Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News. August 7th 2023. Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough Town Centre First Plan:
Cavan County Council is holding a Community Drop-In Event in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough on Wednesday 16th August from 4pm to 7pm, to enable the local community, and stakeholders give their feedback on emerging ideas and proposals in the Town Centre First Plan for Bailieborough. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Bailieborough Heritage Society: Volunteers wanted to clean up the Old Church of Ireland Graveyard, on Tuesday evenings from 19.00 to 20.30 and on Saturday’s from 10 am ‘til noon. This will continue for the month of August. Please bring your own gardening tools.
Heritage Week: Bailieborough Heritage will lead a walk and talk around the Vale area on Saturday, 12th August at 3.00pm. Meet at the Hideout car park. Refreshments will be served afterwards. This event is supported by Cavan Heritage Office.
Mattie’s Fundraiser: Many thanks to everybody who contributed to the recent Cancer Funraiser, in Tierworker, which turned out to be a huge success.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Bailieborough Walking Group: Wednesday, August 9th: Bailieborough Town Walk: Medium Walk, approx. 1.5hrs. Walk commences at Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough, at 7.15pm. As part of Heritage Week, this will be an informative walk.
Wednesday, August 16th : Dartry Forest, Cootehill: Medium Walk, Approx. 1.5 hours: Leaving Tesco carpark at 6.45pm. Walk commences at 7.15pm at the carpark on the Cootehill to Rockcorry Road R188, 1km from Cootehill on the right, before Abbotts factory. All welcome.
Blessing of the Graves, 2023: The Blessing of the Graves will take place in St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough on Sunday, September 3rd at 12 noon.
The Blessing of the Graves will take place in Killann Old Cemetery on Saturday, August 19th at 7.00pm and the Blessing of the Graves will take place at St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Shercock on Sunday, August 20th, immediately after 11.30am, Mass.
Cavan Kayakarun: The 12th edition of the Cavan Kayakarun takes place on Saturday , August 12th , starting at 12 noon from Gallonray House , Maudabawn.
The race will follow the same route as last year, starting with a 4 k run from Gallonray House and coming back to there. Competitors will then transition to their bikes and head out on a 16k cycle which will take them to Barnagrow Lake. There they will swop their bikes for kayaks and take to the water for a 1.5k row. Back on dry land, its on the bikes again for an 18k cycle which will bring them back to Gallonray House to complete the final hurdle, a 4k run on the same course as the starting loop. Best wishes to all taking part.
Bailieborough Library:The Bailieborough Library Book Club is taking a one month holiday. The next meeting will take place on September 26th . The book we will be discussing will be announced later this month!
FREE library book bag available at the Library for all children starting school in September 2023.
Bailieborough Craft Group: The Group meets every Friday from 10am-12.30pm in the Library and new members are always welcome regardless of talents or skills.
Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the first Thursday of each month on Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 2pm-4.30pm. No appointment is necessary.
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C: U-14 BOYS TRAINING
Training for the Bailieboro Celtic Under-14 boys starts next Wednesday the 9th of August, from 7pm-8pm. All new and old players welcome!
Contact Ollie Kierans for all enquiries.
We would like to say a massive thank you to Kieran Donohoe at Fáilte Bar who has kindly sponsored new match balls, shorts and socks for the Bailieboro Celtic Senior Men’s team.
The support is greatly appreciated from all here at Bailieboro Celtic, this will go a long way in helping the lads as they prepare to return to action very soon.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
National Heritage Week: A ‘Living Heritage Craft Exhibition’ will take place in Bailieborough Library from next Friday, August 11th to Saturday, August 19th as part of National Heritage week. On Saturday, August 19th, there will be free demonstrations and and Craft activities for all ages. The opening hours of the Exhibition are as follows: Saturday, August 12th from 10.15am to 5.15pm, Tuesday, August 15th from 1.00pm to 8.30pm, Wednesday, August 16th from 10.00am to 5.15pm, Thursday, August 17th from 10.00am to 8.30pm, Friday, August 18th from 10.00am to 5.15pm and Saturday, August 19th from 11.00am to 1.00pm and 2.15pm to 5.15pm. All welcome.
Some crafts are in danger of becoming extinct as they rely on skilled hands passing the techniques down through the generations.
As we become a more technology based society and with little or no crafts taught in schools we are in danger of losing some traditional crafts for good!
Bailieborough has a rich pool of crafters creating all kinds of objects from textiles, wool, wood and more and we hope to put a shining light on to some heritage craft practices.
Our exhibition and demo day will showcase a variety heritage crafts where visitors can watch crafters at work and try some crafts for themselves and maybe they will be inspired to start a new creative hobby.
Fifty Year Commemoration: Wellman International Ltd are 50 years in businness, this year. To mark this special occasion, they are holding a ‘Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration’ on Friday, August 18th at 7.00pm, in the Sports Centre, Mullagh. All past and present employees are invited to the Service. Refreshments will be served in the Killian’s Lodge Hotel, after the event.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.:
Please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo takes place in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Moybologue Historical Society: Join the committee of Moybologue Historical Society and Kevin Barton, Archaeological Geophysicist ( for an update on the fieldwork, conservation work and promotional activities undertaken at Moybologue church and graveyard to date, as well as a discussion on what the future might hold for this wonderful space and resource in our local community on Wednesday, August 16th from 7.30pm to 8.30pm at St. Mary’s Hall, Tierworker.
The occasion will also mark the formal launch of the digital audio guide and visitor information brochure for Moybologue church and graveyard. Refreshments served afterwards.
Relaghbeg Fundraising Committee: ‘Family Fun Day’ at Smyths Bar Relaghbeg on Sunday, August 20th from 2pm until 5pm. Fittest Family challenge, Bouncy Castle, Outdoor games, Face Painting, Food and music by D.J Deano. Free entry and the event takes place in the field beside, Smyths Bar Relaghbeg. All welcome.
Walk, Jog or Run: Run, Walk or Jog is back for the lovely bright evenings at 8pm at the Chapel car park, Lakeshore, Bailieborough on every Monday and Wednesday. It’s a fun, free activity, all newcomers welcome. Other activities will be added as the weeks go on, like open water swimming, cycling and kayaking. All welcome.
Words on Water: Friends of Castle Lake Catchment presents: To celebrate National Heritage Week—Living Heritage on Saturday, August 19th at 12 noon, at the Castle Lake, Bailieborough (Drumkeery car park entrance). Ben Malone –local Authority Waters Pogramme—will give a talk on The Science of Life Under Water.
Fidel Hogan Walshe (Poet) will weave her Nature Inspired Poetry and Elizabeth McKenna (Birdwatch Ireland) will talk about, What Lives Above the Water. All welcome.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Coffee by Bernard
Bailieborough News. July 31st 2023. Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by Liz FlemingLocal Boy is ‘Woodies Heroes Ambassador’:
Eight year old Daniel Gilsenan from Bailieborough and his dog Piper are this year’s Woodie’s Heroes ambassadors on behalf of Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland.
This is the 9th year of the Woodie’s Heroes Campaign which has raised €3 million for Irish children’s charities since 2015.
Daniel’s father Mark says Piper has not just changed Daniel’s life but the family as a whole.
He added that before Piper’s arrival Daniel was a constant “flight risk” and even the simplest of tasks of going to the shop for milk was extremely difficult.
However, since Piper joined the household, Mark says the whole family’s lives has been transformed.
It costs €25,000 to fully train an autism assistance dog, however the funds raised through Woodie’s Heroes campaign will enable AADI to train more puppies and change the lives of more children who need the support of a dog like Piper.
Pastoral Council: Thanks to the Pastoral Council for organising a wonderful Parish Day last Sunday. Thanks to the huge number of parishioners who turned out for the walk and enjoyed the beautiful refreshments afterwards in the Community Centre. Thanks also to the Gardai, to John Brady for sharing some local history with us as we walked and to Peter Mc Cabe, who was available to provide medical assistance.
Bailieborough Heritage Society: Volunteers wanted to clean up the Old Church of Ireland Graveyard, commencing this Tuesday evening 4th August from 19.00 to 20.30 and on Saturday at 10 am ‘til noon. This will continue for the month of August. Please bring your own gardening tools.
Moybologue: The Blessing of the Graves in Moybologue will take place on Sunday next, August 6th after 11.15am Mass. Please note, change of Mass time, [New cemetery first, followed by the Old graveyard].
Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine: The Parish is running a bus to Knock for the Diocesan Pilgrimage on Wednesday, August 9th. To book a seat please contact the Parish Office during office hours only by Friday next, August 4th.
Heritage Week: Bailieborough Heritage will lead a walk and talk around the Vale area on Saturday, 12th August at 3.00. Meet at the Hideout car park. Refreshments will be served afterwards. This event is supported by Cavan Heritage Office.
Congratulations to Patsy and Frances Pritchard, Cavan Road, who celebrated the Golden Jubilee of their marriage at Mass on Saturday evening last.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Bailieborough Walking Group:
Wednesday, August 2nd: Lough Curragh Lake: Medium Walk, 1.5 hours approx. Leaving Tesco Carpark at 6.45pm. Walk commences at Lough Curragh Lake at 7.15pm. 12 kms from Bailieborough on the Cavan Road. Carpark on the left, just after the Lake.
Wednesday, August 9th: Bailieborough Town Walk: Medium Walk, approx. 1.5hrs. Walk commences at Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough, at 7.15pm. As part of Heritage Week, this will be an informative walk. All welcome.
Blessing of the Graves, 2023: The Blessing of the Graves will take place in St. Annes Cemetery, Bailieborough on Sunday, September 3rd at 12 noon.
The Blessing of the Graves will take place in Killann Old Cemetery on Saturday, August 19th at 7.00pm and the Blessing of the Graves will take place at St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Shercock on Sunday, August 20th, immediately after 11.30am, Mass.
Summer Showcase 2023: Bailieborough Creative Hub are hosting their annual ‘Summer Showcase’ Art Exhibition in the old Bailieborough Courthouse until Monday, August 7th. Come along and support the artists. Everyone is welcome.
Cavan Kayakarun: The 12th edition of the Cavan Kayakarun takes place on Saturday , August 12th , starting at 12 noon from Gallonray House , Maudabawn.
The race will follow the same route as last year, starting with a 4 k run from Gallonray House and coming back to there. Competitors will then transition to their bikes and head out on a 16k cycle which will take them to Barnagrow Lake. There they will swop their bikes for kayaks and take to the water for a 1.5k row. Back on dry land, its on the bikes again for an 18k cycle which will bring them back to Gallonray House to complete the final hurdle, a 4k run on the same course as the starting loop. Best wishes to all taking part.
Bailieborough Library:Due to popular demand, ‘The Man Who Wanted to Fly’ Bobby Coote Exhibition will remain open until Tuesday, August 8th . The exhibition may be viewed during library opening hours, and all are welcome.
FREE library book bag available at the Library for all children starting school in September 2023.
Bailieborough Craft Group: The Group meets every Friday from 10am-12.30pm in the Library and new members are always welcome regardless of talents or skills.
Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the first Thursday of each month on Thursday, August 3rd 2023 from 2pm-4.30pm. No appointment is necessary.
FREE study space and WIFI available here for all who are in the middle of studying. Other services for students include printing, photocopying, local history/history resources, reference books, public PCs, staff advice, comfortable warm spaces. All are welcome!
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C: Bailieboro Celtic are hosting a ‘Family Fun Day’ on Sunday next, August 6th from 12 noon to 3.00pm at the Vale grounds. Bouncy Castles, 5-a side games, Ducking Chair, Cross Bar Challenge and a BBQ are just some of the events taking place. All welcome.
St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.
National Heritage Week: A ‘Living Heritage Craft Exhibition’ will take place in Bailieborough Library from Friday, August 11th to Saturday, August 19th as part of National Heritage week. On Saturday, August 19th, there will be free demonstrations and and Craft activities for all ages. The opening hours of the Exhibition are as follows: Saturday, August 12th from 10.15am to 5.15pm, Tuesday, August 15th from 1.00pm to 8.30pm, Wednesday, August 16th from 10.00am to 5.15pm, Thursday, August 17th from 10.00am to 8.30pm, Friday, August 18th from 10.00am to 5.15pm and Saturday, August 19th from 11.00am to 1.00pm and 2.15pm to 5.15pm. All welcome.
Some crafts are in danger of becoming extinct as they rely on skilled hands passing the techniques down through the generations.
As we become a more technology based society and with little or no crafts taught in schools we are in danger of losing some traditional crafts for good!
Bailieborough has a rich pool of crafters creating all kinds of objects from textiles, wool, wood and more and we hope to put a shining light on to some heritage craft practices.
Our exhibition and demo day will showcase a variety heritage crafts where visitors can watch crafters at work and try some crafts for themselves and maybe they will be inspired to start a new creative hobby.
Bailieborough Shamrocks G.F.C.:
Please remember that the Shamrocks Bingo takes place in the Club House at St. Anne’s Park and also online every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Great prizes to be won!
Moybologue Historical Society: Join the committee of Moybologue Historical Society and Kevin Barton, Archaeological Geophysicist ( for an update on the fieldwork, conservation work and promotional activities undertaken at Moybologue church and graveyard to date, as well as a discussion on what the future might hold for this wonderful space and resource in our local community on Wednesday, August 16th from 7.30pm to 8.30pm at St. Mary’s Hall, Tierworker.
The occasion will also mark the formal launch of the digital audio guide and visitor information brochure for Moybologue church and graveyard. Refreshments served afterwards.
Walk, Jog or Run: Run, Walk or Jog is back for the lovely bright evenings at 8pm at the Chapel car park, Lakeshore, Bailieborough on every Monday and Wednesday. It’s a fun, free activity, all newcomers welcome. Other activities will be added as the weeks go on, like open water swimming, cycling and kayaking. All welcome.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – ANNOUNCEMENT!
14 years since our foundation, 6 since we started an adult section and 1 year since annexing our first domestic silverware in winning the League our Seniors have qualified for the CAVAN SENIOR HURLING CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL!!!!
It will be played on Sunday next, August 6th at 1pm in Kingspan Breffni v Cootehill Celtic.
This is another significant step in the development of this squad backboned by some superb young local talent who have spent many years learning and honing their craft, with the addition of some immensely talented lads who’ve come to live and work in our community.
We encourage all Gaels from our local communities to come and support the lads as they go in search of a first, historic, championship.
The challenge is tough. Reigning Champions Cootehill will be a stern test for our lads but one they are up for!
Stick the date in the diary, Sunday August 6th 1pm
Club contacts;
7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.