Bailieborough News. March 24th 2025. Matthew J. Cullen

Confirmation: Good luck to all the people from the Parish receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. Anne’s Chapel on Saturday next, March 29th. Bishop Martin Hayes will administer the Sacrament.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade: St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2025 was deemed to be a great success by the organisers. The weather played ball and although it was overcast and cold the big crowd that attended the Parade were suitability entertained.  A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated and participated in the parade. it’s always great to see such a strong community spirit.

Congratulations to this years winners:

Best Window – Graemes Groom Room, Bailieboroug.h

Best Comedy Float – The Sepsis Warriors.

Best Club – East Cavan Gaels Hurling.

Best Commercial Float – The Funky Monkey.

Regretted Death:  The death has occurred of Thomas (Tommy) Leddy, Crocknahattina, Bailieborough on Saturday, March 15th , 2025 peacefully with his family by his side, in the wonderful care of the staff at College View Nursing Home.

Tommy will be sadly missed by his wife Teresa, sons Owen (Mary), Martin, Kieran (Avril), Felim, daughters, Ann, Marion (Fodil). Grandchildren, Danielle, Rebecca, Rory, Grace, Dáire, Gary, Michael, Yasmine, Adel, Amel, Zainab and Younes, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.

Tommy’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church on Tuesday, March 18th and afterwards, Tommy’s remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.

Killann Choral Society Choir: Practise for the Choir takes place in St. Annes Chapel, at 7.30pm on Monday evenings. New members are very welcome to join.

Lough Derg Holy Year Pilgrimage: One day retreat organised by Saint Vincent DePaul will take place on Sunday, May 4th. Bus leaving Bailieborough Community Centre at 7.30am. For further information and booking, please contact John on 086 055 4578 or Pat on 086 063 5856. Expressions of interest before mid-April, please!

Knockbride Variety Show: Knockbride Variety Show, will take place on Wednesday, March 26th , Thursday 27th , Friday 28th  and Saturday 29th  starting 8.30pm in Tunnyduff Hall. Tickets on sale at the moment and the charities that will benefit are  Cavan Branch Alzheimer Society and MS Cavan Branch. An unforgetable night of music, comedy, song and dance.  

Classical Music Club: Is Classical Music your favourite musical genrefor a little peace and reflection? Would you like to meet likeminded people in classical surroundings to listen and explore the genius, charm and glory of Bach, Verdi, Mozart and others? A new Classical Music Club is planned for Bailieborough. Contact Patrick on 042 9694 706 for further information.

Parish Green Group: Last week 15 trees were planted in the Community Centre grounds by the Killann Parish Green Group with the assistance of the Community Employment Scheme team. Last year the Parish Green Group applied for a grant under the Co Council Community Climate Action Fund and we were approved for the amount of €7,190.03. The grant is for the installation of pollinator friendly shrubs and trees and a rainwater harvesting system. We encourage you to come and help out at our next planting day next Thursday, March 27th when a native hedge will be planted at the Cemetery and we will plant up some of the walls in Bailieborough Town. Anyone with an interest in nature is welcome to join the Green Group and we will be meeting at St. Anne’s Cemetery at 9.30am on Thursday morning.

New Al-Anon Meeting in Bailieborough: Meetings take place every Thursday evening at 7.30pm, in the Beckscourt Community Centre, (A82 D928). For details, please contact: 087 132 1462. All welcome. AL-ANON is a mutual support programme for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. 

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday April 8th, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.

Bridge: The results for Tuesday, March 11th  are: First: Rosena Jordon and Mary Cronin. Second: Vera Bell and Tom Moran. Third: Teresa O’Reilly and Rosaleen Mackey. Best Gross:Teresa O’Reilly and Rosaleen Mackey.

Bridge every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. in the Bailie Hotel.

New members always welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Bailieborough Library:     

 The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Rose Fitzsimons (née Daly),

Moylett, Grousehall, Bailieborough, Cavan on Wednesday, March 19th peacefully at St. Joseph’s Nursing Home, Virginia in her 91st  year. Rose was predeceased by her husband Hugh and son Gerard (recently deceased).

Deeply regretted by her loving daughters Geraldine and Sue, son Sean, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

Rose’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Michael’s Church, Clifferna on Friday, March 21st  and afterwards, Rose’s remains were laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery.

Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.

Leannes Line Dancing:“Leannes Linedancing ” in Bailieborough Courthouse on Tuesdays from 8 15pm to 10 pm  All welcome.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

East Cavan Gaels: East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club News 24th March 2025

Senior; Lads kicked off the season with a win away to Knocks Grattans from Fermanagh in the Ulster Spring League. Next week is a trip to Omagh to play St. Endas.

U20 lads in final preparations for the Championship which starts with a game v Monaghan.

U8/10/12/14/16/18; U12/14/16 training Thursday on the astro. Tain U16 begins next Monday with a game v Inniskeen at 7pm.

After school; All three venues run this week, Bailieborough, Shercock and Mullagh.

St. Patricks Day; Thanks to Kathryn and her team, we won best club float at the Bailieborough Parade! Thanks to all the players and their parents who paraded with us. Also thanks to President Trump (Colin) and Michael Martin (Kyle) and to Alex, Naomi and Amber.

Membership; Membership is now due and can be updated through the East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club App. Kathryn and Miriam will help those who need help on Wednesday in the Bailie Hotel from 8-9pm. Kathryn 087 2441371.

The week ahead;

Tuesday’s; After school Bailieborough, U8 3.50, U10/12 4.50. €3 each.

Wednesday; After school Shercock, U8 4pm, U10/12 5pm. €3 each. Senior training 8-9pm astro.

Thursday; U12/14/16 training 8-9pm astro. €3 each.

Friday; Mullagh, U8 4pm, U10/12 5pm. €3 each.

Sunday; Seniors away to Omagh St.Endas 12pm.

Club contacts;

 Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Bailieborough News. March 17th 2025. Matthew J. Cullen

Rev. Ian Horner to leave Bailieborough for new appointment: Bishop Pat Storey is very pleased to announce the appointment of Archdeacon Ian Horner as the newly appointed rector of Mullingar Union of parishes.

Ian is originally from Greystones in Co Wicklow. He has spent the last ten years serving in the Bailieborough Group of parishes in the diocese of Kilmore, where is also an Archdeacon.

He is married to Jenny, and they have two boys called, Sam (12) and Leo (10). Ian loves music and is no longer ashamed to say that he is a big Aston Villa fan! He has a passion for the Scriptures, church renewal, youth and children’s work, and he enjoys a good visit and chat over a cup of tea.

On his move to Mullingar Ian says, ‘It is with mixed emotions that we set out on a new adventure in ministry. The last decade has flown by, and it will be very tough to say goodbye to the people of the Bailieborough Group, and to the people of the wider community. We have been loved, supported and looked after from day one, and we have been blessed to see God at work in the lives of young and old in the parishes. At the same time, we are excited to follow God’s call to the Mullingar Union, and we already have a strong sense God’s hand in this move. So, while we are sad to be leaving the wonderful family home, hometown, and church family that we’ve been blessed with over the last ten years, we are very much looking forward to setting up in a new home later on in the year, to meeting new friends, and to seeing what God will do in our new church family.” He continued, “I am grateful to Bishop Pat and to the people of the Mullingar Union for this new opportunity to love and serve the Lord and value your prayers as we prepare to make the move.”

Join us next Saturday from 4-6pm in the Bailieborough Church of Ireland Hall for some Messy Church fun. Everyone welcome.

Regretted Death: The death has occurred of John (Johnnie) Kennedy

Shercock Road, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan.

John (Johnnie) Kennedy, Shercock Road, Bailieborough, Co Cavan passed away on Monday, 10th  March 2025 peacefully at Fairlawn’s Nursing Home, surrounded by his loving family. Johnnie was predeceased by his grandson Christopher, brother Michael and sisters Margaret and Kathleen.

Deeply regretted by his loving wife Anne, sons John, Brendan, Joe and Gerry, daughters-in-law Trisha, Bridget, Leslie, Marie, Eva and Teresa, brothers Tom and Brian, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

Johnnie’s Funeral took place on Wednesday, March 12th at Lakeland’s Crematorium, Cavan, where there was a celebration of his life followed by cremation.

Killann Choral Society Choir: Practise for the Choir takes place in St. Annes Chapel, at 7.30pm on Monday evenings. New members are very welcome to join.

Scouting Ireland: Scouting Ireland are working towards setting up a new scout group in Bailieborough. They’re looking for a few more volunteers to make this happen. You can contact Peter from Scouting Ireland on 087 482 6523 for more info.

Knockbride Variety Show: Knockbride Variety Show, will take place on Wednesday, March 26th , Thursday 27th , Friday 28th  and Saturday 29th  starting 8.30pm in Tunnyduff Hall. Tickets on sale at the moment and the charities that will benefit are  Cavan Branch Alzheimer Society and MS Cavan Branch. An unforgetable night of music, comedy, song and dance.  

Classical Music Club: Is Classical Music your favourite musical genrefor a little peace and reflection? Would you like to meet likeminded people in classical surroundings to listen and explore the genius, charm and glory of Bach, Verdi, Mozart and others? A new Classical Music Club is planned for Bailieborough. Contact Patrick on 042 9694 706 for further information.

St. Anne’s N.S. Parents Association: Bake Sale and Raffle on Sunday next, March 23rd in the Community Centre, Chapel Rd. Starting at 11.00am. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

New Al-Anon Meeting in Bailieborough: Meetings take place every Thursday evening at 7.30pm, in the Beckscourt Community Centre, (A82 D928). For details, please contact: 087 132 1462. All welcome. AL-ANON is a mutual support programme for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. 

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday 25th March, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.

Bridge: The results for Tuesday, March 4th  are:

First: Seán Kelleher and Betty McCaffrey.

Second: Marie McNicholas and Maresa Liggan.

Third: Una Stafford and Vera Bell.

Best Gross: Betty McCaffrey and Seán Kelleher.

Bridge every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. in the Bailie Hotel.

New members always welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Bailieborough Library:     

 The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Damien Flanagan, Urcher, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan on Thursday, 13th  March 2025 peacefully at Cavan General Hospital, surrounded by his family. Damien was predeceased by his parents Patrick and Sadie, brothers Raymond, Peadar and Patsy and sisters Patricia, Eileen, Betty, Mai and Brenda.

Deeply regretted by his loving wife Alice, daughter Jenny, son-in-law Noel, grandchildren Hayley and Katie, sister Joan, brothers Tony, Brian and Kieran, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends.

Damien’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church on Sunday, March 16th and afterwards, Damien’s remains were laid to rest in St. Anne’s Cemetery

Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.

Leannes Line Dancing:“Leannes Linedancing ” in Bailieborough Courthouse on Tuesdays from 8 15pm to 10 pm  All welcome.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

East Cavan Gaels: East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club News 17th March 2025

Intercounty; NHL Division 3: Cavan 2-15 Armagh 2-21.

Cavan struck by an injury crisis at just the wrong time as they went down to Armagh in Kingspan Breffni with at least five missing from the starting fifteen and at this level it will get punished although Cavan have been very competitive in every single fixture in the NHL which is positive in itself and show the growing maturity within the squad. A good seasons work all the same at this level and should act as perfect preparation for the Lory Meagher Cup in a few weeks. This season has a lot of running in it yet!

Senior/U8/10/12/14/16/18; Ulster Spring League begins for our Seniors next Sunday with a trip to Fermanagh to Knocks Grattans.

Club training for all ages has returned on the astro. U16s will start with a blitz in Newry on Sunday next.

After school; Shercock only this week on Wednesday.

Membership; Membership is now due and can be updated through the East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club App.

The week ahead;

Wednesday; After school Shercock, U8 4pm, U10/12 5pm. €3 each.

Sunday; Seniors away to Knocks Grattons 12pm. U16s Tain Og Blitz, Newry 2pm.

Club contacts;

 Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Home Energy savings event in Gallonray House

A public information evening on home retrofitting and energy saving will be held in Gallonray House, Maudabawn (H16 X409), on Monday, 24th  March at 7.30pm. Home Retrofitting is an enhancement of older houses that will make the properties more energy efficient. Grants through the SEAI will help home owners insulate their properties, to tackle heating efficiency and energy costs. Admission free and everyone welcome. For information on the programme, the event and the grants available, contact: 087 131 5964 or Website:

Bailieborough News. March 10th 2025. Matthew J. Cullen

Bailieborough Mid Summer and Town Events: Bailieborough St Patrick’s Day Parade is back.  We will need more people to help out stewarding at the Parade! If anyone can spare a couple of hours to help out, please contact any member of the committee.

All floats welcome.  Vintage cars, bikes and tractors. Comedy floats, Sports clubs and all Business floats, welcome.

Entry of floats is FREE of charge.

Great chance to promote your business club etc.

 P R I Z E S 

Best Comedy Float.  €1,000.

 €100 euro for every juvenile club that enters the Parade.

 Best Commercial Float gets a trophy. 

 Best Window trophy. 

The Parade takes place on Monday next, March 17th, commencing at 2.30pm.

 All floats are to meet in the Community School car park from 2pm,  ready for kick off at 2.30pm where they will travel over to Main St…Kids tractor/bike/go kart run will meet a 2pm outside the Library.

 This year’s parade will also feature a ‘Kids Tractor Run’!! Would your child like to decorate their tractor, go kart, bike or car and come and join us in the Parade?

Meeting outside Bailieborough Library at 2.00pm on Monday, March 17th, 2025. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Raffle tickets are now on sale in local shops and businesses around Bailieborough town. Great prizes to be won! All proceeds support our St. Patrick’s Day Parade. 

 Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Kathleen McCormack
(née Clarke), Drumbar, Bailieborough, Cavan.

Kathleen McCormack (nee Clarke), Drumbar, Bailieborough, Co Cavan passed away on Tuesday, 4th  March 2025, peacefully at Cavan General Hospital, surrounded by her loving family. Kathleen was predeceased by her husband James (Jimmy).

Deeply regretted by her children James (Belinda), Mary (Michael) and John(Amanda), grandchildren, brother Pat, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

Kathleen’s Funeral Mass took place on Friday7th  March in St. Brigid’s Church, Knockbride West (Tunnyduff) and afterwards, Kathleen’s remains were laid to rest in in Knockbride East Cemetery.

 Killann Choral Society Choir: Practise for the Choir takes place in St. Annes Chapel, at 7.30pm on Monday evenings. New members are very welcome to join.

Scouting Ireland: Scouting Ireland are working towards setting up a new scout group in Bailieborough. They’re looking for a few more volunteers to make this happen. You can contact Peter from Scouting Ireland on 087 482 6523 for more info.

Bailieborough Heritage Society: Peter McConnell Newsletters:  We at Bailieborough Heritage wish to thank all those that responded previously to our search for Peter’s newsletters.  We still have gaps to fill as follows: Issue number 8, 16 to 32 inclusively, 76 and anything after number 91. Please contact us at 087, 2244159 or 086, 8164399, where we will copy and return originals.

Classical Music Club: Is Classical Music your favourite musical genrefor a little peace and reflection? Would you like to meet likeminded people in classical surroundings to listen and explore the genius, charm and glory of Bach, Verdi, Mozart and others? A new Classical Music Club is planned for Bailieborough. Contact Patrick on 042 9694 706 for further information.

St. Anne’s N.S. Parents Association: Bake Sale and Raffle on Sunday, March 23rd in the Community Centre, Chapel Rd. Starting at 11.00am. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

New Al-Anon Meeting in Bailieborough: Meetings take place every Thursday evening at 7.30pm, in the Beckscourt Community Centre, (A82 D928). For details, please contact: 087 132 1462. All welcome. AL-ANON is a mutual support programme for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. 

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday 25th March, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.

Bridge: The results for Tuesday February 25th are:

1st: Rosaleen Keegan and Olive Kellett.

2nd:Betty McCaffrey and Seán Kelleher.

3rd: Tom Moran and John McGahan.

Best Gross: Rosaleen Keegan and Olive Kellett.

Bridge every Tuesday night in the Bailie Hotel at 7 p.m. New members always welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Bailieborough Library:     

 The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Dan Clarke, Drumhilla, Beglieve, Bailieborough, on Saturday, 8th  March 2025, peacefully at Cavan General Hospital, surrounded by his family. Dan was predeceased by his parents Mary Ellen and Andrew, his brothers Hugh, Andy and Paddy and sister Kitty.

Sadly missed by his sisters Bridget Mulvey (Drumhilla), Rose Sharry (Clare) and Mary Daly (England), nephews, nieces, extended family, neighbours and friends.

May His Gentle Soul Rest In Peace

Dan’s Funeral Mass took place on Monday, March 10th  in St. Brigid’s Church, Knockbride West (Tunnyduff) and afterwards, Dan’s remains were laid to rest in East Knockbride Cemetery.

Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.

Leannes Line Dancing:“Leannes Linedancing ” in Bailieborough Courthouse on Tuesdays from 8 15pm to 10 pm  All welcome.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Local Fundraiser: Fundraiser for The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Cavan Branch Alzheimer/Dementia Pop Up Cafés, in Killinkere Leisure Centre A82H9F6 on Friday March 14th  from 8:30 to 11:30pm. Music by Rambling House and Open Mic Night. Music, Song, Dance and Recitations.This will be a great night’s entertainment with lots of local talent too! Voluntary Donations and Raffle on the night. Further information 087 9490626.

East Cavan Gaels:East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club News 10th March 2025


NHL Division 3

Roscommon 1-19 Cavan 0-19

A good performance in Roscommon by the lads, shorn of a number of regulars due to injury, a game they could have won but again very competitive at this level. On to the definitive game of the league season as we host Armagh in the rearranged fixture next Saturday in Kingspan Breffni.


Seniors will return to training on Monday’s at 8pm on the astro at Bailieboro Celtic AFC in preparation for the Ulster Spring League. New adult players are always very welcome.

Club training for all ages has returned on the astro.

After school;

All three venues are on this week, Bailieborough, Shercock and Mullagh.

Membership; Membership is now due and can be updated through the East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club App.

The week ahead;

Monday’s;County U15, Kingspan Breffni 6.45-8pm on 3G pitch. Senior training 8pm astro.

Tuesday; After school Bailieborough, U8 3.50, U10/12 4.50. €3 each.

Wednesday; After school Shercock, U8 4pm, U10/12 5pm. €3 each.

Friday; After school Mullagh, U8 4pm, U10/12 5pm. €3 each.

Saturday;NHL Division 3 Cavan v Armagh Kingspan Breffni 12pm.

Club contacts;

Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

New Yoga Classes: New 5wk Yoga classes beginning next week at Rowan Wellness and Gardens, Maudabawn, A81ER82.

Some spaces available in early Monday morning classes- 6.30am to 7.30am and Thursday evening classes- 7.00pm- 8.30pm. A super enjoyable and holistic way to get strong, flexible, fit and stay calm, relaxed and energised.

Classes include Yoga movement, stretches, breathwork, meditation and deep quiet relaxation.

Contact Mary on WhatsApp at 087 2330836 for bookings and further details.

Office space for rent.

Office space for rent available now at Bailieborough Business Centre and Stonewall, Co.Cavan.

WiFi, parking spaces, fully secure with alarms .

For more information contact 042 966 4716.

Bailieborough News. March 3rd 2025. Matthew J. Cullen

Women’s World Day of Prayer: An Ecumenical Prayer Service will take place in St. Annes Church on this Friday, March 7th at 8.00pm. All welcome and refreshments served afterwards.

RSA ‘Check it Fits’ Service: The RSA ‘Check it Fits’ service will be at Tesco carpark in Bailieborough on Wednesday, March 5th from 10.00am to 5.30pm. A free expert service, which aims to put parents and guardians minds at ease, that their child’s car seat is safely and securely fitted in their car. No booking neccessary.

Bailieborough Shamrocks History Book: Bailieborough Shamrocks are currently engaged in writing a book to chronicle the history of the Club, with particular emphasis on notable events and achievements, over the years. We are looking for photographs or any memorabilia which families may be willing to share. If you would be prepared to allow us to utilise any such material, we invite you to bring it into the Club House at St. Annes Park on Friday, March 7th between 6.00pm and 8.00pm, where we will record it. Or, you are welcome to just drop in for a chat and tell us about any events or people in the Club which might be of interest.

Bailieborough Mid Summer and Town Events: Bailieborough St Patrick’s Day Parade is back.  We will need more people to help out stewarding at the Parade! If anyone can spare a couple of hours to help out, please contact any member of the committee.

All floats welcome.  Vintage cars, bikes and tractors. Comedy floats, Sports clubs and all Business floats, welcome.

Entry of floats is FREE of charge.

Great chance to promote your business club etc.

 P R I Z E S 

Best Comedy Float.  €1,000.

 €100 euro for every juvenile club that enters the Parade.

 Best Commercial Float gets a trophy. 

 Best Window trophy. 

The Parade takes place on Monday, March 17th, commencing at 2.30pm.

‘Realta agus Gaolta’: Kevin and Klara Carolan have been selected again as a ‘Wild Card’ to perform for Irelands most talented family on ‘Realta agus Gaolta’, that’s aired on Sunday nights on TG4. Details to follow..  

Regretted Death: Bridget (Biddy) Fitzgerald (nee Reilly), Rosehill, Mullagh and formerly of Lisgar, Bailieborough, Co Cavan, passed away on Monday, 24th  February 2025, peacefully surrounded by her loving family at the Lisdarn Unit, Cavan. Bridget was predeceased by her husband Norman, brothers Sam and Peter and sisters Mary and Kate.

Deeply regretted by her loving family, daughter Ashling, sons Noel (Tracey), Clifford (Emma), Richard (Tara), James (Michelle), Raphael (Elaine), Martin, Declan (Catriona) and Jason (Anita), sister Sadie, brothers Patsy and Robert, daughters-in-law, her partner Ralph Foster, 17 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren, her lifelong friend Nellie Brady, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family, neighbours and friends.

Bridget’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Killian’s Church, Mullagh on Thursday, February 27th and afterwards Bridget’s remains were laid to rest in Mullagh Church Of Ireland graveyard (Teampall Cheallaigh).

Killann Choral Society Choir: Practise for the Choir takes place in St. Annes Chapel, at 7.30pm on Monday evenings. New members are very welcome to join.

Bailieborough Heritage Society: Peter McConnell Newsletters:  We at Bailieborough Heritage wish to thank all those that responded previously to our search for Peter’s newsletters.  We still have gaps to fill as follows: Issue number 8, 16 to 32 inclusively, 76 and anything after number 91. Please contact us at 087, 2244159 or 086, 8164399, where we will copy and return originals.

Classical Music Club: Is Classical Music your favourite musical genrefor a little peace and reflection? Would you like to meet likeminded people in classical surroundings to listen and explore the genius, charm and glory of Bach, Verdi, Mozart and others? A new Classical Music Club is planned for Bailieborough. Contact Patrick on 042 9694 706 for further information.

New Al-Anon Meeting in Bailieborough: Meetings take place every Thursday evening at 7.30pm, in the Beckscourt Community Centre, (A82 D928). For details, please contact: 087 132 1462. All welcome. AL-ANON is a mutual support programme for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. 

Knockbride Bazaar: Knockbride Bazaar takes place in Tunnyduff Hall on this Friday 7th  March at 8 p.m. Great selection of prizes. Everyone welcome.

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday 11th March, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.

Bridge: Our Bridge Club observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect for the late Gemma McCabe, who was a valued member of our club.

Results for Tuesday, February 18th : Brennan Cup Competition are:

1st: Tom Moran and John McGahan.

2nd:Geraldine Columb and Michael McNicholas.

3rd: Betty McCaffrey and Seán Kelleher.

Best Gross: Tom Moran and John McGahan.

Bridge every Tuesday night in the Bailie Hotel at 7 p.m. New members always welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Bailieborough Library:  Feeling Creative? Join us in Bailieborough Library  on Saturday next, March 8th between 11.00am and 12.30pm for children 8+ to create a ‘Celtic Style’ memory wire bracelet for St. Patrick’s Day. Call the Library on 042 96 65 779 to book your place.   

 The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

Tunnyduff N.S. : Tunnyduff NS have been selected to take part in the Tesco Blue Token Campaign, which commenced last week – Monday 26th  February for 12 weeks. We ask you to please make sure to get your blue tokens at the checkout each time you shop and pop them into the box. More tokens = more resources for our school! Thanks in advance for supporting.

Regretted Death: The death has occurred of James (Jim) Reilly, Finternagh, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan.

James (Jim) Reilly, Manchester and formerly of Finternagh, Bailieborough, Co Cavan passed away on  Saturday, 14th  December 2024 peacefully at the Royal Hospital, Manchester. Jim was predeceased by his loving wife Jessie, his parents James and Annie, his sisters Peggy and Rose and brothers Chaddie and Peter.

Sadly missed by his sister Agnes, brothers Tom and Owen, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews.

A Memorial Mass was held in St. Ultan’s Church, Killinkere on Tuesday, 4th March 2025 followed by burial of his ashes in St. Anne’s Cemetery, Bailieborough.

Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.

Leannes Line Dancing:“Leannes Linedancing ” in Bailieborough Courthouse on Tuesdays from 8 15pm to 10 pm  All welcome.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

East Cavan Gaels:

Club contacts;

 Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

New Yoga Classes: New 5wk Yoga classes beginning next week at Rowan Wellness and Gardens, Maudabawn, A81ER82.

Some spaces available in early Monday morning classes- 6.30am to 7.30am and Thursday evening classes- 7.00pm- 8.30pm. A super enjoyable and holistic way to get strong, flexible, fit and stay calm, relaxed and energised.

Classes include Yoga movement, stretches, breathwork, meditation and deep quiet relaxation.

Contact Mary on WhatsApp at 087 2330836 for bookings and further details.

Bailieborough News. February 17th 2025. Matthew J. Cullen

Women’s World Day of Prayer: An Ecumenical Prayer Service will take place in St. Annes Church on Friday, March 7th at 8.00pm. All welcome and refreshments served afterwards.

Bailieborough Mid Summer and Town Events: Bailieborough St Patrick’s Day Parade is back. We had a great response to our first meeting, but we will need more people to help out stewarding at the Parade! If anyone can spare a couple of hours to help out, please contact any member of the committee.

All floats welcome.  Vintage cars, bikes and tractors. Comedy floats, Sports clubs and all Business floats, welcome.

Entry of floats is FREE of charge.

Great chance to promote your business club etc.

 P R I Z E S 

Best Comedy Float.  €1,000.

 €100 euro for every juvenile club that enters the Parade.

 Best Commercial Float gets a trophy. 

 Best Window trophy. 

The Parade takes place on Monday, March 17th, commencing at 2.30pm.

Regretted Death: Gemma McCabe (née Mullan), Cloverhill, Bailieborough, Co Cavan and formerly of Sutton, Co Dublin passed away on Saturday, 15th  February 2025, peacefully under the wonderful care of the staff at Cavan General Hospital, surrounded by her family. Gemma was predeceased by her sons Conor, Adrian and Justin.

Dearly beloved and greatly missed wife of Pat for 63 years and loving mother to Vivienne (O’Connor). She was a loving grandmother to Ruairí, Melanie, Ella, Nicola, Aaron, Shéa and Eve and mother-in-law to Donagh.

Sadly missed and remembered with love by her sister Maureen (McCarthy), late brother George, brothers-in-law Bill, Kevin and the late Denis, sisters-in-law Rita, Nancy and Mary. Fondly remembered by all her nieces, nephews, cousins, family, many friends and neighbours.

Gemma’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Tuesday, February 18th and afterwards, Gemma’s remains were laid to rest in St. Anne’s Cemetery. 

Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Bailieborough Sunday School would like to invite you to our second ‘Soup and Sandwich Lunch’ in the Church Hall, after the service on Sunday, March 2nd. Donations will be greatfully accepted in aid of Church Funds and the Bishops Appeal.

Killann Choral Society Choir: Practise for the Choir takes place in St. Annes Chapel, at 7.30pm. New members are very welcome to join.

New Al-Anon Meeting in Bailieborough: Meetings take place every Thursday evening at 7.30pm, in the Beckscourt Community Centre, (A82 D928). For details, please contact: 087 132 1462. All welcome. AL-ANON is a mutual support programme for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. 

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday 11th March, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.

Friends of the Castle Lake and Catchment Area: Don’t forget our Table Quiz!

Quiz Night with Friends of Castle Lake and Catchment is taking place soon—that’s   plenty of time to cram in general knowledge, flex those brain muscles, and pretend you knew the answers all along!

 Quiz is taking place on this Friday evening, 28th  February in Fox’s, Main St. At 8 PM.

Prizes, laughs, and eternal quiz glory await! And remember—no sneaky Googling… we’re watching you 

See you there!

Bridge: The results for Tuesday, February 11th  are:

First:Mona McCormack and Vera Bell.

Second:Geraldine Columb and Mary Cronin.

Third:Margaret Carolan and Tom Moran.

Best Gross: Mona McCormack and Vera Bell.

Bridge every Tuesday night in the Bailie Hotel at 7 p.m. New members always welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Bailieborough Library:    

 The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.

Leannes Line Dancing:“Leannes Linedancing ” in Bailieborough Courthouse on Tuesdays from 8 15pm to 10 pm  All welcome.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

East Cavan Gaels:Intercounty;

NHL Division 3

Unfortunately the game v Armagh was postponed due to a waterlogged pitch at Kingspan Breffni on Sunday and will be rearranged. Next up is another home game this time v Wicklow on Sunday next at 2pm.


Seniors will return to training soon in preparation for the Ulster Spring League. New adult players are always very welcome.

U20’s are with Pat O’Flaherty with the county squad.

U17s County training continues Wednesday at Kingspan Breffni.

U15 county Mondays 6.45-8pm on the 3G at Kingspan Breffni.

Club activity, for those not with county squads, will begin Monday 1st March on the astro at Bailieboro Celtic. Full info next week.

After school; Good work this past week at three venues with the welcome return to Bailieborough. Just the one session, in Mullagh, this coming week.

Club contacts;

 Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.


Rowan Wellness and Gardens will be hosting the first of their Medicinal Herbal Tea workshops on Saturday, March 1st-10am – 3pm, at A81ER82.

There are three parts to this hands-on practical workshop, which will be delivered by Master Medicinal Herbalist, Margaret Palmer.;
1. exploring the alchemy and art of herbal tea-preparation,
2.making and tasting for medicinal, aromatic and culinary impact and
3. personalised tea blending to suit your own and your families’ interests and needs.

There will be lots of opportunities for participants to blend, brew and explore tea combinations and discover infusions that best suit each individual’s interests.

Healthy plant-based lunch will be provided and included in the fee. Contact Mary on WhatsApp at 087 2330836 for bookings/ enquiries. See Rowan Wellness and Gardens FB  page for further details. Spaces are limited.

Margaret Palmer is a medicinal herbalist and holds a Master’s degree in Herbal Medicine. She is also a herbal medicine tutor with The College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Bailieborough News. February 17th 2025. Matthew J. Cullen

Women’s World Day of Prayer: This year it is St. Annes turn to host this annual service. If you would like to be involved in organising this event, which takes place next month, please attend a meetingnin the Parochial House on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm.

Home Energy Grants: Killann Parish Green Group have organised Drop-in Information Clinics every Friday during February in Bailieborough Courthouse, Lower Main Street between 11.00am and 1.00pm. There will be guidence on SEAI grants and how to make an application. All are welcome.

Bailieborough Mid Summer and Town Events: Bailieborough St Patrick’s Day Parade is back. We had a great response to our first meeting, but we will need more people to help out stewarding at the Parade! If anyone can spare a couple of hours to help out, please contact any member of the committee.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 24th February at 7.30pm in The Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock road. All welcome.

All floats welcome.  Vintage cars, bikes and tractors. Comedy floats, Sports clubs and all Business floats, welcome.

Entry of floats is FREE of charge.

Great chance to promote your business club etc.

 P R I Z E S 

Best Comedy Float. 

 €100 euro for every juvenile club that enters the Parade.

 Best Commercial Float gets a trophy. 

 Best Window trophy. 

The Parade takes place on Monday, March 17th, commencing at 2.30pm.

Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Patsy Cusack, Waterloo, Grousehall, Bailieborough, Cavan on Tuesday, February 11th peacefully at Virginia Health Centre. Patsy was predeceased by his parents, brother Tenny and sister Kitty. Deeply regretted by his cousins, neighbours, relatives and friends.

Patsy’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Mary’s Church, Clanaphilip on Thursday, February 13th and afterwards, Patsy’s remains were laid to rest  in the adjoining cemetery.

T.V Appearence: Local man, Kevin Carolan and his daughter Klara will be preforming on ‘Realta agus Gaolta’ on Sunday night next, 23rd February at 8.30 on Irelands most talented family, we wish them both well.

Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Bailieborough Sunday School would like to invite you to our second ‘Soup and Sandwich Lunch’ in the Church Hall, after the service on Sunday, March 2nd. Donations will be greatfully accepted in aid of Church Funds and the Bishops Appeal.

Pop-Up Alzheimer Cafe: Featuring a guest speaker on maintaining positive mental health. Music and refreshments on Wednesday, February 19th from 2.00pm to 4.00pm, in Bailieborough Courthouse. For more information, please contact, Mildred on 087 259 3736 or James on 086 858 2047. All welcome.

Killann Choral Society Choir: Practise for the Choir takes place in St. Annes Chapel, at 7.30pm. New members are very welcome to join.

New Al-Anon Meeting in Bailieborough: Meetings take place every Thursday evening at 7.30pm, in the Beckscourt Community Centre, (A82 D928). For details, please contact: 087 132 1462. All welcome. AL-ANON is a mutual support programme for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. 

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday 25th February, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.

Friends of the Castle Lake and Catchment Area: Don’t forget our Table Quiz!

Quiz Night with Friends of Castle Lake and Catchment is taking place soon—that’s   plenty of time to cram in general knowledge, flex those brain muscles, and pretend you knew the answers all along!

 Quiz is taking place on Friday, 28th  February in Fox’s, Main St. At 8 PM.

Prizes, laughs, and eternal quiz glory await! And remember—no sneaky Googling… we’re watching you 

See you there!

Regretted Death: Mary Power (nee Clarke), Galbolie, Bailieborough, Co Cavan passed away on Friday, 14th  February 2025, peacefully at Lisdarn Unit for the Elderly, Cavan, surrounded by her loving family. Mary was predeceased by her husband Patrick and daughter Philomena.

Deeply regretted by her son-in-law Philip, grandchildren Ciaran (Bernie), Philip (Ruth), Conor, Aoife and Adrian, great grandchildren Philip, John, Corchennia, Kaisen and Michael, close family, friend and carer Ann, relatives and friends.

Mary’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Annes Church on Sunday, February 16th and afterwards, Mary’s remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.

Bridge: Bridge results for Tuesday February 4th:

1st: Joy Jameson and Teresa O’Reilly.

2nd:Mona McCormack and Tony Carolan.

3rd: Mary Cronin and Rena Coleman.

Bridge every Tuesday night in the Bailie Hotel at 7 p.m. New members always welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Bailieborough Library:    

 The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.

Leannes Line Dancing:“Leannes Linedancing ” in Bailieborough Courthouse on Tuesdays from 8 15pm to 10 pm  All welcome.

Regretted Death: The death has occurred of Margaret Reilly (nee Walsh), Tufnell Park, London and formerly of Drumacarrow, Bailieborough, Co Cavan and Townaleen, Finney, Clonbur, Co. Galway.

On the 4th February 2025 Margaret passed away peacefully in her 96th  year at the Whittington, Hospital, London with her devoted family by her side. Margaret was predeceased by her sisters Mary, Eileen, Anne, Bridie, Kathleen and her brothers Johnny and Michael.

Beloved wife of the late Jerry and adored mother to Susan, Bridie, Jimmy and Tommy. Margaret will be sadly missed by daughters in law Jackie and Mervi, her seven grandchildren, Brendan and his wife Nadia, Paul and his wife Claire, Grace, Kate, Gerry, Kristian, and Steafán. Her 5 great grandchildren Adam, Noah, Sophia, Arthur and Peter, nieces, nephews, grandnieces, grandnephews, sisters in law Sue and Rita, brother in law Vincent, cousins, relatives, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.

A Mass service to celebrate Margaret’s life will be held at 12 noon on Friday 21st  February 2025 at St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, 15 St. John’s Villas, Archway London N19 3EE The service will be live streamed via

Margaret will be reposing at Clarke’s Funeral Home, Bailieborough from 5 pm to 7.30 pm on Friday 7th  March 2025. Funeral Mass at 12 noon on Saturday 8th  March 2025 at St Anne’s Church, Bailieborough. Burial afterwards in St Anne’s Cemetery, Bailieborough. Funeral Mass can be viewed live via St. Anne’s Church webcam.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

East Cavan Gaels:Intercounty;

NHL Division 3

Mayo 1-23 Cavan 2-14

A good second half rally was ultimately not enough as Cavan were beaten in Tooreen on Sunday last. Liam, Nicky, Canice and Jack McGuinness on the scoreboard for Cavan with Jack Barry introduced in the second half. Huge game v Armagh next weekend.


Seniors will return to training soon in preparation for the Ulster Spring League. New adult players are always very welcome.

U20s are with Pat O’Flaherty with the county squad.

U17s had a good outing with Cavan on Sunday v Fermanagh. No training this week.

U15’s county Mondays 6-7.15 on the 3G at Kingspan Breffni.

Club activity for U12/14/16 will begin in early March.

After school has returned. Full schedule this week including the welcome return to Bailieborough on Tuesday in the Community School Sports hall.

The week ahead

Monday’s: County U15, Kingspan Breffni 6-7.15pm on 3G pitch.

Tuesday’s; After school Bailieborough U8 3.50pm, U10/12 4.50pm.

Wednesday; After school Shercock, U8 4pm, U10/12 5pm.

Friday; After school Mullagh, U8 4pm, U10/12 5pm.

Sunday;NHL Division 3 Cavan v Armagh 2pm.

Club contacts;

 Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Bailieborough News. February 10th 2025. Matthew J. Cullen

Home Energy Grants: Killann Parish Green Group have organised Drop-in Information Clinics every Friday during February in Bailieborough Courthouse, Lower Main Street between 11.00am and 1.00pm. There will be guidence on SEAI grants and how to make an application. All are welcome.

Bailieborough Mid Summer and Town Events: Bailieborough St Patrick’s Day Parade is back. We had a great response to our first meeting, but we will need more people to help out stewarding at the Parade! If anyone can spare a couple of hours to help out, please contact any member of the committee.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 24th February at 7.30pm in The Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock road. All welcome.

All floats welcome.  Vintage cars, bikes and tractors. Comedy floats, Sports clubs and all Business floats, welcome.

Entry of floats is FREE of charge.

Great chance to promote your business club etc.

 P R I Z E S 

Best Comedy Float. 

 €100 euro for every juvenile club that enters the Parade.

 Best Commercial Float gets a trophy. 

 Best Window trophy. 

The Parade takes place on Monday, March 17th, commencing at 2.30pm.

Storm Assistance: Please contact Community Welfare for information on supports available, to cover any loss of food, due to the electric outages caused by the recent storm. Application forms available from Intreo, Cavan at 0818 405060.

100 Mile Challenge:  Kevin Carolan will undertake the 100 Mile Challenge in February, to help raise funds for the The Mater Hospital Foundation.  Kevin who had successful surgery there, hopes to complete the challenge and would appreciate your support by donating to  We as a community wish Kevin, the very best of luck.

Pop-Up Alzheimer Cafe: Featuring a guest speaker on maintaining positive mental health. Music and refreshments on Wednesday, February 19th from 2.00pm to 4.00pm, in Bailieborough Courthouse. For more information, please contact, Mildred on 087 259 3736 or James on 086 858 2047. All welcome.

New Al-Anon Meeting in Bailieborough: Meetings take place every Thursday evening at 7.30pm, in the Beckscourt Community Centre, (A82 D928). For details, please contact: 087 132 1462. All welcome. AL-ANON is a mutual support programme for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. 

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting is on Tuesday 25th February, 2025 in The Courthouse, Lr. Main St, from 2-4pm. Everyone very welcome. Active Age is open to all Men and Women.

West Knockbride N.S.: Brown Coin Collection Fundraiser: We are arranging a brown coin collection for the school in the first week of March.

Could children please bring coins to the school during the first week of March.

Please support this fundraiser and help us raise vital funds for our school.

If anybody in the community wishes to donate some brown coins who do not have children in the school they can do so.

Thank you for your support.

Bridge: Bridge every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Bailie Hotel.New members welcome.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Bailieborough Library:    

 The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough on Wednesdays at 8.00pm until mid-April. New members always welcome.

Line Dancing: Line Dancing takes place every Tuesday evening in the Courthouse, Lr. Main Street at 8.15pm. All welcome.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

East Cavan Gaels:East Cavan Gaels Hurling Club News 10th February 2025:


Juvenile presentation; We lost this presentation to the storm but it will be rescheduled for Friday 21st  February tbc.


Seniors will return to training soon in preparation for the Ulster Spring League. New adult players are always very welcome.

Match report on Cavans good performance in defeat to London in Ruislip on Sunday last on Facebook and the East Cavan Gaels app. Congratulations to Philip McKeon on making his senior intercounty debut! Next up is a rearranged trip to Mayo next Sunday.

U20s are with Pat O’Flaherty with the county squad and played Fermanagh on Saturday last.

U17s with county have training on Mondays in Kingspan Breffni.

U15s county Mondays 6-7.15 on the 3G at Kingspan Breffni.

After school has returned. None this coming week but the welcome return of Bailieborough to the roster from next week. More info next week.

The week ahead;

Wednesday; No Shercock after school this week.


Friday; No Mullagh after school this week.

Sunday; Mayo v Cavan, Tooreen NHL Div 3 2.30pm.

Club contacts;

 Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.

Table Quiz Fundraiser for Friends of Castle Lake.