Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News. November 21st 2022 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraChristmas Lights Committee: Santa is coming to Town!: Santa will be coming to town on Saturday, December 3rd from 2.00pm to 6.00pm, at the Community Centre, Chapel Road. €5 per child and each child gets a gift. All proceeds go to the Bailieborough Christmas Lights Committee.
The Bailieborough Christmas Lights Committee have set up a ‘Go Fund Me’ page to help ensure that the town will have Christmas lights, this year. Just log onto ‘Bailieborough Christmas Lights Go Fund Me’ page and donate whatever sum you wish, to help with the Christmas Lights.
Social Day Centre: The rescheduled Christmas ‘Get Together’ will take place in the Bailie Hotel today, Wednesday, November 23rd at 3.00pm. Admission is €10 and all are most welcome.
Bridge Club: Results: The winners on Tuesday, November 8th were:
North/South:Sean Kelleher and Tom Moran.
East/West:Geraldine Columb and Margaret Carolan.
The Bridge club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. in the Bailie Hotel.
New members welcome. Contact: or telephone 042-9667944.
Free ‘Drop-In’ Service : The Bailieborough Development Association would like to offer a ‘Free Drop-In Service of Assistance’, regarding online services and filling out of forms, between 2pm and 4pm on Friday afternoons. This service will be offered at the Bailieborough Business Centre. All welcome.
East Cavan Swim Club: Welcome to our new committee for 2022/2023
Joint Chair – Julie Pierce and Elaine Flood,
Secretary- Roisin Taaffe.
Treasurer- Lisa Morris.
Membership and Gala Secretary- Iris Behme.
Children’s Officers- Betty Kelly and Denise Coleman.
PRO/Social Media- Bernadette Moore.
Committee- Petra Longmore, Grainne Mulvey, Martin Redmond.
Looking forward to the year ahead, with plenty of opportunity throughout the year for more parents to get involved with our children’s club.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd presents ‘A Christmas Reflection’: Prayers and Candle Lighting Ceremony. Led by the Very Rev. Ultan McGoohan, Rev. Canon Ian Horner and Rev. John O’Donnell on Thursday, December 8th at 8.30pm at the old Post Office on Main St, Bailieborough. Everyone welcome.
Christmas Day Swim Fundraiser : The 29th Annual Bailieborough Christmas Day Swim is back this year! Please support the fundraiser in SuperValu, Bailieborough on Friday next, 25th November, from 9am-7pm. All funds raised are in aid of MS Cavan. If you would like to help out on this day, or take part in the swim, please contact Mary on 0860688714 or Brendan on 0872758890.
Bailieborough Garden Club ‘Christmas Night’: The Bailieborough Gardening Club, ‘Christmas Night’ takes place in Fox’s Bar, Main Street, on Thursday evening, December 15th at 8.00pm. There will be a demonstration by Florist, Sadie Gilmore and a Fun Quiz. Tea, coffee, sandwiches, mince pies and lots of spot prizes! €10 subscription. All welcome. If interested, please text Eilish on 086 8273 470.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to children Leonie, Gemma and Ronan and grandchildren, Sean, Emma,Orla and James on the death of Lucy Clarke (née McCaul),Virginia Road, Bailieborough and formerly of ‘The Hideout’, and Co. Monaghan, who passed away peacefully, on Saturday, 12th November 2022, in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, surrounded by her family. Lucy was predeceased by her beloved husband Paddy and her brother Philip . She will be deeply missed by her sons-in law, Brendan and Val, daughter-in-law Carina, her sisters Celia and Joeen, brother Leo, sisters-in-law Breda, Carol, Nora, Agnes and Dympna, nieces, nephews, cousins and a wide circle of friends and neighbours.
Lucy’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Annes Church on Thursday, November 17th 2022 and afterwards, Lucy’s remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
Mainly Music, a fun, interactive music group for preschoolers and their caregivers will take place on Friday mornings from 10am -12noon in the Knockbride Church of Ireland Hall (A82 E377). For parents, grandparents and minders with children and babies under 4. Donation €4. Contact Jenny Horner on 086 342 0299 for more info.
Sillan Vintage Club: Christmas Tractor Run: The Sillan Vintage Club’s, ‘Christmas Tractor Run’ will take place on Saturday, December 10th from The ‘Drop Inn’, Killann. Registration will take place from 3.00pm, refreshments served at 4.00pm and the run will commence at 4.45pm. Light up your vehicle and travel through the local towns! The route will be: Killanns to Shercock, to Kingscourt, to Bailieborough and back to The Drop Inn. €20 entry fee and there will be prizes for the First, second and third, best lit up vehicles.
Library: Children’s FREE Christmas Workshop here in the Library on Saturday November 26th 2022 from 10.30am-12.30pm. Places are strictly limited and booking essential at 042 9665779.
The next book the Bailieborough Reading Group will be reading is ‘Savage Her Reply’ by Deirdre Sullivan: A retelling of the favourite Irish fairytale, ‘The Children of Lir’. All are welcome to join us and copies of the book are available in the Library. The book will be discussed at the next Book Club meeting on Tuesday, November 29th at 6.30pm.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA /Ladies AGM: The Shamrocks Ladies Agm is taking place next Saturday 26th at 6.30 in the Clubhouse. If you would like to nominate anyone for positions, please email by Thursday to : or It would be great to see you all there .
Confirmation: Confirmation will be held in St. Anne’s Church on Saturday, March 4th 2023. St. Felim’s School and St. Patrick’s School, Shercock will take place at 11.00am and St. Anne’s School at 3.00pm.
Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough, every Wednesday evening for the Winter months at 8.00pm. New members welcome.
Bailie Hotel: If you have any Bailie Hotel Gift Vouchers, we would kindly ask you to redeem them before Wednesday, the 30th November, 2022. Our Gift Vouchers can be used towards any food or beverages. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact one of the girls on reception on 0429665334 or email us on
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C. : Calling all mini Messi’s and wannabe Haaland’s
Soccer training for 8 and 9 year olds takes place on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7pm, at The Vale soccer grounds. €2 per session. All children welcome.
Any enquiries, just message the Club’s Facebook page.
Bailieboro Celtic Girls U12 (born 2011/2012) and U14 (born 2009/2010) teams are looking for new girls to join us for the current season.
Have fun, make new friends and become part of a great team sport.
Training every Monday evening 6.15pm at the Vale Soccer grounds.
Bailieborough Youth Cafe: Meetings of the Bailieborough Youth Cafe take place at the Beckscourt Centre every Tuesday evening. Junior (10 to 13 year olds) from 5.00pm to 6.00pm and Senior (13+ year olds) from 6.00pm to 7.00pm. For further information, please contact 087 768 4757 or 087 383 0752.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club –Table Quiz; Our ever popular ‘Table Quiz’ returns on Friday 2nd December in The Square Bar, Bailieborough. The quiz, along with its accompanying raffle, forms the majority of our fundraising activity for the year and your continued support is most appreciated. Club gear; For the first time ever, we now have a full selection of club gear, training tops, hats, track suits etc. Monday’s; Senior training 8pm, Bailieborough. Saturday; U7 1pm, U9 2pm, U11 3pm all in Killinkere Hall. Club contacts;U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough News. November 14th 2022 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraChristmas Lights Committee: Sunday next 20th November, a ‘Cake Sale and Raffle’ in aid of the Bailieborough Christmas Lights, will take place in The Community Centre, Chapel Road, from 10am – 12.30pm. All donations of baked goods or raffle prizes very welcome.
The Bailieborough Christmas Lights Committee have set up a ‘Go Fund Me’ page to help ensure that the town will have Christmas lights, this year. Just log onto ‘Bailieborough Christmas Lights Go Fund Me’ page and donate whatever sum you wish, to help with the Christmas Lights, this year.
Annual Remembrance Mass: On Saturday evening next, November 19th at 7.00pm, in St. Annes Church, we will remember all those who have died in our Parish since November 1st 2021. Bereaved families are encouraged to attend this Mass, during which the name of your loved one will be read out and prayed for. Parishioners are asked to ensure that parishioners bereaved in the past twelve months know about this Mass and that they know that their presence will be appreciated.
Social Day Centre: An early Christmas ‘Get Together’ will take place in the Bailie Hotel today, Wednesday, November 16th at 3.00pm. Admission is €10 and all are most welcome.
Bridge Club: Results: The winners on Tuesday, November 1st were:
North/South: Rosaleen Keegan and Seán Kelleher.
East/West: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson.
The bridge club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. in the Bailie Hotel.
New members welcome. Contact: or telephone 042-9667944.
Loughanleagh and Muff Heritage Trust Launch 2022—2032: The Trust would like to extend a word of thanks to those who joined them for the official opening of their redeveloped Picnic Area and Mass Rock on last Sturday week, as well as the local ICA members and the many volunteers, whhelped out on the day. The event served as an opportuinity to launch their 2022—2032 Masterplan. The Trust welcome people to visit for further information.
Free ‘Drop-In’ Service : The Bailieborough Development Association would like to offer a ‘Free Drop-In Service of Assistance’, regarding online services and filling out of forms, between 2pm and 4pm on Friday afternoons. This service will be offered at the Bailieborough Business Centre. All welcome.
East Cavan Swim Club: The Annual General Meeting of the East Cavan Swim Club will take place in the Hotel Bailie on this Thursday evening, November 17th at 7.00pm. All parents are most welcome to attend.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd presents ‘A Christmas Reflection’: Prayers and Candle Lighting Ceremony. Led by the Very Rev. Ultan McGoohan, Rev. Canon Ian Horner and Rev. John O’Donnell on Thursday, December 8th at 8.30pm at the old Post Office on Main St, Bailieborough. Everyone welcome.
Christmas Day Swim Fundraiser : The 29th Annual Bailieborough Christmas Day Swim is back this year! Please support the fundraiser in SuperValu, Bailieborough on Friday 25th November, from 9am-7pm. All funds raised are in aid of MS Cavan. If you would like to help out on this day, or take part in the swim, please contact Mary on 0860688714 or Brendan on 0872758890.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to daughters Eileen and Barbara, sons in law John and Gordon, cherished grandchildren Emma, Leanne, Rebecca, Kate, Jayne and Rhys, sisters Nora (Cavan) and Agnes (Carrickmacross), sisters in law Dympna, Kathleen, Lucy and Stella, nieces, nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends on the death of Julia Maguire (nee Clarke), Galbolie, Bailieborough, Co Cavan, who passed away peacefully at Cavan General Hospital surrounded by her loving family on Monday, November 7th 2022.
Julia was predeceased by her loving husband Peter (Killeshandra), her brothers Paddy, Phil and Frank and sisters Bridgie, Rose and Mary.
Julia’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Thursday, November 10th and afterwards, Julia’s remains were laid to rest in St. Anne’s Cemetery.
Mainly Music, a fun, interactive music group for preschoolers and their caregivers will take place on Friday mornings from 10am -12noon in the Knockbride Church of Ireland Hall (A82 E377). For parents, grandparents and minders with children and babies under 4. Donation €4. Contact Jenny Horner on 086 342 0299 for more info.
Library: The next book the Bailieborough Reading Group will be reading is ‘Savage Her Reply’ by Deirdre Sullivan: A retelling of the favourite Irish fairytale, ‘The Children of Lir’. All are welcome to join us and copies of the book are available in the Library. The book will be discussed at the next Book Club meeting on Tuesday, November 29th at 6.30pm.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: A big ‘Thank You’ to all involved in organising the Tunnyduff Tractor Run. €5180 was raised for Bailieborough Cancer Comfort. Your support is greatly appreciated.
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Confirmation: Confirmation will be held in St. Anne’s Church on Saturday, March 4th 2023. St. Felim’s School and St. Patrick’s School, Shercock will take place at 11.00am and St. Anne’s School at 3.00pm.
Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough, every Wednesday evening for the Winter months at 8.00pm. New members welcome.
Model School Parents Association: The Model School parents Association are holding their Christmas Draw entitled ‘5 Weeks of Elf Madness’! Entry into the draw is €10 per line, for which you are entered into all 5 draws. The first draw is on Tuesday, November 21st. Please contact any committee members for further information.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C. : Calling all mini Messi’s and wannabe Haaland’s
Soccer training for 8 and 9 year olds takes place on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7pm, at The Vale soccer grounds. €2 per session. All children welcome.
Any enquiries, just message the Club’s Facebook page.
Bailieboro Celtic Girls U12 (born 2011/2012) and U14 (born 2009/2010) teams are looking for new girls to join us for the current season.
Have fun, make new friends and become part of a great team sport.
Training every Monday evening 6.15pm at the Vale Soccer grounds.
Bailieborough Youth Cafe: Meetings of the Bailieborough Youth Cafe take place at the Beckscourt Centre every Tuesday evening. Junior (10 to 13 year olds) from 5.00pm to 6.00pm and Senior (13+ year olds) from 6.00pm to 7.00pm. For further information, please contact 087 768 4757 or 087 383 0752.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club –Table Quiz; Our ever popular ‘Table Quiz’ returns on Friday 2nd December in The Square Bar, Bailieborough. The quiz, along with its accompanying raffle, forms the majority of our fundraising activity for the year and your continued support is most appreciated. Club gear; For the first time ever, we now have a full selection of club gear, training tops, hats, track suits etc. Monday’s; Senior training 8pm, Bailieborough. Saturday; U7 1pm, U9 2pm, U11 3pm all in Killinkere Hall. Club contacts;U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough News. November 7th 2022 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraBreifne Historical Society will host a lecture by Carmel O’Callahan (Chairperson of Bailieborough Heritage Society) entitled
‘The children of Michael J. and Margaret McGovern (née Clarke) from Bailieborough’, on Tuesday evening next 15th November 2022, in Bailieborough Library at 7 pm. All welcome.
Christmas Lights Committee: A date for your diary …. Sunday 20th November. A ‘Cake Sale and Raffle’ in aid of the Bailieborough Christmas Lights, will take place in The Community Centre, Chapel Road, from 10am – 12.30pm. All donations of baked goods or raffle prizes very welcome.
The Bailieborough Christmas Lights Committee have set up a ‘Go Fund Me’ page to help ensure that the town will have Christmas lights, this year. Just log onto ‘Bailieborough Christmas Lights Go Fund Me’ page and donate whatever sum you wish, to help with the Christmas Lights, this year.
Social Day Centre: An early Christmas ‘Get Together’ will take place in the Bailie Hotel on Wednesday, November 16th at 3.00pm. Admission is €10 and all are most welcome.
Bridge Club: Results: The winners on Tuesday, October 25th were:
1st: Tom Moran and John McGahan.
2nd: Olive Kellett and Rosaleen Keegan.
3rd: Helen Clarke and Kathleen McArdle.
The bridge club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. in the Bailie Hotel.
New members welcome. Contact: or telephone 042-9667944.
Please support Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal:
Creches, schools, businesses or individuals can order leaflets and other resources online at or contact local coordinators Hazel Speares 0879903520 or Edna Smith 0876300207.
‘Painting The Town’: The Exhibition by local artist, Maria Jordan O’Reilly is turning into a great success. For those who may have missed it, the display will be on view, today—Wednesday, 9th November from 4.00pm to 6.00pm and Thursday, November 10th from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Do come along and have a chat with the artist herself at the Bailieborough Courthouse.
Karate: Karate for children and adults from 7 years of age and up to age 90 takes place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road, Bailieborough every Wednesday evening from 7.00pm to 8.00pm. Improve your self-confidence, flexibility and cardio vascular health. For further details, please contact, the 2019 World Karate Champion and four times European Champion, Philip McCarthy on 085 230 7833.
Free ‘Drop-In’ Service : The Bailieborough Development Association would like to offer a ‘Free Drop-In Service of Assistance’, regarding online services and filling out of forms, between 2pm and 4pm on Friday afternoons. This service will be offered at the Bailieborough Business Centre. All welcome.
East Cavan Swim Club: The Annual General Meeting of the East Cavan Swim Club will take place in the Hotel Bailie on Thursday, November 17th at 7.00pm. All parents are most welcome to attend.
First Aid Course: A First Aid course, covering CPR using a Defibrillator and choking, will take place in the side room of the Community Centre, Chapel Road, Bailieborough, commencing on Wednesday, November 9th from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. This course is certified and participants must be 16 and over. For further information, please contact 086 162 4993.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to brother Patsy (Swords), nephews, nieces, grand nephews, grand nieces, relatives and friends on the death of Vincent Clarke, Barrack Street, Bailieborough and formerly Coppanagh, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away peacefully at Fairlawns Nursing Home, Bailieborough, surrounded by his loving family, on Tuesday, November 1st 2022. Vincent was predeceased by his brothers John and Peter and sisters Rose, Maureen, Kathleen and Philomena.
Vincent’s Funeral Mass took place in St Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Thursday, November 3rd and afterwards, Vincent’s remains were laid to rest in Kingcourt Cemetery.
Mainly Music, a fun, interactive music group for preschoolers and their caregivers will take place on Friday mornings from 10am -12noon in the Knockbride Church of Ireland Hall (A82 E377). For parents, grandparents and minders with children and babies under 4. Donation €4. Contact Jenny Horner on 086 342 0299 for more info.
Library: The next book the Bailieborough Reading Group will be reading is ‘Savage Her Reply’ by Deirdre Sullivan: A retelling of the favourite Irish fairytale, ‘The Children of Lir’. All are welcome to join us and copies of the book are available in the Library. The book will be discussed at the next Book Club meeting on Tuesday, November 29th at 6.30pm.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: Thanks to Cootehill Pony Club for their very generous donation of €1750. They also presented €1750 to Caring for Cara. A great amount of money raised in one day. Thanks again Cootehill Pony Club.
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to sons P.J. and Martin, daughters Rosemarie, Catherine, Pauline and Geraldine, daughters-in-law Elaine and Monica, sons-in-law Paddy, Tommy, Seamus and Seamie, brother Michael Tormey, sisters-in-law Lilly Sexton and Mary Tormey, brother in law Barney Marron, 14 grandchildren,11 great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives, neighbours and a large circle of friends on the death of Bridie Sexton (nee Tormey), Grousehall, Moylett, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan who passed away peacefully at Oakview Nursing Home, Belturbet on Thursday, November 3rd, 2022. Bridie was predeceased by her parents Jeff and Katie Tormey, her loving husband Gerard and sisters Ella and Catherine.
Bridie’s Funeral Mass took place in St Mary’s Church, Clanaphilip, Killinkere on Sunday, November 6th and afterwards, Bridie’s remains were laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery.
Confirmation: Confirmation will be held in St. Anne’s Church on Saturday, March 4th 2023. St. Felim’s School and St. Patrick’s School, Shercock will take place at 11.00am and St. Anne’s School at 3.00pm.
Indoor Bowling: Indoor Bowling takes place in the Community Centre, Bailieborough, every Wednesday evening for the Winter months at 8.00pm. New members welcome.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C. : Calling all mini Messi’s and wannabe Haaland’s
Soccer training for 8 and 9 year olds takes place on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7pm, at The Vale soccer grounds. €2 per session. All children welcome.
Any enquiries, just message the Club’s Facebook page.
Bailieboro Celtic Girls U12 (born 2011/2012) and U14 (born 2009/2010) teams are looking for new girls to join us for the current season.
Have fun, make new friends and become part of a great team sport.
Training every Monday evening 6.15pm at the Vale Soccer grounds.
Bailieborough Youth Cafe: Meetings of the Bailieborough Youth Cafe take place at the Beckscourt Centre every Tuesday evening. Junior (10 to 13 year olds) from 5.00pm to 6.00pm and Senior (13+ year olds) from 6.00pm to 7.00pm. For further information, please contact 087 768 4757 or 087 383 0752.
East Knockbride National School: Are having their annual Clothes Collection over the next few weeks. Any unwanted, clean, used clothes, etc can be left in the school before Tuesday, 15th November 2022. Any queries on items to include etc. please contact the school 042 9660244.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club -Hurling News 7th November 2022Seniors; Final preparations for the league final Cootehill which is scheduled for the 12th November. Under 13/15/17; Great to see some of our lads hurling with the county at U13/15/17. They will be ready for intercounty competition in the Spring. Under 11; Games finished for the year, yet the lads continue to work away indoors in Killinkere working on their skills. Under 7/9; The indoor season is well up and running now and the boys are really getting into their stride. Now that most football activity has finished for the year, we encourage our friends in the local GAA clubs to send their boys to winter with the hurlers, the more the merrier! Plenty of room for more. Inter county; Congratulations to all the East Cavan men selected on both the county U20 and Senior squads for the upcoming season. Table Quiz; Our ever popular ‘Table Quiz’ returns on Friday 2nd December in The Square Bar, Bailieborough. The quiz, along with its accompanying raffle, forms the majority of our fundraising activity for the year and your continued support is most appreciated. Club gear; For the first time ever, we now have a full selection of club gear, training tops, hats, track suits etc. The week ahead;Monday’s; Senior training 8pm, Bailieborough. Saturday; U7 1pm, U9 2pm, U11 3pm all in Killinkere Hall. Senior league final v Cootehill time and venue tbc. Club contacts;U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.