11.00.
Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, Step Aerobics from 7.00-8.00.
€30 for 30 days membership, pool or gym membership still available.
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Computers for Beginners at Bailieborough Business Centre:
Come and learn new or brush up on your computer skills: All levels of ability catered for: email, Facebook, web browsing, Skype. €10 for 4 x 2 hour classes with Carmel Shekleton, call : 042-969-4716, for further information.
Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Learn to Jive.
5 week course commencing on Wednesday 4th November at 8.30pm in Kingscourt Community Centre. No partner needed. Contact 086 176 3044 or 086 192 8568.
Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:
The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre. Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for November and December 2015:
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, October 31st, (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 1st (Fr. Michael), Saturday, November 14th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 22nd (Fr. Michael), Saturday, November 28th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 29th (Fr. Michael), Sunday, December 6th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 12th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, December 13th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, December 19th (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, December 20th (Fr. Michael). Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 26th October 2015
Under 6/8/10; The lads take a well-earned break for Halloween. We return on November 5th in Kingscourt and November 6th in Bailieborough. New helmets will be available, for those who ordered, when we return. We will order windcheaters soon. Registration for U6/8/10 for 2016 will be from November 12/13th. New players always very welcome.
Under 12; The Under 12 season has now finished. The U13 midnight league will begin in a couple of weeks.
Under 14; Congratulations to our Under 14 squad who won the tri-county, Cavan, Monaghan and Fermanagh, Division 2 title on Sunday in Breffni 3G against Annalee Gaels on a scoreline of 3-12 to 3-06 in an entertaining game. Congratulations also to the management team of Kathryn, Sharon, Brendan and Maurice. This brings an end to the very busy Under 14 season. Well done to all for making it such a success.
Under 16/18; The next round of the U16 Hurling Championship is scheduled for Monday 2nd November. More info next week. Minor Championship coming soon also in November.
After school hurling; Thanks to Keith Greene from Cavan GAA for providing indoor after school hurling for the past 5 weeks in Bailieborough.
Second level hurling;
Congratulations to Bailieboro Community School for entering the Cavan second level blitz held recently in Breffni 3G. Well done to the boys also.
Hurling training times and venues; NO TRAINING THIS WEEK DUE TO HOLIDAYS.
Under 6/8/10; Kingscourt group;
Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €3 each please.
Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. €3 each please.
Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.
For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.
Under 12/14/16/18; All training is collective in Bailieborough and subject to change. Training will likely move to weekends as the bright evenings are unfortunately now gone.
Players will receive a text.
For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.
Walk, Jog Or Run….
Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
The Samaritans:
The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.