Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News. April 20th 2017
/in News /by PetraBailieborough News. April 20th 2017 Matthew J. Cullen.
St. Anne’s Church: Renovations Update
The renovations to the Church and the Parish Centre have been progressing well over the past few weeks. The blockwork on the extension to the Sacristy has almost been completed and the chimney at the back of the Church which was causing dampness in the Sacristy and the Sanctuary area of the Church has been demolished. In the Parish Centre, the basement area has been stripped and new floors have been laid to accommodate a new meeting room, office and storage space. On the ground floor, the old sitting room is being converted into a meeting space and the kitchen and toilets are being re-arranged to accommodate public use. The chimneys which were allowing water to access the building have been demolished and new ones built.
Over the coming weeks work will begin on the flat roofs which are in a very poor state. At present, there is at least 2 to 3 inches of water trapped between the insulation and the concrete ceilings. Work will also begin shortly on the interior of the Sacristy and the Church.
Unfortunately, because of the nature of the works involved, and the poor condition of the interior, the Church Area Finance Committee have been advised that the Church will have to close during the summer for three to four weeks, from Monday, June 26th. This period will enable the pews to be removed and the painting, electrical and flooring works to proceed unhindered.
During this time, the Community School Board of Management have kindly given permission to use the Assembly Hall for Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses. The Community Centre will be used for week-day Masses and in the event of Funerals, St. Anne’s Church, Killann, St. Patrick’s Church, Tierworker and St. Brigid’s Church, Tunnyduff, will be available.
‘Bailie Bunny’ is revealed at Shamrocks Camogie Cake Sale!
So Leanne Kiernan—our Irish International soccer player, is the second ‘Bailie Bunny’!!!!!!! Congratulations to the Bailieborough Camogie Club on a brilliant fund raising idea. Huge credit to all the people involved. And great to see such big numbers turn out for the Cake Sale on Easter Sunday morning. Thanks to everyone who supported this event and purchased tickets.
Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies in St. Annes
Thank you to all who assisted in preparing and celebrating the Holy Week and Easter Liturgies here in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough, especially the Parish Pastoral Council and Liturgy Group, the Sacristan, May Cassidy and caretaker, Sadie Clarke, the Choirs and their directors, Thomas Hanley, Sean O’Reilly, Derek Eakins, Tracy Carroll and Brigid Donohoe, the musicians, the Ministers of the Word, the Ministers of the Eucharist, the gift bearers, the altar servers, the First Communion Parents Committee and the parents and children of the First Communion classes who participated on Holy Thursday.
A special word of thanks to Marie Guckian, Geraldine Reilly, Brigid Donohoe, Ciaran Purcell and Sean O’Reilly who gave their time to prepare the Church, Rose Fitzpatrick who organised the various ministers, all of you who attended in such large numbers and all who helped in any way over Easter week.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for April, May and June 2017
The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church–Saturday, April 15th (Easter Vigil, 9.00pm), April 30th (Sunday, 12.30pm), May 6th (Saturday, 1.30pm), May 21st (Sunday, 12.30pm), June 10th (Saturday, 1.30pm) and June 25th (Sunday, 1.00pm).
‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Pilates Resumes
Pilates resumes in Bailieborough Leisure Centre on Wednesday, 26th April at 10am and Cormeen Sports Complex on Tuesday, 25th April at 10am.
Monday and Wednesday evening classes also available at Cross, Mullagh.
Contact Julie 086 3283943, or FB message /JulieCarolanCavanPhysicalTherapy
Festival Meeting: There will be a meeting in the Bailieborough Development Association building on Monday next, 24 April at 8.00pm, with a view to having a small festival in the town. Anyone who wishes to attend or has any helpful ideas are more than welcome. All welcome.
Easter at the Library: Spring into Storytime at your local Library with stories for children aged 5-8 years on Thursday April 20th from 3.15pm-4pm. No charge but children must be registered with the Library to partake. Remember it is FREE to join your local Library!
Easter Workshop for all children aged 6-10 years on Thursday, April 20th from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Bookings to 042 9665779 or at the library desk. Places are limited at €2 per child. Note: all children participating must be registered with the Library and REMEMBER it is FREE to join.
“Spanish Coffee Mornings”Learn Spanish in a friendly environment while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee… Lessons will take place every Tuesday morning from 10 to 11. Starting soon!!! Also one to one lessons and Grinds available. For more information please contact Lydia on 0877414735.
Cycle Against Suicide
Hey folks. Bailieborough Community School are hosting the Cycle Against Suicide around Ireland cycle event on Thurs April 27th,
The only venue in Cavan!
If you are interested in registering for the leg from Castleblaney to Bailieborough, please check out the website.
Refreshments and an afternoon of health promotion activities available for all participants. Are you up for it? Please spread the word, if you can, for a very good cause. Much appreciated.
We anticipate over 300 cyclists will be arriving in Bailieborough on Thursday 27th April, come out and show your support for this very worthy cause.
Bridge Results
Tuesday, April 11th: First: Una and Jimmy Stafford, Second: Maresa Liggan and Kathy O’Sullivan. Best Gross: Patsy Corcoran and Teresa O’Reilly. Third: Vera Bell and Patty Clarke.
Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Hotel Bailie at 8.00pm. New members are always most welcome.
Bailieborough Red Cross
Approximately 35 people in the Tierworker area were recently trained over 3 separate nights in Cardiac First Response. Thanks to all who made the effort to attend. It cannot be stressed enough about the importance of learning these potentially lifesaving skills. If you would be interested in doing this course or any other First Aid course contact us and we will advise you of dates if any available.
Bailieborough School of Music
Lotto results for 15/04/17. Numbers Drawn; 2, 6, 12, 18. No Jackpot Winner. Luck Dip (€25) Winners, Laura Flanagan, Highfield; Emily & Lucia, Monaghanoose; Rose Brady; Niall Comey, Kells Rd. Jackpot next week, €2,600.
Entries to ‘Summer Draw’, John Reilly; Claire Sharkey, Termon; Mary Kelly, Kells Rd; Seamus & Cara Clarke, Drumooslin.
Knockbride Macra
Knockbride Macra in conjunction with ‘Fáilte Bar’ are holding an ‘Open Mic and Trad’ night from 9.00pm on Saturday next, April 22nd. Plenty of entertainment guaranteed and everyone invited to partake.
On Saturday, April 29th, Knockbride Macra host a ‘Children’s Cinema Day’ in Tunnyduff Hall. Doors open for first movie at 1.00pm and for second movie at 4.00pm. Popcorn and drinks will be included for €5 per child. For further information, please contact 085 756 0534.
Bailieborough Walking Group
Bailieborough Walking Group host three walks during this year’s Cavan Walking Festival.
Saturday 29th April, 5k Forest Walk commencing at Bailieborough Business Centre at 11am.
Tuesday 2nd May, 5k Dun a Ri forest walk commencing at Cabra School, Shercock Rd., Kingscourt at 7pm.
Thursday 4th May 10k Lough an Leagh walk commencing at the picnic area Lough an Leagh at 7pm. All welcome.
Ramor Theatre
On Thursday 20th April Ramor Theatre will present PEOPLE, PLACE AND A STORY, A NEW WRITING SHOWCASE. Performed by local established actors it will include Monologues, Duologues and Scene’s.
On Friday 21st April, EILISH O’CARROLL – LIVE, LOVE LAUGH. Best known as Winnie in ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’, Eilish looks back on her life in a wonderfully funny and poignant way.
Bailieborough Library
Everyday Irish – Tuesday evenings 3pm to 5pm
Beginner Conversational Irish Class for Adults who would like to learn the basics.
Ipads with Social Media for Beginners – Wednesday afternoons 2.15pm-4pm. This course will help those wanting to get to grips with Social Media using IPADs. (IPADS are provided). Contact:042 9665779 or
Bailieborough Library Parent, Baby and Toddler Group has proven to be a vital life line for all stay-at-home parents who may be new to the area and wish to get out of the house and make new friends. There is a huge range of toys for children to play with, while parents can enjoy a cup of tea and chat.
The group meets at the Library Arts space every Wednesday at 10.30am-12pm. Why not join their Facebook Group and keep up to date with news and events.
Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis;
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm;
Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month;
Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 17th April 2017
Under 6/8/10; The lads take a well-earned break and will return after the Easter break. Some of the U10s will train outdoors with the U12s as they prepare for our tournaments through May and June.
Under 12; The next round of the Cavan U12 Spring league is scheduled for this coming Saturday where we play Ballinamore on the 3G at 3pm.
First round of Monaghan U12 HL begins on the 8th May.
Under 14; Another good performance and win in the Monaghan league where we entertained Carrickmacross in Kingscourt on Monday last. We thank Kingscourt Stars for the use of their facilities. The next round is away against Monaghan Harps TBC.
Under 16; Monaghan U16 HL begins May 8th. Fixtures next week.
Hurling training times and venues;
Kingscourt group; Under 6/8/10; EASTER BREAK NO HURLING.
Thursday 6.45-7.45pm for all U6/8/10 in the Community Centre. €3 each and bring water bottle.
Bailieborough group U6/8/10; EASTER BREAK NO HURLING
Friday at the Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall. U6/8 from 6-7. Under 10 from 7-8pm. €3 each and bring the water bottle.
Under 12/14/16/18; All training mostly on Mondays from now on.
For all info on these age groups then please contact Kathryn 087 244 1371.
The week ahead; Saturday; U12 league v Ballinamore on the 3G Breffni Park 3pm.
TBC- U14 Monaghan league v Monaghan Harps.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.
CITIZENS INFORMATION: Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News. April 13th 2017
/in News /by PetraBailieborough News. April 13th 2017 Matthew J. Cullen.
Easter and Holy Week Ceremonies at St. Annes
Holy Thursday, April 13th —Chrism Mass in the Cathedral of St. Patrick and St. Felim, Cavan at 11.30am. Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8.00pm in St. Annes.
Good Friday, April 14th: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3.00pm. Prayer around the Cross at 8.00pm.
Easter Vigil: Holy Saturday at 9.00pm. Confessions will also take place in St. Anne’s on Holy Saturday from 12 noon to 3.00pm.
Easter Sunday: Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection at 10.00am.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Easter 2017.
This Easter we will celebrate at a variety of services.
Friday, April 14th: Our Good Friday Services will be in Shercock at 7pm and Knockbride at 8.30pm.
Easter Sunday, April 16th: There will be two services on Easter Sunday:
At 6.20am we will meet outside Mullagh Church for a Sunrise Service followed by a light breakfast.
At 10:45am we will have a traditional Service of Holy Communion in Bailieborough Church, followed by tea and coffee in the hall. All of these services and gatherings are open to everybody.
Monday, April 17th: Church Family Picnic and Games at 12pm in the grounds of the Rectory in Bailieborough. Food, fun and games for all ages, just remember to bring your lunch and a blanket to sit on!
PRESBYTERIAN EASTER SERVICES: GOOD FRIDAY 14TH April. United Communion service in Corraneary church at 8.30 pm.
EASTER SUNDAY, 16th April. United Service in Corglass church at 11 am. All welcome to both Services.
Hardtimes Chorus—Easter Monday Fundraiser
Hardtimes Chorus is planning an exciting new show this October. Please support the charity work of our group and take part in this fundraiser on Easter Monday, April 17th. Run, Jog, Walk or Crawl!! Distances to suit everyone—1K, 3K, 5K or 10K. Registration from 5.30pm at the Community Centre with the event commencing at 6.00pm. Entry fees are Adults, €10, Children, €5 and Family, €15. Prize for the best Easter Novelty Outfit. Refreshments afterwards in the Community Centre.
LEND A HAND: ‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Bailieborough Shamrocks: Camogie Club: The Bailieborough Shamrock’s Camogie Club’s Annual Easter Cake Sale will take place on Easter Sunday in the Community Centre following 10.00am, Mass. Please support us by buying, cakes, books, dvds, or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea. If you would like to bake cakes for the Sale, please drop them into the Hall before Mass. The Camogie Club Mascot, ‘The Bailie Bunny’ for 2017 will be revealed!! All welcome.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C: Registration evening for Summer Soccer (boys and girls aged 7 to 10) is changed to Thursday evening, 13th April 2017, between 7 and 8pm. Depending on numbers interested in registering for Academy Soccer (Under 7 age group) we intend to train on Saturday afternoons. More information on this age group will follow registration evening.
Bailieborough Social Day Centre: Easter get-together will take place in the Community Centre on Wednesday, April 12th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. All members and new members always very welcome.
Open Garden Day & Duck Race
Looking for a novel way to spend an afternoon? You are invited to an open Garden Day and Duck Race hosted by Brendan and Jackie McKenna, Muff, Kingscourt, from 2pm-6pm on Easter Monday. Stroll around the cottage garden full of colour and new life, guaranteed to lift the spirits! Relax in Bella’s Kitchen to enjoy delicious homemade teas and pastries or rummage through our cosy car boot sale for a fabulous bargain. Then cheer on the hundreds of ducks as they jostle down the river to the winning post…you just might win a prize!
Admission by donation. Kids go free!
Car Boot Sale Pitch €10
All proceeds go to The Family Addiction Support Network.
Contact Jackie 086 1759419 for further information.
Pilates Resumes: Pilates resumes in Bailieborough Leisure Centre on Wednesday, 26th April at 10am and Cormeen Sports Complex on Tuesday, 25th April at 10am.
Monday and Wednesday evening classes also available at Cross, Mullagh.
Contact Julie 086 3283943, or FB message /JulieCarolanCavanPhysicalTherapy
Deepest Sympathy
Deepest Sympathy is extended to sons: Brendan, Aidan and Paul, daughters Bernadette and Ann, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nephews, nieces and extended family and friends on the death of Nancy Lynch (nee Clarke), Urcher, Bailieborough, Co Cavan who passed away peacefully, after a short illness at Cavan General Hospital on Monday, April 3rd, 2017. Nancy was pre-deceased by her husband, Dessie some years ago. Nancy’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Chapel on Thursday, April 6th with burial afterwards in St. Anne’s Cemetery.
Deepest Sympathy is extended to son Chris, daughter Fiona, daughter-in-law Siobhan, son-in-law Michael, sister Sally Rawson (UK) and brother John Fiddler (UK), grandchildren and extended family and friends on the death of Sue Corrie (nee Fiddler), Rowan Lodge, Knockbride East, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who died on Thursday, 6th April 2017, suddenly at her residence. Sue’s Funeral Service took place in Knockbride Parish Church on Saturday, April 8th with burial afterwards in the adjoining graveyard.
Safe Pass: Safe Pass at Bailieborough Business Centre on Friday next, 14th April from 8am – 4pm. Lunch included €100.00 Call 042- 96 94 716.
Easter at the Library: Spring into Storytime at your local Library with stories for children aged 5-8 years on Thursday, April 13th from 3.15pm-4pm and Thursday April 20th from 3.15pm-4pm. No charge but children must be registered with the Library to partake. Remember it is FREE to join your local Library!
Easter Workshop for all children aged 6-10 years on Thursday, April 20th from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Bookings to 042 9665779 or at the library desk. Places are limited at €2 per child. Note: all children participating must be registered with the Library and REMEMBER it is FREE to join.
Easter Cake Sale: Ballinamoney Parents Association are holding an Easter Cake Sale on Easter Sunday, after 10am Mass, in St. Mary’s Hall, Tierworker.
Come along for some delicious treats. Your support would be appreciated.
Bridge Results: Bridge Results, Easter Prizes: First: Helen Clarke and Kathleen McArdle, Second: Tom Moran and John McGahan. Best Gross: Anne Brady and Patsy Corcoran. Third: Kathy O’Sullivan and Teresa O’Reilly. Fourth: Pauline McEvoy and Rosaleen Keegan. Fifth: Olive Kellett and Gemma McCabe.
Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Hotel Bailie at 8.00pm. New members are always most welcome.
Bailieborough School of Music: Lotto results for 8/04/17. Numbers Drawn; 3, 8, 16, 18. No Jackpot Winner. Luck Dip (€25) Winners, Sarah O’Reilly, Lisnalea; Florrie McCabe, Lakeview; Helen Vaughan, Dundalk; Margaret Reilly, Kells Rd. Jackpot next week, €2,500.
Entries to ‘Summer Draw’, Paul Wakely, Kingscourt; Tom & Max, c/o Maguire’s Monaghanoose; Margo Gormley, Beckscourt; Teresa Cooney, Tierworker.
Bailieborough School of Music Lotto Launch Summer Give-away Draw.
In addition to our usual Jackpot and Lucky Dip Draws, 4 names will be entered into our Summer Give-away Draw which will take place in the Bailie Hotel on Saturday, August 19th 2017. 1st prize a Select Hotel Weekend Break for 2, 2nd prize €50 Bailie Hotel voucher, 3rd prize €50 Fox’s Bar and Restaurant voucher. Remember envelopes are on sale in usual outlets around the town and through our sellers every Saturday night. Yearly subscription forms are also available and can be downloaded from our website. Your continued support is very much appreciated.
Bailieborough Walking Group: Bailieborough Walking Group host three walks during this year’s Cavan Walking Festival. Saturday 29th April, 5k Forest Walk commencing at Bailieborough Business Centre at 11am.
Tuesday 2nd May, 5k Dun a Ri forest walk commencing at Cabra School, Shercock Rd., Kingscourt at 7pm.
Thursday 4th May 10k Lough an Leagh walk commencing at the picnic area Lough an Leagh at 7pm. All welcome.
Festival Meeting: There will be a meeting in the Bailieborough Development Association building on Monday, 24 April at 8.00pm, with a view to having a small festival in the town. Anyone who wishes to attend or has any helpful ideas are more than welcome. All welcome.
Holistic and Psychic Health Fair: A ‘Holistic and Psychic Health Fair’ will take place in the Bailie Hotel on Monday next—Easter Monday—from 11.00am to 5.00pm. Psychic Readings-Crystals-Angel Shops-Health Products-Holistic Healers and much more. Admission is free and this is a Charity Event to help build houses for the local community in Zambia. For more information, please contact Geraldine on 087-6730717.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for April, May and June 2017: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church–Saturday, April 15th (Easter Vigil, 9.00pm), April 30th (Sunday, 12.30pm), May 6th (Saturday, 1.30pm), May 21st (Sunday, 12.30pm), June 10th (Saturday, 1.30pm) and June 25th (Sunday, 1.00pm).
Bailieborough Library
Everyday Irish – Tuesday evenings 3pm to 5pm
Beginner Conversational Irish Class for Adults who would like to learn the basics.
Ipads with Social Media for Beginners – Wednesday afternoons 2.15pm-4pm. This course will help those wanting to get to grips with Social Media using IPADs. (IPADS are provided). Contact:042 9665779 or
Bailieborough Library Parent, Baby and Toddler Group has proven to be a vital life line for all stay-at-home parents who may be new to the area and wish to get out of the house and make new friends. There is a huge range of toys for children to play with, while parents can enjoy a cup of tea and chat.
The group meets at the Library Arts space every Wednesday at 10.30am-12pm. Why not join their Facebook Group and keep up to date with news and events.
Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis;
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm;
Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month;
Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday.
Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 10th April 2017
Under 6/8/10;
The lads take a well-earned break and will return after the Easter break. Some of the U10s will train outdoors with the U12s as they prepare for our tournament through May and June.
Under 12;
Just training this week on Monday in Kingscourt 6.45-7.45.
Under 14;
The lads had an impressive win v Cootehill away in the Monaghan league on Monday last but Cootehill got a measure of revenge with victory in the Cavan Feile final on Saturday. We now qualify for national Feile in June where we head for Carlow. More info in the weeks ahead.
The next round of the Monaghan league sees us play Carrickmacross in Kingscourt on Monday at 6.45. Good luck to all.
Above; Saturdays U14 squad.
Above; James, Tadhg and Diarmuid who have been selected on the Cavan cumbann na mbunscoil squad to play in Croke Park. Well done lads.
Celtic Challenge, intercounty U17 competition this year in May. A competitive group with Meath/Cavan/Louth/Monaghan/Longford and Leitrim. We aim to have even more of our boys on this panel this year. Training this Wednesday at 6.30 on the 3G with challenge games coming up in preparation for the main competition.
Athletics success;
Huge congratulations to our own Colin Gargan who won silver at the All Ireland U15 indoor athletics championships in Athlone at the weekend. All at ECG are very proud of his continuing successful development. Well done Colin.
If any of our club players have success at other disciplines then please send the info on to us here and we will be glad to share it.
Hurling training times and venues;
Kingscourt group; Under 6/8/10; EASTER BREAK NO HURLING
Thursday 6.45-7.45pm for all U6/8/10 in the Community Centre. €3 each and bring water bottle.
Bailieborough group U6/8/10; EASTER BREAK NO HURLING
Friday at the Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall. U6/8 from 6-7. Under 10 from 7-8pm. €3 each and bring the water bottle.
Under 12/14/16/18;
All training mostly on Mondays from now on with both the long evenings and the rule which says hurling to be played on Mondays. 6.30 in Kingscourt Stars pitch.
Under 16/18s will begin training when the minor football league is over.
For all info on these age groups then please contact Kathryn 087 244 1371.
The week ahead;
Monday- U12s training in Kingscourt 6.30.
U14s play Carrick at 6.45 also in Kingscourt
Wednesday – U17 Celtic Challenge Squad training Breffni Park.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.
CITIZENS INFORMATION: Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.
Bailieborough News. April 6th 2017
/in News /by PetraBailieborough News. April 6th 2017 Matthew J. Cullen.
Bailieborough Courthouse and Castle Lake Demense: Updates
The Bailieborough Development Association have secured €100,000 funding under Rural Economic Development Zone for the refurbishment of the offices in the Courthouse. This space will be available for shared work space to start-ups and small businesses.
We are in the tendering process for architectural services to draw up plans to engage a contractor. We hope to have works underway on the office space by June 2017. We have applied for funding under Peace to carry out works in the main Courtroom area. A decision on this application is awaited.
Castle Lake Project – A set of steps have been completed leading to the Brothers Graves. This work was completed by TÙS and CE workers and has been praised by all who have seen it for the excellent craftsmanship and quality of the work. Bailieborough Men’s Shed have been busy making additional seating to be placed around the forest and lake. This will make the forest more accessible to those who may have felt the walk too long in the past. March 9th and 10th saw the Community Planting of The Peace Forest. Coillte sponsored 2,000 Hardwood plants, prepared the area and allowed the Community access to the area to plant the forest. This was a wonderful 2 days with a visit by Minister Heather Humphreys who met with children from Bailieborough Community School Transition Year Programme and their course co-ordinator Ms Mary McMullen. Many thanks to all the volunteers over 200 people and special thanks to John Connolly – Forest Manager Coillte and Pat Sheridan Forest Technician Coillte. Our next project is to improve the signage around the lake and forest, to provide directional and information signage for visitors to the forest. There will be 3 walkways outlined on the signage, with information on the history and heritage of the site. We have applied to the Heritage Council for grant aid to assist with this programme. We are continually examining future opportunities for the Castle Lake and are privileged to have a permit from Coillte to do so.
‘Emer’s Evening’: (All proceeds go to St. Felim’s N.S. Playground)
Padraic and Lisa McIntyre held a fundraiser for Temple Street Children’s Hospital after their daughter Emer was born. It was called ‘Emer’s Evening for Temple Street’. To mark the fifth anniversary of this occasion, they are hosting it again. This time they have kindly offered that all proceeds will go to St. Felim’s N.S. Playground.
Emer’s Evening will take place in the Bailie Hotel, on Sunday, April 9th. Doors will open at 7.30pm with the show starting at 8.00pm, sharp. Tickets are €25 and are on sale from The Bailie Hotel and SuperValu.
The line –up for this event is one of the best ever assembled in the town: House Band—Kudos, MC’S on the night—Neal and Fergal Tully (The Goggle Box Twins), The Strypes, Charlie McGettigan (Eurovision Winner), Kevin McGahern (The Republic of Telly), Elenor Shanley (Singer), Michael Harding (Writer), Seamus O’Rourke (Writer and Actor), Saramai Leech (Singer/Songwriter), Geoff Minogue and Mike Sheehan (Fair City), Jane McGrath and Pa Ryan (Red Rock), Aoibhinn McGinity and Ian Lloyd Anderson (Love/ Hate), Manus Halligan (Actor), Peter Daly (Actor), Janet Moran (Actress), Aaron Monaghan (Actor), Clare Monnelly (Actress) and Jayne Origan and friends (Musical Theatre) and Conor McIntyre (Brother).
As the event will probably sell-out very quickly, patrons are advised to secure them as quickly as possible for what will be one of the events of the year!!
Easter and Holy Week Ceremonies at St. Annes: Passion Sunday: Vigil Mass at 7.00pm on Saturday, April 8th and Morning Mass at 10.00am on Sunday, April 9th.
Holy Thursday, April 13th —Chrism Mass in the Cathedral of St. Patrick and St. Felim, Cavan at 11.30am. Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8.00pm in St. Annes.
Good Friday, April 14th: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3.00pm. Prayer around the Cross at 8.00pm.
Easter Vigil: Holy Saturday at 9.00pm. Confessions will also take place in St. Anne’s on Holy Saturday from 12 noon to 3.00pm.
Easter Sunday: Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection at 10.00am.
Deepest Sympathy
Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Celia, sons Damien, John, Gabriel and Raymond, daughter Deborah, daughters-in-law, son-in-law, grandchildren, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, nephews, nieces and extended family on the death of Sean Kelly, Drumacarrow, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who died on Saturday, 11th March 2017, peacefully at Fairlawns Nursing Home, Bailieborough. Sean’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church on Monday, March 13th and following which, his remains were laid to rest in St. Annes Cemetery.
Deepest Sympathy is extended to husband John and son David, sister Olive, sister-in-law Angela, nieces, nephews and extended family circle on the death of Mrs Iris Johnston (nee Weir), Church Lane, Bailieborough, Co Cavan, who passed away peacefully at the Mater Hospital, Dublin on Wednesday, March 22nd , 2017.
Iris’s Funeral Service took place in Bailieborough Parish Church on Saturday, March 25th with burial afterwards in the adjoining graveyard.
Deepest sympathy is extended to wife, Joan on the death of her husband, James (Jimmy) Fisher, Gransha Road, Dondonald, Belfast and formerly of Tattyreagh, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan who died on Monday, 13th March, at his residence. Jimmy’s Funeral Service took place in Belfast with burial in Urcher Graveyard, Bailieborough on Thursday, March 16th.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes: Easter 2017:. This Easter we will celebrate at a variety of services.
Saturday, April 8th: ‘Messy Church’ from2.00pm to 4.00pm in the Bailieborough Church Hall. ‘Messy Church’ is an interactive service for all the family!
Friday, April 14th: Our Good Friday Services will be in Shercock at 7pm and Knockbride at 8.30pm.
Easter Sunday, April 16th: There will be two services on Easter Sunday:
At 6.20am we will meet outside Mullagh Church for a Sunrise Service followed by a light breakfast.
At 10:45am we will have a traditional Service of Holy Communion in Bailieborough Church, followed by tea and coffee in the hall. All of these services and gatherings are open to everybody.
Monday, April 17th: Church Family Picnic and Games at 12pm in the grounds of the Rectory in Bailieborough. Food, fun and games for all ages, just remember to bring your lunch and a blanket to sit on!
Big Bake-Off: The Temple Street ‘Big Bake-Off’ takes place on April 7-8 in Tesco, Bailieborough. Temple Street are hoping to raise 100,000 for a new machine for premature babies and Tesco are hosting a huge Cake Sale on Friday, April 7th and a ‘Fun Day’ with Face Painting, Popcorn, Candyfloss and Slush Puppies and a fab DJ on Saturday, April 8th. Everyone very welcome to support this worthy cause.
LEND A HAND: ‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Social Dancing: Social Dancing in the Community Centre this month is on Saturday next, 8th of April. Music is by Patsy Heart and Country Storm. Patsy himself is well known for his Jim Reeves like singing. Don’t miss it. Refreshments will be served as usual. Everyone welcome.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns
Bailieborough Tidy Towns need lots of help on ‘Spring Clean Day’ on Saturday next, April 8th 2017. Show how you care for your town and environment and come along to the Market Square at11 am. All helpers will be entered into a free draw. All volunteers welcome.
Cavan Birdwatch
Cavan Birdwatch outing to Glenfarne Forest park this Sunday, 9th April.
Meeting at the old ‘Ballroom of Romance’ at 12.00 noon.
Walk approx. 5 k. Guided walk looking at woodland birds and flowers.
Wear sturdy walking shoes or boots. Bring packed lunch. Contact 087 7735487 for more information.
Safe Pass
Safe Pass at Bailieborough Business Centre on Friday, 14th April from 8am – 4pm. Lunch included €100.00 Call 042- 96 94 716.
RUN/WALK/JOG/CRAWL: Join us on Mondays and Wednesdays to run, walk, jog or crawl at Bailieborough Community Centre at 8pm. Enjoy tea, biscuits and fruit afterwards. All welcome.
Hardtimes Chorus—Easter Monday Fundraiser
Hardtimes Chorus is planning an exciting new show this October. Please support the charity work of our group and take part in this fundraiser on Easter Monday, April 17th. Run, Jog, Walk or Crawl!! Distances to suit everyone—1K, 3K, 5K or 10K. Registration from 5.30pm at the Community Centre with the event commencing at 6.00pm. Entry fees are Adults, €10, Children, €5 and Family, €15. Prize for the best Easter Novelty Outfit. Refreshments afterwards in the Community Centre.
Bridge Results: Bridge Results, Tuesday, March 16th: First: Teresa O’Reilly and Joy Jameson, Second: Kathleen McArdle and Helen Clarke. Best Gross: Anne Brady and Gemma McCabe. Third: Pattie Clarke and Rose Brennan.
Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening in the Hotel Bailie at 8.00pm. New members are always most welcome.
Bailieborough Women’s Group
The Bailieborough Women’s Group continue to meet fortnightly in the Community Centre from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Lots of interesting activities and holidays. The next meeting is on Friday, April 7th. New members most welcome.
Bailieborough School of Music
Lotto results for 1/04/17. Numbers Drawn; 6, 14, 16, 18. No Jackpot Winner. Luck Dip (€25) Winners, Charles Farrelly; John Reilly; John Rooney, Curkish; James Cooney, Jnr, Curkish. Jackpot next week, €2,400.
Bailieborough School of Music Lotto Launch Summer Give-away Draw.
Starting on Saturday April 8th 2017, in addition to our usual Jackpot and Lucky Dip Draws, 4 names will be entered into our Summer Give-away Draw which will take place in the Bailie Hotel on Saturday, August 19th 2017. 1st prize a Select Hotel Weekend Break for 2, 2nd prize €50 Bailie Hotel voucher, 3rd prize €50 Fox’s Bar and Restaurant voucher. Remember envelopes are on sale in usual outlets around the town and through our sellers every Saturday night. Yearly subscription forms are also available and can be downloaded from our website. Your continued support is very much appreciated.
Reconciliation Service for Easter
A Reconciliation Service for Easter will take place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Sunday next, April 9th (Passion Sunday), at 7.00pm. Confessions will be heard by the Priests of the Pastoral Centre as part of a scripture service. Confessions for Easter will also take place on Holy Saturday, April 15th from 12 noon to 3.00pm.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for April, May and June 2017: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church–April 8th (Saturday, 1.30pm), Saturday, April 15th (Easter Vigil, 9.00pm), April 30th (Sunday, 12.30pm), May 6th (Saturday, 1.30pm), May 21st (Sunday, 12.30pm), June 10th (Saturday, 1.30pm) and June 25th (Sunday, 1.00pm).
Bailieborough Library: Everyday Irish – Tuesday evenings 3pm to 5pm
Beginner Conversational Irish Class for Adults who would like to learn the basics.
Ipads with Social Media for Beginners – Wednesday afternoons 2.15pm-4pm. This course will help those wanting to get to grips with Social Media using IPADs. (IPADS are provided). Contact:042 9665779 or
Bailieborough Library Parent, Baby and Toddler Group has proven to be a vital life line for all stay-at-home parents who may be new to the area and wish to get out of the house and make new friends. There is a huge range of toys for children to play with, while parents can enjoy a cup of tea and chat.
The group meets at the Library Arts space every Wednesday at 10.30am-12pm. Why not join their Facebook Group and keep up to date with news and events.
Citizens Information every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30pm on a first come first served basis;
Craft Group every Friday 10.30am-1pm;
Book Club 6pm-7pm last Thursday of every month;
Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Bailieborough Celtic A.F.C: Summer Soccer is back for 2017 with Under 8’s, 9’s and 10’s training on Thursday evenings from 6pm to 7pm AT THE Vale Grounds. We expect to start the CMUL Summer Soccer season in June with home and away fixtures being played up until the end of August.
Registration evening for Summer Soccer (boys and girls aged 7 to 10) is changed to Thursday evening, 13th April 2017, between 7 and 8pm. Depending on numbers interested in registering for Academy Soccer (Under 7 age group) we intend to train on Saturday afternoons. More information on this age group will follow registration evening.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 3rd April 2017:
Under 6/8/10; Training continues as normal indoors. This week will be the last indoor session for our Under 10s as they will move outdoors for our annual tournament on Mondays in May and June. U6/8s will remain indoors until late May. We go to our friends in Carrick again this coming Saturday 5-6pm in the Phoenix Centre for another small blitz. They will then get a nice break for Easter and return to training at the end of April.
Under 12; Another comprehensive win for the boys this time v Woodford in the Spring League on Saturday last. Good work and skill being shown by these boys many making the step up to U12 for the first time.
Under 14; The Cavan Féile qualifying competition will take place this coming Saturday on the 3G at Breffni Park. The lads are hoping to qualify for National Féile na nGael which this year is being held in Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford in June.
Celtic Challenge, intercounty U17 competition this year in May. A competitive group with Meath/Cavan/Louth/Monaghan/Longford and Leitrim. We aim to have even more of our boys on this panel this year. Training this Wednesday at 6.30 on the 3G with challenge games coming up in preparation for the main competition.
Hurling training times and venues; Kingscourt group; Under 6/8/10; Thursday 6.45-7.45pm for all U6/8/10 in the Community Centre. €3 each and bring water bottle.
Bailieborough group U6/8/10; Friday at the Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall. U6/8 from 6-7. Under 10 from 7-8pm. €3 each and bring the water bottle.
Under 12/14/16/18; All training will move to Monday from next week 10th April with both the long evenings and the rule which says hurling to be played on Mondays. Time and venue tbc.
Under 16/18s will begin training when the minor football league is over. For all info on these age groups then please contact Kathryn 087 244 1371.
The week ahead; Monday- U14 Monaghan League away to Cootehill 6.30 Wednesday – U17 Celtic Challenge Squad training Breffni Park. Thursday Kingscourt U6/8/10 training indoors in the Community Centre 6.45-7.45 for all. Friday Bailieborough U6/8/10 training indoors in the Community School Sports Hall. U6/8 6-7pm. U10 7-8pm. Saturday U6/8/10 blitz indoors in Phoenix Centre Carrickmacross 5-6pm. Saturday, U12 league game, U14s Feile qualification competition.
Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre will be running a Kayak Skills Camp on the 10th-12th April from 10am-2pm daily for 9-16 year olds and a Forest School Camp Craft on the 19th-21st April from 10am-2pm daily for 6-12 year olds. Camps are run by highly qualified and experienced instructors. Contact Philomena on 049 5552988 to book your place.
Fíor Ceili: Fíor Céili practice takes place in the Killinkere GAA Centre every Wednesday at 8.30pm. All welcome.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information contact: Michael Cullen 087 154 2447 or Edel Fox 086 1004030.
CITIZENS INFORMATION: Co. Cavan Citizens Information Outreach Service in Bailieboro (The Library) on Tuesdays, from 1.30pm – 2.30pm. This is a weekly service. Any enquiries 076 1075200.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
If any readers have items of interest to be included in the Bailieborough News, (Obituaries, News Items, Sports, etc…), please e-mail: or call 042 9666200.