Bailieborough News. March 24th 2025. Matthew J. Cullen
Confirmation: Good luck to all the people from the Parish receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. Anne’s Chapel on Saturday next, March 29th. Bishop Martin Hayes will administer the Sacrament.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade: St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2025 was deemed to be a great success by the organisers. The weather played ball and although it was overcast and cold the big crowd that attended the Parade were suitability entertained. A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated and participated in the parade. it’s always great to see such a strong community spirit.
Congratulations to this years winners:
Best Window – Graemes Groom Room, Bailieboroug.h
Best Comedy Float – The Sepsis Warriors.
Best Club – East Cavan Gaels Hurling.
Best Commercial Float – The Funky Monkey.
Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Thomas (Tommy) Leddy, Crocknahattina, Bailieborough on Saturday, March 15th , 2025 peacefully with his family by his side, in the wonderful care of the staff at College View Nursing Home.
Tommy will be sadly missed by his wife Teresa, sons Owen (Mary), Martin, Kieran (Avril), Felim, daughters, Ann, Marion (Fodil). Grandchildren, Danielle, Rebecca, Rory, Grace, Dáire, Gary, Michael, Yasmine, Adel, Amel, Zainab and Younes, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.
Tommy’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church on Tuesday, March 18th and afterwards, Tommy’s remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
Killann Choral Society Choir: Practise for the Choir takes place in St. Annes Chapel, at 7.30pm on Monday evenings. New members are very welcome to join.
Lough Derg Holy Year Pilgrimage: One day retreat organised by Saint Vincent DePaul will take place on Sunday, May 4th. Bus leaving Bailieborough Community Centre at 7.30am. For further information and booking, please contact John on 086 055 4578 or Pat on 086 063 5856. Expressions of interest before mid-April, please!
Knockbride Variety Show: Knockbride Variety Show, will take place on Wednesday, March 26th , Thursday 27th , Friday 28th and Saturday 29th starting 8.30pm in Tunnyduff Hall. Tickets on sale at the moment and the charities that will benefit are Cavan Branch Alzheimer Society and MS Cavan Branch. An unforgetable night of music, comedy, song and dance.
Classical Music Club: Is Classical Music your favourite musical genrefor a little peace and reflection? Would you like to meet likeminded people in classical surroundings to listen and explore the genius, charm and glory of Bach, Verdi, Mozart and others? A new Classical Music Club is planned for Bailieborough. Contact Patrick on 042 9694 706 for further information.
Parish Green Group: Last week 15 trees were planted in the Community Centre grounds by the Killann Parish Green Group with the assistance of the Community Employment Scheme team. Last year the Parish Green Group applied for a grant under the Co Council Community Climate Action Fund and we were approved for the amount of €7,190.03. The grant is for the installation of pollinator friendly shrubs and trees and a rainwater harvesting system. We encourage you to come and help out at our next planting day next Thursday, March 27th when a native hedge will be planted at the Cemetery and we will plant up some of the walls in Bailieborough Town. Anyone with an interest in nature is welcome to join the Green Group and we will be meeting at St. Anne’s Cemetery at 9.30am on Thursday morning.
New Al-Anon Meeting in Bailieborough: Meetings take place every Thursday evening at 7.30pm, in the Beckscourt Community Centre, (A82 D928). For details, please contact: 087 132 1462. All welcome. AL-ANON is a mutual support programme for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.
Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday April 8th, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.
Bridge: The results for Tuesday, March 11th are: First: Rosena Jordon and Mary Cronin. Second: Vera Bell and Tom Moran. Third: Teresa O’Reilly and Rosaleen Mackey. Best Gross:Teresa O’Reilly and Rosaleen Mackey.
Bridge every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. in the Bailie Hotel.
New members always welcome.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Bailieborough Library:
The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.
Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Rose Fitzsimons (née Daly),
Moylett, Grousehall, Bailieborough, Cavan on Wednesday, March 19th peacefully at St. Joseph’s Nursing Home, Virginia in her 91st year. Rose was predeceased by her husband Hugh and son Gerard (recently deceased).
Deeply regretted by her loving daughters Geraldine and Sue, son Sean, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.
Rose’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Michael’s Church, Clifferna on Friday, March 21st and afterwards, Rose’s remains were laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery.
Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.
Leannes Line Dancing:“Leannes Linedancing ” in Bailieborough Courthouse on Tuesdays from 8 15pm to 10 pm All welcome.
Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
East Cavan Gaels: East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club News 24th March 2025
Senior; Lads kicked off the season with a win away to Knocks Grattans from Fermanagh in the Ulster Spring League. Next week is a trip to Omagh to play St. Endas.
U20 lads in final preparations for the Championship which starts with a game v Monaghan.
U8/10/12/14/16/18; U12/14/16 training Thursday on the astro. Tain U16 begins next Monday with a game v Inniskeen at 7pm.
After school; All three venues run this week, Bailieborough, Shercock and Mullagh.
St. Patricks Day; Thanks to Kathryn and her team, we won best club float at the Bailieborough Parade! Thanks to all the players and their parents who paraded with us. Also thanks to President Trump (Colin) and Michael Martin (Kyle) and to Alex, Naomi and Amber.
Membership; Membership is now due and can be updated through the East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club App. Kathryn and Miriam will help those who need help on Wednesday in the Bailie Hotel from 8-9pm. Kathryn 087 2441371.
The week ahead;
Tuesday’s; After school Bailieborough, U8 3.50, U10/12 4.50. €3 each.
Wednesday; After school Shercock, U8 4pm, U10/12 5pm. €3 each. Senior training 8-9pm astro.
Thursday; U12/14/16 training 8-9pm astro. €3 each.
Friday; Mullagh, U8 4pm, U10/12 5pm. €3 each.
Sunday; Seniors away to Omagh St.Endas 12pm.
Club contacts;
Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.
U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U14/16/18Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.