Bailieborough News. September 2nd 2024. Matthew J. Cullen.

Bailieborough Heritage Society: Following the huge success of our ‘Promenade Theatre Event’ performed for Heritage Week we, the Bailieborough Heritage Society wish to express our gratitude to many people.

Firstly, to Paul Marron, our superb director whose time and patience were immeasurable. To Tommy and Christopher Reilly along with their donkey who added a measure of authenticity as to how famine burials took place. To Tommy Mc Cluskey for a fitting finale to the performance.

Thank you also to Rev. Horner for allowing us use the Church Hall for refreshments and to Kevin Gorman for capturing the essence of the famine stories.

Of course without funding from Cavan Arts and Heritage Offices this event could not have taken place. We do appreciate your help and support.

To everyone who turned out on the day we are truly grateful. Your attendance and wonderful reviews made it all worthwhile.

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting on Tuesday, 17th  September in the Courthouse from 2pm to 4pm. Hope to see you all there. Everyone Welcome.

Bailieborough Bowls: Indoor bowls will recommence in Bailieborough Community Centre on Wednesday, 11th September at 8pm. Tuition is available free of charge and membership is open to all members of the community. 

Bailieborough Rhythmic Dance Twirlers:

Rhythmic Dance Twirlers are currently looking for New members to join us.

Classes are held every Tuesday in the Bailieborough Courthouse from 5-7pm

and also every Friday, from 5-7pm in the Kingscourt Community Centre.

Boys and girls from age 4 are welcome.

Bailieborough School of Music: is enrolling new students for Recorder, Flute, Trumpet, Saxaphone, Clarinet and Guitar—subject to availability. If you have a son/daughter or know anyone interested, please contact us by email at: or phone Geraldine at 086 170 6351 with the student’s name, date of birth and instrument of choice.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:   

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Bailieborough Walking Group:  Wednesday, September 4th: Castle Lake, Bailieborough: Moderate Walk 1.5 hours, Easy Walk 1hr. Walk commences at 7.00pm at the Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough. This is the final walk of the season.  All welcome.

Bailieborough Library:  Come along to Bailieborough Library on Thursday 5th  September to join us in celebrating the opening of an exhibition and book launch all in response to the legacy work of Tom Barron, The Corleck Head and the landscape of Knockbride!

A combination of two projects with one focus, that features amazing pieces of artwork along with some inspiring poetry! Everybody welcome!

The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

Line Dancing: Line Dancing has resumed on Tuesday’s, at 8.15pm in the Couthouse, Lr. Main St. New members are always welcome. 

Tesco Community Fund—Blue Tokens: Ballinamoney National School Parents Association kindly ask for you to support them in Tesco, Bailieborough over the next twelve weeks by popping the Blue Tokens into their collection point. All support greatly appreciated.

 Bailieborough Chess Club: Bailieborough Chess Club has returned to Bailieborough Library on Wednesday’s and Friday’s. Contact Daniel at 0879271883 to sign up your children!

Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 2.15pm-4.30pm. .No appointment is necessary.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Walk, Jog or Run: Now that the evenings are getting shorter  again, there will be running and walking for all levels,  beginners and advanced. Fun and free, social gathering in the Chapel car park,  Lake Shore,  Bailieborough at 8pm. All old and new people welcome.  Stretch before and afterwards, every Monday and Wednesday evening.

Tractor, Car and Motorbike Run: There is a Lavey Tractor, motorbike, vintage car and lorry run taking place on Sunday 8th  September 2024. All in aid of MAGS DEANE SMITH, a local woman here in Lavey who is in need of a life changing operation in the UK costing in excess of 200k, Mags has experienced debilitating, chronic, agonising and life limiting back pain for over 20 years. Imbalance Spinal Kyphosis is the name of her condition.

The Lavey Tractor, motorbike, vintage car and lorry run will be starting from BallyJamesDuff Mart on Sunday 8th  September, starting at 12:30 pm SHARP with registration taking place from 10:30 to 12:30, and a monster raffle and auction taking place after this run, with brilliant prizes. All welcome.

East Cavan Gaels:

Club contacts;

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Bailieborough News. August 26th 2024. Matthew J. Cullen.

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting on Tuesday, 3rd  September in the Courthouse from 2pm to 4pm. Hope to see you all there. Everyone Welcome.

Killann Parish Green Group: The Parish Green Group was established in 2021. We would like to extend an invitation to anyone wwith an interest in Nature conservation and awareness within the Killann Parish, which includes Bailieborough, Shercock and Killann, to join our group and partake in the exciting projects we are promoting, e.g., our outdoor ecology classroom at the Town Lake, Bailieborough, our schools nature awareness programme, and our collaboration with our Bishop’s ‘Kilmore Care of Creation’ group. If interested, please contact, Eilish McGowan on 086 827 3470. 

Bailieborough Rhythmic Dance Twirlers:

Rhythmic Dance Twirlers are currently looking for New members to join us.

Classes are held every Tuesday in the Bailieborough Courthouse from 5-7pm

and also every Friday, from 5-7pm in the Kingscourt Community Centre.

Boys and girls from age 4 are welcome.

Unveiling of Sculpture: Come and see the unveiling of a sculpture of local legend, ‘A portrait of Bobby Coote’ by Marie Smith Sculpture, on Saturday next 31st  August in the Library from 3-5pm! Everyone is welcome!

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:   

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Flexercise Classes: (Covers Yoga, Meditation, Pilates, Breathing, Mobility and ROM.). Taking place in Bailieborough Shamrocks Club rooms, every Saturday morning at 10.00am and Monday evenings at 7.30pm. €10 PAYG. All you need is a YOGA MAT. Suitable for all ages, men and women, everyone welcome. Contact Emma on ‘what’s app’ 086 1623501.

Blessing of the Graves: St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough: The Blessing of the Graves will take place in St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough on Sunday next, September 1st at 12 noon. Parishioners are strongly encouraged to park at St. Annes Church or in the Town carpark behind Main Street and walk to the Cemetery, so that parking space in the Cemetery is prioritised for the elderly and the less able-bodied. The new footpath along the Kells Road will mean roadside parking will not be possible. Your support of the Cemetery collection as you enter the Cemetery, will be much appreciated.

Bailieborough Walking Group:  

Wednesday, August 28th : Cross, Virginia Road: Moderate walk, 1—1.5 hours. Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.50pm. Meeting at St. Mary’s Church, Cross. Walk commences at 7.15pm.

Wednesday, September 4th: Castle Lake, Bailieborough: Moderate Walk 1.5 hours, Easy Walk 1hr. Walk commences at 7.00pm at the Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough. This is the final walk of the season.  All welcome.

Bailieborough Library: A BIG congratulations to Bailieborough Library’s Craft Group who had several winners in the Virginia Show last week! Their incredible handcrafted pieces won numerous awards at the show! The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

All new Lego table at Bailieborough Library, just ask behind the desk for some bricks!

Summer Stars Storytime every Wednesday this  August from 2:30-3pm, all ages welcome!

On the Sporting Front!: Congratulations and well done to the Killann (Bailieborough and Shercock), under 14 and under 12 ladies sides who competed in the National Community Games finals on Sunday last in Carlow. The Under 14 Kilian Community Games won the All Ireland Final and the under 12’s finished up being runners up in their final. Well done to all the players, management and parents for all the hard work in getting this terrific achievement.

Also some members of the East Cavan Swimming Club attended the Wiffen Twins swimming clinic in Enniskillen on Sunday morning last.

It was a great opportunity to train with Daniel and Nathan and to hear first hand accounts of Daniel’s Olympic experience!!

It was also a special privilege to see and hold those gold and bronze medals and have their photos taken with the legend that is Daniel Wiffen.

Line Dancing: Line Dancing has resumed on Tuesday’s, at 8.15pm in the Couthouse, Lr. Main St. New members are always welcome. 

Bailieborough Chess Club: Bailieborough Chess Club is returning to Bailieborough Library from Wednesday, August 28th ! Contact Daniel at 0879271883 to sign up your kids!

Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 2.15pm-4.30pm. .No appointment is necessary.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Walk, Jog or Run: Now that the evenings are longer again, there will be running and walking for all levels,  beginners and advanced. Fun and free, social gathering in the Chapel car park,  Lake Shore,  Bailieborough at 8pm. All old and new people welcome.  Stretch before and afterwards, every Monday and Wednesday evening.

Tractor, Car and Motorbike Run: There is a Lavey Tractor, motorbike, vintage car and lorry run taking place on Sunday 8th  September 2024. All in aid of MAGS DEANE SMITH, a local woman here in Lavey who is in need of a life changing operation in the UK costing in excess of 200k, Mags has experienced debilitating, chronic, agonising and life limiting back pain for over 20 years. Imbalance Spinal Kyphosis is the name of her condition.

The Lavey Tractor, motorbike, vintage car and lorry run will be starting from BallyJamesDuff Mart on Sunday 8th  September, starting at 12:30 pm SHARP with registration taking place from 10:30 to 12:30, and a monster raffle and auction taking place after this run, with brilliant prizes. All welcome.

East Cavan Gaels:

Club contacts;

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Bailieborough News. August 19th 2024. Matthew J. Cullen.

Clerical Changes:  Bishop Martin Hayes announced the new clergy appointments last week and these have implications for our Parish. Fr. Ultan McGoohan in addition to remaining Parish Priest of Killann, has also been appointed as Administrator of the Parish of Kilmainhamwood– Moybologue. Fr. Thomas Small has been appointed as a curate in Kilmainhamwood/ Moybologue and will also assist in the wider pastoral area of Killann and Knockbride, as the need arises.

Fr. Antony Kidarathil, our curate based in Shercock, will be returning home to India in the Spring and will not be replaced in the short term, at least. This will mean that from 2025, Fr. Ultan will be the only priest in Killann Parish, while having additional responsibilities in Kilmainhamwood/Moybologue. In the space of 20 years, we have gone from three priests in the Parish, to two and now shortly to one!

The challenge is to make this new reality work and to make it manageable. It has implications for the Mass schedule but also for all areas of Parish Pastoral work. Fr. Ultan proposes to discuss these matters with the Pastoral Council in September and working together, hopefully they can plan a way forward.

Bailieborough Rhythmic Dance Twirlers:

Rhythmic Dance Twirlers are currently looking for New members to join us.

Classes are held every Tuesday in the Bailieborough Courthouse from 5-7pm

and also every Friday, from 5-7pm in the Kingscourt Community Centre.

Boys and girls from age 4 are welcome.

Unveiling of Sculpture: Come and see the unveiling of a sculpture of local legend, ‘A portrait of Bobby Coote’ by Marie Smith Sculpture, Saturday 31st  August in the Library from 3-5pm! Everyone is welcome!

Bailieborough Heritage Society: Heritage Week –

Bailieborough Heritage presents: ‘Famine Echoes of Bailieborough’ on

Saturday 24th August, from 3pm–4 pm.

A Promenade Theatre Event Starting at Town Lake Carpark, Bailieborough.

Refreshments afterwards.

Supported by Cavan Arts and Cavan Heritage offices. All welcome.

Regretted Death:The death has occurred of Rose Mary Aherne (née Gillick), Leiter, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan.

Rose Mary Aherne (née Gillick), Leiter, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, passed away on Saturday,17th  August 2024, peacefully, at her residence surrounded by her loving family. Rose Mary was predeceased by her husband Michael John.

Deeply regretted by her son Jimmy, brother Eugene, nephews, nieces, sisters-in-law, relatives and friends. May She Rest In Peace

 Rose Mary’s Funeral Mass took place in  St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough, on Monday 19th  August and afterwards, Rose Mary’s remains were laid to rest in St. Anne’s Cemetery.

New Eucharistic Minister: James Harrington who has been a diligent and dedicated Altar Server in St. Annes, will be instituted as a Eucharistic Minister at Mass on Friday evening next, August 23rd at 7.00pm, in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough. We wish him well as he undertakes this new Ministry in the Parish.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:  Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd, recently received a presentation of €2025 from Seamus O’ Leary, proceeds of a recent fundraising cycle he undertook. Seamus cycled 3500km in 14 days. Enjoy a well deserved rest Seamus and sincere thanks for your support.

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Relaghbeg Fundraising Committee: ‘Family Fun Day’ at Smyths Bar, Relaghbeg on Sunday, August 25th  from 2pm until 5pm. Family Fun to include Relaghbeg’s take on Fittest Family, Bouncy Castles, D.J., Outdoor games, Face Painting and refreshments.  Free event with donations welcome—proceeds in aid of local DEFIB and Services.  a The event takes place in the field beside, Smyths Bar, Relaghbeg. Everyone welcome.

Heritage Week Event: BirdWatch Ireland in association with Cavan Heritage office have organised a talk on Swifts by Annie Birtwistle on Friday, 23rd  August at the Business Centre, Shercock Rd, Bailieborough at 7.30pm (A82 HH58). Learn some amazing facts about the life cycle of this migratory bird, that returns to our towns and villages each summer to breed. Annie will also discuss the findings of the County Cavan Swift Survey that has taken place this summer throughout the county and tell us how we can help this bird that is now red listed and of high conservation concern. All welcome to this free event. (Survey funded through Cavan County Council Local Biodiversity Action Plan funding ).

Flexercise Classes: (Covers Yoga, Meditation, Pilates, Breathing, Mobility and ROM.). Taking place in Bailieborough Shamrocks Club rooms, every Saturday morning at 10.00am and Monday evenings at 7.30pm. €10 PAYG. All you need is a YOGA MAT. Suitable for all ages, men and women, everyone welcome. Contact Emma on ‘what’s app’ 086 1623501.

Blessing of the Graves: The Blessing of the Graves will take place on the following date:  St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough on Sunday, September 1st at 12 noon.

Bailieborough Walking Group:  Wednesday, August 21st: Deerpark Forest, Virginia. Easy walk, 1—1.5hours. Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.50pm. Walk commencing at Virginia Rugby Club entrance to Deerpark Forest at 7.15pm.

Wednesday, August 28th : Cross, Virginia Road: Moderate walk, 1—1.5 hours. Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.50pm. Meeting at St. Mary’s Church, Cross. Walk commences at 7.15pm.  All welcome.

Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Soccer Academy for Girls: Training sessions will continue throughout the Summer, on Friday evenings from 5.45 to 6.45pm. All girls welcome.

Bailieborough Library: All new Lego table at Bailieborough Library, just ask behind the desk for some bricks!

Summer Stars Storytime every Wednesday this  August from 2:30-3pm, all ages welcome!

Craft Group meets every Friday at 10.30am and new members are always welcome.

Line Dancing: Line Dancing will resume on Tuesday, August 27th at 8.15pm in the Couthouse, Lr. Main St. New members are always welcome. 

All Stars Programme: This year’s Cavan GAA All Stars program starts in Bailieborough on Friday next, August 23rd at 5pm.

Please register if interested and share with others who may be also interested in the All Stars program.

Fun activities for children with additional needs.

If you would like volunteer to help or have someone that would like to participate please contact Mark Gilsenan on 087 4158919 for details.

Bailieborough Chess Club: Bailieborough Chess Club is returning to Bailieborough Library from Wednesday, August 28th ! Contact Daniel at 0879271883 to sign up your kids!

Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 2.15pm-4.30pm. .No appointment is necessary.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Walk, Jog or Run: Now that the evenings are longer again, there will be running and walking for all levels,  beginners and advanced. Fun and free, social gathering in the Chapel car park,  Lake Shore,  Bailieborough at 8pm. All old and new people welcome.  Stretch before and afterwards, every Monday and Wednesday evening.  

East Cavan Gaels:

Club contacts;

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Swift Talk with BirdWatch Ireland in Bailieborough Business Centre.

BirdWatch Ireland in association with Cavan Heritage office have organised a talk on swifts by Annie Birtwistle on Friday 23rd August at the Business Centre  Bailieborough at 7.30pm ( A82 HH58). Learn some amazing facts about the life cycle of this migratory bird that returns to our towns and villages each summer to breed. Annie will also discuss the findings of the County Cavan Swift Survey that has taken place this summer throughout the county and tell us how we can help this bird that is now red listed and of high conservation concern. All welcome to this free event. (Survey funded through Cavan County Council Local Biodiversity Action Plan funding ).

Bailieborough News. August 12th 2024. Matthew J. Cullen.

Knock Pilgrimage: A big ‘Thank You’ to all those from the Parish, who attended the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock. Congratulations to our combined choirs, who sung so beautifully and helped lift our hearts and minds to God. Pilgrims from around the country and abroad were lavish in their praise and as parishioners, we felt very proud to have such talented and committed choirs in our Parish. Thanks to the Pastoral Council for organising our readers and offertory procession and again, everyone acquitted themselves with distinction. Sincere thanks to our Parish Secretary for organising the buses and taking responsibility for ensuring transport ran smoothly on the day. Everyone can agree, that it was a lovely experience in Knock and all received a much appreciated spiritual boost as we move towards Autumn.

Bailieborough Rhythmic Dance Twirlers:

Rhythmic Dance Twirlers are currently looking for New members to join us.

Classes are held every Tuesday in the Bailieborough Courthouse from 5-7pm

and also every Friday, from 5-7pm in the Kingscourt Community Centre.

Boys and girls from age 4 are welcome.

Blessing of the Graves in Moybologue: The Blessing of the Graves in Moybologue takes place after the 10am Mass in Tierworker on Sunday next, August 18th.

Regretted Death: The death has occured of Rita Carolan, Lisnalea, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away on Monday, 5th  August 2024, peacefully at Fairlawns Nursing Home, Bailieborough, surrounded by her loving family. Rita was predeceased by her husband James and son Jimmy.

Deepest Sympathy is extended to Rita’s daughters, Deirdre (Noel), Imelda, Mairead (Declan), Roisín (Bernard), grandchildren Aoife, Andrew, Cian, Mark, Lauren, Jamie, Daniel and Jack, great grandchildren Eadha and Caelan, sister Bridie, brother-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

Rita’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Thursday, August 8th and afterwards, Rita’s remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.

Bailieborough Heritage Society: Heritage Week –

Bailieborough Heritage presents: Famine Echoes of Bailieborough.

Saturday 24th August, from 3pm–4 pm.

A Promenade Theatre Event Starting at Town Lake Carpark, Bailieborough.

Refreshments afterwards.

Supported by Cavan Arts and Cavan Heritage offices. All welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Relaghbeg Fundraising Committee: ‘Family Fun Day’ at Smyths Bar, Relaghbeg on Sunday, August 25th  from 2pm until 5pm. Fittest Family challenge, Bouncy Castle, Outdoor games, Face Painting, Food and music by D.J Deano. Free entry and the event takes place in the field beside, Smyths Bar Relaghbeg. All welcome.

Volunteers Wanted: Are you available on Saturday, 24th  August? Bailieborough Heritage are performing a Promenade Theatre Event for Heritage Week. We would welcome adult volunteers to help us with this event, narrators, actors, musicians, marshals etc, Please ring 0872244159. Supported by Cavan Arts Office and Cavan Heritage Office.

Blessing of the Graves: The Blessing of the Graves will take place on the following dates: Killann Old Cemetery, Saturday next, August 17th at 7.00pm, St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Shercock, Sunday next, August 18th immediately after 11.30am Mass and St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough on Sunday, September 1st at 12 noon.

Bailieborough Walking Group:  

Wednesday, August 14th : Carnalynch, Bailieborough. Moderate Walk. 1.5 hours. Meeting at St. Annes Church carpark on the Virginia Road, Bailieborough. Walk commences at 7.15pm.

Wednesday, August 21st: Deerpark Forest, Virginia. Easy walk, 1—1.5hours. Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.50pm. Walk commencing at Virginia Rugby Club entrance to Deerpark Forest at 7.15pm.  All welcome.

Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Soccer Academy for Girls: Training sessions will continue throughout the Summer, on Friday evenings from 5.45 to 6.45pm. All girls welcome.

Vincent’s Shop, Bailieborough: Customer Appreciation Day, will be held in the shop on Friday, August 16th at 11.00am. Bargains galore and raffle. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome.

Bailieborough Library: All new Lego table at Bailieborough Library, just ask behind the desk for some bricks!

Summer Stars Storytime every Wednesday this  August from 2:30-3pm, all ages welcome!

Craft Group meets every Friday at 10.30am and new members are always welcome.

Line Dancing: Line Dancing will resume on Tuesday, August 27th at 8.15pm in the Couthouse, Lr. Main St. New members are always welcome. 

Loughanleagh and Muff Heritage Trust: Thanks to all the walkers, runners and volunteers who participated in this year’s ‘Moonwalk’ on Loughanleagh, raising € 1,720 for local Cancer charities.

All Stars Programme: This year’s Cavan GAA All Stars program starts in Bailieborough on Friday next week, August 23rd at 5pm.

Please register if interested and share with others who may be also interested in the All Stars program.

Fun activities for children with additional needs.

If you would like volunteer to help or have someone that would like to participate please contact Mark Gilsenan on 087 4158919 for details.

Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 2.15pm-4.30pm. .No appointment is necessary.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Walk, Jog or Run: Now that the evenings are longer again, there will be running and walking for all levels,  beginners and advanced. Fun and free, social gathering in the Chapel car park,  Lake Shore,  Bailieborough at 8pm. All old and new people welcome.  Stretch before and afterwards, every Monday and Wednesday evening.  

East Cavan Gaels:

Club contacts;

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Bailieborough News. August 5th 2024. Matthew J. Cullen.

Knock Pilgrimage: The Diocesan Pilgrimage led by our Parish takes place on Friday, August 9th—Feast of St. Felim. This year, our Parish has the honour of leading the Pilgrimage by providing the Music, the Ministers of the Word, readers for the prayers of the faithful, and participation in the offertory procession. This is a great opportunity to come as a family, to Our Lady’s Shrine at Knock. The programme for the day is as follows: Stations of the Cross and Rosary, 2.00pm, Mass Time, 3.00pm in the Basilica with Anointing of the Sick, Adoration, 9.00am—6.30pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Confessions, available in the Reconciliation Chapel throughout the day.

Guided meditation sessions on offer throughout the day, counselling services also available. Take time to linger and reflect in the beautiful grounds and gardens, visit the Shrine Coffee shop, bookshop and museum. Looking for to seeing you there!

To book a seat on the bus, which will depart from St. Annes Church carpark (Virginia Road side) at 8.00am on Friday 9th, please submit a €10 deposit to the Parish Office—which will be open from 10am—4.00pm on Wednesday and Thursday.

Bailieborough Creative Hub: EXHIBITION EXTENDED BY A WEEK!!

A last chance to see the fabulous Summer Showcase in Bailieborough Library with stunning art by artists from around Ireland. EXHIBITION CLOSES at1pm on Saturday next, 10th August. 

ALSO! On the 10th August from 11am to 1pm, we will have information on two exciting Community Arts projects. Morag Donald Crafting Your Soul and Bee Barbara M Smith will be in the Library to share information on their stunning project ‘Bringing Brigid’s Cloak to Life’ celebrating St Brigid plus Hub members Sally-Ann Duffy and Caroline Clarke will be on hand to chat about how you can get involved in ‘The Courageous Men of Cavan’ a creative project that is acknowledging Cavan men that fought and died during WW1.

Both projects will be exhibited in the Cavan County Museum in 2025.

Both projects are family friendly so come and find out how you can get involved.

Think it! Create it! Share it!

Bailieborough Rhythmic Dance Twirlers:

RDT are currently looking for New members to join us.

Classes are held every Tuesday in the Bailieborough Courthouse from 5-7pm

and also every Friday, from 5-7pm in the Kingscourt Community Centre.

Boys and girls from age 4 are welcome.

Blessing of the Graves in Moybologue: The Blessing of the Graves in Moybologue takes place after the 10am Mass in Tierworker on Sunday, August 18th.

Bailieborough Heritage Society: Bailieborough Heritage are looking for information about unmarked graves in the Old Bailieborough Church of Ireland Graveyard. Please contact us at

Parish Green Group: The Parish Green Group have a meeting in the Parochial House, Bailieborough on this Wednesday evening, August 7th at 7.30pm. New members are welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Volunteers Wanted: Are you available on Saturday, 24th  August? Bailieborough Heritage are performing a Promenade Theatre Event for Heritage Week. We would welcome adult volunteers to help us with this event, narrators, actors, musicians, marshals etc, Please ring 0872244159. Supported by Cavan Arts Office and Cavan Heritage Office.

Blessing of the Graves: The Blessing of the Graves will take place on the following dates: Killann Old Cemetery, Saturday, August 17th at 7.00pm, St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Shercock, Sunday, August 18th immediately after 11.30am Mass and St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough on Sunday, September 1st at 12 noon.

Bailieborough Walking Group:  

Wednesday, August 7th: Dun A Ri, Forest Park, Kingscourt: Moderate Walk, 1.5hours, Easy Walk, 1hour. Lraving Tesco carpark at 6.50pm. Walk commences at 7.15pm at the Cabra School entrance to Dun-A- Ri on the Kingscourt to Shercock Road.

Wednesday, August 14th : Carnalynch, Bailieborough. Moderate Walk. 1.5 hours. Meeting at St. Annes Church carpark on the Virginia Road, Bailieborough. Walk commences at 7.15pm. All welcome.

Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Soccer Academy for Girls: Training sessions will continue throughout the Summer, on Friday evenings from 5.45 to 6.45pm. All girls welcome.

Congratulations and Well Done: Huge Congratulations to the local East Cavan Gaels Hurling team on winning the Cavan Senior Hurling Championship on Sunday last. They defeated Cootehill Celtic on a scoreline of 0-15 to 1-9.  Well done to all the players, management and supporters on such a terrific achievement.

Bailieborough Library: All new Lego table at Bailieborough Library, just ask behind the desk for some bricks!

Summer Stars Storytime every Wednesday this  August from 2:30-3pm, all ages welcome!

Craft Group meets every Friday at 10.30am and new members are always welcome.

Line Dancing: Has finished in the Courthouse and will resume on Tuesday, August 27th at 8.15pm.

Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 2.15pm-4.30pm. .No appointment is necessary.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Walk, Jog or Run: Now that the evenings are longer again, there will be running and walking for all levels,  beginners and advanced. Fun and free, social gathering in the Chapel car park,  Lake Shore,  Bailieborough at 8pm. All old and new people welcome.  Stretch before and afterwards, every Monday and Wednesday evening.  

East Cavan Gaels: East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club News 5th  August 2024:

Senior; Cavan SHC Final, East Cavan Gaels 0-15, Cootehill Celtic 1-09.

Huge congratulations to our Seniors who delivered an historic first Championship to the club with a hard fought and earned victory over Cootehill on Sunday last. Joyous scenes as lads who’ve been in the trenches for many years got their just rewards for their efforts. A great achievement also for manager Adam Baldwin who has worked with this squad when in its infancy six years ago. Full match report and background to this historic win in the app and socials over the days ahead but what a great shot in the arm for local hurling. Well done to all.


The U12s had a good game away to Inniskeen on Friday last and their penultimate game will be against Castleblayney in a fortnight. Bar the lads with the county squad all our groups will now take a well earned rest for the month of August and will come back refreshed for both indoor and outdoor hurling from early September.

Club contacts;

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Bailieborough News. July 29th 2024. Matthew J. Cullen.

Bailieborough Rhythmic Dance Twirlers: Congratulations to the Rhythmic Dance Twirlers, who recently competed in the European Cup in Croatia, as part of Team Ireland. This is the clubs 7th  year of competing internationally and so far have produced 14 international athletes.

Emma Clarke, Saoirse Eames, Nealla McDaid and coach Kelly Clarke all attended this years European Cup.

Emma Clarke is the third in her family line, to make it to a European cup and this was her 3rd  international competion representing Ireland at the tender age of 14.

Most recently Emma and coach Kelly visited the Virginia media studios and took part along with their Irish counterparts in an Ireland AM appearance.

On Friday last RDT were also invited to take part in the Ireland V Croatia basketball final in Virginia.

Our wonderful athletes cheered on both teams and some of our girls (Emma, Saoirse, Eilish, Zoe, Lexie and Katrice) wowed the crowd with a baton twirling display of one and two baton routines.

RDT are currently looking for New members to join us.

Classes are held every Tuesday in the Bailieborough Courthouse from 5-7pm

and also every Friday, from 5-7pm in the Kingscourt Community Centre.

Boys and girls from age 4 are welcome.

Bailieborough Heritage Society: Bailieborough Heritage are looking for information about unmarked graves in the Old Bailieborough Church of Ireland Graveyard. Please contact us at

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Blessing of the Graves: The Blessing of the Graves will take place on the following dates: Killann Old Cemetery, Saturday, August 17th at 7.00pm, St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Shercock, Sunday, August 18th immediately after 11.30am Mass and St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough on Sunday, September 1st at 12 noon.

Bailieborough Walking Group:  

Wednesday, July 31st : Lough Curragh Lake. Moderate Walk. Approx. 1.5hours. Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.45pm. Walk commences at 7.15pm at Lough Curragh Lake. 12Km from Bailieborough on the Cavan Road. Carpark on the left, just after the Lake.

Wednesday, August 7th: Dun A Ri, Forest Park, Kingscourt: Moderate Walk, 1.5hours, Easy Walk, 1hour. Lraving Tesco carpark at 6.50pm. Walk commences at 7.15pm at the Cabra School entrance to Dun-A- Ri on the Kingscourt to Shercock Road. All welcome.

Knock Pilgrimage: The Diocesan Pilgrimage led by our Parish takes place on Friday, August 9th—Feast of St. Felim. To book a seat on the bus, which will depart from St. Annes Church, Bailieborough, please submit a €10 deposit to the Parish Office. Further details of time of departure, will be announced later.

Congratulations and Well Done: Congratulations and Well Done to Bailieborough Community School students, Blánaid Smith, Hannah and Holly McPhillips, Ella Sheridan and Katie Mai Reilly, who were members of the Cavan LGFA Minor panel that defeated Kerry in the All Ireland Minor A Final, held in Tullamore on Saturday last.

Bailieborough Library ‘Summer Showcase 2024: Bailieborough Creative Hub, Art Exhibition is currently on view, in the Library until August 3rd. We have stunning art from 25 artists from across Ireland. We truly love bringing art into our community and thoroughly enjoy meeting all the artists and sharing their work. It gets tougher every year to choose what is exhibited as the standard is so high and we have limited space to exhibit. We hope to see you!

Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Soccer Academy for Girls: Training sessions will continue throughout the Summer, on Friday evenings from 5.45 to 6.45pm. All girls welcome.

Bailieborough Library: All new Lego table at Bailieborough Library, just ask behind the desk for some bricks!

Summer Stars Storytime every Wednesday this July and August from 2:30-3pm, all ages welcome!

Craft Group meets every Friday at 10.30am and new members are always welcome.

Line Dancing: Has finished in the Courthouse and will resume on Tuesday, August 27th at 8.15pm.

Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 2.15pm-4.30pm. .No appointment is necessary.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Walk, Jog or Run: Now that the evenings are longer again, there will be running and walking for all levels,  beginners and advanced. Fun and free, social gathering in the Chapel car park,  Lake Shore,  Bailieborough at 8pm. All old and new people welcome.  Stretch before and afterwards, every Monday and Wednesday evening.  

East Cavan Gaels: East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club News 29th July 2024

Senior; Cavan SHC Final

All roads lead to Kingspan Breffni on Bank Holiday Sunday next week as the lads look to make amends for last years defeat in the final. Cootehill now looking down the barrel of four in a row so our lads, again, will have it all to do if they are to secure their maiden championship in their second final. Best wishes to manager Adam Baldwin and to the team. They have prepared well to this point and we wish them all the very best.


Quiet times for all sides as we are in holiday season. Cavan GAA Academy training Wednesday 10.30-12.30pm for those U13/15s available.

Under 8 and under 10s are now on a well earned summer break. We will return with our indoor season again hopefully in early September.

The week ahead;

Monday’s; Senior training 8pm Killinkere.

Wednesday; Cavan GAA U13/15 Academy 10.30-12.30 on 3G.

Thursday; Senior training Killinkere 8.15pm.

Friday; U12s away to Inniskeen 6.30pm.

Sunday;.Cavan SHC Final, Kingspan Breffni 2pm TBC.

Club contacts;

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Bailieborough News. July 15th 2024. Matthew J. Cullen.

Bailieborough Town Initiative: As part of the Town Centre First /Hometown Architect initiative in Bailieborough, a community engagement session, led by Frank Cooney Architects, which will include a walkabout of the town, will take place on Thursday evening 18th July at 6pm. Anyone who would like to participate is asked to meet outside the Library in Bailieborough at 6pm. Local businesses and community members are encouraged to attend to give their input and suggestions into proposals for the development of a new linkage from Main Street to Thomas Street carpark.

‘Come and Try’: Orienteering Come and Try Event Coming to Bailieborough

Cavan Sports Partnership are hosting a ‘Come and Try’ Orienteering event at Castle Lake Forest, Bailieborough on Thursday 25th  of July at 6pm.

Orienteering is a fun sport suitable sport that requires you to find your way from one point to another using only a map and your brains. Participants will be given a map with the locations of the checkpoints circled and must find these in the correct sequence. The aim is to complete the course as quickly as possible.

This is an event suitable for all, children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

The event is free but places are limited and pre-registration is required.

To book a place please click link below

Lough An Leagh: Annual Moonwalk: The Annual, Lough An Leagh ‘Moonwalk’ will take place on Saturday, July 20th at 7.00pm. Departing from the Mass Rock picnic area. €10 entry, with all proceeds donated to local Cancer charities. Refreshments served afterwards. All are welcome!!

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Blessing of the Graves: The Blessing of the Graves will take place on the following dates: Killann Old Cemetery, Saturday, August 17th at 7.00pm, St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Shercock, Sunday, August 18th immediately after 11.30am Mass and St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough on Sunday, September 1st at 12 noon.

Bailieborough Craft Club: Outing to Mullingar from Bailieborough, dinner on the way home in Killian’s Lodge Hotel in Mullagh on Thursday, July 18th cost €50. For further details, please phone Bridget on 087 960 5565.

Regretted Death: The death has occurred of John McBride, Creeslough, Relaghbeg, Bailieborough, Cavan / Tierworker, Meath.

John McBride, Creeslough, Relaghbeg, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan and formerly of Cricklewood, London, UK, passed away on Wednesday, 10th  July 2024, peacefully at his residence, surrounded by his loving family. John was predeceased by his parents Paddy and Tessie.

Sadly missed by his heartbroken family, his wife Cathy, sons Seán and Lochlann, sisters Mary, Pauline and Lisa, mother and father in law Muriel and Michael Hoban, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, dear friends Mickey, Eamon and families, extended family and friends.

John’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Patrick’s Church, Tierworker on Saturday, July 13th and afterwards John’s remains were laid to rest in Moybologue Cemetery.

Bailieborough Walking Group:  

Wednesday, July 17th : Killann/Shercock. Moderate Walk, Approx. 1.5hours. Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.50pm. Meeting at St. Annes Church, Killann. Walk commencing at 7.15pm.

Wednesday, July 24th : Lough an Leagh, Moderate walk, Approx. 1.5hours. Walk commencing at the Picnic Area, Lough an Leagh at 7.15pm. Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.55pm. All welcome.

Knock Pilgrimage: The Diocesan Pilgrimage led by our Parish takes place on Friday, August 9th—Feast of St. Felim. To book a seat on the bus, which will depart from St. Annes Church, Bailieborough, please submit a €10 deposit to the Parish Office. Further details of time of departure, will be announced later.

Bailieborough Creative Hub: Bailieborough Creative Hub presents their annual Summer Showcase 2024, with the opening taking place on Saturday, July 20th at 2.30pm in Bailieborough Library and will run until Saturday, August 3rd.

Every welcome!!!

Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. Soccer Academy for Girls: Training sessions will continue throughout the Summer, on Friday evenings from 5.45 to 6.45pm. All girls welcome.

Regretted Death: Mary Murray (née Lynch), Gortletteragh, Co Leitrim and formerly of Bracklin, Baileborough, Co. Cavan, passed away on Wednesday, July 10th  2024, peacefully, in the loving care of the nurses and palliative care staff of Arus Carolan Nursing Home, Mohill, Co. Leitrim.

Mary was predeceased by her parents Jimmy and Margaret and brothers, Michael and Charlie. Deeply regretted by her loving husband Gus, sister Margaret (Newry), brothers John (Navan) and Pat (Colchester) sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, nieces, nephews, grand nieces and grand nephews, relatives and friends.

Mary’s Funeral Mass took place in St Mary’s Church, Gortletteragh on Saturday 13th  July and afterwards, Mary’s remains were laid to rest in Farnaught Cemetery.   

Bailieborough Library: All new Lego table at Bailieborough Library, just ask behind the desk for some bricks!

Summer Stars Storytime every Wednesday this July and August from 2:30-3pm, all ages welcome!

Craft Group meets every Friday at 10.30am and new members are always welcome.

Line Dancing: Has finished in the Courthouse and will resume on Tuesday, August 27th at 8.15pm.

Congratulations and Well Done: Congratulations and Well Done to local Camogie players, Caoimhe Smith, Rebecca Clarke, Eavan O’Sullivan, Ellie Halpin and Siun O’Sullivan, who were part of the Cavan Under 16 Camogie team who defeated Wicklow in the Under 16C All Ireland Camogie Championship Final held in Abbottstown, on Sunday last.

Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 2.15pm-4.30pm. .No appointment is necessary.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Walk, Jog or Run: Now that the evenings are longer again, there will be running and walking for all levels,  beginners and advanced. Fun and free, social gathering in the Chapel car park,  Lake Shore,  Bailieborough at 8pm. All old and new people welcome.  Stretch before and afterwards, every Monday and Wednesday evening.  

East Cavan Gaels: Hurling Club News :Hurling Club News 15th  July 2024

Senior; Monaghan SHL Final: Inniskeen 2-23, East Cavan Gaels 4-14.

Hard luck to our Seniors as they went down to a good Inniskeen side in the final on Thursday last in a very entertaining game. No time to lick wounds as the Cavan championship begins on Monday away to Mullahoran.


The Under 12s head for Truagh Gaels on Tuesday next in the league as we got washed out last Tuesday.

The U16s had a good workout away to Enniskillen on Monday last. No game this week.

U14s are out next week in the Fermanagh league.

Under 8 and under 10s are now on a well earned summer break. We will return with our indoor season again hopefully in early September.

 Club contacts;

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Bailieborough News. July 8th 2024. Matthew J. Cullen.

Bailieborough Town Initiative: As part of the Town Centre First /Hometown Architect initiative in Bailieborough, a community engagement session, led by Frank Cooney Architects, which will include a walkabout of the town, will take place on Thursday evening 18th July at 6pm. Anyone who would like to participate is asked to meet outside the Library in Bailieborough at 6pm. Local businesses and community members are encouraged to attend to give their input and suggestions into proposals for the development of a new linkage from Main Street to Thomas Street carpark.

‘Come and Try’: Orienteering Come and Try Event Coming to Bailieborough

Cavan Sports Partnership are hosting a ‘Come and Try’ Orienteering event at Castle Lake Forest, Bailieborough on Thursday 25th  of July at 6pm.

Orienteering is a fun sport suitable sport that requires you to find your way from one point to another using only a map and your brains. Participants will be given a map with the locations of the checkpoints circled and must find these in the correct sequence. The aim is to complete the course as quickly as possible.

This is an event suitable for all, children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

The event is free but places are limited and pre-registration is required.

To book a place please click link below

Bailieborough ‘Active Age’ Group:  Due to the holiday season, the next meeting of the Active Age Group, will be on Tuesday, September 3rd from 2pm to 4pm. Please support the Bailieborough Active Age Group in the Tesco Community Fund by placing your blue tokens in their slot at Tesco. Thank you.

Lough An Leagh: Annual Moonwalk: The Annual, Lough An Leagh ‘Moonwalk’ will take place on Saturday, July 20th at 7.00pm. Departing from the Mass Rock picnic area. €10 entry, with all proceeds donated to local Cancer charities. Refreshments served afterwards. All are welcome!!

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Blessing of the Graves: The Blessing of the Graves will take place on the following dates: Killann Old Cemetery, Saturday, August 17th at 7.00pm, St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Shercock, Sunday, August 18th immediately after 11.30am Mass and St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough on Sunday, September 1st at 12 noon.

Bailieborough Craft Club: Outing to Mullingar from Bailieborough, dinner on the way home in Killian’s Lodge Hotel in Mullagh on Thursday, July 18th cost €50. For further details, please phone Bridget on 087 960 5565.

Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Nancy Reilly (née Carrie), Carrickgorman, Bailieborough.

Nancy Reilly (nee Carrie), Carrickgorman, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan passed away on Wednesday, July 3rd  2024 peacefully at Cavan General Hospital, surrounded by her loving family. Nancy was predeceased by her husband Patsy—just a few short weeks ago.

Sincere sympathy is extended to her loving family, Caroline, Patrick (Ann-Marie) and Marion, grandchildren Brandon, Sarah, Kian, Craig, Calum, Kacey and Ava, extended family and friends.

Nancy’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough on Saturday, July 6th and afterwards, Nancy’s remains were laid to rest inSt. Ultans Cemetery, Killinkere.

Bailieborough Walking Group:

Wednesday, July 10th Delvin/Mullingar Canal Walk: Moderate Walk, Approx 1.5hours. Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.15pm. Meeting at Main Street, Devlin at 7.00pm, to follow leaders car to Thomastown to commence walk at 7.15pm.

Wednesday, July 17th : Killann/Shercock. Moderate Walk, Approx. 1.5hours. Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.50pm. Meeting at St. Annes Church, Killann. Walk commencing at 7.15pm. All welcome.

Knock Pilgrimage: Our Parish has been invited to lead the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock this year on August 9th, the Feast of our Diocesan Patron, St. Felim. Our Parish Choir will provide the music and parishioners will be involved in the readings, prayers and offertory procession of the Mass.

The Parish Pastoral Council has opted to make this occasion, our Family Day, this summer. Parishioners are encouraged to put this date in your diary and come to Knock as a family. A bus will run from the Parish and details will be provided closer to the time.

Bailieborough Creative Hub: Bailieborough Creative Hub presents their annual Summer Showcase 2024, with the opening taking place on Saturday, July 20th at 2.30pm in Bailieborough Library and will run until Saturday, August 3rd.

Every welcome!!!

Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C.

The Club’s  Annual General Meeting takes place in the Club Rooms on this Thursday, evening 11th  July at 7:30 pm.

Soccer Academy for Girls: Training sessions will continue throughout the Summer, on Friday evenings from 5.45 to 6.45pm. All girls welcome.

Bailieborough Library: All new Lego table at Bailieborough Library, just ask behind the desk for some bricks!

Summer Stars Storytime every Wednesday this July and August from 2:30-3pm, all ages welcome!

Craft Group meets every Friday at 10.30am and new members are always welcome.

Line Dancing: Has finished in the Courthouse and will resume on Tuesday, August 27th at 8.15pm.

Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 2.15pm-4.30pm. .No appointment is necessary.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Walk, Jog or Run: Now that the evenings are longer again, there will be running and walking for all levels,  beginners and advanced. Fun and free, social gathering in the Chapel car park,  Lake Shore,  Bailieborough at 8pm. All old and new people welcome.  Stretch before and afterwards, every Monday and Wednesday evening.  

East Cavan Gaels: Hurling Club News 8th  July 2024

Senior; Monaghan SHL semi final: Knockbridge 0-16, East Cavan Gaels 1-19.

A fabulous result in Knockbridge on Thursday last, as our lads had to dig very deep to secure this result and a place in the final.

This was a hard fought battle with the hosts hard running game making them difficult opponents to pin down but the lads stuck to the task well. A bright dry evening and a thoroughly impressive pitch set the scene for an entertaining game although the swirling nature of the strong breeze made it difficult for both sides.

Congratulations to Adam and his team in securing a place in the final next week where our group victor’s, and Monaghan Senior hurling champions, Inniskeen will remain a very difficult nut to crack but we can be happy to be in their exalted company next week and will act as great preparation for our own local Championship which kicks off in the next weeks.


Under 8 and under 10s are now on a well earned summer break. We will return with our indoor season again hopefully in early September.

The week ahead: Thursday; Monaghan SHL final v Inniskeen 7.45 TBC

 Club contacts;

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Cures of the Hollow. Open Call.