Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
launching the promotion for the Colour Walk/Run for Bailieborough Urban Outdoor Adventure Initiative
/in News /by Petra
Bailieborough News. April 3rd 2023 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by Liz Fleming‘Jims’ Day’–Golf Tournament in Memory of Jim Gorman: The Event in Memory of Jim Gorman,will be taking place at Mannan Castle Golf Club, Donaghmoyne, Carrickmacross, on this Saturday, April 8th 2023. Tee Times are from 9.30am to 1.00pm. Entry fees are €50 per player and €200 per team.
Proceeds in aid of the Oncology Unit in Cavan General Hospital.
We would greatly appreciate your support, open to golfers and non golfers.
For entry give Tommy (086 084 6991) or Kieran (087 796 4844) a call.
Also Tee Box Sponsorship option for people who want to support, give us a call for more information.
Annual Niamh Crosby Memorial Run: The annual Niamh Crosby Memorial Run will take place on this Sunday, Easter Sunday, April 9th . Registration will take place at Enagh House, on the Bailieborough/Virginia Rd., from 10am and the run will commence at 12 noon. All bikes welcome and entry fee is €20.
This year our fundraiser will help contribute to two projects in cancer care and treatment in St James Hospital, where Niamh received her care.
Our fundraiser will contribute to the purchase of a bladder scanner which will help patients with their care and diagnosis and also for the development and launching of a survivorship care plan for patients. This will be of huge benefit to all women in treatment as it will allow the hospital to help them on an individual basis in managing issues that may arise for them as a result of their cancer surgery or treatment.
A Suggestion from The Pastoral Council: The special character of Good Friday has changed in recent years. Following a recent Pastoral Council discussion, it was suggested that businnesses in the Parish—in Bailieborough and Shercock—might revive the tradition of closing their doors during the Holy Hour between 3pm and 4pm on Good Friday, the time when Christ died. In this way, all will be reminded that Good Friday is not an ordinary day, but rather a day of great solemnity. It is interesting to note, that even the United States Stock Exchange (Wall St.) and stock markets around the world are entirely closed on Good Friday.
Holy Week Schedule for St. Annes, Bailieborough: Holy Thursday: Chrism Mass in Cavan Cathedral at 11.30am. All welcome. Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.00pm. Adoration at the Altar of Repose after Mass until 10.00pm.
Good Friday: Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3.00pm.
Holy Saturday: Individual Confessions from 12 noon to 2.00pm. Easter Vigil at 9.30pm.
Easter Sunday: Mass on Easter Sunday morning at 10.00am.
Bridge Club: The winners on Tuesday, March 21st were:
1st: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson.
2nd: Helen Clarke and Kathleen McArdle.
Bailieborough Bridge Club have relocated to the Courthouse, Lower Main St.
The club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. New members welcome. or telephone:042-9667944.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Bailieborough Heritage Society: Can you please support us in our Tesco’s Blue Token campaign to help in our work in the Old Church of Ireland Graveyard?
Bailieborough Craft Group: Our Craft Group takes place every Friday morning in the Library. Looking forward to seeing all the ladies! New members are very welcome – we would love to see you!
Drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12.30pm in the Library.
Bailieborough’s Operation Keep Well 2023: Help needed for volunteers to steward for Bailieborough’s ‘Urban Outdoor Adventure Initiative’ Launch. Volunteers are needed for stewarding and for launching Colour Powder at the event. The event will be taking place on Saturday, April 22nd and will start at the Bailieborough Community Centre at 12 noon. Colour Walk/Run/Jog 1.5k event. Tea, coffee and refreshments provided afterwards. This is a Fun event not to be missed and all are welcome.
If interested and available in volunteering for the event, please contact, or call 086 108 4591.
Bailieborough Social Day Centre: The Bailieborough Social Day Centre’s ‘Easter Party’ will take place in the Bailie Hotel on Wednesday, April 12th at 3.00pm. Admission is €10 and all are welcome to attend.
Bailieborough Library: In April, the Bailieborough Library Reading Group will be reading ‘Three Sisters’ by Heather Morris. New members are always welcome and copies of the book are available in the Library! The next meeting of the group will take place in the Library on Tuesday, April 25th at 6.30pm.
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Lough Derg: One Day Retreat: A ‘One Day Retreat’ to Lough Derg, will take place on Sunday, May 7th. This has been organised by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. A bus will be leaving from Bailieborough Community Centre on the day at 7.30am. Please contact; John at 086 055 4578 or Pat at 086 063 5856, for further information.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C: Football for all Taster Session: A ‘Football for All’ taster session, for children with a disability aged 6 to 16 years, will take place at the Bailieboro Celtic Soccer Grounds at the Vale, on Monday, April 17th from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. This event is being run through the FAI Ireland Football For All Programme in partnership with Cavan Sports Partnership.
Places are limited and Pre-Registration is essential. For further information and to register, please email, Paul Smyth at
Training for the Under 9’s has resumed at the Vale Grounds on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm. With a large turnout each week, the Club would really encourage and appreciate parents getting involved.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
Indoor Bowls: Indoor Bowls take place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. New members most welcome.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.: The much awaited Easter Juvenile Disco takes place on this Thursday 6th from 7-9pm, 2nd-6th class, €5 per child. Looking forward to another great evening !! Please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo takes place in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Walk, Jog or Run: Run, walk or jog is back at the Chapel car park (Lakeside) at 8pm, every Monday and Wednesday evenings. All levels of fitness welcome. Please contact Tony at 086 399 3430 for further information.
Taekwondo and Self Defence Classes: Adults and over 16’s Classes take place every Friday evening from 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Community Centre, Chapel Rd., Bailieborough. For further information, please contact 085 127 1979.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 3rd April 2023:
Cavan NHL Victory; Historic days for hurling in Cavan are rare indeed so Saturday was a very significant day as Cavan, with ECG men to the fore, won the NHL Division 3B title overcoming favorites Leitrim in an exciting game in Abbotstown. Exceptional displays by our own Canice Maher and Nicky Kenny in scoring and fiercely dogged work by Jack Barry and Colin Gargan in helping create the platform for what is a significant success for this squad. Also congratulations to Rory Farrell and Tadhg Barry who will also pick up NHL winners medals and not forgetting Cian McEntee and Conor Walsh who were part of the extended panel. The prospect of operating at the higher level in 2024 is one they all look forward to and we have more lads who will be chomping at the bit to get into the squad next year so things are looking up!
For the third week in a row our club Spring League game was postponed due to the continuing wet conditions. Hopefully things will improve as we move through the Spring.
Under 11/13/15/17; All lads on a week off for the holidays. The Under 15s will return next week as the Tain Og League begins on the 12th April.
Under 7/9; Our Mullagh groups brought the indoor part of the season to an end on Thursday last. This has been a very popular addition to the indoor rota and we look forward to its return later in the year. The Killinkere group as usual had another fantastic 30 week block of hurling and both sets of groups will move to our outdoor sessions in Bailieborough after the Easter break.
Monday’s; Club Senior training 8pm Bailieborough astro. All sessions €3 each please.
Sunday; Ulster Spring league. Time and venue tbc midweek.
Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough News. March 27th 2023 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by Liz FlemingA Suggestion from The Pastoral Council: The special character of Good Friday has changed in recent years. Following a recent Pastoral Council discussion, it was suggested that businnesses in the Parish—in Bailieborough and Shercock—might revive the tradition of closing their doors during the Holy Hour between 3pm and 4pm on Good Friday, the time when Christ died. In this way, all will be reminded that Good Friday is not an ordinary day, but rather a day of great solemnity. It is interesting to note, that even the United States Stock Exchange (Wall St.) and stock markets around the world are entirely closed on Good Friday.
‘Knockbride Variety Show‘, will take place on this Thursday, 30th , Friday 31st of March and Saturday 1st of April 2023 in Tunnyduff Hall. This year’s show is in aid of SOSAD Cavan and The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust. Adults €10, Children (u12) €5. Doors open 8pm, show starts 8.30pm. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Bridge Club: The winners on Tuesday, March 14th were:
1st: Noreen Maguire and Olive Kellett.
2nd: Geraldine Columb and Marie McNicholas.
Bailieborough Bridge Club have relocated to the Courthouse, Lower Main St.
The club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. New members welcome. or telephone:042-9667944.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: Delighted to announce that Bailieborough Cancer Comfort has won the Tesco 25 year Community Fund in Ulster …..€25,000.00!!!
A big “Thank you ” to Tesco!
Your support is greatly appreciated!
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Annual Niamh Crosby Memorial Run: The annual Niamh Crosby Memorial Run will take place on Easter Sunday, April 9th . Registration will take place at Enagh House, on the Bailieborough/Virginia Rd., from 10am and the run will commence at 12 noon. All bikes welcome and entry fee is €20.
This year our fundraiser will help contribute to two projects in cancer care and treatment in St James Hospital, where Niamh received her care.
Our fundraiser will contribute to the purchase of a bladder scanner which will help patients with their care and diagnosis and also for the development and launching of a survivorship care plan for patients. This will be of huge benefit to all women in treatment as it will allow the hospital to help them on an individual basis in managing issues that may arise for them as a result of their cancer surgery or treatment.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Raffle Winners:
1st Prize : €100 Clarke’s Hardware voucher – Ella Kate Clarke.
2nd Prize: Carryout Hamper – Kevin Carolan.
3rd Prize: PB Cost Consultancy Hamper – Francis Daly.
4th Prize: Cara Hamper – Dessie Reilly.
5th Prize: Cara Hamper – Ella Gregory.
Congratulations to all the winners!
Bailieborough Craft Group: Our Craft Group takes place every Friday morning in the Library. Looking forward to seeing all the ladies! New members are very welcome – we would love to see you!
Drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12.30pm in the Library.
Bailieborough Library: Colouring Competition: Easter colouring competition to win an Easter Egg now open. Categories are 4-6 years, 7-9 years, 10-13 years, and Special Educational Needs. Pick up a copy of the entry form at the Library desk or download a copy at…/easter-colouring…
Closing date is Saturday, April 1st 2023 at 5.15pm and winners will be announced before Friday, April 7th 2023.
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Lough Derg: One Day Retreat: A ‘One Day Retreat’ to Lough Derg, will take place on Sunday, May 7th. This has been organised by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. A bus will be leaving from Bailieborough Community Centre on the day at 7.30am. Please contact; John at 086 055 4578 or Pat at 086 063 5856, for further information.
‘Jims’ Day’–Golf Tournament in Memory of Jim Gorman: Upcoming Event in Memory of Jim Gorman, taking place at Mannan Castle Golf Club, Donaghmoyne, Carrickmacross, on Saturday, April 8th 2023. Tee Times are from 9.30am to 1.00pm. Entry fees are €50 per player and €200 per team.
Proceeds in aid of the Oncology Unit in Cavan General Hospital .
We would greatly appreciate your support, open to golfers and non golfers.
For entry give Tommy (086 084 6991) or Kieran (087 796 4844) a call.
Also Tee Box Sponsorship option for people who want to support, give us a call for more information.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to sister Matilda (Tilly Thompson), brother George, sister-in-law Doris, brother-in-law John, nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, great-great-niece and great-great-nephew, extended family and friends in the UK and Ireland on the death of Joseph Newel Leinster in Nottingham, UK and formerly of Pottleduff, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan who passed away on Thursday, February 9th 2023. Joseph was predeceased by his mother Margaret, father Joseph and brothers William (Jim) and Thomas (Stanley).
Joseph’s Funeral Service took place in Trinity Presbyterian Church, Bailieborough on Wednesday, March 22nd 2023 and afterwards, Joseph’s remains were laid to rest in Urcher Graveyard.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C: Congratulations to Bailieboro Celtic players, Lucy Gibson and Grace McKeown and all the players who have been selected to represent the Cavan/Monaghan Underage League for the upcoming 2023 Gaynor Cup.
This group of players will spend the next couple of months preparing for the 5-day long tournament, which is held down in the University of Limerick in June later this year.
Training for the Under 9’s has resumed at the Vale Grounds on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm. With a large turnout each week, the Club would really encourage and appreciate parents getting involved.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
‘Climb with Charlie’, Anniversary: Kevin Carolan intends to climb Croagh Patrick on the anniversary of ‘Climb with Charlie’ this weekend, but unfortunately this year Charlie admits he won’t be able to “climb a mountain again” but he asks everyone on Sunday 2nd April to light a candle.
Indoor Bowls: Indoor Bowls take place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. New members most welcome.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.: Please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo takes place in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Table Quiz: On this Friday evening, 31st March in the Clubhouse – a ‘Table Quiz’ in Memory of the late Pat Argue will take place. Proceeds from the quiz will go to the Club and the Bailieborough Cancer Fund. There will be a bar and Shane McCluskey will be playing music on the night. A great night to be had in St.Anne’s Park. Give us a shout if you want to reserve a table.
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to mother Margaret, sons Michael, Brian and Jonathan, daughters in law, Bernadette, Suzanne and Jindriska, grandchildren, Mary, Sean, Grace, Petr and Meabh, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, extended family, relatives and friends on the death of Mary O’Connor (née McMahon), Huntstown, Mulhuddart and late of Granafarna, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away on Thursday, March 16th , 2023, (peacefully) at Beaumont Hospital. A Celebration of Mary’s life took place in Dardistown Crematorium on Wednesday, March 22nd followed by cremation.
Walk, Jog or Run: Run, walk or jog is back at the Chapel car park (Lakeside) at 8pm, every Monday and Wednesday evenings. All levels of fitness welcome. Please contact Tony at 086 399 3430 for further information.
Taekwondo and Self Defence Classes: Adults and over 16’s Classes take place every Friday evening from 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Community Centre, Chapel Rd., Bailieborough. For further information, please contact 085 127 1979.
East Cavan Gaels–Hurling News 27th March, 2023:
Membership; Membership for the 2023 season is now due. Please have it up to date as soon as possible as we rejig all our playing groups for the new season. Lots of new players, so lots of new opportunities for success.
Seniors; Inter county: The very best wishes from us all at East Cavan Gaels to the Cavan Seniors and especially to our club representatives on the squad as they take on Leitrim in the NHL Division 3B final v Leitrim on Saturday nex,time and venue tbc. The opportunities for National titles for Cavan hurling are very rare and we wish them all well in what should be an entertaining game.
Club Senior training on Mondays at 8pm at the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA. Unfortunately the Spring league has seen the postponement of the first two rounds due to the wet conditions over the last number of weeks. Hopefully they will get going next weekend.
Juvenile players and parents meeting; There will be a meeting of all juvenile players, U7 to U17 and their parents on Thursday next at 7pm, time and venue tbc by text early in the week. This will be to outline the season ahead, final player registrations and gear for players who need some. We will have a supply of helmets, hurleys and other hurling related equipment. All present players and any prospective players are most welcome.
Under 13/15/17; Club training will ramp up over the coming weeks especially when the bright evenings return. 7pm on the astro for club, 7pm in Breffni for U15 and 7pm in Breffni for U17. The first round of the Tain óg U15 league begins on Wednesday 5th April.
Under 11; Great numbers for this group on Monday at 7pm on the astro.
Under 7/9; Our Killinkere groups had their last indoor session on Saturday last. We will move outdoors after the Easter break. Mullagh will have its last indoor session this coming Thursday.
Monday’s; Club training U11/13/15 7pm on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks. County U15/17 7pm Breffni 3G. Club Senior training 8pm Bailieborough astro. All sessions €3 each please.
Thursday; Mullagh 2.45,3.45,4.45 for U7/9/12 respectively.
Saturday;. NHL Div 3B final Cavan v Leitrim, time and venue tbc.
Sunday; Ulster Spring league. Time and venue tbc midweek.
Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.