Bailieborough News
If you have any news to submit to us that we haven’t covered, including announcements or press statements, please email us here at We would be glad to hear from you.
Bailieborough Notes is sourced each week from Matty Cullen and is not written by the admin team at
If you have any other news you wish to be posted on the site, please get in contact with us here through Facebook, Twitter, by contacting us directly via email at or by phoning (042) 969 4716.
Bailieborough News Thursday October 3rd 2019
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. October 3rd 2019 2019. Matthew J. Cullen.
Bailieborough Poetry Festival 2019: The 7th Bailieborough Poetry Festival will take place this weekend from Thursday, 3rd to Saturday, 5th October. Building on previous years’ events there will be a refreshing group of poets, artists, readers and musicians. The following is the programme of events for the Festival:
Thursday 3rd October: Venue; Bailieborough Library Arts Space at 7.30 pm: Launch of Festival surrounded by the art work of Jim McPartlin in the Exhibition space. Reading by LitLab members.
Friday 4th October. Venue; Murtagh’s Lounge, Main St.
7.30 pm: Moya Cannon launches LitLab Anthology accompanied by Editor and Cavan Writer in Residence, Anthony J Quinn.
8.30 pm; Moya Cannon, poetry reading.
9.30 pm: Open mic.
Saturday 5th October.
10am: Venue; Bailieborough Courthouse, Meeting Space.
Pat Boran, Workshop entitled ‘Editing, revising, and finding the poem inside the poem.’
10am: Venue; Bailieborough Library Arts Space.
Moya Cannon Workshop. Aimed at the writer in progress entitled ‘Keeping Going’ (workshops to be booked on Numbers limited.
2.30pm: Venue; Bailieborough Library Arts Space.
Baileborough Poetry Prize Giving and Reading of prizewinning poems by Cavan Writer-in- residence, Anthony J. Quinn.
4pm: Writing masterclass for all aspiring writers by Anthony J. Quinn.
7.30pm: Venue; Murtagh’s Lounge, Main St.
Kate Ennals, poetry reading.
8.30pm: Pat Boran, Reading.
9.30 pm: Open Mic hosted by Ann Hanley.
10pm: Music by singer/songwriter, Danny Forde.
Bailieborough Poetry Festival……………..WHERE WORDS MATTER.
Harvest Mission :The Bailieborough Group of Church of Ireland Parishes will be taking part in a diocese wide harvest mission called ‘Gathered In’. All of the mission events are open to everyone and anyone who wants to come along.
Wednesday 2nd October 8pm in the Bailie Hotel, Johnny Cash ‘Walking the Line’ – David Kelly sings the songs of Johnny Cash and relays the ups ad downs of Johnny’s spiritual life story.
East Cavan Swim Club: East Cavan Swim Club. – Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday next, 4th October at 8pm in the Bailie Hotel. All welcome.
October—Month of The Rosary: The Rosary will be said at the Grotto on the Virginia Road for the month of October at 7.30pm, every evening except Saturdays. All are very welcome to come along and pray for their many intentions.
‘Colourful Cavan and Beyond,’ by Artist Jim McParlin. An Art exhibition comprising of paintings depicting scenes from around the county and locations further afield. The exhibition will be on view in the Library until Friday, October 18th. All are welcome during Library opening hours.
Bailieborough Heritage Society: Bailieborough Heritage Society are launching a book entitled’ Industrious Bailieborough on Friday, October 4th at 8.00pm in the newly renovated Courthouse. The book will be launched by local Actor and Playwright, Padraic McIntyre. Refreshments served and all are welcome to attend.
Trad Musicians Wanted: Calling all amateur traditional musicians. Bailieborough Development Association would like to encourage amateur musicians to come together to share their musical skills and have the craic. This is a social programme, designed to get people out of isolation and to socialise and share skills. Call 042-969-4716 for further information.
Bailieborough Women’s Group: Bailieborough Women’s Group will meet in the Community Centre on Friday afternoon next, October 4th from 2pm to 4pm. New members most welcome.
Bailieborough School of Music: Lotto results for 28-09-2019. Numbers Drawn; 03, 19, 28, 29. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Yvonne and Paul Rooney; Patsy Clarke; Martin and Patricia McGuirk; Enda Sheridan(Jnr). Next week’s Jackpot €6,200.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to son Thomas, daughters Miriam and Heather, sister Betty, grandchildren Rebecca, Erika and Ava, nephews, nieces, cousins, relatives and friends, on the death of Gilbert Gibson, Rockview, Lisball, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away peacefully at his residence on Monday, September 23rd. Gilbert was predeceased by his wife Harriett. Gilbert’s Funeral Service took place in Corglass Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, September 25th with burial afterwards in the adjoining graveyard.
Bowls: Bailieborough Community Bowls continue in the Community Centre on Wednesday evenings at 8.00pm. New members—both male and female are most welcome.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd’s Annual Variety Concert will be held on Friday, 15th and Saturday, 16th November. We are looking for local talent to take part…..if interested, please contact Edel on 086 1004030.
Computers for Farmers: Help is at hand for farmers, who need training in Basic Computers, On-line Herd Registration Form Filling, Internet and email, Farm Record Keeping, Health and Safety etc. Classes are free and are commencing on Monday evenings in Bailieborough Business Centre at 7pm. To book a place contact Noelette Dolan on 087 9293531 or Elizabeth on 087 6190040.
Bailieborough Branch and Unit of the Irish Red Cross: Would like to thank all who contributed so generously to their Church Gate collection last weekend. They rely solely on donations, fundraising and duties to help keep the Branch and Unit operating. Thanks to you all.
Walk, Jog, Run or Crawl! Run, walk, crawl or jog every Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Community Centre, Chapel Road, Bailieborough at 8pm. It’s free!!!! And there is no catch! All newcomers welcome. Also the Saturday morning Leisure Group Cycle is back and takes place on Saturday mornings leaving from the Community Centre, Bailieborough at 9.00AM. Please bring euros for coffee stop and all welcome.
Vincent’s Shop: It is getting to that time of the year again, the dreaded ‘C’ word and we would like to ask if any of our regular or new donators can search through their attics, garages, etc… and donate any unwanted Halloween outfits, decorations, bric-a-brac, etc… and also Christmas jumpers, outfits, decorations, boxed toys (preferably new), along with Christmas Bric-a-Brac, so that we can recycle them this year for Christmas instead of them finding a home in landfill!! We also accept all forms of clothing but are especially looking for men and youth clothing from 16 to 24 years of age. Thank you for your continued support of our shop.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to sisters, Patricia Mitchell and Mary Maye (Croghan) and nephews, Michael and Patrick, niece Pauline, niece-in-law Anne, grandnieces Evelyn and Ursula, cousins, relatives and friends on the death of James (JP) Mitchell, Drumderrig Nursing Home, Boyle, Co. Roscommon and formerly Church Lane, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away peacefully, in his 77th year, at Drumderrig Nursing Home, Boyle, on Tuesday, September 24th. James was predeceased by his parents, Michael and Agnes. Jame’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough on Friday morning, September 27th with burial afterwards in St. Annes Cemetery.
Irish Dancing Classes: Irish Dancing Classes take place every Thursday evening from 6.00 to 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. For further details, please contact: Tracy at 085 771 2282.
Halloween ‘Fright Night’ is back!!: Bailieborough Mid-Summer Festival and Town Events are happy to announce that, the ‘Halloween Fright Night’ is back on this year. Following the terrific success of last year’s event, this year’s one takes place on Friday, October 25th at the Chapel Carpark, at the Town Lake. Registration is from 6.00pm and the night promises to be one filled with Scary Walks, Music, Tea, Coffee and Treats. For more information, please contact Tony at 086 3993 430.
Citizen’s Information: The service takes place every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the Library— providing information, advice and advocacy supports to everyone on Social welfare, employment, Pensions, Health, Tax etc. No appointment necessary.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’: ‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for October and November 2019: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church– October 6th (Sunday, 12.30pm), October 19th (Saturday, 1.30pm), November 3rd (Sunday, 12.30pm) and November 16th (Saturday, 1.30pm).
Bailieborough Library: The Craft Group are still going strong with many great memories and hopefully more to come! Not just a craft group, but a place to come, have a cuppa, learn new talents, make new friends and feel very welcome. Everyone is welcome every Friday morning drop in from 10am to 1pm!
Book Club 6pm-7pm on the last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
Tullyvin Musical Society: Tickets are now on sale for Tullyvin Musical Society’s upcoming show ‘All Shook Up’ which runs fromWednesday16th -Saturday19th October in Tullyvin Community Centre at 8pm nightly. Tickets €18 can be purchased on or from any cast member. Thank you in advance for your ongoing support.
Autumn Craft and Gift Fair: Autumn Craft and Gift fair, in the Slieve Russell Hotel, Ballyconnell,on Sunday 6th October, from 12-5pm, free admission. See for more information or ring
049 436 4877.
Bailieborough News Thursday 26th September
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. September 26th 2019. Matthew J. Cullen.
‘Walk for Willow’: The ‘Walk for Willow’ was held at the end of August and proved to be a very successful event. On Saturday night last, in the Bailie Hotel, the grand total of €10,279.50 was revealed and it is now on it’s way to Féileacáin ( Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Association of Ireland ). Thank you to each and every one of you who has donated in Willow’s Memory and also a big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who helped organise the event, participated in it or helped out in any way.
Harvest Mission :Between Sunday next, 29th September and Wednesday, 2nd October, The Bailieborough Group of Church of Ireland Parishes will be taking part in a diocese wide harvest mission called ‘Gathered In’. All of the mission events are open to everyone and anyone who wants to come along. Here are some notable times and events:
Sunday 29th September at 3pm outside Knockbride Church, Community Tractor Service – polish up the Tractor and bring it out to pray for the harvest.
Tuesday 1st October at 11am Coffee morning in the Rectory, 7:30pm Wholeness and Healing Service in Bailieborough Church.
Wednesday 2nd October 8pm in the Bailie Hotel, Johnny Cash ‘Walking the Line’ – David Kelly sings the songs of Johnny Cash and relays the ups ad downs of Johnny’s spiritual life story.
For more details contact Rev Ian Horner.
‘Colourful Cavan and Beyond,’ by Artist Jim McParlin. An Art exhibition comprising of paintings depicting scenes from around the county and locations further afield. The exhibition will be on view in the Library until Friday, October 18th. All are welcome during Library opening hours.
Bailieborough Social Day Centre: The Bailieborough Social Day Centre’s next get -together will be on Wednesday, September 25th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road, for the usual entertainment. New people are very welcome to join. Deposits for the overnight trip to the Abbey Hotel in Donegal Town on the 1st of October will be collected on this day.
Introduction to the Internet: Cavan/ Monaghan Education and Training Board will facilitate an ‘Introduction to the Internet’ course starting on Thursday next, September 26th, from 12.30pm-2.30pm in the Library, Market Square. The six week course is FREE and participants are asked to bring their own laptop or tablet. Phone 042 9665779 to book you place.
Bailieborough Heritage Society: Bailieborough Heritage Society are launching a book entitled’ Industrious Bailieborough on Friday, October 4th at 8.00pm in the newly renovated Courthouse. Refreshments served and all are welcome to attend.
Trad Musicians Wanted: Calling all amateur traditional musicians. Bailieborough Development Association would like to encourage amateur musicians to come together to share their musical skills and have the craic. This is a social programme, designed to get people out of isolation and to socialise and share skills. Call 042-969-4716 for further information.
Bailieborough School of Music: Lotto results for 14-09-2019. Numbers Drawn; 10, 14, 18, 28. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Mairead McCabe; John Gibson; Padraig Liggan; Seamus McCaul. Next week’s Jackpot €6,100.
Bailieborough Poetry Festival 2019: The 7th Bailieborough Poetry Festival will take place this year from Thursday, 3rd to Saturday, 5th October. Building on previous years’ events there will be a refreshing group of poets, artists, readers and musicians. The following is the programme of events for the festival:
Thursday 3rd October: Venue; Bailieborough Library Arts Space at 7.30 pm: Launch of Festival surrounded by the art work of Jim McPartlin in the Exhibition space. Reading by LitLab members.
Friday 4th October. Venue; Murtagh’s Lounge, Main St.
7.30 pm: Moya Cannon launches LitLab Anthology accompanied by Editor and Cavan Writer in Residence, Anthony J Quinn.
8.30 pm; Moya Cannon, poetry reading.
9.30 pm: Open mic.
Saturday 5th October.
10am: Venue; Bailieborough Courthouse, Meeting Space.
Pat Boran, Workshop entitled ‘Editing, revising, and finding the poem inside the poem.’
10am: Venue; Bailieborough Library Arts Space.
Moya Cannon Workshop. Aimed at the writer in progress entitled ‘Keeping Going’ (workshops to be booked on Numbers limited.
2.30pm: Venue; Bailieborough Library Arts Space.
Baileborough Poetry Prize Giving and Reading of prizewinning poems by Cavan Writer-in- residence, Anthony J. Quinn.
4pm: Writing masterclass for all aspiring writers by Anthony J. Quinn.
7.30pm: Venue; Murtagh’s Lounge, Main St.
Kate Ennals, poetry reading.
8.30pm: Pat Boran, Reading.
9.30 pm: Open Mic hosted by Ann Hanley.
10pm: Music by singer/songwriter, Danny Forde.
Bailieborough Poetry Festival……………..WHERE WORDS MATTER.
Vincent’s Shop: Some of our current volunteers said that they first volunteered with us to meet new people, make a difference in their local community and felt that it was a good way to spend their free time. We at Vincents, on Main St., Bailieborough are currently looking to add to our current set-up of volunteers, mainly to cover Saturday mornings from 10.00am to 1pm, every Saturday. Should you wish to join us for this role, please call into the Shop to speak to Stephen McGuire, the Shop Manager or call him on 085 1894 922.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife, Nuala, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends on the death of Terence (Terry) Dunne, Lisnalea, Bailieborough, Co Cavan who passed away peacefully at Cavan General Hospital surrounded by his loving family on Sunday, September 15th. Terry was predeceased by his brothers Philip and Thomas and his sister Eleanor. Terry’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Anne’s Church on Wednesday, September 18th with burial afterwards in St. Anne’s Cemetery.
Bowls: Bailieborough Community Bowls continue in the Community Centre on Wednesday evenings at 8.00pm, for the new Bowls season. New members—both male and female are most welcome.
Computers for Farmers: Help is at hand for farmers, who need training in Basic Computers, On-line Herd Registration Form Filling, Internet and email, Farm Record Keeping, Health and Safety etc. Classes are free and are commencing on Monday evenings in Bailieborough Business Centre at 7pm. To book a place contact Noelette Dolan on 087 9293531 or Elizabeth on 087 6190040.
Bailieborough Hen’s Shed: Bailieborough Hen’s Shed is a sparkly new initiative, which aims to give the women of Bailieborough, a space where they can take time for themselves, enjoy company and a chat over a cup of tea, engage in courses and community projects and most importantly, make friends and create a support network, so that we ladies can be there for each other when needed.
A small group of ladies are currently negotiating the process of setting up this group and we would welcome the input of any women who would be interested in being members of the group.
We want your suggestions and support in developing a programme of activities and get-togethers for the initial period from September 2019 up to Christmas 2019. By then we should have an established group to carry us forward into 2020 and beyond!
The Beckscourt Centre has kindly agreed to provide space for us as we take our first steps and a big ‘Thank You’ goes to Padraig McBreen and Breffni Integrated for their support so far. Now it is up to we ladies to do it for ourselves!
Are you interested, either in being part of the initial planning geoup or just becoming a member, if so please make contact with Maria at or find us on Facebook and send a request to join our private group.
Walk, Jog, Run or Crawl! Run, walk, crawl or jog every Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Community Centre, Chapel Road, Bailieborough at 8pm. It’s free!!!! And there is no catch! All newcomers welcome. Also the Saturday morning Leisure Group Cycle is back and takes place on Saturday mornings leaving from the Community Centre, Bailieborough at 9.00AM. Please bring euros for coffee stop and all welcome.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to loving husband Charlie, sons Plunkett, Cathal and Patrick, daughter Julie, daughters-in-law Shirley and Jenny, Patrick’s partner Aoife, son-in-law Nigel, grandchildren, brothers Malachy and James, sisters Catherine, Bridgid, Marie, Gertie and Josephine, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews and extended family and friends on the death of Sheila Clarke (née Plunkett), Leitrim, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan and formerly Carnaross, Co Meath, who passed away peacefully at her residence, in the loving care of her family on Monday, September 16th . Sheila’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Patrick’s Church, Tierworker on Thursday, September 19th with burial afterwards in Moybologue Cemetery.
Irish Dancing Classes: Irish Dancing Classes take place every Thursday evening from 6.00 to 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. For further details, please contact: Tracy at 085 771 2282.
Spanish Lessons with Lydia: Spanish Lessons with Lydia in Bailieborough will take place in the B.D.A. Centre, Shercock Road, (beside the playground) on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Group lessons for school children (all ages), adult lessons, beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. For more information, call or message Lydia on 087 741 4735.
Citizen’s Information: The service takes place every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the Library— providing information, advice and advocacy supports to everyone on Social welfare, employment, Pensions, Health, Tax etc. No appointment necessary.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’: ‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
School Reunion: On Saturday next, 28th September, the Bailieborough Community School ‘Class of 89’ are having a school reunion in Nixys, The Square Bar, at 9.30 pm. Please contact Caroline at 042 9666355 for further information.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for October and November 2019: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church– October 6th (Sunday, 12.30pm), October 19th (Saturday, 1.30pm), November 3rd (Sunday, 12.30pm) and November 16th (Saturday, 1.30pm).
Bailieborough Library: The Craft Group are still going strong with many great memories and hopefully more to come! Not just a craft group, but a place to come, have a cuppa, learn new talents, make new friends and feel very welcome. Everyone is welcome every Friday morning drop in from 10am to 1pm!
Book Club 6pm-7pm on the last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 23rd, September 2019
With most local adult football now almost finished for the year it will be an opportunity for our lads to prepare early for the 2020 season with a few weeks of training and challenge games to finish out the year. Training will resume in early October.
Under 13/15/17;
Under 13s continue every other week in Breffni at the U13 league. They are going very well.
Under 11;
The under 11s continue their fine season in Breffni on Monday in the penultimate round of the league.
Under 7/9;
We are almost ready to hit the ground with our indoor season. We hope to have individual sessions for both the U7s and U9s. Full details next week but we expect to start the first week of October.
All Ireland football ticket draws;
Thanks to all who supported both draws for tickets for the two All Ireland football finals. Congratulations to Jack Barry and Bernie Lambe. Your support has contributed significantly to the purchase of a new set of U11 jerseys for the boys.
Thank you.
Croke Park activity day;
Congratulations to both Finan Kerr and Eoghan McBreen who represented the club in Croke Park on Sunday last playing both hurling and football on the hallowed turf. Well done lads.
The week ahead;
Monday; U11 in Breffni 7pm. U13s in Killann 6pm.
Club contacts;
U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.
Tullyvin Musical Society: Tickets are now on sale for Tullyvin Musical Society’s upcoming show ‘All Shook Up’ which runs fromWednesday16th -Saturday19th October in Tullyvin Community Centre at 8pm nightly. Tickets €18 can be purchased on or from any cast member. Thank you in advance for your ongoing support.
Home Insulation: Free home insulation applications and grant applications are available through Leitrim Warmer Homes for houses built before 2006. Free home insulation is available to qualifying fuel poor households and SEAI grants are available for all other households. The free scheme and grant scheme covers attic, cavity wall, internal and external wall insulation. To find out more and to apply, call Leitrim Warmer Homes on 07196 40771. Leitrim Warmer Homes is a local and trusted energy efficiency contractor serving the communities of the North West.
Autumn Craft and Gift Fair: Autumn Craft and Gift fair, in the Slieve Russell Hotel, Ballyconnell,on Sunday 6th October, from 12-5pm, free admission. See for more information or ring 049 436 4877.
Bailieborough News Thursday 19th September 2019
/in News /by Liz FlemingBailieborough News. September 19th 2019. Matthew J. Cullen.
Culture Night, Friday, September 20th: ‘Colourful Cavan and Beyond,’ by Artist Jim McParlin. An Art exhibition comprising of paintings depicting scenes from around the county and locations further afield. Venue: Bailieborough Library, Market Square, Bailieborough, Co Cavan. Time: 4pm to 5:15pm. All welcome.
Best Wishes: Best Wishes are extended to Lorraine Harris and staff on the opening of the new Post Office, in SuperValu, Bailieborough. Catherine O’Reilly—former postmistress—performed the cutting of the ribbon at the new office on Monday morning and local ‘legend’, Vincent Gunn was the first customer up to the counter!!
Please note that the old letter box at the old Post Office on Main Street is still in existence and being used until further notice.
‘The Open Door Sessions—Culture Night, Friday, September 20th: A gathering together to celebrate music, poetry, comedy and art.
A celebration of music, poetry, comedy and art, commencing at 9.00pm, in ‘Downstairs @ Nixy’s’, The Square Bar, Bailieborough. Guests on the night: Faraway Martin (music), Joe Byrne (poet), Hidden Stills (music), Ross Mc Carthy (comedian), Miriam Fitzgerald Juskova (visual artist) and local woman, Fidel Hogan Walsh (poet). Free admission and all are most welcome to attend. .
Moybologue Historical Society: After the success of ‘Moybologue and the parishes of East Cavan; 1400 – 1800’ in October 2018, Moybologue Historical Society – Cumann Seanchais Mhaigh Bolg is delighted to welcome Monsignor Liam Kelly back to Tierworker for ‘Culture Night‘ 2019 with a talk on ‘Culture Night: The Battle Of Coolnahinch and other troubles in the 1790s,’ in St. Mary’s Hall, Tierworker on Friday 20th September at 8:30pm.
Monsignor Kelly is a native of County Leitrim and is current Diocesan Administrator of the Diocese of Kilmore. He was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese of Kilmore in 2015. He is a noted historian and has written several books, his most recent one being The Diocese of Kilmore c,1100-1800 which was published in 2017. Join us on the night to hear his insights into the troubled and tragic events at nearby Coolnahinch in November 1793.
As with all our talks and events, admission is free of charge, refreshments will be served and all are welcome.
First Holy Communion: Congratulations to Mervyn Lloyd (Junior), from the Model School who received his First Holy Communion in St. Anne’s Church on Sunday morning last. Thank you to Mervyn’s parents for their co-operation and to the area Pastoral assistant, Andrea Connelly for all her help and guidance.
Bailieborough Development Association are proud to announce that Phase 1 and 2 of Bailieborough Courthouse regeneration project is complete. We are inviting interested parties who would like to use the space to give us a call for a viewing. The spaces comprise, individual pay per day Hot Desk, Meeting Space, Training Space, Rehearsal and Performance space, Studio space. We have made the space as versatile as possible to suit all different types of use. Please call Lee on 042-969-4716 or 086-794-9739 or email
Bailieborough Social Day Centre: The Bailieborough Social Day Centre will be starting back on Wednesday, September 25th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road, for the usual entertainment. New members are always most welcome.
Trad Musicians Wanted: Calling all amateur traditional musicians. Bailieborough Development Association would like to encourage amateur musicians to come together to share their musical skills and have the craic. This is a social programme, designed to get people out of isolation and to socialise and share skills. Call 042-969-4716 for further information.
Legion of Mary: The Legion of Mary are organising a bus to Knock Shrine on Sunday next, September 22nd. Anyone wishing to go, please contact any Legion member. Everyone welcome.
Vincent’s Shop: Some of our current volunteers said that they first volunteered with us to meet new people, make a difference in their local community and felt that it was a good way to spend their free time. We at Vincents, on Main St., Bailieborough are currently looking to add to our current set-up of volunteers, mainly to cover Saturday mornings from 10.00am to 1pm, every Saturday. Should you wish to join us for this role, please call into the Shop to speak to Stephen McGuire, the Shop Manager or call him on 085 1894 922.
Bowls: Bailieborough Community Bowls continue in the Community Centre on Wednesday evenings at 8.00pm, for the new Bowls season. New members—both male and female are most welcome.
Computers for Farmers: Help is at hand for farmers, who need training in Basic Computers, On-line Herd Registration Form Filling, Internet and email, Farm Record Keeping, Health and Safety etc. Classes are free and are commencing on Monday evenings this September in Bailieborough Business Centre at 7pm. To book a place contact Noelette Dolan on 087 9293531 or Elizabeth on 087 6190040.
Bailieborough Hen’s Shed: Bailieborough Hen’s Shed is a sparkly new initiative, which aims to give the women of Bailieborough, a space where they can take time for themselves, enjoy company and a chat over a cup of tea, engage in courses and community projects and most importantly, make friends and create a support network, so that we ladies can be there for each other when needed.
A small group of ladies are currently negotiating the process of setting up this group and we would welcome the input of any women who would be interested in being members of the group.
We want your suggestions and support in developing a programme of activities and get-togethers for the initial period from September 2019 up to Christmas 2019. By then we should have an established group to carry us forward into 2020 and beyond!
The Beckscourt Centre has kindly agreed to provide space for us as we take our first steps and a big ‘Thank You’ goes to Padraig McBreen and Breffni Integrated for their support so far. Now it is up to we ladies to do it for ourselves!
Are you interested, either in being part of the initial planning group or just becoming a member, if so please make contact with Maria at or find us on Facebook and send a request to join our private group.
Walk, Jog, Run or Crawl! Run, walk, crawl or jog every Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Community Centre, Chapel Road, Bailieborough at 8pm. It’s free!!!! And there is no catch! All newcomers welcome. Also the Saturday morning Leisure Group Cycle is back and takes place on Saturday mornings leaving from the Community Centre, Bailieborough at 9.00AM. Please bring euros for coffee stop and all welcome.
Irish Dancing Classes: Irish Dancing Classes take place every Thursday evening from 6.00 to 8.00pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. For further details, please contact: Tracy at 085 771 2282.
Multiple Sclerosis—Cavan Branch: The Cavan Branch of Multiple Sclerosis would like to thank everyone who donated to their recent Church Gate collections in Bailieborough and Killann. Your donations are very much appreciated.
Spanish Lessons with Lydia: Spanish Lessons with Lydia in Bailieborough will take place in the B.D.A. Centre, Shercock Road, (beside the playground) on Tuesday and Wednesday, ¾ September. Group lessons for school children (all ages), adult lessons, beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. For more information, call or message Lydia on 087 741 4735.
Bailieborough School of Music: Lotto results for 14-09-2019. Numbers Drawn; 7, 13, 25, 28. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Gerry and Lisa Clarke; Annie Corcoran; Elaine Collins; Lindsey Gaynor. Next week’s Jackpot €6,000.
Citizen’s Information: The service takes place every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the Library— providing information, advice and advocacy supports to everyone on Social welfare, employment, Pensions, Health, Tax etc. No appointment necessary.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’: ‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Harvest Mission :Between Sunday, 29th September and Wednesday, 2nd October, The Bailieborough Group of Church of Ireland Parishes will be taking part in a diocese wide harvest mission called ‘Gathered In’. All of the mission events are open to everyone and anyone who wants to come along. Here are some notable times and events:
Sunday 29th September at 3pm outside Knockbride Church, Community Tractor Service – polish up the Tractor and bring it out to pray for the harvest.
Tuesday 1st October at 11am Coffee morning in the Rectory, 7:30pm Wholeness and Healing Service in Bailieborough Church.
Wednesday 2nd October 8pm in the Bailie Hotel, Johnny Cash ‘Walking the Line’ – David Kelly sings the songs of Johnny Cash and relays the ups ad downs of Johnny’s spiritual life story.
For more details contact Rev Ian Horner.
School Reunion: On Saturday 28th September, the Bailieborough Community School ‘Class of 89’ are having a school reunion in Nixys, The Square Bar, at 9.30 pm. Please contact Caroline at 042 9666355 for further information.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for September and October 2019: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church– September 21st (Saturday, 1.30pm), October 6th (Sunday, 12.30pm) and October 19th (Saturday, 1.30pm).
Bailieborough Library: The Craft Group are still going strong with many great memories and hopefully more to come! Not just a craft group, but a place to come, have a cuppa, learn new talents, make new friends and feel very welcome. Everyone is welcome every Friday morning drop in from 10am to 1pm!
Book Club 6pm-7pm on the last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
‘Cowfest’: ‘Cowfest’ is an event being held to commerate the 5th anniversary of the rescue of fugitive cow, ‘Rambling Rose’ and her calf ‘Sunday’, by Meath River Rescue from an island on Breakey Lake. On Friday next, September 20th at 10pm, there will be live music in the Jolly Old Cross, Cormeen by Reilly and the Moonrakers, with a Jiving competition from 10pm to 11pm. There will be practise time from 9pm. No cover charge.
On Saturday, September 21st there will be a Rural Walk from Cormenn Sports Complex at 1.00pm. Refreshments afterwards. 10 entry fee per adult. At 2.00pm, there will be a Community Day at Cormeen Sports Complex with live music, art exhibition, talks, arts and crafts and games for the kids, and boat trips on Breakey Lake by Meath River Rescue. At 8.00pm, there will be drama at Cormeen Sports Complex, with the staging of ‘An Ogeous Brose’ by John McManus featuring Seamus O’Rourke and Charlie McGuiness. Tickets are priced at €12 and are available from Cormeen Sports Complex or call 086 773 2649. Doors open at 7.15pm followed by live music in the Jolly Old Cross–’till the cows come home’! Raffle on the night with a 12 month old calf or €500 as top prize.
The events are in aid of Meath River Rescue in recognition of the important and difficult work that they do. All welcome.