Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Other local information from further afield can be found at
Bailieborough News. December 21st 2020. Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraSt Annes : Christmas Arrangements: The Bailieborough members of the Pastoral Council have agreed the following arrangements for Christmas at St. Anne’s Church:
Christmas Eve: Mass at 4.00pm: Reserved for Senior Citizens and those with underlying conditions only. No children allowed.
Mass at 8.00pm and Mass at Midnight (12pm).
Christmas Day: Masses at 10.00am and 11.30am.
It is difficult to anticipate how large attendances will be this Christmas. With the restrictions, St. Annes can accommodate no more than 100 families safely at each Mass. Rather than focusing exclusively on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, parishioners are strongly encouraged to consider making their Christmas observance on one of the other days of the Christmas season. In St. Annes there will be Mass on the evening of Saturday 26th December, Sunday, 27th December, Friday, January 1st, Saturday, January 2nd, Sunday, January 3rd, Tuesday, January 5th and Wednesday, January 6th—which all fall within the season of Christmas.
Christmas Confessions: It will not be possible to hold the traditional Christmas penitential service. Parishioners are encouraged to make a sincere Act of Contrition, with a resolve to attend Confessions –when it is possible to do so again.
Masses will be said at usual Bailieborough times and may be viewed on our webcam or heard on our radio system at 107.8FM.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Wednesday, December 23rd : 23 December – ‘A Quiet Christmas’ at 7:30pm – Bailieborough – A quiet, reflective service, especially focusing on prayer for those feeling grief this Christmas.
Friday, 25th December – Christmas Day:
10am – Bailieborough – Holy Communion.
11:30am – Knockbride – Holy Communion.
Online Service from 10:30am on YouTube and Facebook or on ‘Virtual Church’ tab.
Sunday, 27th December: 10:45am – Bailieborough.
12noon – Knockbride, also from 10:30am – Online Service on Facebook, YouTube and the parish website.
The Covid-19 etiquette will be as before including the use of FACE COVERINGS which highly recommended and encouraged as best practice at Sunday service.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to mother Bridgid, brothers Colm and Paul, sister Claire, sisters-in-law Margaret and Caroline, brother-in-law Padraig, nieces, nephews and extended family, staff and his many friends in Curlurgan on the death of Thomás O’Brien, Curlurgan Community Group, Cavan, and late of Institute Road, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away peacefully at Cavan General Hospital on Wednesday, December 9th, 2020. Thomas was predeceased by his father Tommy.
Thomas’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Michael’s Church, Staholmog on Friday, December 11th with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
All welcome to join ‘Divine Office’: Evening Prayer on the Killann Parish Facebook page every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 7.00pm. Readings for each night will be available for collection in hardcopy form, from St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough and also online beforehand.
Parish Office: The Parish Office will be open on Mondays and Fridays from 11am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 3.30pm. On the other days, please feel free to ring or text, Fr. Ultan on the Parish Office number 042 9665117 or his mobile 087 341 8037 or email:
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to the McEnaney family—The Bailie Hotel—on the passing of their father, Brendan, Ardragh, Corduff, Carrickmacross, who passed away peacefully, at his home, surrounded by his beloved family, on Saturday, December 12th 2020. Brendan’s Funeral Mass took place in St John the Evangelist Church, Raferagh, on Tuesday, 15th December, followed by burial in the adjoining Cemetery.
The Model School Junior Infants 2021: The Model School is now taking applications for Junior Infant enrolment for September 2021. Please see the school website to download an application form. Thank you. School website, Phone (042) 9665689 or
Bailieborough Library:Bailieborough Library: Christmas Hours: The Library will be closing on Wednesday, December 23rd at 4.00pm and will be re-opening on Thursday, December 31st at 10.00am.
Breffni Photography Club’s exhibition of beautiful photographs by local photographers has re-opened at the library under the new guidelines. This may be visited during library opening hours, and gives everyone the opportunity to see the wonderful work before the end of the year!
Thank You: Thank You to Sean O’Reilly for decorating the Christmas Trees in St. Annes Church and Church grounds and thanks also to Paulius Pilipavicus for erecting the Christmas lights on the Church building.
Bailieborough Red Cross: We continue to be available to assist any one still staying at home. If you have GP or Hospital appointments or require medication delivery’s .
Please contact us on 086 8968928 or email @ or
Paying Our Respects: If you see a hearse, could you stop, stand for a moment as it passes, perhaps take off your cap, and bow your head?
In these times where funerals are limited to only a very few close family our chance to support people during bereavement is limited. So, we wondered if we could revive an old tradition that would show people that their loss is noticed and shared by us all?
It would mean the world to families in a time of sadness.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
In this most peculiar of years, we wish all readers, a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and Covid free New Year.
Bailieborough News. December 14th 2020. Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraVandals at work again. Five new Silver Birch trees [ 8ft.} approx .in height and 30 Beech hedging were stolen from the Cavan Road along the new footpath near the Forest entrance. Some still had an Urcher Garden Centre tag on them. This Tidy Town project was only completed last Monday. It is so annoying and costly for the Tidy Towns.
The Gardai have been notified. Anyone with any information or anyone who saw anything suspicious on Wednesday evening /night{ Dec. 9th } in the area ,pass it on to the Gardai. These trees would need a truck/ trailer to transport them.
Remember when you by local you are supporting your community.
For all your Christmas shopping needs why not check out what our wonderfully talented artists have on offer. With the loss of the Christmas Markets this year it is even more important to support #shoplocal. For more information, please visit the Bailieborough Creative Hub facebook page.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns: Bailieborough Tidy Towns want to say ‘Thank You’ to Stan who has to retire on December 18th.
Stan is the angel who picks up litter from our streets every morning, no matter what the weather is like. He has taken great care also with cleaning the footpaths with his wire brush.
The Tidy Towns appreciate all your patience and hard work Stan and I am sure the businesses and residents feel the same.
We wish you and your wife a happy and healthy retirement.
Christmas Day Swim: The organisers have decided that due to the current restrictions there will be no Christmas Day Swim this year in the town lake. Hope everyone keeps safe and has a Happy Christmas. See you all next year.
St Annes : Christmas Arrangements: The Bailieborough members of the Pastoral Council have agreed the following arrangements for Christmas at St. Anne’s Church:
Christmas Eve: Mass at 4.00pm: Reserved for Senior Citizens and those with underlying conditions only. No children allowed.
Mass at 8.00pm and Mass at Midnight (12pm).
Christmas Day: Masses at 10.00am and 11.30am.
It is difficult to anticipate how large attendances will be this Christmas. With the restrictions, St. Annes can accommodate no more than 100 families safely at each Mass. Rather than focusing exclusively on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, parishioners are strongly encouraged to consider making their Christmas observance on one of the other days of the Christmas season. In St. Annes there will be Mass on the evening of Saturday 26th December, Sunday, 27th December, Friday, January 1st, Saturday, January 2nd, Sunday, January 3rd, Tuesday, January 5th and Wednesday, January 6th—which all fall within the season of Christmas.
Christmas Confessions: It will not be possible to hold the traditional Christmas penitential service. Parishioners are encouraged to make a sincere Act of Contrition, with a resolve to attend Confessions –when it is possible to do so again.
Masses will be said at usual Bailieborough times and may be viewed on our webcam or heard on our radio system at 107.8FM.
Thank You: Thank you to Julie Smith, who is retiring from her role as Parish Safeguarding Representative. Sincere thanks to Julie for her dedication and exemplary work over the last few years, making our Parish a safe place for children.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Christmas Services: Sunday, 20th December: 10:45am – Bailieborough. 12noon – Knockbride also from 10:30am – Online Service on Facebook, YouTube and the Parish website.
Thursday, 24th December – Christmas Eve:
Online Service from 10:30am on YouTube and Facebook or on ‘Virtual Church’ tab.
Friday, 25th December – Christmas Day:
10am – Bailieborough – Holy Communion.
11:30am – Knockbride – Holy Communion.
Online Service from 10:30am on YouTube and Facebook or on ‘Virtual Church’ tab.
Sunday, 27th December: 10:45am – Bailieborough.
12noon – Knockbride, also from 10:30am – Online Service on Facebook, YouTube and the parish website.
The Covid-19 etiquette will be as before including the use of FACE COVERINGS which highly recommended and encouraged as best practice at Sunday service.
Easing of Covid Restrictions: With the easing of the Covid restrictions, it was great to see people out and about getting ready for the Festive season. Businnesses that had been closed during level 5 have re-opened—at least most of them have—and there is a ‘Buzz’ around the town, that has been missing for quite a while. Let’s hope that these are the first steps to going back to what we previously knew as normal life.
All welcome to join ‘Divine Office’: Evening Prayer on the Killann Parish Facebook page every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 7.00pm. Readings for each night will be available for collection in hardcopy form, from St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough and also online beforehand.
Parish Office: The Parish Office will be open on Mondays and Fridays from 11am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 3.30pm. On the other days, please feel free to ring or text, Fr. Ultan on the Parish Office number 042 9665117 or his mobile 087 341 8037 or email:
The Model School Junior Infants 2021: The Model School is now taking applications for Junior Infant enrolment for September 2021. Please see the school website to download an application form. Thank you. School website, Phone (042) 9665689 or
Bailieborough Library:Bailieborough Library, in accordance with current guidelines has re-opened, and will be operating a limited service. Seating, Studying and Computer facilities will remain closed, but items may be borrowed and requested, and printing/photocopying is available. There are lots of Christmas books and DVDS available to get you into the festive mood and we can’t wait to see everyone!
Breffni Photography Club’s exhibition of beautiful photographs by local photographers has re-opened at the library under the new guidelines. This may be visited during library opening hours, and gives everyone the opportunity to see the wonderful work before the end of the year!
Bailieborough Red Cross: We continue to be available to assist any one still staying at home. If you have GP or Hospital appointments or require medication delivery’s .
Please contact us on 086 8968928 or email @ or
Paying Our Respects: If you see a hearse, could you stop, stand for a moment as it passes, perhaps take off your cap, and bow your head?
In these times where funerals are limited to only a very few close family our chance to support people during bereavement is limited. So, we wondered if we could revive an old tradition that would show people that their loss is noticed and shared by us all?
It would mean the world to families in a time of sadness.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Bailieborough News. December 7th 2020. Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraCastle Lake Forest Demense: It is great to see everybody back and enjoying their walks at the Castle Lake. The Cavan Road can be quite dangerous when trying to turn in from the town. So could we ask the area surrounding the entrance be kept free and clear to facilitate anyone who may be trying to get through the gates. If we just take an extra moment before we leave the car to ensure all users can access the area. Thankyou.
Remember when you by local you are supporting your community.
For all your Christmas shopping needs why not check out what our wonderfully talented artists have on offer. With the loss of the Christmas Markets this year it is even more important to support #shoplocal. For more information, please visit the Bailieborough Creative Hub facebook page.
St Annes : Christmas Arrangements: The Bailieborough members of the Pastoral Council have agreed the following arrangements for Christmas at St. Anne’s Church:
Christmas Eve: Mass at 4.00pm: Reserved for Senior Citizens and those with underlying conditions only. No children allowed.
Mass at 8.00pm and Mass at Midnight (12pm).
Christmas Day: Masses at 10.00am and 11.30am.
It is difficult to anticipate how large attendances will be this Christmas. With the restrictions, St. Annes can accommodate no more than 100 families safely at each Mass. Rather than focusing exclusively on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, parishioners are strongly encouraged to consider making their Christmas observance on one of the other days of the Christmas season. In St. Annes there will be Mass on the evening of Saturday 26th December, Sunday, 27th December, Friday, January 1st, Saturday, January 2nd, Sunday, January 3rd, Tuesday, January 5th and Wednesday, January 6th—which all fall within the season of Christmas.
Christmas Confessions: It will not be possible to hold the traditional Christmas penitential service. Parishioners are encouraged to make a sincere Act of Contrition, with a resolve to attend Confessions –when it is possible to do so again.
Masses will be said at usual Bailieborough times and may be viewed on our webcam or heard on our radio system at 107.8FM.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Great news! From last Sunday, December 6th we can meet in our church buildings again. Join us for Sunday Service this week, Mullagh and Shercock 9:30am, Bailieborough 10:45am, Knockbride 12noon. We will also continue online from 10:30am or on YouTube. All welcome. The Covid-19 etiquette will be as before including the use of FACE COVERINGS which highly recommended and encouraged as best practice at Sunday service.
Easing of Covid Restrictions: With the easing of the Covid restrictions last week, it was great to see people out and about getting ready for the Festive season. Businnesses that had been closed during level 5 have re-opened—at least most of them have—and there is a ‘Buzz’ around the town, that has been missing for quite a while. Let’s hope that these are the first steps to going back to what we previously knew as normal life.
All welcome to join ‘Divine Office’: Evening Prayer on the Killann Parish Facebook page every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 7.00pm. Readings for each night will be available for collection in hardcopy form, from St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough and also online beforehand.
Bailieborough St. Vincent DePaul, Annual Appeal: Please support the SVP Collection, Sunday 13th December 2020:
SVP St. Anne’s Conference will be conducting their Giving Sunday collection on Sunday 13th December. Each year our Conference supports circa 200 families and people in need in this community through home visitation and monetary assistance. Currently home visitation is curtailed due to the pandemic and we rely on the telephone and postal services to communicate with parishioners in Bailieborough, Shercock, Knockbride and Tierworker.
Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions we haven’t been in a position to have our normal weekly Church collections or avail of the ‘In -Shop’ Christmas collections at Supervalu and Tesco or benefit from the normal support of Vincent’s Shop.
You can donate directly towards the work of our Conference in the following ways:
All the funds raised are spent locally helping those who need it most with food, heating and education costs throughout the winter and beyond.
We rely almost entirely on the support of you, our generous parishioners.
We extend best wishes to all for Christmas and 2021.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to sisters Margaret and Jane, brother in law Matt, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends of Kathleen Smith, Lisnalee, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away peacefully, at Cavan General Hospital on Sunday, November 29th 2020. Kathleen was an ex employee of Cavan General Hospital. Kathleen was predeceased by her parents Michael and Mollie, brother T.P. and sister Bridget. Kathleen’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Chapel, Bailieborough on Tuesday, December 1st and following which, her remains were laid to rest in St. Anne’s Cemetery.
Parish Office: The Parish Office will be open on Mondays and Fridays from 11am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 3.30pm. On the other days, please feel free to ring or text, Fr. Ultan on the Parish Office number 042 9665117 or his mobile 087 341 8037 or email:
The Model School Junior Infants 2021: The Model School is now taking applications for Junior Infant enrolment for September 2021. Please see the school website to download an application form. Thank you. School website, Phone (042) 9665689 or
Bailieborough Community Alert: In these peculiar times, Bailieborough Community Alert is available 24/ make Kevin Carolan at 086 must have your eircode available.
Bailieborough Library:Bailieborough Library, in accordance with current guidelines has re-opened, and will be operating a limited service. Seating, Studying and Computer facilities will remain closed, but items may be borrowed and requested, and printing/photocopying is available. There are lots of Christmas books and DVDS available to get you into the festive mood and we can’t wait to see everyone!
Breffni Photography Club’s exhibition of beautiful photographs by local photographers has re-opened at the library under the new guidelines. This may be visited during library opening hours, and gives everyone the opportunity to see the wonderful work before the end of the year!
Covid-19 Support Line for Older People: Alone manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of Covid-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where neccessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am to 8pm by calling 0818 222 024.
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to brothers Charlie, Frank, Gerard and Barney, nephews, especially John, nieces, sisters in law, relatives and friends on the death of Thomas Dunne, Carnalynch, Bailieborough, Co Cavan, who passed away peacefully, at Cavan General Hospital on Saturday, November 28th, 2020. Thomas’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough on Monday, November 30th and following which his remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
Bailieborough Red Cross: We continue to be available to assist any one still staying at home. If you have GP or Hospital appointments or require medication delivery’s .
Please contact us on 086 8968928 or email @ or
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’: ‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Paying Our Respects: If you see a hearse, could you stop, stand for a moment as it passes, perhaps take off your cap, and bow your head?
In these times where funerals are limited to only a very few close family our chance to support people during bereavement is limited. So, we wondered if we could revive an old tradition that would show people that their loss is noticed and shared by us all?
It would mean the world to families in a time of sadness.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.