Bailieborough News. September 2nd 2024. Matthew J. Cullen.

Bailieborough Heritage Society: Following the huge success of our ‘Promenade Theatre Event’ performed for Heritage Week we, the Bailieborough Heritage Society wish to express our gratitude to many people.

Firstly, to Paul Marron, our superb director whose time and patience were immeasurable. To Tommy and Christopher Reilly along with their donkey who added a measure of authenticity as to how famine burials took place. To Tommy Mc Cluskey for a fitting finale to the performance.

Thank you also to Rev. Horner for allowing us use the Church Hall for refreshments and to Kevin Gorman for capturing the essence of the famine stories.

Of course without funding from Cavan Arts and Heritage Offices this event could not have taken place. We do appreciate your help and support.

To everyone who turned out on the day we are truly grateful. Your attendance and wonderful reviews made it all worthwhile.

Bailieborough Active Age Group: Next meeting on Tuesday, 17th  September in the Courthouse from 2pm to 4pm. Hope to see you all there. Everyone Welcome.

Bailieborough Bowls: Indoor bowls will recommence in Bailieborough Community Centre on Wednesday, 11th September at 8pm. Tuition is available free of charge and membership is open to all members of the community. 

Bailieborough Rhythmic Dance Twirlers:

Rhythmic Dance Twirlers are currently looking for New members to join us.

Classes are held every Tuesday in the Bailieborough Courthouse from 5-7pm

and also every Friday, from 5-7pm in the Kingscourt Community Centre.

Boys and girls from age 4 are welcome.

Bailieborough School of Music: is enrolling new students for Recorder, Flute, Trumpet, Saxaphone, Clarinet and Guitar—subject to availability. If you have a son/daughter or know anyone interested, please contact us by email at: or phone Geraldine at 086 170 6351 with the student’s name, date of birth and instrument of choice.

Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd:   

The Bailieborough Cancer Comfort Ltd  Committee is available to help Cancer patients or their families. Free Taxi service available. For further information, contact: Edel Fox 086 1004030.

Bailieborough Walking Group:  Wednesday, September 4th: Castle Lake, Bailieborough: Moderate Walk 1.5 hours, Easy Walk 1hr. Walk commences at 7.00pm at the Bailieborough Business Centre, Shercock Road, Bailieborough. This is the final walk of the season.  All welcome.

Bailieborough Library:  Come along to Bailieborough Library on Thursday 5th  September to join us in celebrating the opening of an exhibition and book launch all in response to the legacy work of Tom Barron, The Corleck Head and the landscape of Knockbride!

A combination of two projects with one focus, that features amazing pieces of artwork along with some inspiring poetry! Everybody welcome!

The craft group takes place every Friday at 11am in the Library.

Line Dancing: Line Dancing has resumed on Tuesday’s, at 8.15pm in the Couthouse, Lr. Main St. New members are always welcome. 

Tesco Community Fund—Blue Tokens: Ballinamoney National School Parents Association kindly ask for you to support them in Tesco, Bailieborough over the next twelve weeks by popping the Blue Tokens into their collection point. All support greatly appreciated.

 Bailieborough Chess Club: Bailieborough Chess Club has returned to Bailieborough Library on Wednesday’s and Friday’s. Contact Daniel at 0879271883 to sign up your children!

Careers: Thinking of changing career, need advice on careers, educational needs, CV help, interview skills – CMETB (Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board) will facilitate a FREE drop in service at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 2.15pm-4.30pm. .No appointment is necessary.

Bailieborough Men’s Shed: Bailieborough ‘Men’s Shed’ is open every Tuesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the Bexcourt Centre, Shercock Road. New members are always most welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul: To request assistance from St. Vincent DePaul, please use, FREEPHONE 1800 677 777. Should your call be made during non office hours, please leave your details and you will receive a call back.

Walk, Jog or Run: Now that the evenings are getting shorter  again, there will be running and walking for all levels,  beginners and advanced. Fun and free, social gathering in the Chapel car park,  Lake Shore,  Bailieborough at 8pm. All old and new people welcome.  Stretch before and afterwards, every Monday and Wednesday evening.

Tractor, Car and Motorbike Run: There is a Lavey Tractor, motorbike, vintage car and lorry run taking place on Sunday 8th  September 2024. All in aid of MAGS DEANE SMITH, a local woman here in Lavey who is in need of a life changing operation in the UK costing in excess of 200k, Mags has experienced debilitating, chronic, agonising and life limiting back pain for over 20 years. Imbalance Spinal Kyphosis is the name of her condition.

The Lavey Tractor, motorbike, vintage car and lorry run will be starting from BallyJamesDuff Mart on Sunday 8th  September, starting at 12:30 pm SHARP with registration taking place from 10:30 to 12:30, and a monster raffle and auction taking place after this run, with brilliant prizes. All welcome.

East Cavan Gaels:

Club contacts;

U8/10/12; Willie Gaughan 086 164 9280.

U14/16/18/; Kathryn O’Flynn 087 244 1371.

Senior; Adam Baldwin 087 962 2206.