Bailieborough News. May 23rd 2022 . Matthew J. Cullen.
We wanted to say a big ‘Thank You’ to everyone that took part, assisted, donated money and sponsored food, drink and prizes for the Motorbike run on Easter Sunday in memory of Niamh.
We are delighted to say we have raised over €7800 in which this money will be going to the upgrade of equipment in Niamh’s Comfort Room in St James Hospital.
Many families and patients will benefit from these upgrades and and we are looking forward to sharing the pictures with you all when completed.
We are having a presentation of a cheque at Enagh House on Saturday next, 28th May at 9pm and everyone is welcome.
Again Thank You all so much for your support.
Date for your Diary: The Blessing of the Graves in St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough will take place on Sunday, September 4th at 12 noon.
Bailieborough Walking Group: Wednesday, May 25th —Girley Bog:
- Walk 1hr 30 mins (approx). Leaving Bailieborough Library at 6.35pm. Meet at Cloncat Service Station, 8.5km from Kells on Clonmellon Road N52 at 7.10. Walk commence at Girley Bog at 7.15pm.
Wednesday, June 1st – Annaghmakerrig. Newbliss Rd,{M} Walk 1 hour 30 mins approx. Leaving Bailieborough Library at 6.35 pm. From Cootehill take Monaghan Road. After 3km turn left for Newbliss R189. Continue on this road and park at The Black Kesh Bar (Disused) on the righthand side. Walk commencing at 7.15pm
All welcome.
Killan Community Games: Killan community games (incorporating Bailieborough and Shercock) will be entering the Girls soccer competitions at U12 and U15 age groups. We’ll be holding open training sessions over the next few weeks, where any interested girls from the Bailieborough and Shercock area are welcome to come along, join in and have some fun. Training sessions will take place on Monday evenings, from 6.15 to 7.45pm at the Vale Soccer grounds, Bailieborough. Further info available via our Facebook page, or by contacting us at 0868156532.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns: Helpers needed to keep our town looking good.
Meet at the Library on Saturday, May 28th at 2pm.
Come and help even for a short time.
Tidying pots and roundabouts planned.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns plan to Tidy up and weed stackers and roundabouts on Saturday, June 21st. Meet at the Library at 2pm..Lots of help wanted. All welcome..Wear gloves.
May—Month of the Holy Rosary: The Rosary will be recited at the
Grotto on the Virginia Road for the month of May, at 7.30pm. No Rosary on
Saturdays. Please come and join in prayers for peace in the World, especially
in the Ukraine, for all the sick, for vocations and your own intentions.
Everyone welcome.
Library: Book Launch: The book ‘Lost Landscapes and Thresholds’ vol ii will be launched at the Library on Tuesday, May 31st at 6.30pm. The book was a project, led by author and Tyrone native Anthony J Quinn, and funded by Creative Ireland and Cavan County Council. The aim was to recreate the landscape we grew up in, be it of Cavan, Tyrone, or further afield, its features and buildings, as well as stories about local customs, superstitions, family events, working life and local characters. Refreshments will be served on the night and all are welcome on what promises to be a lovely evening.
Very happy to announce May’s Reading Group Selection: ‘Panenka’ by Ronan Hession!
The next meeting will take place on Thursday, June 2nd from 6.30 – 7.30 PM. All are welcome and copies of the book are available in the Library.
Do you know a child starting school this September? FREE book bags available at the library for all children starting primary school in September 2022. Bag contains 3 beautiful books, library card holder, and a guide for parents.
Each bag includes stories about back to school, a library card, and library card wallet.
Drop into your library to get yours today!
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Children from St. Anne’s N.S., will make their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 28th at 11.00am.
Congratulations to the children from St. Felim’s National School, The Vale who made their First Communion last weekend. Thanks to their teachers, Ms. Moynagh, Mrs. Keegan and Mrs. Sheridan for all their hard work and to the Pastoral Assistant, Andrea Connolly.
Irish Red Cross: UKRAINE CRISIS APPEAL: Countless lives in Ukraine are being torn apart by violence and insecurity. Displacement, trauma, and separation from loved ones, will have devastating consequences on the people of Ukraine.
Please donate now if you can. Red Cross teams are on the ground to provide those affected with food, medicine, shelter, and water. With your support, we will also assist those displaced by conflict.
To donate, visit…/ukraine-crisis-appeal/. You can also donate to the IRC appeal for Ukraine in your Revolut App.
Congratulations: Congratulations to all the boys and girls of East Knockbride and Tunnyduff School who made their Confirmation on Friday last, 20th May.
East Knockbride: Kallum Carolan, Rebecca Clarke, Ryan Kelly, Jason Lynch, Cassie McBreen, Eleanor McChesney, Layla McElwaine, Ben O’Flaherty, Blaithin Smith and Claudia Sharpe O’Reilly.
West Knockbride: Ben Carolan, Chloe Clarke, Aaron Fay, James McGee, Kevin McCaul, Abby Reilly, Michael Reilly, Dearbhail Shanley and Dearbhla Taaffe.
St Felim’s The Vale: Alana Carling.
St. Michael’s Cootehill: Abigail McCaffrey.
Link Credit Union:
Have you a child moving from 6th class to 1st year in Secondary School this September? Link Credit Union have opened our ‘Step Up Grant’ competition, where 10 students can win €200 towards their educational costs. Closing date 10th June. Application forms are available in our offices or on our website:
Well Done: Congratulations to Ireland forward Leanne Kiernan, who has been crowned Liverpool’s Women’s ‘Player of the Year’. Leanne’s 13 goals for the season, helped ensure that Liverpool Ladies, won the Championship title and earned promotion to the Women’s Super League. Well done, Leanne!

Walk, Jog or Run: Bailieborough Chapel Carpark, Chapel Road (Lakeside), every Monday and Wednesday from 8.00pm to 9.00pm, for all levels of fitness. Other activities available—weather permitting. For further information, please contact Tony at 086 399 3430. Have fun while keeping fit. Everybody welcome.
Congratulations: Congratulations and Well Done to the Bailieborough Shamrocks players, Sarah Cullen, Caoimhe Clarke and Aoibheann Mulligan who were part of the Cavan Under 16 Girls side who defeated Tyrone Under 16’s in the Platinum Ulster Championship final by Cavan U16s: 7-10(31), Tyrone U16s: 0-9(9) in in St. Tiernach’s Park, Clones on Sunday last. Also Well Done to Paul Coleman who is a Selector for the side. Looking forward to the All Ireland Series now!
Bailieborough Hen’s Shed: Looking for a friendly chat, and good company. Pop along to Bailieborough Library on Tuesday mornings at 10 am. Although the Library is not open to the public on Tuesday, we will be there. If no one sees you at the door please just give the library phone a quick ring! 042 9665779. Rhythmic Dance Twirlers: Beginner classes take place every Wednesday evening from 5.00pm to 6.00pm, in the Courthouse, Lower Main St, Bailieborough. Boys and girls aged 4 and up, are welcome to join us. Contact, Kelly Clarke for further information.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News,Under 13/15; Training on Mondays from 7-8pm on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA Club. Under 11; Training on Mondays from 6-7pm on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA Club. All training sessions €3 each please. Under 7/9; Saturday in Killinkere at 1 and 2pm for U7 and U9 respectively. Club contacts; U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Craft Club: Meetings take place every Friday, upstairs in the Library from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone and new members most welcome.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.