Bailieborough News. January 14th 2019. Matthew J. Cullen.
Alpha Course:
Got questions? Explore life, faith, meaning, at the Bailieborough Alpha course starting on Wednesday, 16th January 2019 and continuing every Wednesday for 10 weeks. This will be a joint venture between the Bailieborough Group of Parishes and Killann Parish. All welcome. For more information, please contact Rev Ian Horner or Fr Michael Router or look up
Dog Walk:
“Bailieborough Vetinary Clinic raised a total of €625 from their annual CSPCA Dog Walk. This was achieved by donations and sponsorship cards promoted by our dedicated walkers. A special thanks to ‘Daybreak’, Barrack St, for kindly donating refreshments and to ‘Graeme’s Groom Room’ for donating spot prizes. Looking forward to 2019 to our 18th year of walking our four legged friends for this worthy charity, the Cavan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
‘Mince Pie’ Charity Walk:
The ‘Mince Pie’ Charity Walk in memory of Fintin Reilly (who passed away in January 2018) and was held on Saturday, December 29th raised €2,070 for Drumlin House. Many thanks to all who participated or helped out in any way to raise this terrific amount.
Bailieborough Recycling Centre:
There will be free recycling of real Christmas trees during the month of January.
Bailieborough Shamrocks: Underage Presentation Night:
The Shamrocks Underage Presentation is taking place on Saturday next, 19th January at 5pm in the Community School. The Special Guests on the evening are none other than the 2018 Cavan Senior Football Captain, Dara McVeety and the 2017 Captain, Killian Clarke. What a treat for all our Underage teams, Mentors, parents and our whole GAA Club. Looking forward to seeing everyone there on the day.
Bailieborough School of Music:
Lotto results for 12-01-2019. Numbers Drawn; 4, 9, 22, 26. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Teresa Cooney; Gavin Mackey; John Reilly; Oisin Sheridan. Next week’s Jackpot €2,500.
Deepest Sympathy:
Deepest Sympathy is extended to daughters,Alison Rountree (Canningstown), Joyce Leinster (Fartadreen, Bailieborough) andLesley Shepherd (Wicklow Town), sons-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandsonson the death of Thomas Edge in his 94th year, peacefully, at St.James’s Hospital, Dublin surrounded by his family. Late of Wellington Road,Dublin and Bailieborough, Co. Cavan. Thomas’s Funeral Service took place in AdelaideRoad Presbyterian Church, Dublin on Saturday, January 12th with burialafterwards in Urcher Graveyard, Bailieborough.
The death has occurred of Marian PARKER
Tandragee, Bailieborough, Cavan
The death has occurred of Thomas EDGE
Wellington Road, Dublin 6W, Dublin / Bailieborough, Cavan
Edge,Thomas in his 94th year, peacefully, at St. James’s Hospital, Dublin surrounded by his family. Late of Wellington Road, Dublin. Deeply regretted by his daughters Alison Rountree (Canningstown), Joyce Leinster (Fartadreen, Bailieborough) and Lesley Shepherd (Wicklow Town), sons-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandsons. Funeral tomorrow Saturday to arrive at Adelaide Road Presbyterian Church, Dublin for funeral service at 11am. Burial afterwards in Urcher Graveyard, Bailieborough at 2pm aproximately. “safe in the arms of Jesus“ |
Bridge lessons for beginners will take place in Hotel Bailie, Bailieborough, at 7.30pm, each Monday night.
Senior’s Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening at 8.00pm, in the Hotel Bailie. Everybody welcome.
The Open Door Sessions:
The first of the 2019 ‘Open Door Sessions’ will take place at 9.00pm on Friday next, 18th January, downstairs @ Nixy’s, The Square Bar, Market Square, Bailieborough. Music from ‘The Fieldmice’ and Brían Farrell. Art by/Interview with Sharon Maher. Donations voluntary and all welcome.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes:
Wednesday 16th January:
ALPHA Course – Bailie Hotel 8.00–9:30pm.
Sunday 20th January:
Bailieborough 10:45am – Morning Prayer and Sunday Club, followed by tea and coffee.
Knockbride 12noon – All-Age Service.
Wednesday 23 January:
ALPHA Course – Bailie Hotel 8.00–9:30pm.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns:
Reduce waste…. Buy a reusable blue coffee cup in Bailie Stores. Ideal present for Cavan supporters and coffee lovers…Only €5…all proceeds go to the Tidy Towns.
Bailieborough Mid-Summer Festival and Town Events.:
Thanks to all the people that came out during last week and took down the Christmas lights. Thanks to Charles and Richard for the teleporters. Next event up is Ireland’s favourite, ‘St Patricks Day’. New ideas and volunteers welcome. If interested, please contact any committee member.
Lakelands Arch Club:
Lakelands Arch Club are back on Wednesday 30th January from 7-9pm in the BDA Centre, Shercock Rd, Bailieborough. Hope to see you all there!
Bailieborough Community Bowls:
Bailieborough Community Bowls resumes on Wednesday, January 16th and every Wednesday evening thereafter at 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members most welcome with free tuition for beginners.
ST. FELIM’S National School (THE VALE)
is currently inviting applications for enrolment for the school year— 2019-2020. Forms are available directly from the school, by phoning 042 9665605 or by emailing:, download from website: under the Scoil Documents section. Completed forms to be returned to the school by Friday, 1st February, 2019.
Walk, Jog, Run or Crawl!
Run, walk, crawl or jog every Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Community Centre, Chapel Road, Bailieborough at 8pm. It’s free!!!! And there is no catch! All newcomers welcome. Also the Saturday morning Leisure Group Cycle is back for 2019 and takes place on Saturday mornings leaving from the Community Centre, Bailieborough AT 9.00AM. Please bring euros for coffee stop and all welcome.
Citizen’s Information:
The service takes place every Tuesday at 1.30pm in the Library— providing information, advice and advocacy supports to everyone on Social welfare, employment, Pensions, Health, Tax etc. No appointment necessary.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’:
‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Bailieborough Business Centre:
Classes: Beginners Computer,
Improvers Computers, Mondays 7pm to 10pm.
Spreadsheets, Tuesdays, 10am to 1pm.
Word, Thursdays, 10am to 1pm.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for February, March and April 2019:
The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church–January 26th (Saturday, 1.30pm), February 10th (Sunday, 12.30pm), February 16th (Saturday, 1.30pm), March 3rd (Sunday, 12.30pm), March 24th (Sunday, 12.30pm), April 6th (Saturday, 1.30pm), April 20th (Saturday, 9.00pm) and April 28th (Sunday, 12.30pm).
Bailieborough Library:
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
“Learn to Jive with Craig Lovett and Mairéad Gaffney’:
Five week course commencing Monday 28th January in Virginia Show Centre and Friday 1st February in Mullagh Hall. 8.30pm start. No partner needed. Booking not required. Further details contact 086 1928568.

East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 14th January 2019
Happy New Year!
Under 7/9/11;
Great start to the new year of hurling! Our U7s had the privilege of starting us off with the first round of blitzes in Dundalk on Sunday last. Some great hurling with some of our lads playing their very first games for us. Five good games v Blackrock, Knockbridge, Clonduff, Newry and Ballyvarney. Getting games against Louth, Armagh and Down clubs will only bring our lads on even more. Special thanks to our player’s parents for making the long drive over. Without your support these games don’t happen. Thank you. Next week it’s the turn of the U9s with the U11s the following week.
Training returns this coming week. Thursday in Kingscourt Community Centre from 7-8pm and Friday in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall. U7/9 from 6-7pm and U11 from 7-8pm. New players very welcome from the entire region.

Above; Our U7s in Dundalk on Sunday last.
Senior; Training will resume soon. Players will receive a text.
Club contacts; U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.