Bailieborough News. March 25th 2019. Matthew J. Cullen.
Alpha Course:
Thank You to all who took part over the past 10 weeks in the very successful Alpha Course. An average of 65—70 people attended each night and enjoyed the experience of discussing aspects of the Christian Faith with others especially with members of other Christian denominations in the local community. Fr. Michael Router and the Reverend Ian Horner would especially like to thank the group facilitators for their commitment and skill in leading the conversation and also the management and staff of the Bailie Hotel for their warmth and welcome. Details of a follow-up course in the Autumn, will be announced later.
Bailieborough School of Music:
Lotto results for16-03-2019. Numbers Drawn; 13, 15, 29, 30. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Seán and Damien, Galbolie; Áine Liggan; Amelia O’Brien; Damien Clarke.
Lotto results for 23-03-2019. Numbers Drawn; 1, 12, 19, 27. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Teresa Cooney; John Reilly; Drena Halpin; Mary Carolan Murray. Next week’s Jackpot €3,500.
Knockbride Annual Variety show:
The Annual Knockbride Variety Show will take place on Thursday 28th, Friday 29th and Saturday 30th March 2019 in Tunnyduff Hall, Bailieborough.
Doors open at 8.00 with the show starting at 8.30pm.
A fun filled night of comedy, song, music and dance. All welcome.
Fundraising ‘Coffee Morning’, in Memory of Oliver Maguire:
A fundraising ‘Coffee Morning’ in memory of Oliver Maguire will take place in the home of Noreen Maguire, Monaghanoose, Bailieborough on Saturday next, March 30th, from 12 noon onwards. All proceeds go to Bailieborough Cancer Fund and Cavan Palliative Care. Everyone welcome.
Bailieborough Men’s Shed:
You will find them at the Beckscourt Centre, Bailieborough from Monday to Thursday (10 – 2), come and join them for a cup of tea and a chat and see what they are working on!
Deepest Sympathy:
Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Rose, children Brian, Martin and Ann, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and extended family and friends on the death of Tom McGuinness, Corlurgan, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away peacefully, at Cavan General Hospital on Monday, March 11th, 2019. Tom’s Funeral Mass took place on Thursday, March 14th in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough with burial afterwards in St Anne’s Cemetery.
Thank You:
Thank you to the Fox School of Dancing for providing a display of Irish Dancing at the end of the 10.00am Mass on St. Patrick’s Day. Over 35 children and teenagers from the school took part.
Security Guarding and Door Security Course:
Bailieborough Business Centre Security Guarding and Door Security QQI Level 4. Duration 5 days over 3 weeks. Call 042-9694716 or 087 619 0040 for further information.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns:
Bailieborough Tidy Towns are holding their Annual ‘Spring Clean Day’ on Saturday, April 13th. 2019. Meet at Market Sq. at 11am. Wear a high-vis jacket and bring a litter picker. Join the Tidy Town’s team and keep your road clean.
‘Adult Irish Dance and Ceilí Classes’:
Adult Irish dance classes will take place in Tierworker Hall at 5:00pm every Wednesday evening. For more information please contact Aishling Fox on (087) 9699235.
Registration Night:
‘Darkness into Light’ Bailieborough, will be holding a registration evening on Friday next, 29th March, in The Lemon Tree, on Barrack St. Bailieborough, between 6.00 and 9.00pm. The event will be taking place on Saturday 11th May 2019. Early Bird registration rates are: Adult 18+, €20, Student 18+, €15, Job-Seeker, €15, Senior 65+ €15, Children 6—17yrs €5 and children under 5, free. Please note: We cannot accept card payments, those wishing to pay by card can do so by going online:
The route for the 2019 Darkness into Light in Bailieborough on May 11th 2019 will start at approximately 4.15 am from the Community Centre on Chapel Road. Heading towards main street it will turn left onto New Road passing the back of Supervalu. At the Model School we will turn right on to Church Street following onto Main street and up to the Market Square. From there we head on to Rakeevan along the Institute Road passing Terra before turning right for the Kells Road. Turning right the route follows the Kells Road back into town where we will turn left onto the Virginia Road. At the Chapel car park we turn right towards the Chapel and turn right at the lake car park to finish up at the Community Centre. What better way to start the day? We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort: Quiz Night:
A massive “Thank You ” to each and every one, who supported the quiz night and gave spot prizes…. and last but by no means least quizmaster Stanley. We had a full house raising €1350 !!! Your support is really appreciated.
Bridge: Bridge results for Tuesday, 5th March: First:
Patsy Corcoran and Sean Kelleher. Second:
Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson. Best Gross: Rosaleen Keegan and Pauline
McEvoy. Third: Vera Bell and Una Stafford.
Results for Tuesday, 12th March: First:
Kathleen McArdle and John McGahan. Second: Helen Clarke and Teresa O’Reilly. Best Gross: Patsy Corcoran and Tom Moran.
Bridge lessons for beginners takes place in the Hotel Bailie, Bailieborough, at 7.30pm, each Monday night.
Senior’s Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm, in the Hotel Bailie. Everybody welcome.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes:
Sunday 31st March: Bailieborough 10:45am – United All-Age Service.
Mondays (during term time): Badminton, Bailieborough Hall; 7-8pm for primary students, 8-9pm for secondary students.
Birdwatch Ireland:
Our March outing will take place this Sunday, 31st to Dundalk docks.
This area is nationally recognised for its importance for wintering birds and provides close access so even amateurs can identify birds easily.
This is a great opportunity to see wintering waders before they return home to northern countries for the breeding season.
If you haven’t been to an event before, or aren’t yet a member of Birdwatch, you are very welcome to attend.
Meet at Dundalk docks at 11 a.m. There is parking at Lidl across the road.
Dress warmly and bring a hot drink and a snack.
Bailieborough Community School: Parents Association:
Students from Bailieborough Community School are assisting on the 2019 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes at the end of May. The BCS Parents Association is delighted to support these students on the Pilgrimage and raise the required funding. A ‘Virtual Cycle’ from Bailieborough to Lourdes will take place on Saturday next, March 30th outside Super Valu, Main St. Please come and encourage the students, parents and teachers on their virtual trip and donate to this very worthy cause.
CMETB Adult Education Guidance and Information Service (Aegis):
Are you an adult thinking about returning to education or training? If so, an Adult Guidance Councillor will be available for drop-in queries, every second Thursday, the next one taking place at Bailieborough Library from 10.00am to 2.00pm on Thursday, April 4th.
The death has occurred of Frank William Mansfield
Bexscourt View, Bailieborough, Cavan
Frank William Mansfield, Bexscourt View, Baileborough, Co Cavan. Tuesday March 19th Peacefully at Cavan General Hospital. Much loved husband and friend of Shirley (Charlotte). Sadly missed by his loving wife, daughter Carole, son-in-law Christopher, grandchildren Glenn and Eilish, brother Laurence, sister-in-law Gwenn, nephew David, relatives and friends. Funeral Service on Sunday, March 24th, at 12.00 noon in Lakelands Funeral Home and Crematorium, Dublin Road, Cavan, followed by Cremation. |
Deepest Sympathy:
Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife, Shirley (Charlotte), daughter Carole, son-in-law Christopher, grandchildren Glenn and Eilish, brother Laurence, sister-in-law Gwenn, nephew David, relatives and friends on the death of Frank William Mansfield, Bexcourt View, Bailieborough, Co Cavan who passed away peacefully at Cavan General Hospital on Tuesday March 19th. Frank William’s Funeral Service took place on Sunday, March 24th , in Lakelands Funeral Home and Crematorium, Dublin Road, Cavan, followed by Cremation.
First Confession:
First Confession for the children in second class in St. Felim’s National School, The Vale will take place in St. Anne’s Church on Tuesday evening next, April 2nd at 7.30pm.
Walk, Jog, Run or Crawl!
Run, walk, crawl or jog every Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Community Centre, Chapel Road, Bailieborough at 8pm. It’s free!!!! And there is no catch! All newcomers welcome. Also the Saturday morning Leisure Group Cycle is back for 2019 and takes place on Saturday mornings leaving from the Community Centre, Bailieborough AT 9.00AM. Please bring euros for coffee stop and all welcome.
Cake Sale:
A Cake Sale for the Bailieborough Community School students going to help on the Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes at the end of May will take place at St. Anne’s Church after the 7.00pm Mass on Saturday next, March 30th.
Citizen’s Information:
The service takes place every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the Library— providing information, advice and advocacy supports to everyone on Social welfare, employment, Pensions, Health, Tax etc. No appointment necessary.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’:
‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
A Reconciliation Service for Easter:
will take place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Sunday, April 14th (Passion Sunday) at 7.00pm. Confessions will be heard by the Priests of the Pastoral Area as part of a Scripture Service. Confessions will take place in St. Patrick’s Church, Shercock on Monday, April 15th at 7.00pm and in St. Annes, Bailieborough on Holy Saturday, April 20th from 12 noon to 3.00pm.
Bailieborough Business Centre:
Excel Level 4, Tuesdays 10 – 1pm.
Computers for Beginners, Level 2 Wednesdays.
Word Level 4, Thursdays 10-1pm.
Safe pass. Call 042-96 94 716/ 087– 619 0040 for further information.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for April, May, June, July and August 2019: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church–April 6th (Saturday, 1.30pm), April 20th (Saturday, 9.00pm), April 28th (Sunday, 12.30pm), May 12th (Sunday,12.30pm), May 26th (Sunday, 12.30pm), June 8th (Saturday, 1.30pm), June 23rd, (Sunday 12.30pm), July 20th, (Saturday 1.30pm), July 28th (Sunday, 12.30pm), August 10th (Saturday, 1.30pm) and August 24th (Saturday, 1.30pm).
Bailieborough Library:
Craft Group takes place every Friday from 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm on the last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.

East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 25th March 2019
Under 7/9/11; Continued good work from both our groups on Fridays. With the clocks changing next week we hope to begin our outdoor season. More news next week.

Fridays U7/9s after training.
We MUST get all our players registered by the end of March as per GAA rules. It is imperative that all our players are registered with East Cavan Gaels before then.
Official GAA Club; We have applied for, and been granted by Cavan County Board, official Club status. After ten years of hard work and the fact that we now field at all levels of hurling up to and including adult level we have been granted the status of a Club. A lot of work has gone into this project and there is still a lot more to do but we are very proud of this achievement. We will take our place at County Committee meetings along with the other 41 GAA units in Cavan. Our first meeting will be in early April and our first Official Club Committee meeting will take place shortly after. We thank all of those who came to our recent meeting to ratify the transition committee which will take us to the next stage of development.
We have a significant amount of people and organisations to thank for helping us to get to this stage and we will formally recognise this at a later date most likely to mark our tenth anniversary which happens this summer. We are now at the end of the beginning………….now on to the next phase!!
U13/15/17; Pre-season has been a bit stop/start but the games will be coming thick and fast from now on. Training will move outdoors this week in Killann on Monday at 6pm and will remain on Mondays from now on. The new expanded Tain leagues, with 44 clubs and 66 teams from Ulster, Leinster and Connaught, for U13 and U15, begin with the U13s at home in Kingscourt v Latton on 1st April and the U15s at home to St. Fechins on 8th April. Best of luck to all.
Tain U13 league fixtures (all Mondays)
01/04 H v Latton
15/04 A v Carrick
29/04 H v Cootehill
13/05 A v St. Fechins
27/05 BYE
Tain U15 league fixtures (all Mondays)
08/04 H v St. Fechins
22//04 A v Mattock Rangers
06/05 A v North Meath Gaels
20/05 H v The Saints
03/06 H v Carrick
Club Senior;
Senior training on this Thursday at 8 on the astro at the Vale. New players always very welcome. First round of the league is Sunday next 31st v Pearse Óg in Kingscourt tbc at 5pm.
Cavan Senior league fixtures; (all Sundays)
31/03 H v Pearse Óg 5pm
07/04 A v Cootehill
14/04 H v Mullahoran
21/04 Final- Breffni Park
The week ahead;
Thursday; Senior training at 8 at the Vale astro.
Friday; U7/9 from 6-7pm and U11 from 7-8pm in the Community School Sports Hall Bailieborough. €3 each please.
Sunday; SHL v Pearse Óg 5pm in Kingscourt.
Club contacts;
U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.