Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News. August 13th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
/in News /by PetraBailieborough Tidy Towns
The Outgoing Bailieborough Tidy Towns Group would like thank the following for volunteering their services to the new car parking facility at the Town Lake.
The Local Engineer and supporting staff of Cavan County Council for their advice and input to the planning stages of the project. Richard Kinnear, Sean Sullivan, David Gorham, Eugene Tormey, Patsy Carolan, Eddie Cooney and Seamus Rahill for their advice and services towards the project.
Fred Clarke from Agri Gear for the donation of topsoil and Grey’s Quarry for donating stone. The Local Solas group for the Trojan work on removing hedging, laying kerbs, landscaping and cleaning up the entire area.
The Project was grant aided by Cavan County Council under the local Agenda 21 Environment Partnership Fund and the assistance of the local community.
We hope that the amenity will be of benefit and much appreciated by the community long into the future.
The Irish Red Cross—Bailieborough Branch
Will be holding an ‘Open Day’ in the Tesco Carpark on Saturday next, August 15th from 12pm to 5.00pm. Some of the things available on the day include: Blood Pressure and Diabetes checks, First Aid and CPR Demonstrations, Therapeutic handcare sessions, information on restoring Family links and the Work of the Irish Red Cross. There will also be ‘Face Painting’ for the children and a chance to win a €1,000 in the branch’s ‘Load of Ballz’ event. All welcome.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort are holding a Fundraising Walk around the Castle Lake Woods on Friday evening, August 14th commencing from Fox’s, Main Street at 8.00pm. Entry fee €10, refreshments will be served afterwards and all support greatly appreciated.
St. Vincent DePaul Annual Pilgrimage to Knock
The St. Vincent DePaul Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday, September 12th. A bus will be leaving from the Community Centre at 8.30am. Booking with €15 bus fare in Vincent’s Shop, Main Street before Friday, September 4th.
Hope for Cian
Cake Sale and Fun Run/Walk in aid of ‘Hope for Cian’ takes place on Sunday, August 23rd. Cake Sale is on from 10am in Bailieborough Community Centre. Fun Run/Walk takes place from Bailieborough Community Centre, registration at 1:30pm starting at 2pm, details of run/walk to be confirmed. There will be a raffle on the day with lots of great prizes. Hope for Cian t-shirts will also be on sale. Anyone wishing to donate items for cake sale or help out in any way on the day please contact Eileen 086-8821640 or Emma 086-0234066.
Rhythmic Dance Twirlers
Bailieborough Rhythmic Dance Twirlers present ‘RDT’S Got Talent’ in Sky Bar, Main Street on Friday, August 14th commencing at 7.00pm. To enter an act in the competition, please contact Kelly Clarke at 085 245 0690. Admission is €5, payable on the door and all funds raised will go towards new costumes for the children. There is a great prize for the winner of the competition and also terrific spot prizes for the raffle for the audience. So, come along and see you all there for a great night’s entertainment!! Everybody welcome.
Story time at the Library on Saturday, August 15th at 3pm for all children aged 4-7 years old. Wonderful stories about a place where all types of trucks live, work, play and have exciting adventures! Phone 042 9665779 for more info. Free event! All welcome.
National Heritage Week
Bailieborough Heritage Society are planning two events for Heritage Week. On Thursday, August 20th, Jonathan Smyth will deliver a talk entitled ‘Bailieborough’s Fascinating Folklore’. Commencing at 8pm in Bailieborough Business Centre. Refreshments served, donations voluntary.
‘Resting Places and Masonic Symbols’ a walk and talks will take place on Thursday August 27th, (note change of date). Commencing at 7.30pm., at the Church of Ireland and walking up Church Lane to the old graveyard. We will hear about some of Bailieborough’s early inhabitants who are interred within its walls. The walk will continue on Main Street to the Masonic Hall where the origins, symbols and customs of the order will be explained. Refreshments will follow in the Masonic Hall. Everyone is most welcome to attend both events.
Bailieborough Walking Group
August 12th – Fleming’s Folly Ballinagh: (A) Walk – 2 hours + (approx.)
Depart from Bailieborough Library at 6.45pm.
Walk commencing at Ballinagh Community Centre at 7.30pm.
(Community Centre is on the l/h/s before you leave town in the direction of Granard).
August 19th – Kingscourt: (E) Walk 45 – 60 min. (M) Walk 1 hour 30 min (approx.). Depart Bailieborough Library at 6.45pm. Walk commences at Super Valu, Main St., Kingscourt at 7.15pm. All welcome.
Safe Pass Course
1 Day SAFE PASS Training Course being held at Bailieborough Business Centre on Friday 14th August.
Cost €100 with lunch included. Delivered by Cathal Bannon.
Call 042 9694716 or Email for more information.
Bailieborough Community Resource House
We have some places available in our ECCE Free Pre School room for second session 12.30-3.30. If your child was born between 2/2/11 and 30/6/12 they are entitled to this.
We also have limited places available in our baby room in the afternoons from September. Contact Ann or Yvonne on 042 9666068 or Don’t forget if you are returning to education you might be entitled to CETS or CEC places.
Bailieborough Public Art Presentation
Bailieborough ‘Building Peace through the Arts’ Steering Committee has selected Barry Linanne, Visual Artist, to create a public artwork which will be located at the Market House, Bailieborough. Barry will give a presentation to the community on Tuesday August 25th at 7pm at the Library. Everyone is invited to attend.
Eircode Finder
If you would like to find your Eircode, you can visit If you would like any help you can call in to Bailieborough Business Centre and we can help you navigate the site. Call 042-969-4716 for more details.
Bailieborough Community Alert
Membership for another year is now due €5. Contact Kevin Carolan, 1 Pine Grove, Seamus Sheridan, Kells Road or Vincent Cooney, Galbolie. ‘Keeping a close eye on things in the Community’!
Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group
The Group will re-commence on Wednesday, September 2nd from 10.00am to 12 noon. Looking forward to seeing you all back! Call Drena 042 969 4825.
Blessing of the Graves
The Blessing of the Graves in St. Anne’s Cemetery will take place on Sunday, September 6th at 2.00pm. Now would be the ideal time to look after the grave or a plot of a loved one in preparation for Cemetery Sunday.
Do you want to re-train to re-enter the Workforce
Are you out of work due to illness, disability or a personal setback? ICT Skills is a Level 4 Programme designed to support people who have faced a long-term barrier to unemployment to re-train and re-enter the workforce. Participants on this programme can retain their Social Welfare payments or the equivalent of and benefits to this Programme include, a work placement, personalised support and training plan, Fetac certification and a travel allowance. Please telephone Mary on 049 437 7038 for more information.
Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.
‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.
Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome. Free admission.
Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’—Terrific Summer Offer!!
Garda vetted volunteers with identification are ready to assist and help the elderly in our community. If you have gardening jobs, hedge and grass cutting, tidying up or ant type of small repairs to get done then ‘Lend A Hand’, is at your doorstep. No job is too small for our volunteers and to avail of this service just call Ann at 042 9694825 from 9.00am to 2.00pm, Monday to Friday. Brighten up your summer and make that call now!!
Little Gems Montessori
Little Gems Montessori, Beglieve, Bailieboro
8.15 am to 1pm. ECCE places available.
Pre-school places (3-6yrs) for those who do not qualify for ECCE Scheme (€6 per day). Drop off locally can be arranged.
Tel Nuala: 086 2903980 or 042 9660551.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for August and September 2015
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, August 23rd (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, August 24th (Fr. Michael), Sunday, September 12th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, September 19th (Deacon Damien), and Sunday, September 20th (Fr. Michael).
Leisure Centre
August Membership Offer. BOGOF….. 3 months Pool and Gym membership. €99.
Studio Class: Tuesday, Mugendo Kickboxing 6.30-8.30.
Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics at 7.30/8.30.
€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership, still available!
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Walk, Jog Or Run….
Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.
East Cavan Gaels Hurling/Cavan GAA
Under 6/8/10;
Under 9 and Under 11 blitz this coming Wednesday in Castlerahan (Ballyjamesduff) at 7. No training this week as all will be at camp.
Under 12/14; The Under 13s had a good run out at a blitz on Wednesday last. The next blitz for theses lads is on Wednesday 19th in Cootehill.
Under 16; The lads performed very well while going down to a narrow defeat to Castleblayney on Wednesday last in the Monaghan league.
No U6/8/10 training this week due to Camp and blitz on Wednesday
Training times and venues; If blitz on then no training.
Under 6/8/10; Kingscourt group;
Wednesdays 6-7 at Kingscourt Stars GAA grounds.
Bailieborough group; Friday 6-7 at Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA grounds, St. Anne’s Park.
Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.
For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.
Under 12/14/16/18;
All training is collective in Bailieborough GAA and subject to change.
Wednesday 7pm St. Anne’s Park, Bailieborough GAA
Players will receive a text. For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
Citizens Information Service
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
The Samaritans
The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Bailieborough News Thursday 6th August 2015
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. August 6th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
Hope for Cian:
Cake Sale and Fun Run/Walk in aid of ‘Hope for Cian’ takes place on Sunday, August 23rd. Cake Sale is on from 10am in Bailieborough Community Centre. Fun Run/Walk takes place from Bailieborough Community Centre, registration at 1:30pm starting at 2pm, details of run/walk to be confirmed. There will be a raffle on the day with lots of great prizes. Hope for Cian t-shirts will also be on sale. Anyone wishing to donate items for cake sale or help out in any way on the day please contact Eileen 086-8821640 or Emma 086-0234066.
Rhythmic Dance Twirlers:
Bailieborough Rhythmic Dance Twirlers present ‘RDT’S Got Talent’ in Sky Bar, Main Street on Friday, August 14th commencing at 7.00pm. To enter an act in the competition, please contact Kelly Clarke at 085 245 0690 on or before Friday, August 7th. Admission is €5, payable on the door and all funds raised will go towards new costumes for the children. There is a great prize for the winner of the competition and also terrific spot prizes for the raffle for the audience. So, come along and see you all there for a great night’s entertainment!! Everybody welcome.
Also on this Sunday afternoon August 9th, the Rhythmic Dance Twirlers are holding a ‘Men’s Fancy Dress—Charity Soccer Match’ entitled Battle of the Frills!!The game will take place at Bailieboro Celtic’s Grounds at the Vale at 3.00pm. All welcome.
Story time at the Library on Saturday, August 15th at 3.00pm for all children aged 4-7 years old. Wonderful stories about a place where all types of trucks live, work, play and have exciting adventures! Phone 042 9665779 for more info. Free event! All welcome.
National Heritage Week :
Bailieborough Heritage Society are planning two Heritage Week events. On Thursday August 20th, Jonathan Smyth will deliver a talk entitled ‘Bailieborough’s Fascinating Folklore’. Commencing at 8pm in Bailieborough Business Centre. On Tuesday August 25th, a walk and talks entitled ‘Resting Places and Masonic Symbols’. Commencing at 8pm., at the Church of Ireland and walking up Church Lane to the old graveyard. We will hear about some of Bailieborough’s early inhabitants who are interred within its walls. The walk will continue up Main Street to the Masonic Hall where the origins, symbols and customs of the order will be explained. Refreshments will follow in the Masonic Hall. Everyone is most welcome to attend.
Bailieborough Walking Group: August 5th – Girley Bog, Kells:
(E) Walk 45 – 60 min. (M) Walk 1 hour 30 min (approx.). Depart Bailieborough Library at 6.45pm.
Meet at Cloncat Service Station, 8.5Km from Kells on the Kells to Clonmellon Rd., N52, at 7.20pm. Walks commencing at Girley Bog at 7.30pm.
August 12th – Fleming’s Folly Ballinagh: (A) Walk – 2 hours + (approx.)
Depart from Bailieborough Library at 6.45pm.
Walk commencing at Ballinagh Community Centre at 7.30pm.
(Community Centre is on the l/h/s before you leave town in the direction of Granard). All welcome.
Social Dancing:
Our night for dancing this month falls on Saturday next, 8th August. We have secured a special band for this occasion, Michael and Philomena O’Brien. Philomena was a very popular artist in Cavan before moving to live in Co Clare. She was known as Philomena McGovern from West Cavan. This will be a treat for all the dancers. Supper will also be served. All welcome.
Legion of Mary:
The local ‘Legion of Mary’ meets each Monday night at 8.00pm in the Community Centre. New members are always welcome and encouraged to attend.
Holy Hour:
The monthly ‘Holy Hour’—hosted by Direction for Our Times will take place on Thursday evening next, August 6th in St Anne’s Church, beginning at 8 p.m. This will be followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All are welcome.
Bailieborough Community Resource House:
We have some places available in our ECCE Free Pre School room for second session 12.30-3.30. If your child was born between 2/2/11 and 30/6/12 they are entitled to this.
We also have limited places available in our baby room in the afternoons from September. Contact Ann or Yvonne on 042 9666068 or Don’t forget if you are returning to education you might be entitled to CETS or CEC places.
Down Syndrome Support, Cavan and Cavan Down Syndrome:
Down Syndrome Support, Cavan and Cavan Down Syndrome would like to thank everyone who supported the fundraising event over the May Bank Holiday weekend. They are delighted to announce the amount raised was €7,029.34. Thank you.
Eircode Finder:
If you would like to find your Eircode, you can visit If you would like any help you can call in to Bailieborough Business Centre and we can help you navigate the site. Call 042-969-4716 for more details.
Irish Red Cross—Bailieborough Branch—Open Day:
The Irish Red Cross—Bailieborough Branch will be holding an ‘Open Day’ in the Tesco Carpark on Saturday, August 15th from 12pm to 5.00pm. Some of the things available on the day include: Blood Pressure and Diabetes checks, First Aid and CPR Demonstrations, Therapeutic handcare sessions, information on restoring Family links and the Work of the Irish Red Cross. There will also be ‘Face Painting’ for the children and a chance to win a €1,000 in the branch’s ‘Load of Ballz’ event. All welcome.
Bailieborough Community Alert:
Membership for another year is now due €5. Contact Kevin Carolan, 1 Pine Grove, Seamus Sheridan, Kells Road or Vincent Cooney, Galbolie. ‘Keeping a close eye on things in the Community’!
Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:
The Group will re-commence on Wednesday, September 2nd from 10.00am to 12 noon. Looking forward to seeing you all back! Call Drena 042 969 4825.
Blessing of the Graves:
The Blessing of the Graves in St. Anne’s Cemetery will take place on Sunday, September 6th at 2.00pm. Now would be the ideal time to look after the grave or a plot of a loved one in preparation for Cemetery Sunday.
Do you want to re-train to re-enter the Workforce:
Are you out of work due to illness, disability or a personal setback? ICT Skills is a Level 4 Programme designed to support people who have faced a long-term barrier to unemployment to re-train and re-enter the workforce. Participants on this programme can retain their Social Welfare payments or the equivalent of and benefits to this Programme include, a work placement, personalised support and training plan, Fetac certification and a travel allowance. Please telephone Mary on 049 437 7038 for more information.
Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.
‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.
Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome. Free admission.
Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’—Terrific Summer Offer!!:
Garda vetted volunteers with identification are ready to assist and help the elderly in our community. If you have gardening jobs, hedge and grass cutting, tidying up or ant type of small repairs to get done then ‘Lend A Hand’, is at your doorstep. No job is too small for our volunteers and to avail of this service just call Ann at 042 9694825 from 9.00am to 2.00pm, Monday to Friday. Brighten up your summer and make that call now!!
Little Gems Montessori
Little Gems Montessori, Beglieve, Bailieboro
8.15 am to 1pm. ECCE places available.
Pre-school places (3-6yrs) for those who do not qualify for ECCE Scheme (€6 per day). Drop off locally can be arranged.
Tel Nuala: 086 2903980 or 042 9660551.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for August and September 2015:
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, August 23rd (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, August 24th (Fr. Michael), Sunday, September 12th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, September 19th (Deacon Damien), and Sunday, September 20th (Fr. Michael).
Leisure Centre:
Swimming Lessons Re-booking takes place on Saturday August 8th from 9am for those already in lessons and from 12 o’ clock for all others. All levels catered for, no waiting lists!
August Membership Offer. BOGOF….. 3 months Pool and Gym membership. €99.
Studio Class: Tuesday, Mugendo Kickboxing 6.30-8.30.
Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics at 7.30/8.30.
€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership, still available!
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Walk, Jog Or Run….
Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.
East Cavan Gaels Hurling/Cavan GAA:
Hurling/Camogie Camp 2015.
Kingscourt Stars GAA grounds. Monday 10th-Friday 14th August, 10-1.30 each day. First child €35, Second child €30, Third child €25.
For children aged 5-14. Club and county coaches. Guest coaches and some special visitors. For more info contact: Willie Gaughan ECG 086 164 9280 or Dermot McCabe, Cavan GAA 0872778653.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
Citizens Information Service:
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
The Samaritans:
The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News Thursday 30th July 2015
/in News, Uncategorized /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. July 30th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
Bailieborough Agricultural Show Committee:
Bailieborough Agricultural Show Committee would like to thank all those who sponsored and attended the event, without such generosity the show would not be able to run and we look forward to your continued support in 2016.
story time at the Library on Saturday, August 15th at 3pm for all children aged 4-7 years old. Wonderful stories about a place where all types of trucks live, work, play and have exciting adventures! Phone 042 9665779 for more info. Free event! All welcome.
Heritage Week:
Bailieborough Heritage Society will hold a Heritage Week event entitled: ‘Resting Places and Masonic Symbols’. This walking tour and talks will take place in Bailieborough on Tuesday, August 25th commencing at 8pm. More details next week.
Bailieborough Walking Group: July 29th – Billis, Ballyjamesduff:
(A) Walk 2 + hours (approx.) Leaving Bailieborough Library at 6-45pm. Meeting at Billis at 7-15pm. (Virginia/Cavan Rd. opposite the Ballyjamesduff Rd., junction. Old Rd./Burns house.).
August 5th – Girley Bog, Kells: (E) Walk 45 – 60 min. (M) Walk 1 hour 30 min (approx.). Depart Bailieborough Library at 6.45pm.
Meet at Cloncat Service Station, 8.5Km from Kells on the Kells to Clonmellon Rd., N52, at 7.20pm. Walks commencing at Girley Bog at 7.30pm. All welcome.
Legion of Mary:
The local ‘Legion of Mary’ meets each Monday night at 8.00pm in the Community Centre. New members are always welcome and encouraged to attend.
Bailieborough Community Resource House:
We have some places available in our ECCE Free Pre School room for second session 12.30-3.30. If your child was born between 2/2/11 and 30/6/12 they are entitled to this.
We also have limited places available in our baby room in the afternoons from September. Contact Ann or Yvonne on 042 9666068 or Don’t forget if you are returning to education you might be entitled to CETS or CEC places.
Eircode Finder:
If you would like to find your Eircode, you can visit If you would like any help you can call in to Bailieborough Business Centre and we can help you navigate the site. Call 042-969-4716 for more details.
Bailieborough Community Association:
Bailieboro Community Association are seeking to hire an assistant supervisor for their community employment scheme. Contact or call 042 966 5361 for a full job specification. The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday the 31st of July at 3pm.
Irish Red Cross—Bailieborough Branch—Open Day:
The Irish Red Cross—Bailieborough Branch will be holding an ‘Open Day’ in the Tesco Carpark on Saturday, August 15th from 12pm to 5.00pm. Some of the things available on the day include: Blood Pressure and Diabetes checks, First Aid and CPR Demonstrations, Therapeutic handcare sessions, information on restoring Family links and the Work of the Irish Red Cross. There will also be ‘Face Painting’ for the children and a chance to win a €1,000 in the branch’s ‘Load of Ballz’ event. All welcome.
Bailieborough Community Alert:
Membership for another year is now due €5. Contact Kevin Carolan, 1 Pine Grove, Seamus Sheridan, Kells Road or Vincent Cooney, Galbolie. ‘Keeping a close eye on things in the Community’!
Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:
The Group will be closed for the next month due to summer holidays and will re-commence on Wednesday, September 2nd from 10.00am to 12 noon. Looking forward to seeing you all back! Call Drena 042 969 4825.
Blessing of the Graves:
The Blessing of the Graves in St. Anne’s Cemetery will take place on Sunday, September 6th at 2.00pm. Now would be the ideal time to look after the grave or a plot of a loved one in preparation for Cemetery Sunday.
Do you want to re-train to re-enter the Workforce:
Are you out of work due to illness, disability or a personal setback? ICT Skills is a Level 4 Programme designed to support people who have faced a long-term barrier to unemployment to re-train and re-enter the workforce. Participants on this programme can retain their Social Welfare payments or the equivalent of and benefits to this Programme include, a work placement, personalised support and training plan, Fetac certification and a travel allowance. Please telephone Mary on 049 437 7038 for more information.
Citizens Information every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm.
‘Abair Leat’ Irish Conversational Group, Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm. Learning Irish for fun. Tea and coffee served. All welcome, free admission.
Parent, baby and toddler group every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. Lots of suitable toys, refreshments, all welcome, free admission.
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Sharing of crafts and ideas. Tea and coffee, all welcome. Free admission.
Adult Book Club last Thursday of every month from 6pm-7pm. All new members welcome. Tea and coffee served. Free admission. Phone Library at 042 9665779 for details on all of the above.
Charity Tractor Run:
The Rainbow Tractor Club, Virginia are having a run on Sunday 2nd of August from Billis Hall for M.S. Cavan leaving at 12.30. All tractors, cars and motorbikes welcome, refreshments before and after.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’—Terrific Summer Offer!!
: Garda vetted volunteers with identification are ready to assist and help the elderly in our community. If you have gardening jobs, hedge and grass cutting, tidying up or ant type of small repairs to get done then ‘Lend A Hand’, is at your doorstep. No job is too small for our volunteers and to avail of this service just call Ann at 042 9694825 from 9.00am to 2.00pm, Monday to Friday. Brighten up your summer and make that call now!!
Holistic Health & Psychic Fair: A
‘Holistic Health and Psychic Fair’ will take place in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan on Bank Holiday Monday, August 3rd from 11am – 6pm. Entry €5 per person.
A full range of holistic healers, psychic readers, holistic shops, crystals, jewellery, massage, health supplement, nutrition information, Kangen water, angel gifts, aura-photography, new health product ASEA … and much more!
Little Gems Montessori:
Little Gems Montessori, Beglieve, Bailieboro
8.15 am to 1pm. ECCE places available.
Pre-school places (3-6yrs) for those who do not qualify for ECCE Scheme (€6 per day). Drop off locally can be arranged.
Tel Nuala: 086 2903980 or 042 9660551.
Training at Bailieborough Business Centre:
Safe Pass at Bailieborough Business Centre. Friday 31st July. Cost €100 Lunch Included – Call 042-969-4716.
Computers and The Internet for Beginners – Classes running all year €10 for 4 Lessons – Call 042-9694716 and speak to Pamela or Elizabeth for more details.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for July, August and September 2015:
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Saturday, August 8th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, August 9th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, August 23rd (Deacon Damien) and Sunday, August 24th (Fr. Michael), Sunday, September 12th, (Fr. Michael), Saturday, September 19th (Deacon Damien), and Sunday, September 20th (Fr. Michael).
Leisure Centre:
New Studio Classes, check out our facebook page for details of different classes.
Monday: BLT 10.00-10.45am and Ladies Fitness 8.30pm.
Tuesday: Mugendo Kickboxing 6.30-8.30.
Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, BLT at 6.30, Step Aerobics from 7.30 to 8.30.
Thursday: Yoga at 10 and Turbo training at 7pm.
Friday: Men’s Fitness at 8.45.
Studio and Treatment rooms available to rent, Call 042 9666644. Suitable for many uses.
€30 for 30 days membership pool or gym membership still available.
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Walk, Jog Or Run….
Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.
East Cavan Gaels Hurling/Cavan GAA:
Hurling/Camogie Camp 2015.
Kingscourt Stars GAA grounds. Monday 10th-Friday 14th August, 10-1.30 each day. First child €35, Second child €30, Third child €25.
For children aged 5-14. Club and county coaches. Guest coaches and some special visitors. For more info contact: Willie Gaughan ECG 086 164 9280 or Dermot McCabe, Cavan GAA 0872778653.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
Citizens Information Service:
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Service is in the Library, Bailieborough every Tuesday from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Information on Social Welfare, Employment, Tax, Health etc… A Free and Confidential Service. Tel. 0761 07 5200.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
The Samaritans:
The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.