Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Women on the move.
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. April 10th 2023 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough Tidy Towns: Community Clean-Up Day: Bailieborough Tidy Towns are holding their Community Clean-Up on Saturday morning next, April 15th. They are asking for members of local groups to take part and get involved in keeping our community clean and tidy. All interested are asked to meet at the Market Square at 10.30am on Saturday morning.
Another date of importance is Tuesday, April 18th when the group will be holding a meeting in the Courthouse at 8.30 pm, Lower Main St., to discuss options moving forward, and to help ensure that the great work carried out by those responsible for keeping our community tidy and in bloom for the past number of years continues. They ask, that as many people as possible attend this meeting.
Bridge Club:The winners in the Easter Prizes competition were:1st: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson.
2nd: Michael McNicholas and Tony Carolan.
3rd: Kathy O’Sullivan and Rosaleen Mackey.
Bailieborough Bridge Club have relocated to the Courthouse, Lower Main St.
The club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. New members welcome. or telephone:042-9667944.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Bridget, sons Terence (Sarah) and Barry (Aleha), four graddaughters, sister Kathleen, brothers John, Raymond, Tony, Alfie and Desmond, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, neighbours and friends on the death of Oliver Gilsenan, who passed away at his residence in Hornchurch, Essex and was formerly of Tullinaskeagh, Bailieborough, Co Cavan on Monday 03rd April 2023 surrounded by his loving family.
Oliver was predeceased by his parents Tom and Maggie, sister Maura and brothers Martin and Jimmy.
Oliver’s Funeral will take place in Hornchurch, Essex at a later date.
Bailieborough Heritage Society: Can you please support us in our Tesco’s Blue Token campaign to help in our work in the Old Church of Ireland Graveyard?
Bailieborough Craft Group: Our Craft Group takes place every Friday morning in the Library. Looking forward to seeing all the ladies! New members are very welcome – we would love to see you!
Drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12.30pm in the Library.
Bailieborough’s Operation Keep Well 2023: Help needed for volunteers to steward for Bailieborough’s ‘Urban Outdoor Adventure Initiative’ Launch. Volunteers are needed for stewarding and for launching Colour Powder at the event. The event will be taking place on Saturday, April 22nd and will start at the Bailieborough Community Centre at 12 noon. Colour Walk/Run/Jog 1.5k event. Tea, coffee and refreshments provided afterwards. This is a Fun event not to be missed and all are welcome.
If interested and available in volunteering for the event, please contact, or call 086 108 4591.
Bailieborough Social Day Centre: The Bailieborough Social Day Centre’s ‘Easter Party’ will take place in the Bailie Hotel on this Wednesday, April 12th at 3.00pm. Admission is €10 and all are welcome to attend.
Bailieborough Library: In April, the Bailieborough Library Reading Group will be reading ‘Three Sisters’ by Heather Morris. New members are always welcome and copies of the book are available in the Library! The next meeting of the group will take place in the Library on Tuesday, April 25th at 6.30pm.
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Lough Derg: One Day Retreat: A ‘One Day Retreat’ to Lough Derg, will take place on Sunday, May 7th. This has been organised by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. A bus will be leaving from Bailieborough Community Centre on the day at 7.30am. Please contact; John at 086 055 4578 or Pat at 086 063 5856, for further information.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C: Football for all Taster Session: A ‘Football for All’ taster session, for children with a disability aged 6 to 16 years, will take place at the Bailieboro Celtic Soccer Grounds at the Vale, on Monday next, April 17th from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. This event is being run through the FAI Ireland Football For All Programme in partnership with Cavan Sports Partnership.
Places are limited and Pre-Registration is essential. For further information and to register, please email, Paul Smyth at
Training for the Under 9’s has resumed at the Vale Grounds on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm. With a large turnout each week, the Club would really encourage and appreciate parents getting involved.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
Indoor Bowls: Indoor Bowls take place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. New members most welcome.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.: Please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo takes place in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Walk, Jog or Run: Run, walk or jog is back at the Chapel car park (Lakeside) at 8pm, every Monday and Wednesday evenings. All levels of fitness welcome. Please contact Tony at 086 399 3430 for further information.
Taekwondo and Self Defence Classes: Adults and over 16’s Classes take place every Friday evening from 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Community Centre, Chapel Rd., Bailieborough. For further information, please contact 085 127 1979.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 10th April 2023
Cavan; Fresh from the NHL success the lads attention turns to the Championship and Lory Meagher Cup on Sunday next in Birmingham against Warwickshire. It was a close game when the sides met in the league and this will likely be no different. Best of luck to all and to our ECG men on the team and the panel.
Club seniors lost another round of Spring league to the weather. Build up in fixtures which will hopefully get going in the next weeks.
Under 11/13/15/17; Under 13/15 training on Monday with the U15s getting the club season up and running with an away game to St.Fechins in Termonfeckin on Wednesday at 7pm.
The U11s will return after the Easter break.
Under 7/9; The U9s will return after the Easter break. Both U7 and U9 groups will attend the Monaghan and Cavan GAA blitzes over the summer months.
Monday; U13/15 training 6-7pm Bailieborough GAA astro. All sessions €3 each please.
Wednesday;U15 away to St.Fechins 7pm.
Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough World Champion
/in News /by Liz FlemingCongratulations to Eva Pilipaviciute who has placed 2nd U12 in the World Irish Dancing Championships 2023 in Montreal. Eva trains with Brenda of Scoil Rince Ní Chearra – ó Baoláin at the Bailieborough Courthouse.