Bailieborough News Thursday 5th March 2020
Bailieborough News. March 5th 2020. Matthew J. Cullen.
A Good Family, Club and Community Man is Laid to ResB

A Good Family, Club and Community Man is Laid to Rest
The news of the untimely death of Pat Argue in the Mater Hospital Dublin on Tuesday 11th February was received in Bailieborough and the surrounding community with a great sense of shock and sadness.
Pat was the second youngest of the eight children of Patrick and Mary Argue, Drumacarrow. Bailieborough. He is survived by his wife Imelda, son Mark and daughter Aishling, grandsons Glen and Kian, his sister Margaret, Daughter-in-law Caroline and Son-in-law Adam and extended family.
Pat attended the local Carrickgorman National School, which he left to start work at the young age of fourteen. Without the benefit of a secondary school education, Pat proceeded to follow a very full working life and found employment in a range of local industries such as Refractories, Midland Industries, Bailie Foods, Procut and Flair International, whilst he also developed skills in construction work and could turn his hand to blockwork, stone masonry, carpentry and plumbing.
In 1981, Pat met the love of his life Imelda and shortly afterwards they set up home together and had two adored children Mark and Aishling. Pat was a loving husband and parent and a good provider for his family.
Pat was always a keen sport person. In his youth he played soccer and also enjoyed a game of darts representing the Lemon Tree. He was a true Liverpool supporter and was really enjoying their resurgence this season. However, Gaelic football was his first love. He played for his beloved Bailieborough Shamrocks throughout the seventies and eighties and wore the jersey with pride on many occasions whether in goal or outfield, whilst the occasional stint in the “dug out” never disheartened him.
In the late 80’s Pat hung up his playing boots and commenced a career as a referee. His approach was based on the premise that “a fair game was a good game” and he showed neither fear nor favour in the many games in which he officiated. He always made himself available to facilitate the fixtures secretary and also participated in the activities of the Referees’ Association including a very memorable trip to Luton.
Over the years Pat and his family donned the Blue & White to support his beloved Cavan across the length and breadth of Ireland hoping for a chance at another All Ireland Final. The 1997 Ulster final victory was well celebrated and was captured in numerous photos of the homecoming to Breffni Park.
Pat had a keen intellect and an enquiring mind. He was an avid reader and took every opportunity to engage in lifelong learning. He attended night classes to learn Irish and taught himself to play the guitar and banjo. He had a great love of language and words and had an encyclopaedia like level of knowledge. He delighted in displaying this along with his team mates Gerry and Billy at the many quizzes in which he took part – much to the dismay of his long-suffering opponents. His sharp mind was always active and he liked to occupy his leisure time completing crosswords. The Anglo Celt and the Evening Herald versions provided a steady flow of material. He also enjoyed the challenge of the Car Treasure Hunt circuit and was adept at setting and completing courses over the years.
He was much sought after as a Quiz Master and devoted his spare time to setting and asking the questions at fundraising nights for many voluntary organisations. He had a book case of quiz books and was a regular viewer of TV quiz shows, always endeavouring to improve his general knowledge. No later than Monday, 10th February he completed a set of questions for a fund-raising event for Bailieborough Shamrocks’ Under Age committee. His family have ensured that this will be carried out in his memory in time to come.
Pat was first and foremost a family man and took quiet satisfaction from the completion of the family circle with the addition of his daughter in law and son in law. The subsequent birth of his twin grandsons, Glen and Kian in 2010 was a source of great joy. As soon as they were walking, they were on “toe to hand” with the Gaelic ball; the afterschool “Practice with us Granda” brings a smile to Imelda as she recalls these moments. With daughter Aishling living abroad, visits to Canada to explore the Rocky Mountains became regular events. On return visits, Adam, the Canadian was duly instructed in all aspects of Gaelic games. Pat was never happier than when he was surrounded by his family and they were very much involved in all the important activities in his life such as community activities, sport or his work.
Pat was much loved by his extended family. His willingness to provide the helping hand when needed and his good-natured companionship were greatly appreciated. Such was his demeanour that nothing was ever too much to ask. He will be greatly missed at family gatherings where his quick wit and banter and indeed a kindly word when needed were greatly appreciated.
When Flair International closed in 2012 he joined the CE Scheme which allowed him to develop many roles in the community. Among these was the care and maintenance of St Anne’s Park, the Bailieborough Shamrocks’ club ground. Along with his colleague Nicholas he saw to it that the pitches were cut and lined to perfection. The occasional phone calls to announce an unscheduled game saw him drop all and go to ensure that the pitch was ready.
He also cared for the landscaping on the Shercock Road in the town and was a familiar figure as he tended the hedging and grass verges with a chat and a shout for everyone as they’d pass by. Having obtained his spraying licence, he donned his yellow Jacket and back sprayer and could be seen in the quiet of the evenings, spraying on any street or adjoining road around the town assisting in the work of the Tidy Towns Committee. He was happy to see Bailieborough in full bloom as a result of the committee’s work and achievements.
When the Bailieborough Forest Development plans were finalised by the BDA, Pat and Nicholas were assigned to work on the project. The refurbishment of Lucy’s Well and the erection of the very tasteful signage throughout the forest were part of their remit. At the time of his death he was engrossed in the work of constructing a viewing point and had completed the stone work to facilitate the view onto the magnificent Castle Lake. The many visitors and walkers will miss the regular exchange of pleasantries with him as they enjoyed the facilities. He often spoke to Imelda of the peace and tranquillity he found in this haven. On the day of his death, Pat spent the morning there attending to his work. The numerous people who met him that morning have since recounted their shock at the suddenness of his passing from their daily routine.
Ever involved in community events, the Mid-Summer Festival, St. Patrick’s Day Parade and The Halloween ‘Scary Walks’ were highlights of his yearly commitments. In 2019 the first “Darkness into Light” walk was held in Bailieborough town and he was closely involved in this. The Christmas Lights project was a major annual event in his busy calendar and again he could be seen on cold winters’ nights with his colleagues on the committee working tirelessly to provide the pleasure and magic of this project to the town. In 2014 Pat decided that the town needed a Crib to complete the effect and he went about building one at his home for the Christmas Lights Committee. The erection of the Crib in its prominent position at the Library Square became an annual family event in which Caroline oversaw Kian and Glen arranging the nativity figures.
The sense of excitement for children young and old engendered by the annual “switching on night” has become a staple in the life of the town. Pat was central to all of this which gave him a great sense of pride and achievement. He always felt Bailieborough had everything to offer the shoppers and visitors and enhancing the town could help ensure this.
Shortly after the Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund was established, Pat was involved in the instigation of the “The Singing Santas”. This intrepid group have gathered every Christmas Eve to sing carols and provide a seasonal atmosphere for the shoppers. Pat was a great motivator for this event and always got the team out on time. Any chorister who was flagging from the cold would be revived with a medicinal swig from his hip flask. Over the years this group have raised over €30,000 for this very worthy cause and are featured every year as the closing act in the Cancer Fund Variety Concert.
His Funeral Mass was celebrated at 11am in St Anne’s Church by Father Ultan McGoohan P.P. on Saturday 15th February 2020 and he was laid to rest afterwards in St. Anne’s Cemetery alongside his beloved family. Throughout his life, Pat bore the loss of his loved ones with great dignity. His weekly visits and his attendance to family graves were carried out with great love and devotion.
As the news of Pat’s sudden and untimely passing filtered through from Tuesday 11th February, the family were greatly comforted by the large number of sympathisers and well-wishers who made contact and queued to pay their respects. This was a testimony to the high regard and affection in which Pat was held by all those who had the privilege of knowing him.
The family wish to express their gratitude to his colleagues and many friends in Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA Club, Cavan Referees Association, Cavan County Board, Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund Committee, the Shamrocks Golf Society, the CE Scheme workers, Bailieborough Tidy Towns, Mid-Summer Festival, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween and Christmas Lights Committees who stood shoulder to shoulder in guards of honour as his funeral cortege travelled from Clarkes Funeral Home to St. Anne’s Church on the Friday evening. They were there again on Saturday morning when he was laid to rest as the heavens opened to greet him. One mourner caught the sense of his life when he said “He was a good community man and he has brought a whole community together over the past week”.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilis.
Community Drug Awareness: As part of our Healthy Club Project, Bailieborough Shamrocks along with our neighbouring clubs Shercock and Knockbride, will be hosting a discussion on Drug Awareness from Sgt, Mick Kearney from the Cavan/Monaghan Drug Squad on this Friday, 6th March in St.Annes Park Clubrooms beginning at 8pm sharp. Refreshments will be served from 7:45pm.Any queries please contact Mark Gilsenan, Health and Wellbeing Officer and Club Secretary. All adult players (no underage), coaches and parents are asked and encouraged to attend. Open for all in the community, no need to be a member.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Bailieborough’s St.Patrick’s Day Parade, ☘️Tuesday 17th March 2020!
☘️Starting at 2:30pm.☘️
Great day out for the Family! Hope to see you all there! Don’t forget to enter
the draw and pick up a few envelopes to enter the draw and win yourself some
great prizes such as an iPad or a weekend a away! Envelopes available in all
local businesses in Bailieborough!
St Patrick’s Day Parade fund raising draw envelopes are available in local businesses, please support, fabulous prizes, envelopes €2 each or 3 for €5.
Women’s World Day of Prayer: An invitation to an Ecumenical Prayer Service with the Church of Ireland, Presbyterian Church and St. Annes Church on this Friday evening, March 6th at 8.00pm, in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough, followed by refreshments in St. Annes Parish Centre (old Parochial House). Prayers by Women of Zimbabwe, prayed around the world, inspire us to come together in prayer and conversation. All are welcome.
Bailieborough Community Alert: Due to unforseen circumstances, the meeting planned for February 24th had to be cancelled at short notice. This meeting will now take place on Monday, March 9th at 8.00pm, sharp in the Hotel Bailie. All welcome.
Deepest Sympathy:
Knockbride Bazzar: Knockbride Bazaar will take place in Tunnyduff hall on Friday Friday 6th March at 9 P.M. Good selection of prizes and everyone welcome.
Free Talk: The ABCs of Behaviour with Dr. Marthinus Barnard DSc. Psych (BAT) How the lives of those living with autism and intellectual disabilities can be improved through the science of behaviour, taking place in the Library on Thursday, March 12th at 7.30pm. All welcome to this FREE talk!
Parent and Toddler Group: Bailie Babes Parent and Toddler Group at Bailieborough Library continues every Wednesday, from 10.30am-12.30pm. A playgroup for all parents and carers of babies from birth to the toddler years. All welcome – just drop in on the day. FREE to join.
Bridge: Bridge takes place in the Hotel Bailie on every Tuesday evening and new members are always most welcome.
Congratulations and Well Done!!: Congratulations and well done to local photographer, Ollie Gargan whose photo entitled ‘Blurred’ has been selected to be exhibited at the forthcoming exhibition in The Blank Wall Gallery, in Athens, Greece from 3rd April until 14th April 2020, at the exhibition entitled “Red”.
Bailieborough Social Day Group: A bus will leave from the Community Centre on Thursday, March 5th at 5.30pm to go to the ‘Frolics’, a variety show in Ballyjamesduff. Light refreshments will be served beforehand.
Computers for Beginners: Computers for beginners classes every Monday evening from 7-9.30pm. Call 042 9694716 to book your place. Classes are free of charge.
Clothing Collection: St. Annes National School Parents Association have organised a ‘Clothing Collection’ on Wednesday, March 11th in aid of St. Annes National School. Clean, wearable, unwanted clothing (mens, womens, kids and infants), handbags, belts, paired shoes, bedlinen and curtains will be accepted. Items once bagged can be dropped off at St. Annes N.S., on Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th and before 9.30am on Wednesday, March 11th. Your support with this collection would be greatly appreciated.
Library: FREE Five Week Basic iPhone, iPad, Tablet and Smartphone class commencing in Bailieborough Library on Tuesday 24th March 2020 from 10-12 noon for 5 weeks. Please enquire in the Library or call Angela on 046 9280790 to book a place.
‘Darkness into Light’ 2020: Online Registration is now open.
Follow the link below to register for Darkness into Light, Bailieborough which
takes place on Saturday, May 9th , starting at the Community Centre
at 4.15am.
Early Bird Prices: Adult (18+ yrs) normally €26 Early Bird €21,
Concession (Jobseeker / Senior / Student) normally €21 Early Bird €16,
Child (6-17 yrs) €5.
Baby/Toddler (0-5 yrs) €0.
Family : (Max. 2 adults + 5 children)
normally €62 Early Bird €52.
Bailieboro Celtic: Bailieborough Celtic Underage Girls Soccer Training commencing on Saturday 28th March, from 3 – 4pm, at the Bailieborough Celtic Soccer Grounds, The Vale, Bailieborough.
Come along and give it a go! Everyone welcome.
For any inquiries, contact Grainne at 086-8156532.
Run, Jog, Walk or Crawl!! Run, walk, crawl or jog is back on Monday and Wedensday nights at 8pm from the Community Centre, Bailieboro. All weathers, all abilities catered for. Don’t be afraid. Tea, coffee, water and fruit afterwards. Pass the word and give it a try!!
School Enrolment: Enrolments for September 2020 are now being taken for St. Brigid’s NS, Tunnyduff. Please phone the school at 042 9660368 or email for an enrolment pack.
Bailieborough School of Music: Lotto results for 29-02-2020. Numbers Drawn; 04, 10, 16, 29. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Teresa Cooney; Margaret Reilly; Martin Fulton; Mick Giles. Next week’s Jackpot €8,200.
Bailieborough Indoor Bowls: Bowls have resumed in the Community Centre on Wednesdays at 8.00pm. New members most welcome and tuition will be provided—if required.
Spanish Lessons for Adults: Spanish Courses for Beginners every Tuesday from 8pm to 9pm in the BDA Businness Centre, Shercock Road, also High Beginners from 7pm to 8pm. For more information, please contact Lydia on 087 741 4735.
Bailieborough Mental Health Association: Annual Quiz: The Bailieborough Mental Health Association’s Annual Round Table Quiz Night will be taking place in the Bailie Hotel Ballroom at 8.30pm sharp on Fridayt, March 20th at 8.30pm, sharp. “A fun night for young and old”
Teams of 4 for €40. Special ‘Early Bird’ round for extra points if you arrive on time!! “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body’!! All welcome.
Word Processing and Computer Skills,
Classes are free to part-time/full-time workers, Farmers, or Self-employed etc. To book a place or find out more, contact Noelette Dolan on 087 9293531 or 042 9694 716.
Bailieborough Hen’s Shed: If you would like to come along and enjoy a chat and some good company or just need to take some time for yourself, please join us on Thursday mornings from 10am to 12 noon, in Bailieborough Library. This group is open to all ladies aged 18 and over from Bailieborough and the surrounding areas. Hope to see you there!!
Citizen’s Information: The service takes place every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the Library— providing information, advice and advocacy supports to everyone on Social welfare, employment, Pensions, Health, Tax etc… No appointment necessary.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’: ‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for March and April: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church– March 7th (Saturday, 1.30pm), March 8th (Sunday, 12.30pm), March 28th (Saturday, 1.30pm) March 29th (Sunday, 12.30pm), at the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday, April 11th at 9.00pm, April 18th (Saturday, 1.30pm) and April 19th (Sunday, 12.30pm).
Bailieborough Library:
Bailieborough Craft Group meet every Friday in the Library. Drop in
from 10am until 1pm. Anyone interested in hand crafts, or is willing to learn,
is invited to this sociable gathering. Refreshments are served in a warm,
welcoming environment.
Bailieborough Hen’s Shed meets at the Library every Thursday at 10am. All ladies are
welcome to this get together, just to meet, make friends and share thoughts!
There are plenty of plans for 2020!
Bailieborough Library Book Club meets on the LAST Thursday of each month at
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.
The news of the untimely death of Pat Argue in the Mater Hospital Dublin on Tuesday 11th February was received in Bailieborough and the surrounding community with a great sense of shock and sadness.
Pat was the second youngest of the eight children of Patrick and Mary Argue, Drumacarrow. Bailieborough. He is survived by his wife Imelda, son Mark and daughter Aishling, grandsons Glen and Kian, his sister Margaret, Daughter-in-law Caroline and Son-in-law Adam and extended family.
Pat attended the local Carrickgorman National School, which he left to start work at the young age of fourteen. Without the benefit of a secondary school education, Pat proceeded to follow a very full working life and found employment in a range of local industries such as Refractories, Midland Industries, Bailie Foods, Procut and Flair International, whilst he also developed skills in construction work and could turn his hand to blockwork, stone masonry, carpentry and plumbing.
In 1981, Pat met the love of his life Imelda and shortly afterwards they set up home together and had two adored children Mark and Aishling. Pat was a loving husband and parent and a good provider for his family.
Pat was always a keen sport person. In his youth he played soccer and also enjoyed a game of darts representing the Lemon Tree. He was a true Liverpool supporter and was really enjoying their resurgence this season. However, Gaelic football was his first love. He played for his beloved Bailieborough Shamrocks throughout the seventies and eighties and wore the jersey with pride on many occasions whether in goal or outfield, whilst the occasional stint in the “dug out” never disheartened him.
In the late 80’s Pat hung up his playing boots and commenced a career as a referee. His approach was based on the premise that “a fair game was a good game” and he showed neither fear nor favour in the many games in which he officiated. He always made himself available to facilitate the fixtures secretary and also participated in the activities of the Referees’ Association including a very memorable trip to Luton.
Over the years Pat and his family donned the Blue & White to support his beloved Cavan across the length and breadth of Ireland hoping for a chance at another All Ireland Final. The 1997 Ulster final victory was well celebrated and was captured in numerous photos of the homecoming to Breffni Park.
Pat had a keen intellect and an enquiring mind. He was an avid reader and took every opportunity to engage in lifelong learning. He attended night classes to learn Irish and taught himself to play the guitar and banjo. He had a great love of language and words and had an encyclopaedia like level of knowledge. He delighted in displaying this along with his team mates Gerry and Billy at the many quizzes in which he took part – much to the dismay of his long-suffering opponents. His sharp mind was always active and he liked to occupy his leisure time completing crosswords. The Anglo Celt and the Evening Herald versions provided a steady flow of material. He also enjoyed the challenge of the Car Treasure Hunt circuit and was adept at setting and completing courses over the years.
He was much sought after as a Quiz Master and devoted his spare time to setting and asking the questions at fundraising nights for many voluntary organisations. He had a book case of quiz books and was a regular viewer of TV quiz shows, always endeavouring to improve his general knowledge. No later than Monday, 10th February he completed a set of questions for a fund-raising event for Bailieborough Shamrocks’ Under Age committee. His family have ensured that this will be carried out in his memory in time to come.
Pat was first and foremost a family man and took quiet satisfaction from the completion of the family circle with the addition of his daughter in law and son in law. The subsequent birth of his twin grandsons, Glen and Kian in 2010 was a source of great joy. As soon as they were walking, they were on “toe to hand” with the Gaelic ball; the afterschool “Practice with us Granda” brings a smile to Imelda as she recalls these moments. With daughter Aishling living abroad, visits to Canada to explore the Rocky Mountains became regular events. On return visits, Adam, the Canadian was duly instructed in all aspects of Gaelic games. Pat was never happier than when he was surrounded by his family and they were very much involved in all the important activities in his life such as community activities, sport or his work.
Pat was much loved by his extended family. His willingness to provide the helping hand when needed and his good-natured companionship were greatly appreciated. Such was his demeanour that nothing was ever too much to ask. He will be greatly missed at family gatherings where his quick wit and banter and indeed a kindly word when needed were greatly appreciated.
When Flair International closed in 2012 he joined the CE Scheme which allowed him to develop many roles in the community. Among these was the care and maintenance of St Anne’s Park, the Bailieborough Shamrocks’ club ground. Along with his colleague Nicholas he saw to it that the pitches were cut and lined to perfection. The occasional phone calls to announce an unscheduled game saw him drop all and go to ensure that the pitch was ready.
He also cared for the landscaping on the Shercock Road in the town and was a familiar figure as he tended the hedging and grass verges with a chat and a shout for everyone as they’d pass by. Having obtained his spraying licence, he donned his yellow Jacket and back sprayer and could be seen in the quiet of the evenings, spraying on any street or adjoining road around the town assisting in the work of the Tidy Towns Committee. He was happy to see Bailieborough in full bloom as a result of the committee’s work and achievements.
When the Bailieborough Forest Development plans were finalised by the BDA, Pat and Nicholas were assigned to work on the project. The refurbishment of Lucy’s Well and the erection of the very tasteful signage throughout the forest were part of their remit. At the time of his death he was engrossed in the work of constructing a viewing point and had completed the stone work to facilitate the view onto the magnificent Castle Lake. The many visitors and walkers will miss the regular exchange of pleasantries with him as they enjoyed the facilities. He often spoke to Imelda of the peace and tranquillity he found in this haven. On the day of his death, Pat spent the morning there attending to his work. The numerous people who met him that morning have since recounted their shock at the suddenness of his passing from their daily routine.
Ever involved in community events, the Mid-Summer Festival, St. Patrick’s Day Parade and The Halloween ‘Scary Walks’ were highlights of his yearly commitments. In 2019 the first “Darkness into Light” walk was held in Bailieborough town and he was closely involved in this. The Christmas Lights project was a major annual event in his busy calendar and again he could be seen on cold winters’ nights with his colleagues on the committee working tirelessly to provide the pleasure and magic of this project to the town. In 2014 Pat decided that the town needed a Crib to complete the effect and he went about building one at his home for the Christmas Lights Committee. The erection of the Crib in its prominent position at the Library Square became an annual family event in which Caroline oversaw Kian and Glen arranging the nativity figures.
The sense of excitement for children young and old engendered by the annual “switching on night” has become a staple in the life of the town. Pat was central to all of this which gave him a great sense of pride and achievement. He always felt Bailieborough had everything to offer the shoppers and visitors and enhancing the town could help ensure this.
Shortly after the Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund was established, Pat was involved in the instigation of the “The Singing Santas”. This intrepid group have gathered every Christmas Eve to sing carols and provide a seasonal atmosphere for the shoppers. Pat was a great motivator for this event and always got the team out on time. Any chorister who was flagging from the cold would be revived with a medicinal swig from his hip flask. Over the years this group have raised over €30,000 for this very worthy cause and are featured every year as the closing act in the Cancer Fund Variety Concert.
His Funeral Mass was celebrated at 11am in St Anne’s Church by Father Ultan McGoohan P.P. on Saturday 15th February 2020 and he was laid to rest afterwards in St. Anne’s Cemetery alongside his beloved family. Throughout his life, Pat bore the loss of his loved ones with great dignity. His weekly visits and his attendance to family graves were carried out with great love and devotion.
As the news of Pat’s sudden and untimely passing filtered through from Tuesday 11th February, the family were greatly comforted by the large number of sympathisers and well-wishers who made contact and queued to pay their respects. This was a testimony to the high regard and affection in which Pat was held by all those who had the privilege of knowing him.
The family wish to express their gratitude to his colleagues and many friends in Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA Club, Cavan Referees Association, Cavan County Board, Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Fund Committee, the Shamrocks Golf Society, the CE Scheme workers, Bailieborough Tidy Towns, Mid-Summer Festival, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween and Christmas Lights Committees who stood shoulder to shoulder in guards of honour as his funeral cortege travelled from Clarkes Funeral Home to St. Anne’s Church on the Friday evening. They were there again on Saturday morning when he was laid to rest as the heavens opened to greet him. One mourner caught the sense of his life when he said “He was a good community man and he has brought a whole community together over the past week”.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilis.
Community Drug Awareness: As part of our Healthy Club Project, Bailieborough Shamrocks along with our neighbouring clubs Shercock and Knockbride, will be hosting a discussion on Drug Awareness from Sgt, Mick Kearney from the Cavan/Monaghan Drug Squad on this Friday, 6th March in St.Annes Park Clubrooms beginning at 8pm sharp. Refreshments will be served from 7:45pm.Any queries please contact Mark Gilsenan, Health and Wellbeing Officer and Club Secretary. All adult players (no underage), coaches and parents are asked and encouraged to attend. Open for all in the community, no need to be a member.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Bailieborough’s St.Patrick’s Day Parade, ☘️Tuesday 17th March 2020!
☘️Starting at 2:30pm.☘️
Great day out for the Family! Hope to see you all there! Don’t forget to enter
the draw and pick up a few envelopes to enter the draw and win yourself some
great prizes such as an iPad or a weekend a away! Envelopes available in all
local businesses in Bailieborough!
St Patrick’s Day Parade fund raising draw envelopes are available in local businesses, please support, fabulous prizes, envelopes €2 each or 3 for €5.
Women’s World Day of Prayer: An invitation to an Ecumenical Prayer Service with the Church of Ireland, Presbyterian Church and St. Annes Church on this Friday evening, March 6th at 8.00pm, in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough, followed by refreshments in St. Annes Parish Centre (old Parochial House). Prayers by Women of Zimbabwe, prayed around the world, inspire us to come together in prayer and conversation. All are welcome.
Bailieborough Community Alert: Due to unforseen circumstances, the meeting planned for February 24th had to be cancelled at short notice. This meeting will now take place on Monday, March 9th at 8.00pm, sharp in the Hotel Bailie. All welcome.
Deepest Sympathy:
Knockbride Bazzar: Knockbride Bazaar will take place in Tunnyduff hall on Friday Friday 6th March at 9 P.M. Good selection of prizes and everyone welcome.
Free Talk: The ABCs of Behaviour with Dr. Marthinus Barnard DSc. Psych (BAT) How the lives of those living with autism and intellectual disabilities can be improved through the science of behaviour, taking place in the Library on Thursday, March 12th at 7.30pm. All welcome to this FREE talk!
Parent and Toddler Group: Bailie Babes Parent and Toddler Group at Bailieborough Library continues every Wednesday, from 10.30am-12.30pm. A playgroup for all parents and carers of babies from birth to the toddler years. All welcome – just drop in on the day. FREE to join.
Bridge: Bridge takes place in the Hotel Bailie on every Tuesday evening and new members are always most welcome.
Congratulations and Well Done!!: Congratulations and well done to local photographer, Ollie Gargan whose photo entitled ‘Blurred’ has been selected to be exhibited at the forthcoming exhibition in The Blank Wall Gallery, in Athens, Greece from 3rd April until 14th April 2020, at the exhibition entitled “Red”.
Bailieborough Social Day Group: A bus will leave from the Community Centre on Thursday, March 5th at 5.30pm to go to the ‘Frolics’, a variety show in Ballyjamesduff. Light refreshments will be served beforehand.
Computers for Beginners: Computers for beginners classes every Monday evening from 7-9.30pm. Call 042 9694716 to book your place. Classes are free of charge.
Clothing Collection: St. Annes National School Parents Association have organised a ‘Clothing Collection’ on Wednesday, March 11th in aid of St. Annes National School. Clean, wearable, unwanted clothing (mens, womens, kids and infants), handbags, belts, paired shoes, bedlinen and curtains will be accepted. Items once bagged can be dropped off at St. Annes N.S., on Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th and before 9.30am on Wednesday, March 11th. Your support with this collection would be greatly appreciated.
Library: FREE Five Week Basic iPhone, iPad, Tablet and Smartphone class commencing in Bailieborough Library on Tuesday 24th March 2020 from 10-12 noon for 5 weeks. Please enquire in the Library or call Angela on 046 9280790 to book a place.
‘Darkness into Light’ 2020: Online Registration is now open.
Follow the link below to register for Darkness into Light, Bailieborough which
takes place on Saturday, May 9th , starting at the Community Centre
at 4.15am.
Early Bird Prices: Adult (18+ yrs) normally €26 Early Bird €21,
Concession (Jobseeker / Senior / Student) normally €21 Early Bird €16,
Child (6-17 yrs) €5.
Baby/Toddler (0-5 yrs) €0.
Family : (Max. 2 adults + 5 children)
normally €62 Early Bird €52.
Bailieboro Celtic: Bailieborough Celtic Underage Girls Soccer Training commencing on Saturday 28th March, from 3 – 4pm, at the Bailieborough Celtic Soccer Grounds, The Vale, Bailieborough.
Come along and give it a go! Everyone welcome.
For any inquiries, contact Grainne at 086-8156532.
Run, Jog, Walk or Crawl!! Run, walk, crawl or jog is back on Monday and Wedensday nights at 8pm from the Community Centre, Bailieboro. All weathers, all abilities catered for. Don’t be afraid. Tea, coffee, water and fruit afterwards. Pass the word and give it a try!!
School Enrolment: Enrolments for September 2020 are now being taken for St. Brigid’s NS, Tunnyduff. Please phone the school at 042 9660368 or email for an enrolment pack.
Bailieborough School of Music: Lotto results for 29-02-2020. Numbers Drawn; 04, 10, 16, 29. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Teresa Cooney; Margaret Reilly; Martin Fulton; Mick Giles. Next week’s Jackpot €8,200.
Bailieborough Indoor Bowls: Bowls have resumed in the Community Centre on Wednesdays at 8.00pm. New members most welcome and tuition will be provided—if required.
Spanish Lessons for Adults: Spanish Courses for Beginners every Tuesday from 8pm to 9pm in the BDA Businness Centre, Shercock Road, also High Beginners from 7pm to 8pm. For more information, please contact Lydia on 087 741 4735.
Bailieborough Mental Health Association: Annual Quiz: The Bailieborough Mental Health Association’s Annual Round Table Quiz Night will be taking place in the Bailie Hotel Ballroom at 8.30pm sharp on Fridayt, March 20th at 8.30pm, sharp. “A fun night for young and old”
Teams of 4 for €40. Special ‘Early Bird’ round for extra points if you arrive on time!! “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body’!! All welcome.
Word Processing and Computer Skills,
Classes are free to part-time/full-time workers, Farmers, or Self-employed etc. To book a place or find out more, contact Noelette Dolan on 087 9293531 or 042 9694 716.
Bailieborough Hen’s Shed: If you would like to come along and enjoy a chat and some good company or just need to take some time for yourself, please join us on Thursday mornings from 10am to 12 noon, in Bailieborough Library. This group is open to all ladies aged 18 and over from Bailieborough and the surrounding areas. Hope to see you there!!
Citizen’s Information: The service takes place every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the Library— providing information, advice and advocacy supports to everyone on Social welfare, employment, Pensions, Health, Tax etc… No appointment necessary.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’: ‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for March and April: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church– March 7th (Saturday, 1.30pm), March 8th (Sunday, 12.30pm), March 28th (Saturday, 1.30pm) March 29th (Sunday, 12.30pm), at the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday, April 11th at 9.00pm, April 18th (Saturday, 1.30pm) and April 19th (Sunday, 12.30pm).
Bailieborough Library:
Bailieborough Craft Group meet every Friday in the Library. Drop in
from 10am until 1pm. Anyone interested in hand crafts, or is willing to learn,
is invited to this sociable gathering. Refreshments are served in a warm,
welcoming environment.
Bailieborough Hen’s Shed meets at the Library every Thursday at 10am. All ladies are
welcome to this get together, just to meet, make friends and share thoughts!
There are plenty of plans for 2020!
Bailieborough Library Book Club meets on the LAST Thursday of each month at
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.