Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News. April 24th 2023 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by Liz FlemingBridge Club:All Ireland Bridge Award for Bailieborough
The Contract Bridge Association of Ireland (CBAI), has a membership of
thousands of Bridge players throughout Ireland. Each year the President of the
CBAI confers an award on one of it’s members in recognition of outstanding
voluntary work which is aimed at promoting the game of Bridge.
Understandably, there were numerous worthy contenders nominated for the
Award. But this year we, in Bailieborough Bridge Club, are delighted and
honoured to have in our Club the recipient of that Award, Teresa O’ Reilly.
For over forty years, Teresa has played Bridge here. She is a Master player
and has won numerous competitions. But more importantly and to her credit,
she has taught Bridge to multiple groups of players for miles around. She is an
excellent teacher, who is renowned for her remarkable service to Bridge.
Teresa has dedicated several days in her week to teaching Bridge. Apart from
teaching in her home town of Bailieborough, she travels to Cootehill, Cavan
Town, Virginia, Oldcastle and Ballyjamesduff to give lessons, a large area to
cover, especially during the winter months. That in itself is admirable, but
Teresa has done this for years and continues still, totally on a voluntary basis,
to keep Bridge vibrant and to pass on her knowledge and skills.
Her love of the game ensures that her enthusiasm and sense of fun is
transmitted to all her pupils. Her patience, kindness and generosity guarantees
that everybody taught by her acquires a great foundation and understanding of
the game, which will last a lifetime. She has that quality which enables her to
nurture players that would otherwise “have fallen by the wayside”. Also, many
of her former pupils are now themselves, teachers of Bridge, ensuring that the
game will continue to thrive.
The full extent of Teresa’s contribution to Bridge is unknown, as she does not
seek praise or adulation. But we in Bailieborough Bridge Club are eternally
grateful to her and feel that she is truly deserving of the All Ireland Award.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: A big “Thank you ” to Tesco for €1002.00 from the blue token collection. Your support is greatly appreciated.
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Dawn Chorus Walk at Castle Lake: Sunday 7th May. Meet at 4.30am at the Lakeshore car park at Lear. Wear warm clothes and bring a snack. All are welcome. No dogs please.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Mary, daughters Patrice, Olga, Michelle and Therese, sons-in-law Vincent, Gordon, Mark and Philip, grandchildren Joshua, Ava, Leah, Aaron, Lily, Aiden and Ayla, brothers Sean and Eamonn, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends on the death of Michéal Monaghan, Lisnalea, Virginia Road, Bailieborough, Co Cavan, who passed away peacefully, at his residence, surrounded by his loving family on Saturday, 15th April 2023.
Michéal’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Chapel on Monday, April 17th and afterwards, Michéal’s remains were laid to rest in St. Anne’s Cemetery.
Bailieborough Heritage Society: Can you please support us in our Tesco’s Blue Token campaign to help in our work in the Old Church of Ireland Graveyard?
Bailieborough Craft Group: Our Craft Group takes place every Friday morning in the Library. Looking forward to seeing all the ladies! New members are very welcome – we would love to see you!
Drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12.30pm in the Library.
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Brigid, daughters Nicola, Aideen, Niamh and Róisín, grandchildren Conor, Aoife, Megan and Eoin, sons-in-law Paul and Gabriel, daughter-in-law Donna Marie, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and a large circle of friends on the death of Declan (Jack) Foley, No.10 Drumlin Manor, Curkish, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan and formerly of Tallaght and Finglas, Dublin, who passed away on Sunday, 16th April 2023, suddenly but peacefully.
Declan’s Funeral Mass took place in Our Mother of Divine Grace Church, Ballygall Road East, Dublin 11 on Friday, the 21st of April, with burial afterwards in Dardistown Cemetery.
Bailieborough Library: FREE workshops ‘VISION OF HEALTH AND HAPPINESS’
A 3 week series of workshops to promote wellbeing, health and happiness facilitated by Patricia Crimin, YTI Dip Yoga Teacher and YTI Dip Yoga Therapist.
Week 1 Thursday May 11th 11am-12.30pm– Creative expression of wellbeing using collage technique (please bring scissors, old magazines).
Week 2 Thursday May 18th 11am-12.30pm– Create an artistic upcycling candle as an expression of happiness and gratitude;
Week 3 Thursday May 25th 11am-12.30pm –Tree of Love and Happiness.
Workshops are FREE and limited spaces available. Please ring 042 9665779 to book
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Lough Derg: One Day Retreat: A ‘One Day Retreat’ to Lough Derg, will take place on Sunday, May 7th. This has been organised by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. A bus will be leaving from Bailieborough Community Centre on the day at 7.30am. Please contact; John at 086 055 4578 or Pat at 086 063 5856, for further information.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C: Bailieboro Celtic is looking for Coaches and Helpers to assist with the running of our Summer Academy, for U10 and U8 Boys and Girls. The club will assist with Garda vetting and child safe guarding course. Please contact us via our FB page if interested.
Training for the Under 9’s has resumed at the Vale Grounds on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm. With a large turnout each week, the Club would really encourage and appreciate parents getting involved.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Marcella, sons and daughters, Christina (Craig), Francis (Patricia), Marcella (Eamon), Tom, Laura, Antoinette (John) and Simon (Jenny), sisters Ailish and Mary, brother Billy, grandchildren Scott, Heather, Gavin, Leah, Alan, Aoife, Erin, Kristina, Thomas, Jonathan, Jason, Cían, Shannon, Maia, Eoin, Jack, Charlie, great-grandchildren Gavin, Hudson, Aura, Porter, Leah, Scout, Andi, Archie, Nathan, Sophie, Callum, Kyle, Kaci and Kodi, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family and friends on the death of Charles Sherwin, Drumacarrow, Bailieborough, Co Cavan and formerly of Baldoyle, Dublin, who passed away on Wednesday, 19th April 2023, peacefully, at his residence. Charles was predeceased by his brother Colm and sister Olive.
Charles’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Friday, April 21st followed by Cremation in Lakelands Crematorium, Cavan.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
Indoor Bowls: Indoor Bowls take place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. New members most welcome.
Build Your Business in Bailieborough – Meeting
Our new Town Regeneration Officer, Caroline Brady has organised an information evening, in conjunction with the Cavan Local Enterprise Office for Businesses in and around Bailieborough.
The Local Enterprise Office have agreed to come to the Courthouse in Bailieborough
on Wednesday 10th May at 6pm.
The meeting is to provide information on the range of supports that Cavan LEO provide for businesses. It will be open to everyone in and around the town who wishes to attend.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.: Please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo takes place in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Walk, Jog or Run: Run, Walk or Jog is back for the lovely bright evenings at 8pm at the Chapel car park, Lakeshore, Bailieborough on every Monday and Wednesday. It’s a fun, free activity, all newcomers welcome. Other activities will be added as the weeks go on, like open water swimming, cycling and kayaking. All welcome.
Taekwondo and Self Defence Classes: Adults and over 16’s Classes take place every Friday evening from 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Community Centre, Chapel Rd., Bailieborough. For further information, please contact 085 127 1979.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 24th April 2023
Cavan; Congratulations to Cavan on their victory over Monaghan in the Lory Meagher Cup on Saturday last with ECG men again to the fore. Next up they host Lancashire.
The Club Seniors made the long spin to Portadown to take on the hosts St.Malachys in the Spring League. Although defeated it got more game time into the legs of those not on county squads.
Under 11/13/15/17; The weather caused havoc with our U15s so games were refixed. First up its a trip to St.Fechins on Monday next followed by a home game v Inninskeen on Wednesday.
Well done to the ECG men on the county squad who had a good game v Fermanagh on Friday last.
U11 and U13 training on Monday 6.45 on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks
Under 7/9; Under 9 training will return outdoors from Monday next at 5.45 on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks.
The week ahead;
Monday’s; U9 training 5.45, U11/13 training 6.45pm and Senior training at 8pm on the astro at Bailieborough Shamrocks.
Wednesday; U15 home to Inniskeen time/venue tbc
Saturday;.Cavan v Lancashire, Lory Meagher Cup 2pm Breffni.
Sunday; Spring league, time venue tbc.
Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Building your Business in Bailieborough
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. April 17th 2023 . Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough’s Operation Keep Well 2023: Help needed for volunteers to steward for Bailieborough’s ‘Urban Outdoor Adventure Initiative’ Launch. Volunteers are needed for stewarding and for launching Colour Powder at the event. The event will be taking place on this Saturday, April 22nd and will start at the Bailieborough Community Centre at 12 noon. Colour Walk/Run/Jog 1.5k event. Tea, coffee and refreshments provided afterwards. This is a Fun event not to be missed and all are welcome.
If interested and available in volunteering for the event, please contact, or call 086 108 4591.
Jim’s Day: We are overwhelmed with the support we received from the 80 golfers who played on the day, to all the people who sponsored and to the people who made donations and bought raffle tickets, we will be forever thankful.
Setting out to organise the event, we thought if we raised €5,000 it would brilliant. However, we surpassed that by a long way and raised €9,685 for the Oncology Unit in Cavan General Hospital.
With so many people to thank we don’t know where to start.
A special thanks to the following :
Kevin at Mannan Castle Golf Club , Atb Sign and Print, Kevin Gorman for all the photos, Kieran Byrne for marking all the cards, Stevie Ormiston for donating Water and Bars, Our Tee Box sponsors, all the people who give donations, all the people who donated raffle prizes and for all the trophies.
Finally a huge Thank You to Tommy Ormiston and the Gorman Family for all their work to make such a memorable day.
Rip Jim
Bridge Club:The winners on Tuesday April 4th were:
1st: Joy Jameson and Teresa O’Reilly.
2nd: Betty McCaffrey and Sean Kelleher.
Bailieborough Bridge Club have relocated to the Courthouse, Lower Main St.
The club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. New members welcome. or telephone:042-9667944.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to daughters Siobhan and Ann, brother Paddy, sisters Marie and Ann, sons-in-law Ryan and Andy, grandchildren Aoife, Charlie, Will, Elle and Jack, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family, neighbours and friends on the death of John (Jack) Dempsey, Cavan Road, Bailieborough, Co Cavan and formerly of Edenderry, Co Offaly, who passed away on Saturday, 8th April 2023, peacefully, at his residence. John was predeceased by his wife Nora, son Paddy and sisters Kathleen and Lil.
John’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Chapel on Tuesday, April 11th and afterwards, John’s remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
Bailieborough Heritage Society: Can you please support us in our Tesco’s Blue Token campaign to help in our work in the Old Church of Ireland Graveyard?
Bailieborough Craft Group: Our Craft Group takes place every Friday morning in the Library. Looking forward to seeing all the ladies! New members are very welcome – we would love to see you!
Drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12.30pm in the Library.
Regretted Death: Deepest Sympathy is extended to son Alan, daughter Diane, Alan’s partner Caitriona, son-in-law Noel, grandchildren Louise, Francessca, Daniel, Sarah and Jennifer, great-grandchildren Kodi, Laine and Alex, nieces, nephews, extended family and friends on the death of Mary Kirwan (nee Cook), Kilmore Willows, Ballyjamesduff, Co.Cavan and formerly of Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, Duleek, Co. Meath and Raheny, Co. Dublin, who passed away on Friday, 14th April 2023. Mary was predeceased by her husband Gerard, sister Kathleen and brother George..
Mary’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Joseph’s Church, Ballyjamesduff on Sunday, April 16th with Cremation afterwards at Lakelands Crematorium, Cavan.
Bailieborough Library: FREE workshops ‘VISION OF HEALTH AND HAPPINESS’
A 3 week series of workshops to promote wellbeing, health and happiness facilitated by Patricia Crimin, YTI Dip Yoga Teacher and YTI Dip Yoga Therapist.
Week 1 Thursday May 11th 11am-12.30pm– Creative expression of wellbeing using collage technique (please bring scissors, old magazines).
Week 2 Thursday May 18th 11am-12.30pm– Create an artistic upcycling candle as an expression of happiness and gratitude;
Week 3 Thursday May 25th 11am-12.30pm –Tree of Love and Happiness.
Workshops are FREE and limited spaces available. Please ring 042 9665779 to book
In April, the Bailieborough Library Reading Group will be reading ‘Three Sisters’ by Heather Morris. New members are always welcome and copies of the book are available in the Library! The next meeting of the group will take place in the Library on Tuesday, April 25th at 6.30pm.
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Lough Derg: One Day Retreat: A ‘One Day Retreat’ to Lough Derg, will take place on Sunday, May 7th. This has been organised by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. A bus will be leaving from Bailieborough Community Centre on the day at 7.30am. Please contact; John at 086 055 4578 or Pat at 086 063 5856, for further information.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C:
Training for the Under 9’s has resumed at the Vale Grounds on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm. With a large turnout each week, the Club would really encourage and appreciate parents getting involved.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife and best friend Joan (nee Flanagan), daughters Dawn and Laura, brother Patsy (Galbolie) and sister Sr. Kathleen (California), brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, cousins, relatives and large circle of friends on the death of Peter Pritchard, London and late of Galbolie, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away on Saturday, 25th March 2023, in London, after a long illness bravely borne. Peter was predeceased by his brother Eugene.
Peter’s Funeral Mass will take place on Tuesday, 2nd May 2023 in St. George’s Cathedral, Westminster, Bridge Road, London SE1. Peter’s remains will be interred at Camberwell, New Cemetery, SE23.
A Memorial Mass will be held for Peter in St Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on this Friday evening, 21st April at 7pm.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
Indoor Bowls: Indoor Bowls take place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. New members most welcome.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.: Please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo takes place in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Walk, Jog or Run: Run, Walk or Jog is back for the lovely bright evenings at 8pm at the Chapel car park, Lakeshore, Bailieborough on every Monday and Wednesday. It’s a fun, free activity, all newcomers welcome. Other activities will be added as the weeks go on, like open water swimming, cycling and kayaking. All welcome.
Taekwondo and Self Defence Classes: Adults and over 16’s Classes take place every Friday evening from 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Community Centre, Chapel Rd., Bailieborough. For further information, please contact 085 127 1979.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club –
Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.