Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News. May 9th 2017
/in News /by PetraBailieborough News. May 9th 2017 Matthew J. Cullen.
Congratulations and Well Done
Congratulations and Well Done to two leading members of the Bailieborough Branch of the Irish Red Cross, Bert Coote—who won ‘Volunteer of the Year’ and Julie O’Brien—who won ‘Instructor of the Year’ at the Irish Red Cross ‘National Volunteer Awards 2017’, which were held in Croke Park, Dublin on Saturday last, May 6th. Well done to you both for being such inspirational figures in this great organisation.
Bailieborough Leisure Centre
The Annual General Meeting for Bailieborough Leisure Centre takes place on Monday next, 15th May at 8.30pm in the Bailie Hotel. All nominations should be left in the Leisure Centre for the attention of Paul McFadden, Chairman before May 12th.
Social Dancing
Social Dancing will take place in the Community Centre on Saturday next, 13th of May. Music on the night is by ‘Show Bud’, two great musicians, Robert Brown and Breege Kelly. Dancing is from 10.00 till 12.30 and supper will be served. All welcome.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns
We will continue the clean up every Tuesday at 7pm (for one hour only). All welcome. Also we would appreciate if the business / house owners in the area would keep their properties clean and presentable and litter free. Thanking you all.
Alzheimer Tea Morning
The annual ‘Alzheimer Tea Morning’ will take place on Friday next, 12th May in the Bailie Hotel from 10.30 am until 12 noon. Please support.
Lend A Hand
‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Cavan Birdwatch: Dawn Chorus at Castle Lake forest, Bailieborough
Sunday next, 14th May: Please meet at 4.30 a.m in Lakeshore Carpark—Shercock Road side. Please wear sturdy footwear.
The walk will last about an hour and we recommend wearing warm clothes and bringing along a snack and hot drink to enjoy afterwards. A wonderful opportunity to listen to the beautiful birdsong and experience nature at it’s very best. Phone 087 7735487 or email for more information. Everyone most welcome.
Hardtimes Chorus
‘Hardtimes Chorus’ have started work on their New Autumn Show. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings at 8pm sharp in St Anne’s Church, Bailieborough. New members are most welcome.
Knockbride Church of Ireland
Knockbride Church of Ireland is hosting a Service called ‘Through the Roof’ on Saturday next, May 13th at 2.00pm at Knockbride Church of Ireland. Geared towards adults and children with learning challenges and their Carers. It will be followed by food and fellowship in the Hall. Everyone is welcome.
Bailieborough Social Day Group
Next get-together for some more activities, music and chat in the Community Centre on Wednesday, May 10th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. New members always very welcome.
First Communion
The children in 2nd class in St. Annes N.S. and The Model N.S. receive their First Communion on Saturday next, 13th May and the children in St. Felim’s N.S. on Saturday, May 20th. Both Masses will be at 11am.
Deepest Sympathy
Deepest Sympathy is extended to sons Terence, Eamonn and Brendan, daughters-in-law Christine, Breda and Aileen, grandchildren Ciara, Maria, Éanna and Maebh and extended family, neighbours and friends on the death of Philip (also known as Joe Lynch) Lynch, Bexcourt, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away on Tuesday, 2nd May, 2017, peacefully, at Cavan General Hospital. Philip was predeceased by his wife Kathleen some time ago. Philip’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough, on Friday, May 5th with burial afterwards in St. Brigid’s Cemetery, Tunnyduff, Knockbride West.
Deepest Sympathy is extended to daughter Kathleen, sons PJ and Martin, daughter-in-law Abby, grandchildren Ciara and Aoife, sister Lena and extended family and friends on the death of Tessie McMahon, Copponagh, Bailieborough Co Cavan and 29 Castleross Retirement Village, Carrickmacross who passed away peacefully at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda on Friday, May 5th. Tessie was predeceased by her husband Bartle and daughters Geraldine and Lucia. Tessie’s Funeral Mass took place on Sunday, May 7th in St. Anne’s Church, with burial afterwards in St Anne’s Cemetery.
May is Mary’s Month
The Rosary will be recited at the Grotto on the Virginia Road every evening during the month of May at 7.30pm. No Rosary on Saturdays. Everyone welcome to offer prayer for the sick of our Parish as well as any private intention.
Computers for Beginners – Bailieborough Business Centre 5 Lessons to introduce you to the Internet/Email/On line Transactions/ and more. FREE of Charge. Come along and enjoy the friendly atmosphere at the Centre, meet new people and learn new skills. Call 042-969-4716.
An Introduction to Spreadsheets – Starting Friday 12th May from 10-1. 10 Lessons will get you familiar with keeping records for your family bills, small business, club or committee, learn simple calculations and formulae, FREE, meet new people and learn new skills. Call 042-969-4716.
Spanish Coffee Mornings: Learn Spanish in a Friendly environment while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee. Lessons will take place every Tuesday morning: Beginners 10 to 11am and Intermediate Spanish 11 to 12. Cost: €50 per 5 lessons. Starting soon!!! Also one to one and Grinds available…
For more information please ring or text Lydia on 0877414735.
Bridge: Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Hotel Bailie at 8.00pm. New members are always most welcome.
East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club: The East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club are holding a ‘Table Quiz’ in the Square Bar, Bailieborough on Friday, May 19th, commencing at 9.00pm. All support very welcome.
Bailieborough School of Music: Lotto results for 06/05/17. Numbers Drawn; 1, 17, 20, 24. No Jackpot Winner. Luck Dip (€25) Winners, John Reilly; Mary McDonald, Lear; Maria Delaney, Lakeview; Mary Glynn, Ballinasloe. Jackpot next week, €2,900.
Entries to ‘Summer Draw’, Chloe Reilly, Leiter; Pat Argue, c/o Fox’s; Faye Conefrey, Mullagh; Carmel O’Callaghan, Nolagh.
School of Music: Registration for the coming school year 2017/2018 will be held in the Community School on Monday next, May 15th, from 7pm-8.30pm. All students wishing to take music lessons in September should register. There will be an opportunity to try out the various brass/woodwind instruments on the night. Registration Fee €10 per student, €20 family max.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for May, June and July 2017
The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church– May 21st (Sunday, 12.30pm), June 10th (Saturday, 1.30pm), June 25th (Sunday, 1.00pm), July 15th (Saturday at 1.30pm in St. Anne’s Church, Killann) and July 30th (Sunday, 12.30pm). .
Bailieborough Library
Everyday Irish – Tuesday evenings 3pm to 5pm
Beginner Conversational Irish Class for Adults who would like to learn the basics.
Ipads with Social Media for Beginners – Wednesday afternoons 2.15pm-4pm. This course will help those wanting to get to grips with Social Media using IPADs. (IPADS are provided). Contact:042 9665779 or
Bailieborough Library Parent, Baby and Toddler Group has proven to be a vital life line for all stay-at-home parents who may be new to the area and wish to get out of the house and make new friends. There is a huge range of toys for children to play with, while parents can enjoy a cup of tea and chat.
The group meets at the Library Arts space every Wednesday at 10.30am-12pm. Why not join their Facebook Group and keep up to date with news and events.
Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis;
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm;
Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month;
Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday.
Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 8th May 2017
Fundraising Table Quiz; Get your thinking caps on!! We will be hosting a Table Quiz on Friday 19th May in our good friend Nixys Square Bar in Bailieborough at 9pm. This will act as a general hurling fundraiser as well as a fundraiser for our Feile squad who head to Leighlinbridge in Carlow on June 16th, so all support is very welcome.
Under 6/8/10; We now move to a period of less training and more games/blitzes over the summer. This week we hope to travel to Cootehill on Thursday with our U10s while our U8s/10s will be at home to Gael Colmcilles from Kells on Friday in Bailieborough. Players will receive a confirmation text Under 12; The lads concluded the Cavan Spring League with a narrow defeat to Cootehill. They now move to the Monaghan League with the first round at home to Clontibret in Kingscourt on Monday 6.45 tbc. Players will receive a text.
Under 14; Féile preparation is now in full swing with more league games coming up.
Under 16; Monaghan U16 HL we play Truagh Gaels at home on 22nd. Time and venue tbc.
County; The best of luck to our county men as they play Monaghan in the 3rd round of the Celtic Challenge this coming Wednesday at 7.30 in Breffni Park. Congratulations; Congratulations to all our hurlers who make their First Holy Communion at this time.
Hurling training times and venues; Kingscourt group; Under 6/8/10; Bailieborough group U6/8/10; Mostly matches from now on. Players will receive a text.
Under 12/14/16/18; Under 14 training possibly on Tuesday this week. Players will receive a text. . For all info on these age groups then please contact Kathryn 087 244 1371.
The week ahead; Monday; U12 match in Kingscourt.
Tuesday; U14 training tbc.
Thursday; U10s away to Cootehill.
Friday; U6/8/10s home to Gael Colmcille in Bailieborough. Midweek updates on our Facebook page- East Cavan Gaels Hurling.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Citizens Information
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News. May 4th 2017
/in News /by PetraBailieborough News. May 4th 2017 Matthew J. Cullen.
‘Cycle Against Suicide’
Well done to all in Bailieborough who welcomed with open arms the 300 plus cyclists in this year’s Cycle Against Suicide on Thursday last. To the businesses and communities who came together and went ORANGE in support of this worthy cause- WELL DONE. An uplifting event and we all came together to make it a memorable one. Congratulations to all the cyclists, the officials and their support units and most importantly our local school who made it all possible – Bailieborough Community School and also to the many, many people who lined Main St and gave such great encouragement to the cyclists. Your support was very much appreciated.
Also well done to the members of the Higgins family from Grousehall who completed the Castlebar to Galway stage of the cycle on Sunday last.
Bailieborough Leisure Centre
The Annual General Meeting for Bailieborough Leisure Centre takes place on Monday 15th May at 8.30pm in the Bailie Hotel. All nominations should be left in the Leisure Centre for the attention of Paul McFadden, Chairman before May 12th.
The Bailieborough Church Area Finance Committee has been advised by the architect that St. Annes Church will have to close during the summer for three to four weeks from Monday, June 26th. This period will enable the pews to be removed and the painting, electrical and flooring works to proceed unhindered. During this time, the Community School Board of Management have kindly given us permission to use the Assembly Hall for Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses. The Community Centre will be used for week day Masses and in the event of funerals St. Anne’s Church, Killann, St. Patrick’s Church, Tierworker and St. Brigid’s Church, Tunnyduff, will be available to us.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns
We will continue the clean up every Tuesday at 7 pm (for one hour only). All welcome. Also we would appreciate if the business / house owners in the area would keep their properties clean and presentable and litter free. Thanking you all.
The annual ‘Alzheimer Tea Morning’ will take place on Friday, 12th May in the Bailie Hotel from 10.30 am until 12 noon. Please support.
‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C.
Good luck and best wishes are extended to the Bailieboro Celtic first team, who play in the Final of the Fitzsimons Cup against Carrick Rovers in Ardee on Sunday next, May 7th at 12 noon. All support very welcome.
Parking at St. Annes
Please drive and park carefully around the Church. There is only space for four cars near the front doors and these are for people with disabled permits only. No other cars should be parked outside of the bays in the main car park and certainly not in the avenues blocking entrances and exits.
Hardtimes Chorus
‘Hardtimes Chorus’ have started work on their New Autumn Show. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings at 8pm sharp in St Anne’s Church, Bailieborough. New members are most welcome.
First Communion
The children in 2nd class in St. Annes N.S. and The Model N.S. receive their First Communion on Saturday, 13th May and the children in St. Felim’s N.S. on Saturday, May 20th. Both Masses will be at 11am.
Bus to Balmoral Show
Bailieboro Cabs, Main St, Bailieboro are now taking bookings for Balmoral Show on Thursday 11th May. Buses Departing Cab Office 7.30 am. Phone 086 1075241 / 042 9666000 or just pop in to the office to book your seats.
May is Mary’s Month
The Rosary will be recited at the Grotto on the Virginia Road every evening during the month of May at 7.30 pm. No Rosary on Saturdays. Everyone welcome to offer prayer for the sick of our Parish as well as any private intention.
St Vincent DePaul: One-Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg
The St. Vincent DePaul One-Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sunday next, May 7th. There are a few seats left and for further information please contact: John at 086 0554578 or Pat at 086 0635856.
Spanish Coffee Mornings
Learn Spanish in a Friendly environment while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee. Lessons will take place every Tuesday morning: Beginners 10 to 11 am and Intermediate Spanish 11 to 12. Cost: €50 per 5 lessons. Starting soon!!! Also one to one and Grinds available…
For more information please ring or text Lydia on 0877414735.
Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Hotel Bailie at 8.00 pm. New members are always most welcome.
Bailieborough School of Music: Lotto results for 22/04/17.
Numbers Drawn; 7, 15, 20, 22. No Jackpot Winner. Luck Dip (€25) Winners, Jean Brennan, Urcher; Eileen McCabe, Dromore; Tomas Igoe; Sarah Clerkin, Curkish. Jackpot next week, €2,800.
Entries to ‘Summer Draw’, Claire McMahon, Cormeen; Matthew Donnellan; Yvonne Tully, Relaghbeg; P Brady, Glassleck.
Bailieborough Walking Group
Bailieborough Walking Group have hosted two walks during this year’s Cavan Walking Festival. The third walk will take place on Thursday 4th May with a 10 k Lough an Leagh walk commencing at the picnic area at Lough an Leagh at 7 pm. All welcome.
IFI Local Films for Local People: Cavan on Camera
On Tuesday May 9th at 8 pm in the Ramor Theatre the Irish Film Institute will present a lively programme of films preserved in the Irish Film Archive – all with a Cavan connection. Highlights will include an early match between Kerry and Cavan in 1937; the legendary trip by the Cavan Football team to New York in 1947;
the charming Songs of the Emerald Isle featuring the Cavan Power Dancers; and Leading the Way,(1964) a film about Benny Donoghue, a small farmer in Co Cavan. Admission is €7. Booking 049 8547074 or
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for May and June 2017
The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church–May 6th (Saturday, 1.30 pm), May 21st (Sunday, 12.30 pm), June 10th (Saturday, 1.30 pm) and June 25th (Sunday, 1.00 pm).
Bailieborough Library
Everyday Irish – Tuesday evenings 3 to 5 pm
Beginner Conversational Irish Class for Adults who would like to learn the basics.
Ipads with Social Media for Beginners – Wednesday afternoons 2.15pm-4pm. This course will help those wanting to get to grips with Social Media using IPADs. (IPADS are provided). Contact:042 9665779 or
Bailieborough Library Parent, Baby and Toddler Group has proven to be a vital life line for all stay-at-home parents who may be new to the area and wish to get out of the house and make new friends. There is a huge range of toys for children to play with, while parents can enjoy a cup of tea and chat.
The group meets at the Library Arts space every Wednesday at 10.30 am – 12 pm. Why not join their Facebook Group and keep up to date with news and events.
Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30 – 2.30 pm on a first come first served basis;
Craft Group every Friday 10.30 am – 1 pm;
Book Club 6 – 7 pm last Thursday of every month;
Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.
CITIZENS INFORMATION: Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30 pm – 2.30 pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30 pm.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News. April 27th 2017
/in News /by PetraBailieborough News. April 27th 2017 Matthew J. Cullen.
‘Cycle Against Suicide’
Bailieborough Community School are hosting the
‘Cycle Against Suicide’ around Ireland cycle event on Thursday, April 27th, The only venue in Cavan!
If you are interested in registering for the leg from Castleblayney to Bailieborough, please check out the website.
Refreshments and an afternoon of health promotion activities available for all participants. Are you up for it? Please spread the word, if you can, for a very good cause. Much appreciated.
We anticipate over 300 cyclists will be arriving in Bailieborough on Thursday 27th April, come out and show your support for this very worthy cause.
Emer’s Evening
A huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone who bought tickets, came along, made donations, donated prizes and helped out at ‘Emer’s Evening’ in the Bailie Hotel on Saturday, April 9th. It was a massive success, raising a total of €12,388.55 for St. Felim’s N.S. Playground, The Vale. Your support was very much appreciated.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns
Bailieborough Tidy Towns thank all who helped with the Spring Clean. Well done all. We will continue the clean up every Tuesday at 7pm (for one hour only). All welcome. Also we would appreciate if the business / house owners in the area would keep their properties clean and presentable and litter free. Thanking you all.
Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for May and June 2017
The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church–May 6th (Saturday, 1.30pm), May 21st (Sunday, 12.30pm), June 10th (Saturday, 1.30pm) and June 25th (Sunday, 1.00pm).
First Communion
The children in 2nd class in St. Annes N.S. and The Model N.S. receive their First Communion on Saturday, 13th May and the children in St. Felim’s N.S. on Saturday, May 20th. Both Masses will be at 11am.
Deepest Sympathy
Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife, Nora, sons Kevin, Philip and Paul, sisters Katie and Lena, brother Paddy, brothers-in-law, sister-in-law, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and extended family and friends on the death of Philip Clarke, Institute Road, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan who passed away on Wednesday, 19th April 2017, suddenly at The Mater Private Hospital, Dublin. Philip’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Saturday, April 22nd with burial afterwards in St. Annes Cemetery.
Deepest Sympathy is extended to brother Mattie, sisters-in-law Ann and Nancy, nephews, nieces, great-grandnephews and nieces, cousins and extended family and friends on the death of Susan McCormack, Anne Street, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away on Wednesday, 19th April 2017, peacefully at Fairlawns Nursing Home, Bailieborough. Susan was predeceased by her parents Tommy and Susan and her siblings Anna, Packie and Tommie. Susan’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Chapel on Friday, April 21st with burial afterwards in St. Annes Cemetery.
Bus to Balmoral Show
Bailieboro Cabs Main St, Bailieboro are now taking bookings for Balmoral Show on Thursday 11th May. Buses Departing Cab Office 7.30am. Phone 086 1075241 / 042 9666000 or just pop in to the office to book your seats.
Pilates resumed in Bailieborough Leisure Centre on Wednesday, 26th April at 10am and Cormeen Sports Complex on Tuesday, 25th April at 10am.
Monday and Wednesday evening classes also available at Cross, Mullagh.
Contact Julie 086 3283943, or FB message /JulieCarolanCavanPhysicalTherapy
Well Done: Well done to the Bailieboro Celtic senior side who defeated Navan side, Parkvilla by 1—0 in Navan on Sunday last in the semi-final of the Fitzsimons Cup. Well done lads and the best of luck in the final.
St Vincent DePaul: One-Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg
The St. Vincent DePaul One-Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sunday, May 7th. For further information please contact: John at 086 0554578 or Pat at 086 0635856.
“Spanish Coffee Mornings” Learn Spanish in a friendly environment while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee… Lessons will take place every Tuesday morning from 10 to 11. Starting soon!!! Also one to one lessons and Grinds available. For more information please contact Lydia on 0877414735.
Results for Tuesday, April 18th: First: Elizabeth Murphy and Rosaleen Mackey, Second: Una Stafford and Vera Bell. Best Gross: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson. Third: Helen Clarke and Kathleen McArdle.
Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Hotel Bailie at 8.00pm. New members are always most welcome.
Drumkeery Group Water Scheme
Drumkeery Group Water Scheme will be carrying out the biannual maintenance work on the network, which will include scouring of the lines. This may cause some disruption to member’s water supply. If discoloration of the water occurs, run the tap until the water becomes clear. Maintenance work will be carried out until Tuesday next, May 2nd. Should any problems arise, please contact, The Maintenance Officer, Seamus McCabe at 086 0466188. Your co-operation and understanding is greatly appreciated and we regret any inconvenience caused.
Bailieborough Social Day Group
A bus leaves from the Community Centre today, Wednesday April 26th at 10.00am for a trip to Athlone for a great day’s outing!
Bailieborough School of Music
Lotto results for 22/04/17. Numbers Drawn; 9, 12, 18, 20. No Jackpot Winner. Luck Dip (€25) Winners, Niall Farrell, Tandragee; Mairead Donnellan, Leitrim; Bernice Tierney, c/o Castle Inn; Joe Monaghan, Drumanespic. Jackpot next week, €2,700.
Entries to ‘Summer Draw’, Seamus Rahill, Leitrim; Oliver Tierney, Nolagh; Kelly & Bridget Murray, Maple Court; Margaret Rose Traynor, Shercock.
Knockbride Macra
On Saturday next, April 29th, Knockbride Macra host a ‘Children’s Cinema Day’ in Tunnyduff Hall. Doors open for first movie at 1.00pm and for second movie at 4.00pm. Popcorn and drinks will be included for €5 per child. For further information, please contact 085 756 0534.
Bailieborough Walking Group
Bailieborough Walking Group host three walks during this year’s Cavan Walking Festival.
Saturday next, 29th April, 5k Forest Walk commencing at Bailieborough Business Centre at 11am.
Tuesday 2nd May, 5k Dun a Ri forest walk commencing at Cabra School, Shercock Rd., Kingscourt at 7pm.
Thursday 4th May 10k Lough an Leagh walk commencing at the picnic area Lough an Leagh at 7pm. All welcome.
Bailieborough Library
Everyday Irish – Tuesday evenings 3pm to 5pm
Beginner Conversational Irish Class for Adults who would like to learn the basics.
Ipads with Social Media for Beginners – Wednesday afternoons 2.15pm-4pm. This course will help those wanting to get to grips with Social Media using IPADs. (IPADS are provided). Contact:042 9665779 or
Bailieborough Library Parent, Baby and Toddler Group has proven to be a vital life line for all stay-at-home parents who may be new to the area and wish to get out of the house and make new friends. There is a huge range of toys for children to play with, while parents can enjoy a cup of tea and chat.
The group meets at the Library Arts space every Wednesday at 10.30am-12pm. Why not join their Facebook Group and keep up to date with news and events.
Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
The search for the quickest Quacker in town!!
Hundreds of Rubber Ducks Race to Benefit Families of the North East.
On Easter Monday last week, the Family Addiction Support Network hosted the second annual Open Garden Day, Car Boot Sale and Rubber Duck Race at the beautiful gardens of Brendan & Jackie McKenna, Muff, Kingscourt, Co Cavan. A great crowd supported the event which was organized by the Family Addiction Support Network.
Festivities began at 2pm with a scenic stroll around the garden full of color where new life and was guaranteed to lift the spirits! One could then meander through the ‘bric o brac’ stalls in the hope of acquiring a satisfying bargain and quench their hunger pangs in Bella’s Kitchen with delicious homemade cakes, pastries, and exotic cheesecakes.
Dudley Farrell, MC for the Duck Race kept the crowd entertained with jokes, spot prizes and exciting commentary as hundreds of little plastic ducks were tumbled over the bridge into the river and jostled each other for the winning positions. 1st Prize “The Quickest Quacker Cup” and €40 voucher went to Roisin McKenna, 1st Prize in the Garden Quiz went to Audrey Frazer and the winner of the Easter Egg Count was Donna Kierans
The Family Addiction Support Network has been serving the people of the North East for more than 20 years, said Ceinwen Fergus, Chairperson for the Family Addiction Support Network. “The Open Garden Day & Duck Race celebrates the Network’s commitment to support families affected by addiction and it’s a way for the community to express its gratitude”
“It’s an exciting day here in Muff”, said coordinator Gwen McKenna “and we’d like to thank the volunteers who made this happen and the community for coming out to join us in the fun, in particular we’d like to thank our sponsors;
Amatino Partners Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan.
P&R Transport, Kingscourt Co Cavan.
Joseph McCabe, Muff, Kingscourt, Co Cavan.
Garmanagh Garden Centre, Nobber, Co Meath.
Dun a Ri House Hotel, Kingscourt, Co Cavan.
Meath GAA, Dudley Farrell, Nobber, Co Meath.
Supervalu, Kingscourt, Co Cavan.
Denise Kierans, Kingscourt, Co Cavan.
Liz Farm Fresh, Kingscourt, Co Cavan.
Tracy Clarke, Muff, Kingscourt, Co Cavan.
Tanya Lay, Curkish, Bailieborough. Co Cavan.
Marlene Thornton, Drogheda. Co Louth.
A total of €1,700 was raised on the day and this will go towards providing the much need services provided by the Family Addiction Support Network to families in the North East.
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Gwen McKenna at 042 935 5251 or email at
The Family Addiction Support Network (FASN) is currently a network of four groups in the North East Region that supports family members who have been affected by addiction issues.
We provide support to families of those in addiction, including peer support, counselling, help in dealing with intimidation, and a 24 hour helpline. We cover the North East Region of Louth, Meath, Cavan and Monaghan. It’s the commitment of our fundraisers which allows us to provide these services and to continue to give support to families in times of crisis.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.
CITIZENS INFORMATION: Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.