Bailieborough News. April 8th 2019. Matthew J. Cullen.
‘Running with The Fathers Heart—32 Marathons in 32 Counties—Because every County Counts:
A Scroll filled with God the Father’s love is being carried the length of a Marathon in each of the 32 counties. In week 12, on Saturday next, April 13th, the Scroll is being carried through Cavan. Locals are invited to help carry the Scroll (it is like the Olympic Torch), walking, running or cycling, a short or long distance of this relay marathon.
Other activities over the weekend include, a message on ‘God the Father’s Love’ by Fr. Seamus Heaney on Friday evening next, April 12th at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre (the old Parochial House beside St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough). On Saturday morning, April 13th, there will be a ‘Prayer over County Cavan’ at Lough An Leagh at 9.30am, with the Cavan Relay Marathon—carrying the Scroll from Lough an Leagh to Cootehill Forest— beginning at 10.15am. Christians are invited to walk, run or cycle, taking a turn in carrying the Scroll along the route, whatever distance they choose. The Marathon ends with a ‘Worship Celebration’ in Cootehill Forest at 4.00pm, thanking God for all that He has done, is doing and will do in County Cavan. All welcome.
Bailieborough School of Music:
Lotto results for 06-04-2019. Numbers Drawn; 6, 8, 11, 12. No Jackpot Winner, Lucky Dip (€25) Winners; Teresa Cooney; John Reilly; Maggie Owens; Kathleen Gormley. Next week’s Jackpot €3,700.
Bailieborough Men’s Shed:
You will find them at the Beckscourt Centre, Bailieborough from Monday to Thursday (10 – 2), come and join them for a cup of tea and a chat and see what they are working on!
Holy Week Ceremonies in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough:
Passion Sunday, April 13th: Reconciliation Service at 7.00pm.
Holy Thursday, April 18th —Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.00pm in St. Annes.
Good Friday, April 19th: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3.00pm. Prayer around the Cross at 8.00pm.
Holy Saturday, April 20th Easter Vigil: Holy Saturday at 9.00pm. Confessions will also take place in St. Anne’s on Holy Saturday from 12 noon to 3.00pm.
Easter Sunday, April 21st: Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection at 10.00am.
Lough Derg ‘One Day Retreat’:
A Lough Derg ‘One Day Retreat’ will take place on Sunday, May 5th –organised by the St. Vincent DePaul Society. A bus will be leaving the Community Centre at 7.30am. To book a seat, please contact John at 086 055 4578 or Pat at 086 063 5856.
Security Guarding and Door Security Course:
Bailieborough Business Centre Security Guarding and Door Security QQI Level 4. Duration 5 days over 3 weeks. Call 042-9694716 or 087 619 0040 for further information.
Bailieborough Social Day Group:
The next get-together of the Bailieborough Social Day Group will take place on Wednesday, April 17th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, in the Community Centre, Chapel Road. New members always welcome.
Bailieborough Tidy Towns:
Bailieborough Tidy Towns are holding their Annual ‘Spring Clean Day’ on Saturday next, April 13th. 2019. Meet at Market Sq. at 11am. Wear a high-vis jacket and bring a litter picker. Join the Tidy Town’s team and keep your road clean.
Bailieborough Women’s Group:
Meeting on Friday next, April 12th in the Community Centre from 2.00pm to 4.00pm and fortnightly thereafter. Activity for this term will be ‘Flower Arranging’. New members welcome.
Bailieborough Poetry Festival:
The Bailieborough Poetry Festival 2019 will take place on the week-end of 3 – 5 October 2019. Details, guest poets etc are being finalized at the moment.
‘Adult Irish Dance and Ceilí Classes’:
Adult Irish dance classes will take place in Tierworker Hall at 5:00pm every Wednesday evening. For more information please contact Aishling Fox on (087) 9699235.
‘Darkness into Light’ Bailieborough’:
The route for the 2019 Darkness into Light in Bailieborough on May 11th 2019 has been published and will start at approximately 4.15 am from the Community Centre on Chapel Road. Heading towards main street it will turn left onto New Road passing the back of Supervalu. At the Model School we will turn right on to Church Street following onto Main street and up to the Market Square. From there we head on to Rakeevan along the Institute Road passing Terra before turning right for the Kells Road. Turning right the route follows the Kells Road back into town where we will turn left onto the Virginia Road. At the Chapel car park we turn right towards the Chapel and turn right at the lake car park to finish up at the Community Centre. What better way to start the day? We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Bridge Results for Tuesday, 19th
March: First: Tony Carolan and Jimmy Stafford. Second: Betty Olwell
and Rosaleen Mackey. Best Gross:
Teresa O’ Reilly and Joy Jameson.
Tuesday, 26th March: First:
Patti Clarke and Rose Brennan. Second: Sean Kelleher and Mona McCormack.
Best Gross: Ita Clarke and Kathy O’Sullivan.
Third: Pauline McEvoy and Rosaleen Keegan.
Tuesday, 2nd April: First: Helen Clarke and Kathleen McArdle.
Second: Tom Moran and John McGahan. Best Gross: Teresa
O’Reilly and Joy Jameson.
Third: Sean Kelleher and Mona McCormack.
Bridge lessons for beginners takes place in the Hotel Bailie, Bailieborough, at 7.30pm, each Monday night.
Senior’s Bridge takes place every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm, in the Hotel Bailie. Everybody welcome.
Bailieborough Group of Parishes:
Saturday 13th April:
‘Through The Roof’ – Knockbride 2pm.
Sunday 14th April – Palm Sunday
Bailieborough 10:45am – Morning Prayer followed by tea and coffee.
Knockbride 12noon – Holy Communion and Sunday Club.
Monday 15th April: Lenten Bible Study 8:30-9:30pm and Late Evening Office @ The Rectory.
Tuesday 16th April: Lenten Bible Study 8:30-9:30pm and Late Evening Office @ The Rectory.
Wednesday 17th April:
Lenten Bible Study 8:30-9:30pm and Late Evening Office @ The Rectory.
Thursday 18th April: Maundy Thursday Service 7:30pm at Bailieborough Church.
Easter Sunday 21st April: Bailieborough 6:15am – Easter Sunrise Service, followed by tea and coffee.
Knockbride 10:30am – Easter Communion.
CMETB Adult Education Guidance and Information Service (Aegis):
Are you an adult thinking about returning to education or training? If so, an Adult Guidance Councillor will be available for drop-in queries, every second Thursday, the next one taking place at Bailieborough Library from 10.00am to 2.00pm on Thursday April 18th.
Walk, Jog, Run or Crawl!
Run, walk, crawl or jog every Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Community Centre, Chapel Road, Bailieborough at 8pm. It’s free!!!! And there is no catch! All newcomers welcome. Also the Saturday morning Leisure Group Cycle is back for 2019 and takes place on Saturday mornings leaving from the Community Centre, Bailieborough AT 9.00AM. Please bring euros for coffee stop and all welcome.
Adult Oil Painting Classes:
Adult Oil Painting Classes in Trinity Hall, Virginia Road, Bailieborough on Tuesday, April 30th from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, for six weeks. All levels of painter’s welcome. Phone 087 636 5342 for more details.
Citizen’s Information:
The service takes place every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the Library— providing information, advice and advocacy supports to everyone on Social welfare, employment, Pensions, Health, Tax etc. No appointment necessary.
Charity Bike Run:
The second annual ‘Niamh Crosby Memorial Honda 50 Run’ in aid of Niamh’s family room in St James’s Hospital will take place on Easter Sunday, April 21st, commencing at 12noon, from Enagh House (located approx. 2kms from Virginia on the Virginia—Bailieborough Road). Registration will be from 10.00am and all bikes welcome to support this very worthy cause. Help make this year’s Run as good as last years or even better!!
For further information, please contact: Peter at 087 0910 345 or Brendan, 087 225 8944.
Easter Colouring Competition:
Easter bunnies, spring flowers, bees and of course chocolate eggs…we are celebrating Easter with a Colouring Competition with three categories: 3—5yr olds, 6—8yr olds and 9—12yr olds and we have a tasty prize for the winners!! Pop into Bailieborough Library, Cootehill Library or Cavan Library for your entry form or download one and print it at home. The closing date is Tuesday, April 16th. Children must be library members to enter the competition—joining your library is FREE and easy—just pop into any library in Cavan.
First Aid Course:
First Aid Course on Saturday 27th April, from 9-4pm €80.
First Aid Responder Course on Monday 13th of May and for 3 consecutive Mondays €220. Please contact Bailieborough Business Centre on 042- 96 94716 or 087– 6190040 for further information.
Bailieborough ‘Lend A Hand’:
‘Lend a Hand’ is for the elderly and vulnerable in the Bailieborough area. Just give us a call if you need a job done, or even just a chat. Phone Ann on 042 9694825.
A Reconciliation Service for Easter:
will take place in St. Anne’s Church, Bailieborough on Sunday, April 14th (Passion Sunday) at 7.00pm. Confessions will be heard by the Priests of the Pastoral Area as part of a Scripture Service. Confessions will take place in St. Patrick’s Church, Shercock on Monday, April 15th at 7.00pm and in St. Annes, Bailieborough on Holy Saturday, April 20th from 12 noon to 3.00pm.
The Hideout ‘Royle Family’:
The Hideout Fundraising Committee presents: ‘The Hideout Royle Family’ in aid of SOSAD, in the Hideout, The Vale on Easter Sunday, April 21st, commencing at 8.00pm. Starring: Mark Argue, Claire Lynch, Susan McCaul, Garreth Walsh, Gavin McElwaine, Madeline Callan and Mark Regan. Admission at the door is 10 and there will be Irish Music and Dancing after the ‘Main Event’!! All welcome.
Bailieborough Business Centre:
Excel Level 4, Tuesdays 10 – 1pm.
Computers for Beginners, Level 2 Wednesdays.
Word Level 4, Thursdays 10-1pm.
Safe pass. Call 042-96 94 716/ 087– 619 0040 for further information.
Welcome to Poetry Town! :
For Poetry Day Ireland on Thursday, May 2nd Bailieborough Creative Hub will turn
Bailieborough into Ireland’s most poetic town.
This FREE event will have poetry readings and performances by special guest
poets in the Bailie Hotel (12pm) and Trisha’s Café at (3pm). There will be a
poetry trail, open mike sessions, impromptu performances and FREE goodie bags
with books sponsored by The Gallery Press. Local schools have been invited to
take part in a poetry competition with the theme ‘Truth or Dare’ (this year’s
Poetry Ireland theme) the winners will receive a prize and the opportunity to
read or have their poem read at the closing event in the Library (7pm). This
Bailieborough Creative Hub event is supported by Poetry Ireland and Cavan
County Council.
Bailieborough Creative Hub will have many other surprises for Welcome to Poetry
Town endeavouring to create ‘The most poetic town in Ireland’ so watch out for
more information in the local shops and businesses or check out @BBCreativehub
or email us at
Baptism Dates in St. Annes for April, May, June, July and August 2019: The following are the available dates for Baptisms in St. Anne’s Church–April 20th (Easter Saturday, 9.00pm), April 28th (Sunday, 12.30pm), May 12th (Sunday,12.30pm), May 26th (Sunday, 12.30pm), June 8th (Saturday, 1.30pm), June 23rd, (Sunday 12.30pm), July 20th, (Saturday 1.30pm), July 28th (Sunday, 12.30pm), August 10th (Saturday, 1.30pm) and August 24th (Saturday, 1.30pm).
Bailieborough Library:
Craft Group takes place every Friday from 10.30am-1pm; Book Club 6pm-7pm on the last Thursday of every month; Lit Lab writers group every second Tuesday. Contact 042 9665779 for details on any of the above.
Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:
The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd Committee is available to help cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
Local meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held in: The Health Centre, Kells Road on Wednesdays at 8.30pm.

East Cavan Gaels GAA Club – Hurling News 8th April 2019
Congratulations to our Senior team as they won their first ever competitive game on Sunday when they went to, and beat, the hosts Cootehill in an entertaining contest 5-15 to 1-11. Next up is to host Mullahoran in Kingscourt on Sunday next with a place in the league final a possibility.
Cavan Senior league fixtures; (all Sundays)
14/04 H v Mullahoran
21/04 Final- Breffni Park

Sundays Seniors in Cootehill.
The new expanded Tain leagues began on Monday last with our U13s going down to defeat to Latton. The next round is Monday 15th away to Carrick. Training for U13s on Friday at 7 at the Vale tbc.
Our U15s make their competitive bow with a home fixture against St.Fechins from Louth in Kingscourt on Monday.
Tain U13 league fixtures (all Mondays)
15/04 A v Carrick
29/04 H v Cootehill
13/05 A v St. Fechins
27/05 BYE
Tain U15 league fixtures (all Mondays)
08/04 H v St. Fechins
22//04 A v Mattock Rangers
06/05 A v North Meath Gaels
20/05 H v The Saints
03/06 H v Carrick
Under 7/9/11;
The indoor season is now, weather permitting, finished as the lads get ready to show their skills outside. We place more emphasis on games over training as we try to get as many games as possible through the summer. Where we have games fixed there will be no training that week but that can change week to week so watch this space. We are scheduled to train this coming Friday at the Vale astro but if any games come up we will prioritise them.

Fridays U7/9s after training.

Fridays U11s.
Table Quiz; date for your diary! 3rd May.
Our now annual table quiz, which raises much needed funding will take place on Friday May 3rd in Nixys The Square Bar, Bailieborough at 9pm. This is a great social event with some good prizes and a good night out in support of the club.
The week ahead;
Monday; U15s V St.Fechins Tain League in Kingscourt 7pm
Thursday; Senior training at 8pm in Killann or Kingscourt Stars tbc.
Friday; U7/9 from 6-7pm & U11 & U13 from 7-8pm at Bailieborough Celtic AFC at the Vale astro. €3 each please.
Sunday; SHL v Mullahoran in Kingscourt 5pm.
Club contacts;
U7/9/11; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.
U13/15/17/Senior; Kathryn O’ Flynn 087 244 1371.