Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News. February 27th 2023 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraSt. Patrick’s Day Parade: The St. Patrick’s Day Parade is back this year and we invite people to get involved and help out on the day. Signs are starting to hit the roadside. Hoping to bring a bit of community spirit to the town and looking for all your support.
All floats welcome. Vintage cars, bikes and tractors. Comedy floats, Sports clubs and all Business floats, welcome. Entry of floats is free of charge.
Great chance to promote your business club etc,,,
Prizes for best float, best comedy and also best dressed window in town.
Confirmation: The Parish looks forward to welcoming, Bishop Martin Hayes to administer Confirmation to more than 100 children on next Saturday. St. Felim’s N.S. St. Patrick’s N.S., Shercock and the Model N.S. will take place at 11.00am, while St. Anne’s N.S., will take place at 3.00pm.
Women’s World Day of Prayer: The Women’s World Day of Prayer service, will take place in Trinity Presbyterian Church, Virginia Rd, on Friday, March 3rd at 8.00pm. All welcome—both male and female and refreshments will be served afterwards.
Bridge Club: The winners on Tuesday February 14th were:
1st: Margaret Carolan and Geraldine Columb.
2nd: Tom Moran and Rose Brennan.
The Bailieborough Bridge Club have relocated to the Courthouse, Lr. Main St. The club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. New members are always welcome. or telephone 042-9667944.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Annual Niamh Crosby Memorial Run: The annual Niamh Crosby Memorial Run will take place on Easter Sunday, April 9th . Registration will take place at Enagh House, on the Bailieborough/Virginia Rd., from 10am and the run will commence at 12 noon. All bikes welcome and entry fee is €20.
Secrets in the Babby House: ‘Secrets in the Babby House’ by local author, Gloria McBreen is back in stock in Bailie Stores and Nearby – Neville Hall’s—both on Main Street, Bailieborough.
And if you’re in Nomad Coffee Shop in Bailieborough, you can pick up a copy there too! The book is also now available in ‘By The Book’ bookshop in Virginia, Co Cavan.
Bailieborough Walking Group: The Christmas Charity Walk hosted by the Bailieborough Walking Group raised €500, which has been forwarded to Aware Mental Health. Thanks to all who participated and who also contributed.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to daughters Marian, Catherine, Cecila and Marcella, sons John, Joseph, Patsy, Dennis and Tony, son-in-law Thomas, daughters-in-law Tracey and Tanya, 26 grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren, brother-in-law Philip, sister-in-law Kathleen, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends on the death of Cecila Brady (nee McCullagh), Drumbannon, Bailieborough, Co Cavan who passed away peacefully on Wednesday, 22nd February 2023 at Fairlawns Nursing Home, Bailieborough, surrounded by her loving family.
Cecila was predeceased by her husband Tommy, son Thomas and daughter Margaret.
Cecila’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Annes Church on Friday, February 24th and afterwards, Cecila’s remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
Bailieborough Craft Group: Our Craft Group takes place every Friday morning in the Library. Looking forward to seeing all the ladies! New members are very welcome – we would love to see you!
Drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12.30pm in the Library.
Bailieborough Library:
FREE Oral Irish Exam preparation workshop for LC students at the Library on Saturday , March 11th from 11am-12.30pm. Places limited. Ring 042 9665779 to secure your place.
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C: Training for the Under 9’s has resumed at the Vale Grounds on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm. With a large turnout each week, the Club would really encourage and appreciate parents getting involved.
Ulster Champions: Congratulations and Well Done to the Bailieborough Community School’s Ladies Under 16 football side who competed in the Ulster Ladies Gaelic U16 Post Primary Schools Final against St. Columba’s Comprehensive School, Glenties. The match took place in Tempo, Co. Fermanagh and the Bailieborough side ran out winners by 4—9 to 3—9. Well done girls and all the management team and the best of luck, when you play in the All Ireland semi-finals.
Free Creative Writing Classes: Acclaimed poet, Noel Monahan, will facilitate three FREE Creative Writing workshops for adults at the Library on Thursday, March 2nd , 9th and 16th from 7pm to 8pm. The workshops will focus on the Corleck Stone and the Knockbride area for inspiration. Places are strictly limited and bookings at 042 9665779.
‘Climb with Charlie’, Anniversary: We as a community wish local man, Kevin Carolan—who certainly made the headlines in the ‘Climb with Charlie ‘last year. Kevin and Charlie became good friends, but unfortunately this year Charlie admits he won’t be able to “climb a mountain again” but he asks everyone on Sunday 2nd April to light a candle. We wish Kevin a safe climb and he is flying the flag for Cavan again.
Wanted: Does your dog have signs of arthritis such as stiff joints, lameness, difficulty getting up after sleeping or maybe they have slowed down on walks?
Recruiting dogs for a free 8 week joint supplement trial and free vet physio care. All based in Virginia. Please Email to sign up!
Indoor Bowls: Indoor Bowls take place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. New members most welcome.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.: TheTraining pitch and the main pitch at St. Anne’s Park is closed until further notice. Please do not use them until notified that they are fit for use. Thanks for your cooperation.
Please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo takes place in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Taekwondo and Self Defence Classes: Adults and over 16’s Classes take place every Friday evening from 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Community Centre, Chapel Rd., Bailieborough. For further information, please contact 085 127 1979.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 27th February 2023.
Membership; Membership for the 2023 season is now due. Please have it up to date as soon as possible as we rejig all our playing groups for the new season. Lots of new players, so lots of new opportunities for success.
New group Mullagh; This Thursday sees the final round of the initial successful six week trial run. We have been very pleased and pleasantly surprised at the ease at which hurling has taken hold. We will now organise a Safeguarding 1 and Garda vetting evening for those parents who would like to assist hurling locally going forward. Contact Willie to be included.
Seniors; The Cavan Seniors, including five starting East Cavan men including three scorers Jack, Canice and Nicky lost out to Lancashire in Abbotstown on Saturday last in what was another competitive game. Still all to play for heading into the final round v Leitrim with a semi final place still up for grabs.
Club Senior training resumes on Monday on the astro at Bailieborough GAA. All are welcome to attend, young and not so young, experienced and novice alike, there is a team for you at East Cavan Gaels!
Under 13/15/17; County training will continue in Breffni, 6pm for U15, 7pm for U17 for the lads on the respective county squads while all the rest of our lads will train on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks this coming Monday at 7pm.
Under 11; These lads will move outside on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks from 7pm.
Under 7/9; Again the two groups have two venues to choose from going forward in Mullagh and Killinkere. All are going very well at training.
Monday’s; County U15 6pm and U17 7pm trials/training, Breffni 3G. Club training U11/13/15 7pm on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks. Club Senior training 8pm Bailieborough astro. All sessions €3 each please.
Thursday; Mullagh indoors. Under 7 2.45, U9 3.45, U12 4.45.
Saturday; Killinkere indoors. Under 7 1pm, Under 9 2pm.
Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough News. February 20th 2023 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraSt. Patrick’s Day Parade: The St. Patrick’s Day Parade is back this year and we invite people to get involved and help out on the day. We would like all different groups and companies in our community, to make the effort to put floats in as there will be different prizes for the best floats. There will also be prizes for the shops, who put in, the best window displays.
Women’s World Day of Prayer: The Women’s World Day of Prayer service, will take place in Trinity Presbyterian Church, Virginia Rd, on Friday, March 3rd at 8.00pm. All welcome—both male and female.
Bridge Club: The winners on Tuesday February 7th were:
1st: Margaret Carolan and Bríd Murray.
2nd:Sean Kelleher and Betty McCaffrey.
The Bailieborough Bridge Club have relocated to the Courthouse, Lr. Main St. The club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. New members are always welcome. Contact:bridgeclub or telephone 042-9667944.
Lecture: ‘Burning and Looting the Country House in a Time of Revolution 1920-1923’ a lecture by Professor Terence Dooley of Maynooth University will take place at the Library, Market Sq on Thursday, February 23rd 2023, at 7.30pm. All are welcome and entry is free.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Secrets in the Babby House: ‘Secrets in the Babby House’ by local author, Gloria McBreen is back in stock in Bailie Stores and Nearby – Neville Hall’s—both on Main Street, Bailieborough.
And if you’re in Nomad Coffee Shop in Bailieborough, you can pick up a copy there too! The book is also now available in ‘By The Book’ bookshop in Virginia, Co Cavan.
Bailieborough Craft Group: Our Craft Group takes place every Friday morning in the Library. Looking forward to seeing all the ladies! New members are very welcome – we would love to see you!
Drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12.30pm in the Library.
Knockbride Bazzar: The Knockbride Bazaar takes place on this Friday 24th February in Tunnyduff Hall from 9 p.m. Great selection of prizes. Everyone welcome.
Bailieborough Library: The Bailieborough Book Club will be meeting on Tuesday February 28th at 6:30. This month we’re reading ‘And Then There Were None’ by Agatha Christie.
FREE Oral Irish Exam preparation workshop for LC students at the Library on Saturday , March 11th from 11am-12.30pm. Places limited. Ring 042 9665779 to secure your place.
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C: Training for the Under 9’s has resumed at the Vale Grounds on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm. With a large turnout each week, the Club would really encourage and appreciate parents getting involved.
Free Creative Writing Classes: Acclaimed poet, Noel Monahan, will facilitate three FREE Creative Writing workshops for adults at the Library on Thursday, March 2nd , 9th and 16th from 7pm to 8pm. The workshops will focus on the Corleck Stone and the Knockbride area for inspiration. Places are strictly limited and bookings at 042 9665779.
Confirmation: Confirmation will be held in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Saturday, March 4th, 2023. St. Felim’s N.S. and St. Patrick’s N.S., Shercock will take place at 11.00am, while St. Anne’s N.S., will take place at 3.00pm.
Loughanleagh and Muff Heritage Trust: The Loughanleagh and Muff Heritage Trust will host a ‘Trivia Night Fundraiser’ on this Friday night, February 24th in Gartlan’s Pub, Kingscourt. Commencing at 8.00pm, entry is €10 per person with a max of four per table, table sponsorship is also available for local businesses. €50 cash prize for the winning table, as well as spot prizes, a raffle, music and finger food. All proceeds will go to the Loughanleagh and Muff Heritage Trust Development Fund, which supports the ongoing preservation and development of the area.
Wanted: Does your dog have signs of arthritis such as stiff joints, lameness, difficulty getting up after sleeping or maybe they have slowed down on walks?
Recruiting dogs for a free 8 week joint supplement trial and free vet physio care. All based in Virginia. Please Email to sign up!
Parenting Cavan is offering a free positive parenting Adolescent Programme for parents/guardians in Bailieborough and the surrounding areas, starting on 23rd February in the Bexcourt Centre. The course will run from Thursday, February 23rd until Thursday, March 30th., from 7.00pm to 9.30pm. For more information, please contact Joanne—Parenting Cavan Co-Ordinator—at 087 752 9948.
Indoor Bowls: Indoor Bowls take place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. New members most welcome.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.: TheTraining pitch at St. Anne’s Park is closed until further notice. Please do not use it until notified that it is fit for use. Thanks for your cooperation.
Please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo takes place in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Taekwondo and Self Defence Classes: Adults and over 16’s Classes take place every Friday evening from 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Community Centre, Chapel Rd., Bailieborough. For further information, please contact 085 127 1979.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club -Hurling News 20th February 2023:
Membership; Membership for the 2023 season is now due. Please have it up to date as soon as possible as we rejig all our playing groups for the new season. Lots of new players so lots of new opportunities for success.
New group Mullagh; The great work continues with this new group in Mullagh as they keep coming in big numbers each week. The final two weeks of the initial six week trial continues again from Thursday in the Sports Hall.
Seniors; The Cavan Seniors will play Lancashire in the NHL in Abbotstown in Dublin on Saturday next at 2pm with a place in the league semi final a prospect if they can maintain their impressive start to the campaign.
Our Seniors had a good result over Cootehill in the preliminary round of the Senior Hurling Championship. Preparation now turns to the Spring League and training will resume Monday next week.
County U20; Ulster U20 HL: Tyrone 2-08 Cavan 1-11
A good away result in tough windy conditions on the 3G in Garvaghy on Saturday last for Cavan U20 hurlers.
James Tully coming up with a goal, while 4 down to help to snatch the draw, which was the least they deserved in what was a good performance especially since losing Senior panelist Conor Walsh to a nasty shoulder injury.
Well done to all, especially our own ECG men Conor Walsh, Daire Leddy, James Tully, Jack McGuinness, Callum Shiels, Tadhg Barry and joint Captain Colin Gargan as well as Pat O’Flaherty joint manager.
Well done lads.
Under 13/15/17; County training will continue in Breffni for the lads on the respective county squads while all the rest of our lads will train on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks from this coming Monday at 7pm.
Under 11; These lads will move outside from this coming Monday on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks from 7pm.
Under 7/9; Again the two groups have two venues to choose from going forward. All are going very well at training.
The week ahead;
Thursday; Mullagh indoors. Under 7 2.45, U9 3.45, U12 4.45.
Saturday; Under 7 1pm, Under 9 2pm. Cavan U20s round 2 v ?????. Cavan Seniors v Lancashire in Abbotstown 2pm. Cavan U20.
Killinkere indoors U7 1pm, U9 2pm.
Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough News. February 13th 2023 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraSt. Patrick’s Day Parade: The St. Patrick’s Day Parade is back this year and we invite people to get involved and help out on the day. We would like all different groups and companies in our community, to make the effort to put floats in as there will be different prizes for the best floats. There will also be prizes for the shops, who put in, the best window displays.
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Ann, son Philip, daughter Lucia, brothers James and Paddy, sisters Lucy and Etta (twin sister), daughter-in-law Siobhan, son-in-law Cathal, grandchildren Philip, Luke, Jack, Ava, Conor, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends on the death of Philip Crossan, Market Square, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away peacefully, surrounded by his loving family on Wednesday, February 8th 2023.
Philip was predeceased by his brother Benny, sisters Marie, Betty and Kathleen.
Philip’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Friday, February 10th and afterwards, Philip’s remains were laid to rest in St. Anne’s Cemetery.
Bridge Club:The winners on Tuesday February 7th were:
1st : Joy Jameson and Teresa O’Reilly.
2nd : Tom Moran and John McGahan.
The Bailieborough Bridge Club have relocated to the Courthouse, Lr. Main St. The club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. New members are always welcome. Contact:bridgeclub or telephone 042-9667944.
Lecture: ‘Burning and Looting the Country House in a Time of Revolution 1920-1923’ a lecture by Professor Terence Dooley of Maynooth University will take place at the Library, Market Sq on Thursday, February 23rd 2023, at 7.30pm. All are welcome and entry is free.
Congratulations: Congratulations are extended to Canon Ian Horner, Rector of the Bailieborough Group of Parishes, who has been appointed as the Archdeacon of Kilmore in succession to the Ven Craig McCauley who will be instituted as Rector of the Naas Union in the coming weeks.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Congratulations and Well Done: Well done to Craig Breen and co-driver and local man, James Fulton on their terrific second place overall in Rally Sweden at the weekend, in the Hyundai i20 N. Hopefully there will be much more to come from this very talented pair.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Iris, daughters Shirley and Jennifer, son Andrew, sister May Corrigan, adored grandsons Richard and Alan, daughter-in-law Gwen , son-in-law Alan, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, cousins, relatives, neighbours and friends on the death of Ronald Clarke, Wilton, Bailieborough, Co Cavan, who passed away peacefully at Cavan General Hospital in his 92nd year, surrounded by his loving family on Tuesday, February 7th, 2023. Ronald was predeceased by his sister, Myrtle Scott.
Ronald’s Funeral Service took place in Trinity Presbyterian Church, Bailieborough, on Thursday, February 9th and afterwards, Ronald’s remains were laid to rest in old Urcher graveyard.
Bailieborough Craft Group: Our Craft Group is back every Friday morning after the Christmas break! Looking forward to seeing all the ladies! New members are very welcome – we would love to see you!
Drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12.30pm in the Library.
Knockbride Bazzar: The Knockbride Bazaar takes place on Friday 24th February in Tunnyduff Hall from 9 p.m. Great selection of prizes. Everyone welcome.
Bailieborough Library: The Bailieborough Book Club will be meeting on Tuesday February 28th at 6:30. This month we’re reading ‘And Then There Were None’ by Agatha Christie.
FREE Oral Irish Exam preparation workshop for LC students at the Library on Saturday , March 11th from 11am-12.30pm. Places limited. Ring 042 9665779 to secure your place.
New members are always welcome and copies of the book are available behind the front desk.
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to sister May Halton (USA), sister-in-law Maureen McCabe, nieces, nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends on the death of Patrick (Packie) McCabe late of Derryham, Bailieborough, and Stravicnabo, Lavey, who passed away on Monday, 6th February 2023 in his 99th year, peacefully in the loving care of the staff at Virginia Health Centre. Patrick was predeceased by his parents, Edward and Mary Anne, sister Kathleen (Farrelly), borthers, James, Eddie, John and Frank and niece Siobhan.
Patrick’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Dympna’s Church, Upper Lavey on Wednesday, February 8th and afterwards, Patrick’s remains were laid to rest in St. Ultan’s Cemetery, Killinkere.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C: Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C.are seeking expressions of interest from player’s, for it’s senior men’s section for the upcoming season starting in March. Please contact any committee member.
Training for the Under 9’s has resumed at the Vale Grounds on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm. With a large turnout each week, the Club would really encourage and appreciate parents getting involved.
Confirmation: Confirmation will be held in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Saturday, March 4th, 2023. St. Felim’s N.S. and St. Patrick’s N.S., Shercock will take place at 11.00am, while St. Anne’s N.S., will take place at 3.00pm.
Wanted: Does your dog have signs of arthritis such as stiff joints, lameness, difficulty getting up after sleeping or maybe they have slowed down on walks?
Recruiting dogs for a free 8 week joint supplement trial and free vet physio care. All based in Virginia. Please Email to sign up!
Parenting Cavan is offering a free positive parenting Adolescent Programme for parents/guardians in Bailieborough and the surrounding areas, starting on 23rd February in the Bexcourt Centre. The course will run from Thursday, February 23rd until Thursday, March 30th., from 7.00pm to 9.30pm. For more information, please contact Joanne—Parenting Cavan Co-Ordinator—at 087 752 9948.
Indoor Bowls: Indoor Bowls take place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. New members most welcome.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.: Due to popular demand…..
Juvenile Valentines Disco for children from 2nd — 6th Class will take place on Thursday, 16th February from 7-9pm in the Clubhouse at St. Annes Park. Admission will be €5 per child.
Also please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Knockbride Variety Show:
If you would like to advertise your business on our projector across the 3 nights of our show taking place on March 30th , 31st and April 1st, 2023, please get in touch with Geraldine on 0861785131. This year’s show is in aid of SOSAD Cavan and The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Taekwondo and Self Defence Classes: Adults and over 16’s Classes take place every Friday evening from 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Community Centre, Chapel Rd., Bailieborough. For further information, please contact 085 127 1979.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 13th February 2023
Membership; Membership for the 2023 season is now due. Please have it up to date as soon as possible as we rejig all our playing groups for the new season. Lots of new players so lots of new opportunities for success.
New group; The great work continues with this new group in Mullagh as they keep coming in big numbers each week. A wee break for mid term break then we return for the final two weeks of the initial trial on Thursday, 23rd February.
Seniors; Another win for Cavan in the NHL, this time at home in Breffni Park against Warwickshire 2-20 to 2-09 with ECGs Canice Maher to the fore again with 13 points. Jack Barry, Rory Farrell and Colin Gargan started with the latter also making his inter county Senior debut and with Tadhg Barry also coming on in the second half to also make his County debut, so happy days for ECG. Declan Mernagh, Cian McEntee and Conor Walsh also in the squad, so the future looks promising. Pat O’Flaherty led the county U20s, again with significant ECG representation against St.Galls from Antrim in preparation for the Ulster league v Tyrone next weekend.
Also it was very heartening to see so many of our young hurlers on the field at half time. Well done to all for attending.
Our club seniors will begin preparation for the Ulster spring league which will begin in mid March.
Under 13/15/17; Again a number of our men will be preparing for inter county action in the Spring. Under 15 and Under 17 county training and trials continue each Monday in Breffni 3G 6.45-7.45.
Club training will resume on 20th February at 7 on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks.
Under 11; Two sessions a week now available to these lads in both Mullagh on Thursday and Saturdays in Killinkere. A break this week for mid term then outdoor returns 20th Feb as above at 7pm.
Under 7/9; Again the two groups have two venues to choose from going forward. All are going very well at training.
The week ahead;
Thursday; New groups in Mullagh. No training this week, mid term break.
Saturday; No training this week, mid term break. County U20 v Tyrone in Omagh.
Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.