Bailieborough News Thursday 27th February 2020
Bailieborough News. February 27th 2020. Matthew J. Cullen.
Important Public Meeting in Bailieborough Library on Tuesday, March 3rd: This meeting will discuss the setting up of a Community First Responder (CFR) Scheme in the area. CFR’s respond to emergencies while awaiting the Ambulance Service. They are dispatched to Cardiac Arrests where CPR and a Defibrillator are needed, to choking, chest pain, heart attack and suspected stroke and to provide care and reassurance while awaiting an ambulance. No experience needed—full training is provided. This meeting will explain the scheme and offer training opportunities for all who are interested. All welcome—even if you currently do not want to learn CPR or how to use an AED. All are welcome to find out more or to assist in organising the scheme. Representatives from neigbhouring CFR Groups will attend along with the Community Engagement Officer from the Ambulance Service. The meeting will take place from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. For more information message ‘Shercock Community First Response’ group on Facebook or phone/text 089 474 3998.
‘Operation Transformation’ 2020: This Thursday evening will be the final evening of the ‘Operation Transformation’ event for this year. It would be great if we could finish off the event in style.
You will be more than welcome.
Everyone welcome, just come along. Open to the entire community—of all ages!! in St. Annes Park—Bailieborough Shamrocks GAA grounds.
Deepest Sympathy: Deepest Sympathy is extended to brothers, Alfie and Mervyn, sisters Evelyn and Olive, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephews, nieces and extended family and friends on the death of Eric (Roy) Clarke, Woodview and late Drumacarrow, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, who passed away peacefully at Cavan General Hospital.on Monday, February 17th. Roy’s Funeral Service took place in Trinity Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, February 19th with burial afterwards in Urcher Graveyard.
“Ladies’ Night” at the Bailie Hotel, 29th February at 7pm. A fun night out for ladies of all ages including a fashion show, demonstrations on skincare, make-up, colour analysis and numerous stalls. Raffle on the night with luxury prizes. Complimentary glass of prosecco, finger-food, prize for “best dressed lady” and lots, lots more!!. Featuring “Off the Rack”, “Niall Mc Caul drapery” and more. Free entry to disco afterwards.
All proceeds in aid of developing an Astro-turf pitch for Tunnyduff national school, a much-needed sporting facility. Tickets: €30, available at the Bailie hotel reception desk.
Knockbride Bazzar: Knockbride Bazaar will take place in Tunnyduff hall on Friday the 28th February and Friday 6th March at 9 P.M. each night. Good selection of prizes and everyone welcome.
Parent and Toddler Group: Bailie Babes Parent and Toddler Group at Bailieborough Library continues every Wednesday, from 10.30am-12.30pm. A playgroup for all parents and carers of babies from birth to the toddler years. All welcome – just drop in on the day. FREE to join.
Congratulations and Well Done: Congratulations and well done to Katie Cooney, the Silver Fins Special Abilities Swim Club, Shane Farrelly and Ellie Flanagan on receiving awards at the inaugural Cavan/Monaghan Garda Divisional Youth Awards, which took place on Thursday last, February 20th , at the Hotel Kilmore, in Cavan. These individuals and group were honoured with awards in recognition of the positive contribution they have been making in their local communities.
Bridge: Bridge takes place in the Hotel Bailie on every Tuesday evening and new members are always most welcome.
Bailieborough Social Day Group: The Bailieborough Social Day Group will meet again on Wednesday, February 26th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. We need some more people to join the group for lots of activities—refreshments, chat, bingo, music, song and dance, day trips, etc…, every second Wednesday in the Community Centre.
Bailieborough Community School, Parents Association: Our next meeting is on Tuesday next, March 3rd at 7.00pm in Room D9 in the Community School. We are asking for parents and past pupils to help in our Sports Complex upgrade and refurbishment of the Blue House. For further information, please contact, Kevin Carolan—Treasurer of the Parent’s Association on 086 375 9627.
Computers for Beginners: Computers for beginners classes every Monday evening from 7-9.30pm. Call 042 9694716 to book your place. Classes are free of charge.
Library: FREE Five Week Basic iPhone, iPad, Tablet and Smartphone class commencing in Bailieborough Library on Tuesday 24th March 2020 from 10-12 noon for 5 weeks. Please enquire in the Library or call Angela on 046 9280790 to book a place.
Children’s Art workshops starting Saturday February 29th for 6 Weeks!!!!
We will be exploring painting, clay work, sculpture Bailieborough
5-8 yr olds – 10.15am- 11.30am.
8 yr olds and Up – 11.45am -1.15pm.
Places are limited -(Must be pre-booked)
For more information Please contact: Caroline 087-176-2628.
Run, Jog, Walk or Crawl!! Run, walk, crawl or jog is back on Monday and
Wedensday nights at 8pm from the Community Centre, Bailieboro. All weathers, all abilities catered for.
Don’t be afraid. Tea, coffee, water and
fruit afterwards. Pass the word and give
it a try!!
School Enrolment: Enrolments for September 2020 are now being taken for St. Brigid’s NS, Tunnyduff. Please phone the school at 042 9660368 or email for an enrolment pack.
Women’s World Day of Prayer: An invitation to an Ecumenical Prayer Service with the Church of Ireland, Presbyterian Church and St. Annes Church on Friday, March 6th at 8.00pm, in St. Annes Church, Bailieborough, followed by refreshments in St. Annes Parish Centre (old Parochial House). Prayers by Women of Zimbabwe, prayed around the world, inspire us to come together in prayer and conversation. All are welcome.
Bailieborough School of Music: Lotto results for 22-02-2020. Numbers Drawn; 05, 08, 18, 20. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Carmel O’Callaghan; Tom A Leddy; Mary Mulligan; Andrew Parr. Next week’s Jackpot €8,100.
Bailieborough Indoor Bowls: Bowls have resumed in the Community Centre on Wednesdays at 8.00pm. New members most welcome and tuition will be provided—if required.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Only a few weeks to go, calling all local business, clubs or groups, why not enter a float in this years St. Patrick’s Day Parade, a fantastic chance to showcase your group, it’s FREE to PARTICIPATE. LETS MAKE IT THE BIGGEST PARADE IN THE AREA !! St Patrick’s Day Parade fund raising draw envelopes are available in local businesses, please support, fabulous prizes, envelopes €2 each or 3 for €5.
Spanish Lessons for Adults: Spanish Courses for Beginners every Tuesday from 8pm to 9pm in the BDA Businness Centre, Shercock Road, also High Beginners from 7pm to 8pm. For more information, please contact Lydia on 087 741 4735.
Bailieborough Mental Health Association: Annual Quiz: The Bailieborough Mental Health Association’s Annual Round Table Quiz Night will be taking place in the Bailie Hotel Ballroom at 8.30pm sharp on Fridayt, March 20th at 8.30pm, sharp. “A fun night for young and old”
Teams of 4 for €40. Special ‘Early Bird’ round for extra points if you arrive on time!! “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body’!! All welcome.
Word Processing and Computer Skills,
Classes are free to part-time/full-time workers, Farmers, or Self-employed etc. To book a place or find out more, contact Noelette Dolan on 087 9293531 or 042 9694 716.
Trocaire: Sincere thanks to all who gave so generously in 2019. A total of €7,117 was contributed from St. Annes in Bailieborough. Your ongoing support for Trocaire is greatly appreciated. Please take a Trocaire Envelope for this year’s Lenten Appeal, which are available now at the back of St. Annes Church.
Bailieborough Hen’s Shed: If you would like to come along and enjoy a chat and some good company or just need to take some time for yourself, please join us on Thursday mornings from 10am to 12 noon, in Bailieborough Library. This group is open to all ladies aged 18 and over from Bailieborough and the surrounding areas. Hope to see you there!!
Community Drug Awareness: As part of our Healthy Club Project, Bailieborough
Shamrocks along with our neighbouring clubs Shercock and Knockbride, will be
hosting a discussion on Drug Awareness from Sgt, Mick Kearney from the
Cavan/Monaghan Drug Squad on Friday, 6th March in St.Annes Park beginning at 8pm
sharp. Refreshments will be served from 7:45pm.
Any queries please contact Mark Gilsenan, Health and Wellbeing Officer and Club
Secretary. All adult players (no underage), coaches and parents are asked and
encouraged to attend. Open for all in the community, no need to be a member.
Citizen’s Information: The service takes place every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the Library— providing information, advice and advocacy supports to everyone on Social welfare, employment, Pensions, Health, Tax etc… No appointment necessary.
Free Five-Week Course: Basic Iphone, Ipad, Tablet and Smartphone Classes available in Bailieborough. Please call Angela on 046 9280790 to book a place.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’: ‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for March and April: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church– March 7th (Saturday, 1.30pm), March 8th (Sunday, 12.30pm), March 28th (Saturday, 1.30pm) March 29th (Sunday, 12.30pm), at the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday, April 11th at 9.00pm, April 18th (Saturday, 1.30pm) and April 19th (Sunday, 12.30pm).
Bailieborough Library:
Bailieborough Craft Group meet every Friday in the Library. Drop in
from 10am until 1pm. Anyone interested in hand crafts, or is willing to learn,
is invited to this sociable gathering. Refreshments are served in a warm,
welcoming environment.
Bailieborough Hen’s Shed meets at the Library every Thursday at 10am. All ladies are
welcome to this get together, just to meet, make friends and share thoughts!
There are plenty of plans for 2020!
Bailieborough Library Book Club meets on the LAST Thursday of each month at
Learn to Jive with Craig Lovett and Mairéad Gaffney. Five week course commencing on Wednesday 26th February at 8.30pm in Gallonray House, Maudabawn. No Partner needed. Contact 086 1928568 for further details.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd: The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.

East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 24th February 2020
Under 7;
Up and running now with training on Fridays in the Community School Hall. This new group has been amazing with some impressive skills from some pretty small people! Keep it up.

Fridays Under 7s.
Under 9;
These lads continue to do great work every week with a major improvement now that they are completely separate from the younger group.

Fridays Under 9s.
Under 11;
Training resumes Monday in the Community school sport hall 6-7pm. Registration forms will be given out and full registration next week.
Under 13;
These lads are invited to the 3G in Breffni Park on Monday 7-8pm for some expert coaching from Cavan GAA to get the season up and running. Club training will begin in the next few weeks.
Under 15;
These lads, along with the U13s, are invited to the 3G in Breffni Park on Monday 7-8pm for some expert coaching from Cavan GAA to get the season up and running. Club training will begin in the next few weeks.
Under 17;
These lads will train with the Seniors as they will be Senior themselves soon enough!
Training has recommenced with wallball and indoor sessions. The Cavan league will start in March. New players are always very welcome.
A difficult game in challenging weather conditions saw Cavan go down to a very committed Leitrim in round three. Next up will be the final round v Sligo in Kingspan Breffni on Sunday next.
The week ahead;
Monday; Senior training 7-8 Bailieborough Community School Sports hall. U11 6-7 same venue. €3 each please. U13 and U15s in Breffni 3G 7-8pm.
Tuesday; Senior wallball in Kingscourt handball club 8-9pm.
Friday; Under 7 6-7pm. Under 9 7-8pm both in the Bailieborough Community School Sports Hall. €3 each and bring your bottle of water.
Sunday; Cavan v Sligo NHL
Club contacts;
U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.