Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News Thursday 1st October 2015
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. October 1st 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Committee wish to sincerely thank all the local communities for their continued financial support through fund raising and donations. Recently, €1031 was raised from our Family evening walk on 14th August and the coin boxes count totalled at €947. We plan to run some events in October and November and look forward to meeting you there. Our mission is to offer a free car service to all patients attending the Bailieborough doctors. For information contacted at 087 154 2447.
Bailieborough Community Choir
Would you like to experience the thrill of singing with a choir that has been making great choral music for 20 years? Are you seeking a musical pursuit that can be fitted into a busy lifestyle?
We are looking for new members. Practice take place every Monday evening at 8.30 in Trinity Hall, Virginia Road, Bailieborough. We would welcome all ages, all communities. Great night’s fun to be had and you might even get a cup of tea at the end!! We perform all types of music so it will be of interest to most.
The Mountain Lodge ‘Tractor Run’:
takes place on Sunday 11th October from Mountain Lodge. Old, new tractors and vintage cars welcome. Registration from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Run commences at 12 noon. All proceeds in aid of St Christopher’s Hospice, Cavan and Bailieborough Cancer Society in memory of the late Breege O’Reilly. Raffle on the day. Further information from: Samuel (086) 8226879 or Aidan (086) 3861103.
‘Hardtimes Chorus’
: Practice for new exciting show, on Tuesdays in St Anne’s Church, Bailieborough at 8.30pm, all former members and new members are very welcome. Looking forward see you all there. Hardtimes Chorus has through their last shows help raise much needed funds for local charities , so come along, be part of an award winning choir and help raise much needed funds. Come along and hear about our exciting all new show- ‘Seasons of Love’. Enrolments on the night or by Phone 087-9090954. If you Love Music, or Singing then come along. A great way to make new friends.
Holy Hour:
The monthly Holy Hour—hosted by ‘Direction for Our Times’—will take place on Thursday evening, October 1st, at 8.00pm in St. Anne’s Chapel. All welcome.
St. Vincent De Paul, Clothes Shop:
The St. Vincent de Paul Clothes Shop will be open each Saturday morning from 10.00 am to 1pm starting on Saturday, October, 10th. The conference is grateful for all donations of good quality clothing, footwear, household and bed linen and we look forward to your continued support.
Classes at Bailieborough Business Centre:
Thursday October 1st – Safe Pass—1 Day training programme. Register your interest in this and all the other classes at the centre 042-969-4716.
Classes on offer: Graphic and Web Design, Intensive Reading and Writing, Information Technology, Oil Painting, Colour Me Beautiful, Conversational French and Skills for Farmers.
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C.:
Bailieboro Celtic A.F.C. are holding a ‘Table Quiz’ on Friday evening next, October 2nd in the Hideout. The Vale, commencing at 8.30pm. €40 per table of four. All support welcome. Quiz top prize is €200 Raffle top prize XBOX ONE plus there will be plenty of spot prizes on the night. The €2 lines can be bought in most shops in the town and will be available on the night. If you wold like to buy some and can’t find them please contact 0858256347 a page of lines is €36. Music by DJ GARETH MULHALL.
Painting Circle:
Painting circle with artist Ray Savage commences at the Library, Market Square on Tuesday, October 6th from 2.30pm-4.30pm for 6 weeks. Phone 042 9665779 to secure your place. Places are limited.
Class of ’85 Reunion:
A reunion of the Leaving Cert class of 1985, including all those who were first years in Lourdesville or the Vocational school in Bailieboro in 1980, will be held on Saturday, 14th November in the Bailie Hotel. Further details to follow. Check out Facebook page and spread the word!
Speech and Drama Classes:
Speech and Drama Classes take place on Saturdays in Trinity Hall, Bailieborough and also in Tunnyduff Community Hall. Pre-school from 10 to 11am, Primary from 11am to 12 noon and Secondary from 12 noon to 1.00pm. For further information, please contact Kate Kelly at 086 314 8407 or email:
October— Month of the Holy Rosary:
A Rosary will be said at the Grotto on the Virginia Road, for the month of October, commencing on Thursday, October 1st at 8.00pm. No Rosary on Saturdays. Everyone welcome to join in prayer for personal intentions as well as the sick of the Parish.
Leisure Centre News:
Swimming Lessons Rebooking takes place on Saturday, October 3rd from 9am for those already in lessons and from 12 o’ clock for all others. All levels catered for, no waiting lists.
10 Year Membership. 10 year pool or gym membership for €1000. (5 years for couple) Offer must end soon!
Prize Draw. Win 1 year membership (value €499), plus other prizes. Tickets €10.00 available at Leisure centre and from Board Members. All funds support the development fund of Leisure Centre
Studio Class: Tuesday, Mugendo Kickboxing 6.30-8.30.
Monday Movers, A Dance Fitness Class 10.00-11.00.
Wednesday: Pilates 10-11am, Step Aerobics from 7.00-8.00 from October 7th.
€30 for 30 days membership, pool or gym membership still available.
Check us out on or find us on facebook for regular updates.
Indoor Bowls:
Indoor Bowls takes place every Wednesday evening in the Community Centre, Chapel Road at 8.00pm. New members are always most welcome.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand:
Garda vetted volunteers with identification are ready to assist and help the elderly in our community. If you have gardening jobs, hedge and grass cutting, tidying up or ant type of small repairs to get done then ‘Lend A Hand’, is at your doorstep. No job is too small for our volunteers and to avail of this service just call Ann at 042 9694825 from 9.00am to 2.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:
The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre. Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for October and November 2015:
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Sunday, October 11th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, October 17th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, October 18th (Fr. Michael) Saturday, October 31st, (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 1st (Fr. Michael), Saturday, November 14th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 22nd (Fr. Michael) and Saturday, November 28th (Deacon Damien) . Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.
Walk, Jog Or Run…
. Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club- Hurling News : Hurling News 28th September 2015: Under 6/8/10;
Indoor hurling is now up and running for all those aged 5-10 with Kingscourt on Thursday and Bailieborough on Friday. New players are always very welcome.
Under 12; The lads had another win v Annalee away on Wednesday last in the Championship. Next up is a home game v Woodford in St. Anne’s Park, Bailieborough GAA, on Wednesday next at 6.30 in what will be the last of the midweek daylight games. Semi-final scheduled for next week.
After school hurling; Cavan GAA and Ulster GAA are providing five weeks of indoor after school hurling in Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall each Thursday from 4-5pm for those in 4th, 5th and 6th class. The cost for the five weeks is just €5 and all existing players and those who would like to try hurling are especially welcome.
Under 14; These lads will play St.Feilims in the tri-county league next Sunday in Ballinagh.
Under 16/18; Both Championships are scheduled to start in the coming weeks. Training on Wednesday at 6.30 in St. Anne’s Park, Bailieborough GAA.
Training times and venues; Under 6/8/10;
Kingscourt group; Indoors – new day and time.
Thursdays at Kingscourt Community Centre. Under 6/8 from 6.45-7.45 and Under 10 from 6.45-8.15. €2 each please.
Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. €2 each please.
Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.
For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 087 164 9280.
Under 12/14/16/18;
All training is collective in Bailieborough GAA and subject to change.
Wednesday 6.30pm St. Anne’s Park, Bailieborough GAA.
Players will receive a text.
For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.
Fíor Céili
practice every Wednesday at 8.30pm in Killinkere GAA centre— commencing on 30th September. Everyone is welcome.
Cavan/Monaghan ‘Caring for Carers’:
Special Interest support group meeting will take place in the White Star Complex, Cootehill on Monday 5th October at 10.30am. Carers of children or young adults with special needs please come along for support. Contact Geraldine 0877785435 or Brigid 0876832742.
Pilates Classes
start in Cross Hall on Thursday, October 1st for 4 weeks.
Class times are 11:30am and 7:30pm, suitable for all levels. Cost €40.
Please contact Julie 086 3283943, email or see for more details.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
The Samaritans:
The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News Thursday 24th September 2015
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. September 24th 2015. Matthew J. Cullen.
Pledge of the Metalmen’ was unveiled by Heather Humphreys. Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in Bailieborough, Co. Cavan on Tuesday 15th September. The piece by Barry Linnane was funded by the Building Peace through the Arts Programme.
Heather Humphrey’s Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht performed the official launch. She was assisted by Lorraine McDowell, Director of Operations, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Paddy Smith, Chairman of Cavan Co. Council. Also Paddy Sheanon, Bailieborough Chair of Building Peace through the Arts, members of the Bailieborough Heritage Society, Joe O’Reilly TD, Councillors, Paddy McDonald, Fergal Curtin and Clifford Kelly along with local historians, former Bailieborough Foundry Workers, local schoolchildren and members of the general public were present at the unveiling.
This project aimed to create a public artwork of excellence which captures the past, present and future aspirations of the people of Bailieborough. Through a consultation process as part of stage one of this project Joanne Behan, artist facilitator sought opinion from the people of Bailieborough as to what gave them a sense of pride in Bailieborough. Many ideas were forthcoming including the rich heritage of the town, the tradition of literature and drama in the county and the writers who are associated with the town, the music and sporting achievements of the area and the inspirational landscape. The theme ‘Forging Ahead’ was finally identified and through an open process Barry Linnane, sculptor was selected to create Pledge of the Metalmen. This art work acknowledges the work of the men in the Bailieborough Foundry. It symbolises what can be achieved when people work together and the value of our industrial heritage.
Roisin McDonough of The Arts Council of Northern Ireland said:
‘The Building Peace through the Arts Programme has at its core the ability to bring communities together, through creative, arts-led engagement. As Stage two of the programme draws to a close, we are delighted to unveil a number of impressive artworks across Northern Ireland and the border counties. County Cavan is no exception and I am delighted that the people of Bailieborough, together with the sculptor Barry Linnane, have produced this fabulous piece of public art, Pledge of the Metalmen. It is our sincere hope that this wonderful artwork will change the landscape of Bailieborough and leave a positive, lasting legacy that celebrates its heritage through true community engagement.’
Barry Linnane, artist said: ‘I really wanted to create a sculpture for Bailieborough that would reflect the value of the industrial heritage of the town. For me the symbol of two men working together pouring molten iron provides a strong sense of achievement and the trust involved in working in busy industrial settings. I have worked all my life in foundries and it is great to be able to celebrate this intense and precise work that can achieve objects of permanence and beauty. Marilyn Gaffney worked as artist facilitator with me on this project and she visited the schools in Bailieborough and talked to the children about what they like about Bailieborough. I have included a sense of this in the plaque that the men are pouring’.
Paddy Sheanon, Bailieborough Chair of BPttA who guided this project from the application stage two years ago said: ‘We have enjoyed working with our community on this project. Many community groups participated in workshops at the Library, in the Schools, the Bailieborough School of Music, sporting, heritage and women’s interest groups all had a say. Our community has learned about public art through this process. We believe that Barry Linnane has created a sculpture for Bailieborough that is a testimony to our rich heritage. It reinforces for us what we can gain from valuing each other and working together’.
Bailieborough Community Choir
Would you like to experience the thrill of singing with a choir that has been making great choral music for 20 years? Are you seeking a musical pursuit that can be fitted into a busy lifestyle?
We are looking for new members. Practice take place every Monday evening at 8.30 in Trinity Hall, Virginia Road, Bailieborough. We would welcome all ages, all communities. Great night’s fun to be had and you might even get a cup of tea at the end!! We perform all types of music so it will be of interest to most.
Red Cross—Annual Collection:
The annual Bailieborough Red Cross church gate collection will take place this weekend; the 26th and 27th of September outside Killann Parish (St. Anne’s, Bailieborough, St. Patrick’s, Shercock and St. Anne’s, Killann) churches. All funds raised will go towards keeping the Branch operational and help to finance much of our work. We are grateful for your continued support.
‘Hardtimes Chorus’:
Practice for new exciting show, on Tuesdays in St Anne’s Church, Bailieborough at 8.30pm, all former members and new members are very welcome. Looking forward see you all there. Hardtimes Chorus has through their last shows help raise much needed funds for local charities , so come along, be part of an award winning choir and help raise much needed funds. Come along and hear about our exciting all new show- ‘Seasons of Love’. Enrolments on the night or by Phone 087-9090954. If you Love Music, or Singing then come along. A great way to make new friends
Classes at Bailieborough Business Centre:
Thursday October 1st – Safe Pass—1 Day training programme. Register your interest in this and all the other classes at the centre 042-969-4716.
Classes on offer: Graphic and Web Design, Intensive Reading and Writing, Information Technology, Oil Painting, Colour Me Beautiful, Conversational French and Skills for Farmers.
Bailieborough Women’s Group:
The Bailieborough Women’s Group will resume on Friday afternoon next, September 25th with a list of exciting new activities. Meetings take place in the Community Centre, Chapel Road from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. New members are always welcome.
The Bailieborough Poetry Prize 2015:
Entries are now being accepted for the annual Bailieborough poetry competition. This year’s event is an open competition and like last year there will be a prize of €250 for the winning poet. There will be a runner up prize and also a special prize for a poet living in the Cavan-Meath area. For full competition conditions and rules please visit website Previous winners include Armel Dagorn from France and Annette Skade from Cork. Remember Bailieborough Poetry Festival… WHERE WORDS MATTER. Closing date for entries is Friday next, September 25th.
Annual General Meeting:
Bailieborough School of Music Annual General Meeting takes place on this Thursday evening, 24th September at 8.30pm in the
Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough. All welcome.
Speech and Drama Classes:
Speech and Drama Classes take place on Saturdays in Trinity Hall, Bailieborough and also in Tunnyduff Community Hall. Pre-school from 10 to 11am, Primary from 11am to 12 noon and Secondary from 12 noon to 1.00pm. For further information, please contact Kate Kelly at 086 314 8407 or email:
Open Information Evening:
An Open Information Meeting re the launch of ‘Lakelands Arch Club’ for people with Special Needs in the Cavan County area will take place in the Hotel Bailie on Wednesday, September 23rd at 8.00pm. All welcome.
East Cavan Swim Club:
The East Cavan Swim Club are hosting an ‘Open Evening’, tonight, Wednesday, 23rd September at the Bailieborough Leisure Centre from 5.30pm to 8.00pm. This evening is a great opportunity for parents/guardians to meet coaches and committee members. All welcome.
Reiki Workshop:
A Reiki 1 Workshop will be held in the Bailie Hotel, Bailieborough on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th September.
Reiki is a very powerful yet gentle art. It supports the body’s own ability to heal itself. It is very easy to learn and everyone can learn it.
For more information please contact Katharina Connolly on 086 3924510 or check out the Facebook page, Katharina Connolly Holistic Therapist.
Leisure Centre News:
10 year Adult Pool and Gym membership for €1000 (or 5 years for a couple). This offer is available for a limited time only.
Contact Mary or Lorraine at the Leisure centre to avail of the offer.
Massage:’ Seol Beo’ Holistic Massage Therapy, will be available for Saturday appointments in Bailieborough Leisure Centre from this weekend, For bookings call Elaine 086 1020489.
Halloween intensive Lessons: Now Booking, Places Limited
Step Aerobics: On Fridays 9.30- 10.30. Contact John Maloney 087 3548671 for bookings.
Indoor Bowls: Indoor Bowls takes place every Wednesday evening in the Community Centre, Chapel Road at 8.00pm. New members are always most welcome.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand:
Garda vetted volunteers with identification are ready to assist and help the elderly in our community. If you have gardening jobs, hedge and grass cutting, tidying up or ant type of small repairs to get done then ‘Lend A Hand’, is at your doorstep. No job is too small for our volunteers and to avail of this service just call Ann at 042 9694825 from 9.00am to 2.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Adult Painting Circle:
Anyone interested in an Adult Painting Circle at the Library, please contact Fiona/Mary at 0429665779.
Library Parent and Toddler Group every Wednesday 10.30am-12pm; Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis; Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Fox’s Irish Dancing Classes:
Fox’s Irish Dancing Classes have resumed in Tierworker Hall. All newcomers welcome. For further information, please contact Aisling or Emma Fox on 087 969 9235 / 087 205 9128.
Pilates have resumed in Trinity Hall behind the Presbyterian Church. Beginners at 6.15pm and mixed ability at 7.30pm. New members welcome. To book please call Anne at 087 2601454.
Beckscourt Mother and Toddler Group:
The Group meets on every Wednesday morning, from 10.00am to 12 noon at the Beckscourt Centre. Call Drena 042 969 4825 for further information.
Baptism Preparation Meeting for Parents:
Baptism preparation meetings for parents takes place on the second Thursday of every month from 8.00pm to 9.00pm. All parents who are intending to have their child baptised are required to attend this meeting before finalising the date. Parents are reminded to give at least one month’s notice to 087 4407 990 of their intention to have their child baptised. Upcoming Preparation meetings : Thursday, October 8th, Thursday, November 12th and Thursday, December 10th.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes September, October and November 2015:
The following are the dates for Baptisms in Saint Anne’s Church: Sunday, October 11th (Fr. Michael), Saturday, October 17th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, October 18th (Fr. Michael) Saturday, October 31st, (Deacon Damien),Sunday, November 1st (Fr. Michael), Saturday, November 14th (Deacon Damien), Sunday, November 22nd (Fr. Michael) and Saturday, November 28th (Deacon Damien) . Please note that Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 12.30pm.
Walk, Jog Or Run….
Exercising Is FUN! Every Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm join us at Bailieborough Community Centre! All welcome—no matter what your fitness levels are!. Ok folks, join us to run, jog or walk and most importantly tea, biscuits, fruit and chat afterwards.
Pilates resumes Bailieborough Leisure Centre:
Morning classes taking place in Bailieborough Leisure Centre on Wednesday’s at 10am. Please contact Julie 086 3283943, email or see for more details.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club- Hurling News 21st September 2015:
Under 6/8/10; The lads had their last outdoor blitz in Cloghan on Wednesday last. Bar one or two more outings our outdoor season has now come to an end. Indoor hurling returns this week. Tuesdays in Kingscourt and Fridays in Bailieborough. Players will receive a text.
Under 12; The Under 12 Championship began with a strong performance and victory over Ballymachugh in Kingscourt on Wednesday last. Next up is a trip to Ballyhaise to take on Annalee Gaels on Wednesday next.
Under 14; Our Under 14s were narrowly beaten by Annalee in the league on Sunday morning. Next up is a trip to Ballinagh to play St. Felim’s next Sunday.
Under 16/18; Both Championships are scheduled to start in the coming weeks. Training on Wednesday at 6.30 in St. Anne’s Park, Bailieborough GAA.
Training times and venues;
Under 6/8/10; Kingscourt group; Indoors – new day and time
Tuesdays 5-6.30 at Kingscourt Community Centre.
Bailieborough group; Fridays – Under 6/8 from 6-7pm. Under 10 from 7-8pm in Bailieboro Community School Sports Hall. 2 euro each please.
Both sessions are open to anyone from the region to attend.
For all U8/10 information contact Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
Under 12/14/16/18;
All training is collective in Bailieborough GAA and subject to change.
Wednesday 6.30pm St. Anne’s Park, Bailieborough GAA
Players will receive a text.
For all U12-U18 information contact Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.
Fíor Céili
practice every Wednesday at 8.30pm in Killinkere GAA centre— commencing on 30th September. Everyone is welcome.
Pilates Classes
start in Cross Hall on Thursday, October 1st for 4 weeks.
Class times are 11:30am and 7:30pm, suitable for all levels. Cost €40.
Please contact Julie 086 3283943, email or see for more details.
Free Family ‘Fun Day’:
FREE Family Fun Day at Tanagh OETC in conjunction with European Week of Sport. Saturday 26th September, a wide range of activities are available on the day both morning and afternoon. Morning session runs from 10am-12.15pm; Afternoon session runs from 1.30pm-3.45pm. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Booking is essential. Deposit of €5pp secures your place which is fully refundable on the day of sessions. For more information contact Philomena on 0495552988 .
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447, Edel Fox 086 1004030 or Geraldine Gormley 087 7949448.
Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
The Samaritans:
The Samaritans have a new Freephone number: 116 123 for people who are struggling to cope. The line is open and free 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailie Hotel – We’re Hiring!!
Part-time waiter / waitress required
Must have banqueting experience
Available for evenings and weekends
Apply with CV to: or by post